from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy import exc from sqlalchemy import Integer from alembic import command from alembic import op from alembic.testing import assert_raises_message from alembic.testing import combinations from alembic.testing import config from alembic.testing.env import _no_sql_testing_config from alembic.testing.env import clear_staging_env from alembic.testing.env import staging_env from alembic.testing.env import three_rev_fixture from alembic.testing.fixtures import capture_context_buffer from alembic.testing.fixtures import op_fixture from alembic.testing.fixtures import TestBase from alembic.util import sqla_compat class FullEnvironmentTests(TestBase): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): staging_env() cls.cfg = cfg = _no_sql_testing_config("oracle") cls.a, cls.b, cls.c = three_rev_fixture(cfg) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): clear_staging_env() def test_begin_comit(self): with capture_context_buffer(transactional_ddl=True) as buf: command.upgrade(self.cfg, self.a, sql=True) assert "SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE\n\n/" in buf.getvalue() assert "COMMIT\n\n/" in buf.getvalue() def test_batch_separator_default(self): with capture_context_buffer() as buf: command.upgrade(self.cfg, self.a, sql=True) assert "/" in buf.getvalue() assert ";" not in buf.getvalue() def test_batch_separator_custom(self): with capture_context_buffer(oracle_batch_separator="BYE") as buf: command.upgrade(self.cfg, self.a, sql=True) assert "BYE" in buf.getvalue() class OpTest(TestBase): def test_add_column(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.add_column("t1", Column("c1", Integer, nullable=False)) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t1 ADD c1 INTEGER NOT NULL") def test_add_column_with_default(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.add_column( "t1", Column("c1", Integer, nullable=False, server_default="12") ) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t1 ADD c1 INTEGER DEFAULT '12' NOT NULL") @config.requirements.comments def test_add_column_with_comment(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.add_column( "t1", Column("c1", Integer, nullable=False, comment="c1 comment") ) context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t1 ADD c1 INTEGER NOT NULL", "COMMENT ON COLUMN t1.c1 IS 'c1 comment'", ) @config.requirements.computed_columns def test_add_column_computed(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.add_column( "t1", Column("some_column", Integer, sqla_compat.Computed("foo * 5")), ) context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t1 ADD some_column " "INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS (foo * 5)" ) @combinations( (lambda: sqla_compat.Computed("foo * 5"), lambda: None), (lambda: None, lambda: sqla_compat.Computed("foo * 5")), ( lambda: sqla_compat.Computed("foo * 42"), lambda: sqla_compat.Computed("foo * 5"), ), ) @config.requirements.computed_columns def test_alter_column_computed_not_supported(self, sd, esd): op_fixture("oracle") assert_raises_message( exc.CompileError, 'Adding or removing a "computed" construct, e.g. ' "GENERATED ALWAYS AS, to or from an existing column is not " "supported.", op.alter_column, "t1", "c1", server_default=sd(), existing_server_default=esd(), ) def test_alter_table_rename_oracle(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.rename_table("s", "t") context.assert_("ALTER TABLE s RENAME TO t") def test_alter_table_rename_schema_oracle(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.rename_table("s", "t", schema="myowner") context.assert_("ALTER TABLE myowner.s RENAME TO t") def test_alter_column_rename_oracle(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", new_column_name="x") context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t RENAME COLUMN c TO x") def test_alter_column_new_type(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", type_=Integer) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c INTEGER") def test_alter_column_add_comment(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", type_=Integer, comment="c comment") context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c INTEGER", "COMMENT ON COLUMN t.c IS 'c comment'", ) def test_alter_column_add_comment_quotes(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", type_=Integer, comment="c 'comment'") context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c INTEGER", "COMMENT ON COLUMN t.c IS 'c ''comment'''", ) def test_alter_column_drop_comment(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", type_=Integer, comment=None) context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c INTEGER", "COMMENT ON COLUMN t.c IS ''" ) def test_create_table_comment(self): # this is handled by SQLAlchemy's compilers context = op_fixture("oracle") op.create_table_comment("t2", comment="t2 table", schema="foo") context.assert_("COMMENT ON TABLE foo.t2 IS 't2 table'") def test_drop_table_comment(self): # this is handled by SQLAlchemy's compilers context = op_fixture("oracle") op.drop_table_comment("t2", existing_comment="t2 table", schema="foo") context.assert_("COMMENT ON TABLE foo.t2 IS ''") def test_drop_index(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.drop_index("my_idx", "my_table") context.assert_contains("DROP INDEX my_idx") def test_drop_column_w_default(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.drop_column("t1", "c1") context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c1") def test_drop_column_w_check(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.drop_column("t1", "c1") context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t1 