# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html # For details: https://github.com/pylint-dev/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/pylint-dev/astroid/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """Astroid hooks for typing.py support.""" from __future__ import annotations import sys import typing from collections.abc import Iterator from functools import partial from astroid import context, extract_node, inference_tip from astroid.builder import _extract_single_node from astroid.const import PY38_PLUS, PY39_PLUS from astroid.exceptions import ( AttributeInferenceError, InferenceError, UseInferenceDefault, ) from astroid.manager import AstroidManager from astroid.nodes.node_classes import ( Assign, AssignName, Attribute, Call, Const, JoinedStr, Name, NodeNG, Subscript, Tuple, ) from astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes import ClassDef, FunctionDef if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Final else: from typing_extensions import Final TYPING_TYPEVARS = {"TypeVar", "NewType"} TYPING_TYPEVARS_QUALIFIED: Final = { "typing.TypeVar", "typing.NewType", "typing_extensions.TypeVar", } TYPING_TYPEDDICT_QUALIFIED: Final = {"typing.TypedDict", "typing_extensions.TypedDict"} TYPING_TYPE_TEMPLATE = """ class Meta(type): def __getitem__(self, item): return self @property def __args__(self): return () class {0}(metaclass=Meta): pass """ TYPING_MEMBERS = set(getattr(typing, "__all__", [])) TYPING_ALIAS = frozenset( ( "typing.Hashable", "typing.Awaitable", "typing.Coroutine", "typing.AsyncIterable", "typing.AsyncIterator", "typing.Iterable", "typing.Iterator", "typing.Reversible", "typing.Sized", "typing.Container", "typing.Collection", "typing.Callable", "typing.AbstractSet", "typing.MutableSet", "typing.Mapping", "typing.MutableMapping", "typing.Sequence", "typing.MutableSequence", "typing.ByteString", "typing.Tuple", "typing.List", "typing.Deque", "typing.Set", "typing.FrozenSet", "typing.MappingView", "typing.KeysView", "typing.ItemsView", "typing.ValuesView", "typing.ContextManager", "typing.AsyncContextManager", "typing.Dict", "typing.DefaultDict", "typing.OrderedDict", "typing.Counter", "typing.ChainMap", "typing.Generator", "typing.AsyncGenerator", "typing.Type", "typing.Pattern", "typing.Match", ) ) CLASS_GETITEM_TEMPLATE = """ @classmethod def __class_getitem__(cls, item): return cls """ def looks_like_typing_typevar_or_newtype(node) -> bool: func = node.func if isinstance(func, Attribute): return func.attrname in TYPING_TYPEVARS if isinstance(func, Name): return func.name in TYPING_TYPEVARS return False def infer_typing_typevar_or_newtype(node, context_itton=None): """Infer a typing.TypeVar(...) or typing.NewType(...) call.""" try: func = next(node.func.infer(context=context_itton)) except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc: raise UseInferenceDefault from exc if func.qname() not in TYPING_TYPEVARS_QUALIFIED: raise UseInferenceDefault if not node.args: raise UseInferenceDefault # Cannot infer from a dynamic class name (f-string) if isinstance(node.args[0], JoinedStr): raise UseInferenceDefault typename = node.args[0].as_string().strip("'") node = extract_node(TYPING_TYPE_TEMPLATE.format(typename)) return node.infer(context=context_itton) def _looks_like_typing_subscript(node) -> bool: """Try to figure out if a Subscript node *might* be a typing-related subscript.""" if isinstance(node, Name): return node.name in TYPING_MEMBERS if isinstance(node, Attribute): return node.attrname in TYPING_MEMBERS if isinstance(node, Subscript): return _looks_like_typing_subscript(node.value) return False def infer_typing_attr( node: Subscript, ctx: context.InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[ClassDef]: """Infer a typing.X[...] subscript.""" try: value = next(node.value.infer()) # type: ignore[union-attr] # value shouldn't be None for Subscript. except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc: raise UseInferenceDefault from exc if not value.qname().startswith("typing.") or value.qname() in TYPING_ALIAS: # If typing subscript belongs to an alias handle it separately. raise