from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod from argparse import ArgumentParser from dataclasses import dataclass from dataclasses import field from pathlib import Path import re import sys from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import textwrap import typing from alembic.autogenerate.api import AutogenContext from alembic.ddl.impl import DefaultImpl from alembic.runtime.migration import MigrationInfo sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent)) if True: # avoid flake/zimports messing with the order from alembic.operations.base import BatchOperations from alembic.operations.base import Operations from alembic.runtime.environment import EnvironmentContext from alembic.runtime.migration import MigrationContext from alembic.script.write_hooks import console_scripts from alembic.util.compat import inspect_formatargspec from alembic.util.compat import inspect_getfullargspec from alembic.operations import ops import sqlalchemy as sa TRIM_MODULE = [ "alembic.runtime.migration.", "alembic.operations.base.", "alembic.operations.ops.", "alembic.autogenerate.api.", "sqlalchemy.engine.base.", "sqlalchemy.engine.url.", "sqlalchemy.sql.schema.", "sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.", "sqlalchemy.sql.elements.", "sqlalchemy.sql.type_api.", "sqlalchemy.sql.functions.", "sqlalchemy.sql.dml.", "typing." ] ADDITIONAL_ENV = { "MigrationContext": MigrationContext, "AutogenContext": AutogenContext, "DefaultImpl": DefaultImpl, "MigrationInfo": MigrationInfo, } def generate_pyi_for_proxy( file_info: FileInfo, destination_path: Path, ignore_output: bool ): if sys.version_info < (3, 11): raise RuntimeError( "This script must be run with Python 3.11 or higher" ) progname = Path(sys.argv[0]).as_posix() # When using an absolute path on windows, this will generate the correct # relative path that shall be written to the top comment of the pyi file. if Path(progname).is_absolute(): progname = Path(progname).relative_to(Path().cwd()).as_posix() file_info.read_file() cls = with open(destination_path, "w") as buf: file_info.write_before(buf, progname) module = sys.modules[cls.__module__] env = { **typing.__dict__, **sa.schema.__dict__, **sa.__dict__, **sa.types.__dict__, **ADDITIONAL_ENV, **ops.__dict__, **module.__dict__, } for name in dir(cls): if name.startswith("_") or name in file_info.ignore_items: continue meth = getattr(cls, name, None) if callable(meth): # If there are overloads, generate only those # Do not generate the base implementation to avoid mypy errors overloads = typing.get_overloads(meth) is_context_manager = name in file_info.context_managers if overloads: # use enumerate so we can generate docs on the # last overload for i, ovl in enumerate(overloads, 1): text = _generate_stub_for_meth( ovl, cls, file_info, env, is_context_manager=is_context_manager, is_overload=True, base_method=meth, gen_docs=(i == len(overloads)), ) file_info.write(buf, text) else: text = _generate_stub_for_meth( meth, cls, file_info, env, is_context_manager=is_context_manager, ) file_info.write(buf, text) else: text = _generate_stub_for_attr(cls, name, env) file_info.write(buf, text) file_info.write_after(buf) console_scripts( str(destination_path), {"entrypoint": "zimports", "options": "-e"}, ignore_output=ignore_output, ) # note that we do not distribute pyproject.toml with the distribution # right now due to user complaints, so we can't refer to it here because # this all has to run as part of the test suite console_scripts( str(destination_path), {"entrypoint": "black", "options": "-l79"}, ignore_output=ignore_output, ) def _generate_stub_for_attr(cls, name, env): try: annotations = typing.get_type_hints(cls, env) except NameError: annotations = cls.__annotations__ type_ = annotations.get(name, "Any") if isinstance(type_, str) and type_[0] in "'\"": type_ = type_[1:-1] return f"{name}: {type_}" def _generate_stub_for_meth( fn, cls, file_info, env, is_context_manager, is_overload=False, base_method=None, gen_docs=True, ): while hasattr(fn, "__wrapped__"): fn = fn.__wrapped__ name = fn.__name__ spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn) try: annotations = typing.get_type_hints(fn, env) spec.annotations.update(annotations) except NameError as e: print(f"{cls.__name__}.{name} NameError: {e}", file=sys.stderr) name_args = spec[0] assert name_args[0:1] == ["self"] or name_args[0:1] == ["cls"] if file_info.RemoveFirstArg: name_args[0:1] = [] def _formatannotation(annotation, base_module=None): if getattr(annotation, "__module__", None) == "typing": retval = repr(annotation).replace("typing.", "") elif isinstance(annotation, type): retval = annotation.__qualname__ elif isinstance(annotation, typing.TypeVar): retval = annotation.__name__ elif hasattr(annotation, "__args__") and hasattr( annotation, "__origin__" ): # generic class retval = str(annotation) else: retval = annotation retval = retval.replace("~", "") # typevar repr as "~T" for trim in TRIM_MODULE: retval = retval.replace(trim, "") retval = re.sub( r'ForwardRef\(([\'"].