from __future__ import annotations from import Callable from contextlib import AsyncExitStack from functools import partial from typing import Any import attrs from anyio import CapacityLimiter, to_thread from .._structures import Job from import JobExecutor @attrs.define(eq=False, kw_only=True) class ThreadPoolJobExecutor(JobExecutor): """ Executes functions in a thread pool. :param max_workers: the maximum number of worker threads to keep """ max_workers: int = 40 _limiter: CapacityLimiter = attrs.field(init=False) async def start(self, exit_stack: AsyncExitStack) -> None: self._limiter = CapacityLimiter(self.max_workers) async def run_job(self, func: Callable[..., Any], job: Job) -> Any: wrapped = partial(func, *job.args, **job.kwargs) return await to_thread.run_sync(wrapped, limiter=self._limiter)