UseInferenceDefault if isinstance(value, ClassDef) and value.qname() in { "typing.Generic", "typing.Annotated", "typing_extensions.Annotated", }: # typing.Generic and typing.Annotated (PY39) are subscriptable # through __class_getitem__. Since astroid can't easily # infer the native methods, replace them for an easy inference tip func_to_add = _extract_single_node(CLASS_GETITEM_TEMPLATE) value.locals["__class_getitem__"] = [func_to_add] if ( isinstance(node.parent, ClassDef) and node in node.parent.bases and getattr(node.parent, "__cache", None) ): # node.parent.slots is evaluated and cached before the inference tip # is first applied. Remove the last result to allow a recalculation of slots cache = node.parent.__cache # type: ignore[attr-defined] # Unrecognized getattr if cache.get(node.parent.slots) is not None: del cache[node.parent.slots] return iter([value]) node = extract_node(TYPING_TYPE_TEMPLATE.format(value.qname().split(".")[-1])) return node.infer(context=ctx) def _looks_like_typedDict( # pylint: disable=invalid-name node: FunctionDef | ClassDef, ) -> bool: """Check if node is TypedDict FunctionDef.""" return node.qname() in TYPING_TYPEDDICT_QUALIFIED def infer_old_typedDict( # pylint: disable=invalid-name node: ClassDef, ctx: context.InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[ClassDef]: func_to_add = _extract_single_node("dict") node.locals["__call__"] = [func_to_add] return iter([node]) def infer_typedDict( # pylint: disable=invalid-name node: FunctionDef, ctx: context.InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[ClassDef]: """Replace TypedDict FunctionDef with ClassDef.""" class_def = ClassDef( name="TypedDict", lineno=node.lineno, col_offset=node.col_offset, parent=node.parent, ) class_def.postinit(bases=[extract_node("dict")], body=[], decorators=None) func_to_add = _extract_single_node("dict") class_def.locals["__call__"] = [func_to_add] return iter([class_def]) def _looks_like_typing_alias(node: Call) -> bool: """ Returns True if the node corresponds to a call to _alias function. For example : MutableSet = _alias(collections.abc.MutableSet, T) :param node: call node """ return ( isinstance(node.func, Name) and node.func.name == "_alias" and ( # _alias function works also for builtins object such as list and dict isinstance(node.args[0], (Attribute, Name)) ) ) def _forbid_class_getitem_access(node: ClassDef) -> None: """Disable the access to __class_getitem__ method for the node in parameters.""" def full_raiser(origin_func, attr, *args, **kwargs): """ Raises an AttributeInferenceError in case of access to __class_getitem__ method. Otherwise, just call origin_func. """ if attr == "__class_getitem__": raise AttributeInferenceError("__class_getitem__ access is not allowed") return origin_func(attr, *args, **kwargs) try: node.getattr("__class_getitem__") # If we are here, then we are sure to modify an object that does have # __class_getitem__ method (which origin is the protocol defined in # collections module) whereas the typing module considers it should not. # We do not want __class_getitem__ to be found in the classdef partial_raiser = partial(full_raiser, node.getattr) node.getattr = partial_raiser except AttributeInferenceError: pass def infer_typing_alias( node: Call, ctx: context.InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[ClassDef]: """ Infers the call to _alias function Insert ClassDef, with same name as aliased class, in mro to simulate _GenericAlias. :param node: call node :param context: inference context """ if ( not isinstance(node.parent, Assign) or not len(node.parent.targets) == 1 or not isinstance(node.parent.targets[0], AssignName) ): raise UseInferenceDefault try: res = next(node.args[0].infer(context=ctx)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(node=node.args[0], context=ctx) from e assign_name = node.parent.targets[0] class_def = ClassDef( name=assign_name.name, lineno=assign_name.lineno, col_offset=assign_name.col_offset, parent=node.parent, ) if isinstance(res, ClassDef): # Only add `res` as base if it's a `ClassDef` # This isn't the case for `typing.Pattern` and `typing.Match` class_def.postinit(bases=[res], body=[], decorators=None) maybe_type_var = node.args[1] if ( not PY39_PLUS and not (isinstance(maybe_type_var, Tuple) and not maybe_type_var.elts) or PY39_PLUS and isinstance(maybe_type_var, Const) and maybe_type_var.value > 0 ): # If typing alias is subscriptable, add `__class_getitem__` to ClassDef func_to_add = _extract_single_node(CLASS_GETITEM_TEMPLATE) class_def.locals["__class_getitem__"] = [func_to_add] else: # If not, make sure that `__class_getitem__` access is forbidden. # This is an issue in cases where the aliased class implements it, # but the typing alias isn't subscriptable. E.g., `typing.ByteString` for PY39+ _forbid_class_getitem_access(class_def) return iter([class_def]) def _looks_like_special_alias(node: Call) -> bool: """Return True if call is for Tuple or Callable alias. In PY37 and PY38 the call is to '_VariadicGenericAlias' with 'tuple' as first argument. In PY39+ it is replaced by a call to '_TupleType'. PY37: Tuple = _VariadicGenericAlias(tuple, (), inst=False, special=True) PY39: Tuple = _TupleType(tuple, -1, inst=False, name='Tuple') PY37: Callable = _VariadicGenericAlias(collections.abc.Callable, (), special=True) PY39: Callable = _CallableType(collections.abc.Callable, 2) """ return isinstance(node.func, Name) and ( not PY39_PLUS and node.func.name == "_VariadicGenericAlias" and ( isinstance(node.args[0], Name) and node.args[0].name == "tuple" or isinstance(node.args[0], Attribute) and node.args[0].as_string() == "collections.abc.Callable" ) or PY39_PLUS and ( node.func.name == "_TupleType" and isinstance(node.args[0], Name) and node.args[0].name == "tuple" or node.func.name == "_CallableType" and isinstance(node.args[0], Attribute) and node.args[0].as_string() == "collections.abc.Callable" ) ) def infer_special_alias( node: Call, ctx: context.InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[ClassDef]: """Infer call to tuple alias as new subscriptable class typing.Tuple.""" if not ( isinstance(node.parent, Assign) and len(node.parent.targets) == 1 and isinstance(node.parent.targets[0], AssignName) ): raise UseInferenceDefault try: res = next(node.args[0].infer(context=ctx)) except StopIteration as e: raise InferenceError(node=node.args[0], context=ctx) from e assign_name = node.parent.targets[0] class_def = ClassDef( name=assign_name.name, parent=node.parent, ) class_def.postinit(bases=[res], body=[], decorators=None) func_to_add = _extract_single_node(CLASS_GETITEM_TEMPLATE) class_def.locals["__class_getitem__"] = [func_to_add] return iter([class_def]) def _looks_like_typing_cast(node: Call) -> bool: return isinstance(node, Call) and ( isinstance(node.func, Name) and node.func.name == "cast" or isinstance(node.func, Attribute) and node.func.attrname == "cast" ) def infer_typing_cast( node: Call, ctx: context.InferenceContext | None = None ) -> Iterator[NodeNG]: """Infer call to cast() returning same type as casted-from var.""" if not isinstance(node.func, (Name, Attribute)): raise UseInferenceDefault try: func = next(node.func.infer(context=ctx)) except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc: raise UseInferenceDefault from exc if ( not isinstance(func, FunctionDef) or func.qname() != "typing.cast" or len(node.args) != 2 ): raise UseInferenceDefault return node.args[1].infer(context=ctx) AstroidManager().register_transform( Call, inference_tip(infer_typing_typevar_or_newtype), looks_like_typing_typevar_or_newtype, ) AstroidManager().register_transform( Subscript, inference_tip(infer_typing_attr), _looks_like_typing_subscript ) AstroidManager().register_transform( Call, inference_tip(infer_typing_cast), _looks_like_typing_cast ) if PY39_PLUS: AstroidManager().register_transform( FunctionDef, inference_tip(infer_typedDict), _looks_like_typedDict ) elif PY38_PLUS: AstroidManager().register_transform( ClassDef, inference_tip(infer_old_typedDict), _looks_like_typedDict ) AstroidManager().register_transform( Call, inference_tip(infer_typing_alias), _looks_like_typing_alias ) AstroidManager().register_transform( Call, inference_tip(infer_special_alias), _looks_like_special_alias )