from __future__ import annotations from import Awaitable, Mapping from contextlib import AsyncExitStack from functools import partial from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, cast import anyio import asyncpg import attrs import tenacity from anyio import ( TASK_STATUS_IGNORED, EndOfStream, create_memory_object_stream, move_on_after, ) from anyio.streams.memory import MemoryObjectSendStream from asyncpg import Connection, InterfaceError from .. import RetrySettings from .._events import Event from .._exceptions import SerializationError from import Serializer from ..serializers.json import JSONSerializer from .async_local import LocalAsyncEventBroker from .base import DistributedEventBrokerMixin if TYPE_CHECKING: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncEngine @attrs.define(eq=False) class AsyncpgEventBroker(LocalAsyncEventBroker, DistributedEventBrokerMixin): """ An asynchronous, asyncpg_ based event broker that uses a PostgreSQL server to broadcast events using its ``NOTIFY`` mechanism. .. _asyncpg: :param connection_factory: a callable that creates an asyncpg connection :param serializer: the serializer used to (de)serialize events for transport :param channel: the ``NOTIFY`` channel to use :param max_idle_time: maximum time to let the connection go idle, before sending a ``SELECT 1`` query to prevent a connection timeout """ connection_factory: Callable[[], Awaitable[Connection]] serializer: Serializer = attrs.field(kw_only=True, factory=JSONSerializer) channel: str = attrs.field(kw_only=True, default="apscheduler") retry_settings: RetrySettings = attrs.field(default=RetrySettings()) max_idle_time: float = attrs.field(kw_only=True, default=10) _send: MemoryObjectSendStream[str] = attrs.field(init=False) @classmethod def from_dsn( cls, dsn: str, options: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncpgEventBroker: """ Create a new asyncpg event broker from an existing asyncpg connection pool. :param dsn: data source name, passed as first positional argument to :func:`asyncpg.connect` :param options: keyword arguments passed to :func:`asyncpg.connect` :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class :return: the newly created event broker """ factory = partial(asyncpg.connect, dsn, **(options or {})) return cls(factory, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_async_sqla_engine( cls, engine: AsyncEngine, options: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AsyncpgEventBroker: """ Create a new asyncpg event broker from an SQLAlchemy engine. The engine will only be used to create the appropriate options for :func:`asyncpg.connect`. :param engine: an asynchronous SQLAlchemy engine using asyncpg as the driver :type engine: ~sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncEngine :param options: extra keyword arguments passed to :func:`asyncpg.connect` (will override any automatically generated arguments based on the engine) :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class :return: the newly created event broker """ if engine.dialect.driver != "asyncpg": raise ValueError( f'The driver in the engine must be "asyncpg" (current: ' f"{engine.dialect.driver})" ) connect_args = dict(engine.url.query) for optname in ("host", "port", "database", "username", "password"): value = getattr(engine.url, optname) if value is not None: if optname == "username": optname = "user" connect_args[optname] = value if options: connect_args |= options factory = partial(asyncpg.connect, **connect_args) return cls(factory, **kwargs) def _retry(self) -> tenacity.AsyncRetrying: def after_attempt(retry_state: tenacity.RetryCallState) -> None: self._logger.warning( f"{self.__class__.__name__}: connection failure " f"(attempt {retry_state.attempt_number}): " f"{retry_state.outcome.exception()}", ) return tenacity.AsyncRetrying( stop=self.retry_settings.stop, wait=self.retry_settings.wait, retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type((OSError, InterfaceError)), after=after_attempt, sleep=anyio.sleep, reraise=True, ) async def start(self) -> None: await super().start() try: self._send = cast( MemoryObjectSendStream[str], await self._task_group.start(self._listen_notifications), ) except BaseException: await super().stop(force=True) raise async def stop(self, *, force: bool = False) -> None: self._send.close() await super().stop(force=force)"Stopped event broker") async def _listen_notifications(self, *, task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) -> None: def callback( connection: Connection, pid: int, channel: str, payload: str ) -> None: event = self.reconstitute_event_str(payload) if event is not None: self._task_group.start_soon(self.publish_local, event) task_started_sent = False send, receive = create_memory_object_stream(100, str) while True: async with AsyncExitStack() as exit_stack: async for attempt in self._retry(): with attempt: conn = await self.connection_factory() exit_stack.push_async_callback(conn.close)"Connection established") try: await conn.add_listener(, callback) exit_stack.push_async_callback( conn.remove_listener,, callback ) if not task_started_sent: task_status.started(send) task_started_sent = True while True: notification: str | None = None with move_on_after(self.max_idle_time): try: notification = await receive.receive() except EndOfStream:"Stream finished") return if notification: await conn.execute( "SELECT pg_notify($1, $2)",, notification ) else: await conn.execute("SELECT 1") except InterfaceError as exc: self._logger.error("Connection error: %s", exc) async def publish(self, event: Event) -> None: notification = self.generate_notification_str(event) if len(notification) > 7999: raise SerializationError( "Serialized event object exceeds 7999 bytes in size" ) await self._send.send(notification)