from tests import clear_staging_env, staging_env, eq_, ne_, is_, staging_directory from tests import _no_sql_testing_config, env_file_fixture, script_file_fixture, _testing_config from alembic import command from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory, Script from alembic.environment import EnvironmentContext from alembic import util import os import unittest import datetime env, abc, def_ = None, None, None class GeneralOrderedTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_001_environment(self): assert_set = set(['', '', 'README']) eq_( assert_set.intersection(os.listdir(env.dir)), assert_set ) def test_002_rev_ids(self): global abc, def_ abc = util.rev_id() def_ = util.rev_id() ne_(abc, def_) def test_003_api_methods_clean(self): eq_(env.get_heads(), []) eq_(env.get_base(), None) def test_004_rev(self): script = env.generate_revision(abc, "this is a message", refresh=True) eq_(script.doc, "this is a message") eq_(script.revision, abc) eq_(script.down_revision, None) assert os.access( os.path.join(env.dir, 'versions', '' % abc), os.F_OK) assert callable(script.module.upgrade) eq_(env.get_heads(), [abc]) eq_(env.get_base(), abc) def test_005_nextrev(self): script = env.generate_revision(def_, "this is the next rev", refresh=True) assert os.access( os.path.join(env.dir, 'versions', '' % def_), os.F_OK) eq_(script.revision, def_) eq_(script.down_revision, abc) eq_(env._revision_map[abc].nextrev, set([def_])) assert script.module.down_revision == abc assert callable(script.module.upgrade) assert callable(script.module.downgrade) eq_(env.get_heads(), [def_]) eq_(env.get_base(), abc) def test_006_from_clean_env(self): # test the environment so far with a # new ScriptDirectory instance. env = staging_env(create=False) abc_rev = env._revision_map[abc] def_rev = env._revision_map[def_] eq_(abc_rev.nextrev, set([def_])) eq_(abc_rev.revision, abc) eq_(def_rev.down_revision, abc) eq_(env.get_heads(), [def_]) eq_(env.get_base(), abc) def test_007_no_refresh(self): rid = util.rev_id() script = env.generate_revision(rid, "dont' refresh") is_(script, None) env2 = staging_env(create=False) eq_(env2._as_rev_number("head"), rid) def test_008_long_name(self): rid = util.rev_id() env.generate_revision(rid, "this is a really long name with " "lots of characters and also " "I'd like it to\nhave\nnewlines") assert os.access( os.path.join(env.dir, 'versions', '' % rid), os.F_OK) def test_009_long_name_configurable(self): env.truncate_slug_length = 60 rid = util.rev_id() env.generate_revision(rid, "this is a really long name with " "lots of characters and also " "I'd like it to\nhave\nnewlines") assert os.access( os.path.join(env.dir, 'versions', '%s_this_is_a_really_long_name_with_lots_' '' % rid), os.F_OK) @classmethod def setup_class(cls): global env env = staging_env() @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): clear_staging_env() class ScriptNamingTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): _testing_config() @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): clear_staging_env() def test_args(self): script = ScriptDirectory( staging_directory, file_template="%(rev)s_%(slug)s_" "%(year)s_%(month)s_" "%(day)s_%(hour)s_" "%(minute)s_%(second)s" ) create_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 25, 15, 8, 5) eq_( script._rev_path("12345", "this is a message", create_date), "%s/versions/12345_this_is_a_" "" % staging_directory ) class TemplateArgsTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): staging_env() self.cfg = _no_sql_testing_config( directives="\nrevision_environment=true\n" ) def tearDown(self): clear_staging_env() def test_args_propagate(self): config = _no_sql_testing_config() script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) template_args = {"x": "x1", "y": "y1", "z": "z1"} env = EnvironmentContext( config, script, template_args=template_args ) env.configure(dialect_name="sqlite", template_args={"y": "y2", "q": "q1"}) eq_( template_args, {"x": "x1", "y": "y2", "z": "z1", "q": "q1"} ) def test_step_ignore_init_py(self): """test that is ignored.""" env_file_fixture(""" context.configure(dialect_name='sqlite', template_args={"somearg":"somevalue"}) """) command.revision(self.cfg, message="some rev") script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(self.cfg) path = os.path.join(script.versions, "") with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write( "crap, crap -> crap" ) command.revision(self.cfg, message="another rev") script.get_revision('head') def test_is_ignored_filename(self): script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(self.cfg) cases = [ '', u'', u'__init__.pyc', u'__init__.pyx', u'__init__.pyo', ] for case in cases: assert Script._from_filename( script, script.versions, case) is None def test_tmpl_args_revision(self): env_file_fixture(""" context.configure(dialect_name='sqlite', template_args={"somearg":"somevalue"}) """) script_file_fixture(""" # somearg: ${somearg} revision = ${repr(up_revision)} down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)} """) command.revision(self.cfg, message="some rev") script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(self.cfg) rev = script.get_revision('head') with open(rev.path) as f: text = assert "somearg: somevalue" in text