from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime, timezone from functools import partial from traceback import format_tb from typing import Any from uuid import UUID import attrs from attrs.converters import optional from . import abc from ._converters import as_aware_datetime, as_enum, as_uuid from ._enums import JobOutcome from ._structures import JobResult from ._utils import qualified_name def serialize(inst, field, value): if isinstance(value, frozenset): return list(value) elif isinstance(value, JobOutcome): return return value @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class Event: """ Base class for all events. :ivar timestamp: the time when the event occurrent """ timestamp: datetime = attrs.field( factory=partial(, timezone.utc), converter=as_aware_datetime ) def marshal(self, serializer: abc.Serializer) -> dict[str, Any]: return attrs.asdict(self, value_serializer=serialize) @classmethod def unmarshal(cls, serializer: abc.Serializer, marshalled: dict[str, Any]) -> Event: return cls(**marshalled) # # Data store events # @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class DataStoreEvent(Event): """Base class for events originating from a data store.""" @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class TaskAdded(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a new task was added to the store. :ivar task_id: ID of the task that was added """ task_id: str @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class TaskUpdated(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a task was updated in a data store. :ivar task_id: ID of the task that was updated """ task_id: str @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class TaskRemoved(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a task was removed from the store. :ivar task_id: ID of the task that was removed """ task_id: str @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class ScheduleAdded(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a new schedule was added to the store. :ivar schedule_id: ID of the schedule that was added :ivar next_fire_time: the first run time calculated for the schedule """ schedule_id: str next_fire_time: datetime | None = attrs.field(converter=optional(as_aware_datetime)) @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class ScheduleUpdated(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a schedule has been updated in the store. :ivar schedule_id: ID of the schedule that was updated :ivar next_fire_time: the next time the schedule will run """ schedule_id: str next_fire_time: datetime | None = attrs.field(converter=optional(as_aware_datetime)) @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class ScheduleRemoved(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a schedule was removed from the store. :ivar schedule_id: ID of the schedule that was removed """ schedule_id: str @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class JobAdded(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a new job was added to the store. :ivar job_id: ID of the job that was added :ivar task_id: ID of the task the job would run :ivar schedule_id: ID of the schedule the job was created from :ivar tags: the set of tags collected from the associated task and schedule """ job_id: UUID = attrs.field(converter=as_uuid) task_id: str schedule_id: str | None tags: frozenset[str] = attrs.field(converter=frozenset) @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class JobRemoved(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that a job was removed from the store. :ivar job_id: ID of the job that was removed """ job_id: UUID = attrs.field(converter=as_uuid) @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class ScheduleDeserializationFailed(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that the deserialization of a schedule has failed. :ivar schedule_id: ID of the schedule that failed to deserialize :ivar exception: the exception that was raised during deserialization """ schedule_id: str exception: BaseException @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class JobDeserializationFailed(DataStoreEvent): """ Signals that the deserialization of a job has failed. :ivar job_id: ID of the job that failed to deserialize :ivar exception: the exception that was raised during deserialization """ job_id: UUID = attrs.field(converter=as_uuid) exception: BaseException # # Scheduler events # @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class SchedulerEvent(Event): """Base class for events originating from a scheduler.""" @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class SchedulerStarted(SchedulerEvent): pass @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class SchedulerStopped(SchedulerEvent): """ Signals that a scheduler has stopped. :ivar exception: the exception that caused the scheduler to stop, if any """ exception: BaseException | None = None @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class JobAcquired(SchedulerEvent): """ Signals that a worker has acquired a job for processing. :param job_id: the ID of the job that was acquired :param worker_id: the ID of the worker that acquired the job """ job_id: UUID = attrs.field(converter=as_uuid) worker_id: str @attrs.define(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class JobReleased(SchedulerEvent): """ Signals that a worker has finished processing of a job. :param job_id: the ID of the job that was released :param worker_id: the ID of the worker that released the job :param outcome: the outcome of the job :param exception_type: the fully qualified name of the exception if ``outcome`` is :data:`JobOutcome.error` :param exception_message: the result of ``str(exception)`` if ``outcome`` is :data:`JobOutcome.error` :param exception_traceback: the traceback lines from the exception if ``outcome`` is :data:`JobOutcome.error` """ job_id: UUID = attrs.field(converter=as_uuid) worker_id: str outcome: JobOutcome = attrs.field(converter=as_enum(JobOutcome)) exception_type: str | None = None exception_message: str | None = None exception_traceback: list[str] | None = None @classmethod def from_result(cls, result: JobResult, worker_id: str) -> JobReleased: if result.exception is not None: exception_type: str | None = qualified_name(result.exception.__class__) exception_message: str | None = str(result.exception) exception_traceback: list[str] | None = format_tb( result.exception.__traceback__ ) else: exception_type = exception_message = exception_traceback = None return cls( job_id=result.job_id, worker_id=worker_id, outcome=result.outcome, exception_type=exception_type, exception_message=exception_message, exception_traceback=exception_traceback, ) def marshal(self, serializer: abc.Serializer) -> dict[str, Any]: marshalled = super().marshal(serializer) return marshalled