[tox] # official list is # envlist = py27, py33, py34, pypy, jython envlist = py27, py33, pylint [testenv:pylint] deps = lazy-object-proxy singledispatch six wrapt hg+https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint commands = pylint -rn --rcfile={toxinidir}/pylintrc {envsitepackagesdir}/astroid # This is commented out because tox will try to load the interpreter # for any defined environment even if it's not in envlist, which will # then fail on drone.io. # [testenv:py34] # deps = # lazy-object-proxy # six # wrapt [testenv] deps = lazy-object-proxy singledispatch six wrapt commands = python -m unittest discover -s {envsitepackagesdir}/astroid/tests -p "unittest*.py"