from __future__ import annotations import sys from datetime import date, datetime, tzinfo from functools import partial from typing import Any, Callable, overload from ._exceptions import DeserializationError, SerializationError if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo else: from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo def marshal_object(obj) -> tuple[str, Any]: return ( f"{obj.__class__.__module__}:{obj.__class__.__qualname__}", obj.__getstate__(), ) def unmarshal_object(ref: str, state): cls = callable_from_ref(ref) instance = cls.__new__(cls) instance.__setstate__(state) return instance @overload def marshal_date(value: None) -> None: ... @overload def marshal_date(value: date) -> str: ... def marshal_date(value): return value.isoformat() if value is not None else None @overload def unmarshal_date(value: None) -> None: ... @overload def unmarshal_date(value: str) -> date: ... def unmarshal_date(value): if value is None: return None elif len(value) == 10: return date.fromisoformat(value) else: return datetime.fromisoformat(value) def marshal_timezone(value: tzinfo) -> str: if isinstance(value, ZoneInfo): return value.key elif hasattr(value, "zone"): # pytz timezones return raise SerializationError( f"Unserializable time zone: {value!r}\n" f"Only time zones from the zoneinfo or pytz modules can be serialized." ) def unmarshal_timezone(value: str) -> ZoneInfo: return ZoneInfo(value) def callable_to_ref(func: Callable) -> str: """ Return a reference to the given callable. :raises SerializationError: if the given object is not callable, is a partial(), lambda or local function or does not have the ``__module__`` and ``__qualname__`` attributes """ if isinstance(func, partial): raise SerializationError("Cannot create a reference to a partial()") if not hasattr(func, "__module__"): raise SerializationError("Callable has no __module__ attribute") if not hasattr(func, "__qualname__"): raise SerializationError("Callable has no __qualname__ attribute") if "" in func.__qualname__: raise SerializationError("Cannot create a reference to a lambda") if "" in func.__qualname__: raise SerializationError("Cannot create a reference to a nested function") return f"{func.__module__}:{func.__qualname__}" def callable_from_ref(ref: str) -> Callable: """ Return the callable pointed to by ``ref``. :raises DeserializationError: if the reference could not be resolved or the looked up object is not callable """ if ":" not in ref: raise ValueError(f"Invalid reference: {ref}") modulename, rest = ref.split(":", 1) try: obj = __import__(modulename, fromlist=[rest]) except ImportError: raise LookupError(f"Error resolving reference {ref!r}: could not import module") try: for name in rest.split("."): obj = getattr(obj, name) except Exception: raise DeserializationError( f"Error resolving reference {ref!r}: error looking up object" ) if not callable(obj): raise DeserializationError( f"{ref!r} points to an object of type " f"{obj.__class__.__qualname__} which is not callable" ) return obj