from __future__ import annotations from threading import Thread import attrs import tenacity from redis import ConnectionError, ConnectionPool, Redis, RedisCluster from redis.client import PubSub from .. import RetrySettings from .._events import Event from import Serializer from ..serializers.json import JSONSerializer from .base import DistributedEventBrokerMixin from .local import LocalEventBroker @attrs.define(eq=False) class RedisEventBroker(LocalEventBroker, DistributedEventBrokerMixin): """ An event broker that uses a Redis server to broadcast events. Requires the redis_ library to be installed. .. _redis: :param client: a (synchronous) Redis client :param serializer: the serializer used to (de)serialize events for transport :param channel: channel on which to send the messages :param stop_check_interval: interval on which to poll for new messages (higher values mean slower reaction time but less CPU use) """ client: Redis | RedisCluster serializer: Serializer = attrs.field(factory=JSONSerializer) channel: str = attrs.field(kw_only=True, default="apscheduler") stop_check_interval: float = attrs.field(kw_only=True, default=1) retry_settings: RetrySettings = attrs.field(default=RetrySettings()) _stopped: bool = attrs.field(init=False, default=True) _thread: Thread = attrs.field(init=False) @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str, **kwargs) -> RedisEventBroker: """ Create a new event broker from a URL. :param url: a Redis URL (```redis://...```) :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class :return: the newly created event broker """ pool = ConnectionPool.from_url(url) client = Redis(connection_pool=pool) return cls(client, **kwargs) def _retry(self) -> tenacity.Retrying: def after_attempt(retry_state: tenacity.RetryCallState) -> None: self._logger.warning( f"{self.__class__.__name__}: connection failure " f"(attempt {retry_state.attempt_number}): " f"{retry_state.outcome.exception()}", ) return tenacity.Retrying( stop=self.retry_settings.stop, wait=self.retry_settings.wait, retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(ConnectionError), after=after_attempt, reraise=True, ) def start(self) -> None: pubsub = self.client.pubsub() pubsub.subscribe( self._stopped = False super().start() self._thread = Thread( target=self._listen_messages, args=[pubsub], daemon=True, name="Redis subscriber", ) self._thread.start() def stop(self, *, force: bool = False) -> None: self._stopped = True if not force: self._thread.join(5) super().stop(force=force) def _listen_messages(self, pubsub: PubSub) -> None: while not self._stopped: try: for attempt in self._retry(): with attempt: msg = pubsub.get_message( ignore_subscribe_messages=True, timeout=self.stop_check_interval, ) if msg and isinstance(msg["data"], bytes): event = self.reconstitute_event(msg["data"]) if event is not None: self.publish_local(event) except Exception: self._logger.exception(f"{self.__class__.__name__} listener crashed") pubsub.close() raise pubsub.close() def publish(self, event: Event) -> None: notification = self.generate_notification(event) for attempt in self._retry(): with attempt: self.client.publish(, notification)