DROP COLUMN c1") def test_alter_column_nullable_w_existing_type(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", nullable=True, existing_type=Integer) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c NULL") def test_alter_column_not_nullable_w_existing_type(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", nullable=False, existing_type=Integer) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c NOT NULL") def test_alter_column_nullable_w_new_type(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", nullable=True, type_=Integer) context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c NULL", "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c INTEGER" ) def test_alter_column_not_nullable_w_new_type(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", nullable=False, type_=Integer) context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c NOT NULL", "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c INTEGER" ) def test_alter_add_server_default(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", server_default="5") context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c DEFAULT '5'") def test_alter_replace_server_default(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column( "t", "c", server_default="5", existing_server_default="6" ) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c DEFAULT '5'") def test_alter_remove_server_default(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column("t", "c", server_default=None) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c DEFAULT NULL") def test_alter_do_everything(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column( "t", "c", new_column_name="c2", nullable=True, type_=Integer, server_default="5", ) context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c NULL", "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c DEFAULT '5'", "ALTER TABLE t MODIFY c INTEGER", "ALTER TABLE t RENAME COLUMN c TO c2", ) @config.requirements.comments def test_create_table_with_column_comments(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.create_table( "t2", Column("c1", Integer, primary_key=True), comment="t2 comment" ) context.assert_( "CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (c1))", "COMMENT ON TABLE t2 IS 't2 comment'", ) # TODO: when we add schema support # def test_alter_column_rename_oracle_schema(self): # context = op_fixture('oracle') # op.alter_column("t", "c", name="x", schema="y") # context.assert_( # 'ALTER TABLE y.t RENAME COLUMN c TO c2' # ) def _identity_qualification(self, kw): always = kw.get("always", False) if always is None: return "" qualification = "ALWAYS" if always else "BY DEFAULT" if kw.get("on_null", False): qualification += " ON NULL" return qualification @config.requirements.identity_columns @combinations( ({}, None), (dict(always=True), None), (dict(always=None, order=True), "ORDER"), ( dict(start=3, increment=33, maxvalue=99, cycle=True), "INCREMENT BY 33 START WITH 3 MAXVALUE 99 CYCLE", ), (dict(on_null=True, start=42), "START WITH 42"), ) def test_add_column_identity(self, kw, text): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.add_column( "t1", Column("some_column", Integer, sqla_compat.Identity(**kw)), ) qualification = self._identity_qualification(kw) options = " (%s)" % text if text else "" context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t1 ADD some_column " "INTEGER GENERATED %s AS IDENTITY%s" % (qualification, options) ) @config.requirements.identity_columns @combinations( ({}, None), (dict(always=True), None), (dict(always=None, cycle=True), "CYCLE"), ( dict(start=3, increment=33, maxvalue=99, cycle=True), "INCREMENT BY 33 START WITH 3 MAXVALUE 99 CYCLE", ), (dict(on_null=True, start=42), "START WITH 42"), ) def test_add_identity_to_column(self, kw, text): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column( "t1", "some_column", server_default=sqla_compat.Identity(**kw), existing_server_default=None, ) qualification = self._identity_qualification(kw) options = " (%s)" % text if text else "" context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY some_column " "GENERATED %s AS IDENTITY%s" % (qualification, options) ) @config.requirements.identity_columns def test_remove_identity_from_column(self): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column( "t1", "some_column", server_default=None, existing_server_default=sqla_compat.Identity(), ) context.assert_("ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY some_column DROP IDENTITY") @config.requirements.identity_columns @combinations( ({}, dict(always=True), None), ( dict(always=True), dict(always=False, start=3), "START WITH 3", ), ( dict(always=True, start=3, increment=2, minvalue=-3, maxvalue=99), dict( always=True, start=3, increment=1, minvalue=-3, maxvalue=99, cycle=True, ), "INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 3 MINVALUE -3 MAXVALUE 99 CYCLE", ), ( dict( always=False, start=3, maxvalue=9999, minvalue=0, ), dict(always=False, start=3, order=True, on_null=False, cache=2), "START WITH 3 CACHE 2 ORDER", ), ( dict(always=False), dict(always=None, minvalue=0), "MINVALUE 0", ), ) def test_change_identity_in_column(self, existing, updated, text): context = op_fixture("oracle") op.alter_column( "t1", "some_column", server_default=sqla_compat.Identity(**updated), existing_server_default=sqla_compat.Identity(**existing), ) qualification = self._identity_qualification(updated) options = " (%s)" % text if text else "" context.assert_( "ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY some_column " "GENERATED %s AS IDENTITY%s" % (qualification, options) )