+?[\'"])\)', lambda m:, retval ) retval = re.sub("NoneType", "None", retval) return retval def _formatvalue(value): return "=" + ("..." if value is Ellipsis else repr(value)) argspec = inspect_formatargspec( *spec, formatannotation=_formatannotation, formatvalue=_formatvalue, formatreturns=lambda val: f"-> {_formatannotation(val)}", ) overload = "@overload" if is_overload else "" contextmanager = "@contextmanager" if is_context_manager else "" fn_doc = base_method.__doc__ if base_method else fn.__doc__ has_docs = gen_docs and fn_doc is not None string_prefix = "r" if has_docs and chr(92) in fn_doc else "" if has_docs: noqua = " # noqa: E501" if file_info.docs_noqa_E501 else "" docs = f'{string_prefix}"""{fn_doc}"""{noqua}' else: docs = "" suffix = "..." if file_info.AddEllipsis and docs else "" func_text = textwrap.dedent( f""" {overload} {contextmanager} def {name}{argspec}: {"..." if not docs else ""} {docs} {suffix} """ ) return func_text def run_file(finfo: FileInfo, stdout: bool): if not stdout: generate_pyi_for_proxy( finfo, destination_path=finfo.path, ignore_output=False ) else: with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=finfo.path.suffix) as f: f.close() f_path = Path( generate_pyi_for_proxy( finfo, destination_path=f_path, ignore_output=True ) sys.stdout.write(f_path.read_text()) f_path.unlink() def main(args): for case in cases: if == "all" or == run_file(case, args.stdout) @dataclass class FileInfo: RemoveFirstArg: typing.ClassVar[bool] AddEllipsis: typing.ClassVar[bool] name: str path: Path target: type ignore_items: set[str] = field(default_factory=set) context_managers: set[str] = field(default_factory=set) docs_noqa_E501: bool = field(default=False) @abstractmethod def read_file(self): pass @abstractmethod def write_before(self, out: typing.IO[str], progname: str): pass @abstractmethod def write(self, out: typing.IO[str], text: str): pass def write_after(self, out: typing.IO[str]): pass @dataclass class StubFileInfo(FileInfo): RemoveFirstArg = True AddEllipsis = False imports: list[str] = field(init=False) def read_file(self): imports = [] read_imports = False with open(self.path) as read_file: for line in read_file: if line.startswith("# ### this file stubs are generated by"): read_imports = True elif line.startswith("### end imports ###"): read_imports = False break elif read_imports: imports.append(line.rstrip()) self.imports = imports def write_before(self, out: typing.IO[str], progname: str): self.write( out, f"# ### this file stubs are generated by {progname} " "- do not edit ###", ) for line in self.imports: self.write(out, line) self.write(out, "### end imports ###\n") def write(self, out: typing.IO[str], text: str): out.write(text) out.write("\n") @dataclass class PyFileInfo(FileInfo): RemoveFirstArg = False AddEllipsis = True indent: str = field(init=False) before: list[str] = field(init=False) after: list[str] = field(init=False) def read_file(self): self.before = [] self.after = [] state = "before" start_text = rf"^(\s*)# START STUB FUNCTIONS: {}" end_text = rf"^\s*# END STUB FUNCTIONS: {}" with open(self.path) as read_file: for line in read_file: if m := re.match(start_text, line): assert state == "before" self.indent = self.before.append(line) state = "stubs" elif m := re.match(end_text, line): assert state == "stubs" state = "after" if state == "before": self.before.append(line) if state == "after": self.after.append(line) assert state == "after", state def write_before(self, out: typing.IO[str], progname: str): out.writelines(self.before) self.write( out, f"# ### the following stubs are generated by {progname} ###" ) self.write(out, "# ### do not edit ###") def write(self, out: typing.IO[str], text: str): out.write(textwrap.indent(text, self.indent)) out.write("\n") def write_after(self, out: typing.IO[str]): out.writelines(self.after) location = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "alembic" cls_ignore = { "batch_alter_table", "context", "create_module_class_proxy", "f", "get_bind", "get_context", "implementation_for", "inline_literal", "invoke", "register_operation", "run_async", } cases = [ StubFileInfo( "op", location / "op.pyi", Operations, ignore_items={"context", "create_module_class_proxy"}, context_managers={"batch_alter_table"}, ), StubFileInfo( "context", location / "context.pyi", EnvironmentContext, ignore_items={ "create_module_class_proxy", "get_impl", "requires_connection", }, ), PyFileInfo( "batch_op", location / "operations/", BatchOperations, ignore_items=cls_ignore, docs_noqa_E501=True, ), PyFileInfo( "op_cls", location / "operations/", Operations, ignore_items=cls_ignore, docs_noqa_E501=True, ), ] if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--name", choices=[ for fi in cases] + ["all"], default="all", help="Which name to generate. Default is to regenerate all names", ) parser.add_argument( "--stdout", action="store_true", help="Write to stdout instead of saving to file", ) args = parser.parse_args() main(args)