from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from contextlib import AsyncExitStack from datetime import datetime from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterable, Iterator from uuid import UUID if TYPE_CHECKING: from ._enums import ConflictPolicy from ._events import Event from ._structures import Job, JobResult, Schedule, Task class Trigger(Iterator[datetime], metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class that defines the interface that every trigger must implement. """ __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def next(self) -> datetime | None: """ Return the next datetime to fire on. If no such datetime can be calculated, ``None`` is returned. :raises apscheduler.exceptions.MaxIterationsReached: """ @abstractmethod def __getstate__(self): """Return the (JSON compatible) serializable state of the trigger.""" @abstractmethod def __setstate__(self, state): """Initialize an empty instance from an existing state.""" def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self) -> datetime: dateval = if dateval is None: raise StopIteration else: return dateval class Serializer(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Interface for classes that implement (de)serialization.""" __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def serialize(self, obj: Any) -> bytes: """ Turn the given object into a bytestring. :return: a bytestring that can be later restored using :meth:`deserialize` """ @abstractmethod def deserialize(self, serialized: bytes) -> Any: """ Restore a previously serialized object from bytestring :param serialized: a bytestring previously received from :meth:`serialize` :return: a copy of the original object """ class Subscription(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Represents a subscription with an event source. If used as a context manager, unsubscribes on exit. """ def __enter__(self) -> Subscription: return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self.unsubscribe() @abstractmethod def unsubscribe(self) -> None: """ Cancel this subscription. Does nothing if the subscription has already been cancelled. """ class EventBroker(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Interface for objects that can be used to publish notifications to interested subscribers. """ @abstractmethod async def start(self, exit_stack: AsyncExitStack) -> None: """ Start the event broker. :param exit_stack: an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down """ @abstractmethod async def publish(self, event: Event) -> None: """Publish an event.""" @abstractmethod async def publish_local(self, event: Event) -> None: """Publish an event, but only to local subscribers.""" @abstractmethod def subscribe( self, callback: Callable[[Event], Any], event_types: Iterable[type[Event]] | None = None, *, is_async: bool = True, one_shot: bool = False, ) -> Subscription: """ Subscribe to events from this event broker. :param callback: callable to be called with the event object when an event is published :param event_types: an iterable of concrete Event classes to subscribe to :param is_async: ``True`` if the (synchronous) callback should be called on the event loop thread, ``False`` if it should be called in a worker thread. If the callback is a coroutine function, this flag is ignored. :param one_shot: if ``True``, automatically unsubscribe after the first matching event """ class DataStore(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Asynchronous version of :class:`DataStore`. Expected to work on asyncio.""" @abstractmethod async def start( self, exit_stack: AsyncExitStack, event_broker: EventBroker ) -> None: """ Start the event broker. :param exit_stack: an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down :param event_broker: the event broker shared between the scheduler, worker (if any) and this data store """ @abstractmethod async def add_task(self, task: Task) -> None: """ Add the given task to the store. If a task with the same ID already exists, it replaces the old one but does NOT affect task accounting (# of running jobs). :param task: the task to be added """ @abstractmethod async def remove_task(self, task_id: str) -> None: """ Remove the task with the given ID. :param task_id: ID of the task to be removed :raises TaskLookupError: if no matching task was found """ @abstractmethod async def get_task(self, task_id: str) -> Task: """ Get an existing task definition. :param task_id: ID of the task to be returned :return: the matching task :raises TaskLookupError: if no matching task was found """ @abstractmethod async def get_tasks(self) -> list[Task]: """ Get all the tasks in this store. :return: a list of tasks, sorted by ID """ @abstractmethod async def get_schedules(self, ids: set[str] | None = None) -> list[Schedule]: """ Get schedules from the data store. :param ids: a specific set of schedule IDs to return, or ``None`` to return all schedules :return: the list of matching schedules, in unspecified order """ @abstractmethod async def add_schedule( self, schedule: Schedule, conflict_policy: ConflictPolicy ) -> None: """ Add or update the given schedule in the data store. :param schedule: schedule to be added :param conflict_policy: policy that determines what to do if there is an existing schedule with the same ID """ @abstractmethod async def remove_schedules(self, ids: Iterable[str]) -> None: """ Remove schedules from the data store. :param ids: a specific set of schedule IDs to remove """ @abstractmethod async def acquire_schedules(self, scheduler_id: str, limit: int) -> list[Schedule]: """ Acquire unclaimed due schedules for processing. This method claims up to the requested number of schedules for the given scheduler and returns them. :param scheduler_id: unique identifier of the scheduler :param limit: maximum number of schedules to claim :return: the list of claimed schedules """ @abstractmethod async def release_schedules( self, scheduler_id: str, schedules: list[Schedule] ) -> None: """ Release the claims on the given schedules and update them on the store. :param scheduler_id: unique identifier of the scheduler :param schedules: the previously claimed schedules """ @abstractmethod async def get_next_schedule_run_time(self) -> datetime | None: """ Return the earliest upcoming run time of all the schedules in the store, or ``None`` if there are no active schedules. """ @abstractmethod async def add_job(self, job: Job) -> None: """ Add a job to be executed by an eligible worker. :param job: the job object """ @abstractmethod async def get_jobs(self, ids: Iterable[UUID] | None = None) -> list[Job]: """ Get the list of pending jobs. :param ids: a specific set of job IDs to return, or ``None`` to return all jobs :return: the list of matching pending jobs, in the order they will be given to workers """ @abstractmethod async def acquire_jobs(self, worker_id: str, limit: int | None = None) -> list[Job]: """ Acquire unclaimed jobs for execution. This method claims up to the requested number of jobs for the given worker and returns them. :param worker_id: unique identifier of the worker :param limit: maximum number of jobs to claim and return :return: the list of claimed jobs """ @abstractmethod async def release_job( self, worker_id: str, task_id: str, result: JobResult ) -> None: """ Release the claim on the given job and record the result. :param worker_id: unique identifier of the worker :param task_id: the job's task ID :param result: the result of the job """ @abstractmethod async def get_job_result(self, job_id: UUID) -> JobResult | None: """ Retrieve the result of a job. The result is removed from the store after retrieval. :param job_id: the identifier of the job :return: the result, or ``None`` if the result was not found """ class JobExecutor(metaclass=ABCMeta): async def start(self, exit_stack: AsyncExitStack) -> None: # noqa: B027 """ Start the job executor. :param exit_stack: an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down """ @abstractmethod async def run_job(self, func: Callable[..., Any], job: Job) -> Any: """ :param func: :param job: :return: the return value of ``func`` (potentially awaiting on the returned aawaitable, if any) """