# Setuptools v62.6 doesn't support editable installs with just 'pyproject.toml' (PEP 660). # Keep this file until it does! [metadata] # wheel doesn't yet read license_files from pyproject.toml - tools.setuptools # Keep it here until it does! license_files = LICENSE CONTRIBUTORS.txt [aliases] test = pytest [tool:pytest] testpaths = tests python_files = *test_*.py addopts = -m "not acceptance" [isort] multi_line_output = 3 line_length = 88 known_third_party = sphinx, pytest, six, nose, numpy, attr known_first_party = astroid include_trailing_comma = True skip_glob = tests/testdata [flake8] extend-ignore = C901, # Function complexity checker F401, # Unused imports E203, # Incompatible with black see https://github.com/psf/black/issues/315 W503, # Incompatible with black E501, # Line too long B950, # Line too long B901 # Combine yield and return statements in one function max-line-length=88 max-complexity = 20 select = B,C,E,F,W,T4,B9 # Required for flake8-typing-imports (v1.12.0) # The plugin doesn't yet read the value from pyproject.toml min_python_version = 3.7.2 [mypy] scripts_are_modules = True no_implicit_optional = True warn_redundant_casts = True show_error_codes = True enable_error_code = ignore-without-code [mypy-setuptools] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-pytest] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-nose.*] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-numpy.*] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-_io.*] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-wrapt.*] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-lazy_object_proxy.*] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-gi.*] ignore_missing_imports = True [mypy-importlib.*] # Importlib typeshed stubs do not include the private functions we use ignore_missing_imports = True