= 4.6.0 (Unreleased) = * Added the `Tag.get_attribute_list` method, which acts like `Tag.get` for getting the value of an attribute, but which always returns a list, whether or not the attribute is a multi-value attribute. [bug=1678589] * It's now possible to use a tag's namespace prefix when searching, e.g. soup.find('namespace:tag') [bug=1655332] * Improved the handling of empty-element tags like
when using the html.parser parser. [bug=1676935] * HTML parsers treat all HTML4 and HTML5 empty element tags (aka void element tags) correctly. [bug=1656909] * Namespace prefix is preserved when an XML tag is copied. Thanks to Vikas for a patch and test. [bug=1685172] = 4.5.3 (20170102) = * Fixed foster parenting when html5lib is the tree builder. Thanks to Geoffrey Sneddon for a patch and test. * Fixed yet another problem that caused the html5lib tree builder to create a disconnected parse tree. [bug=1629825] = 4.5.2 (20170102) = * Apart from the version number, this release is identical to 4.5.3. Due to user error, it could not be completely uploaded to PyPI. Use 4.5.3 instead. = 4.5.1 (20160802) = * Fixed a crash when passing Unicode markup that contained a processing instruction into the lxml HTML parser on Python 3. [bug=1608048] = 4.5.0 (20160719) = * Beautiful Soup is no longer compatible with Python 2.6. This actually happened a few releases ago, but it's now official. * Beautiful Soup will now work with versions of html5lib greater than 0.99999999. [bug=1603299] * If a search against each individual value of a multi-valued attribute fails, the search will be run one final time against the complete attribute value considered as a single string. That is, if a tag has class="foo bar" and neither "foo" nor "bar" matches, but "foo bar" does, the tag is now considered a match. This happened in previous versions, but only when the value being searched for was a string. Now it also works when that value is a regular expression, a list of strings, etc. [bug=1476868] * Fixed a bug that deranged the tree when a whitespace element was reparented into a tag that contained an identical whitespace element. [bug=1505351] * Added support for CSS selector values that contain quoted spaces, such as tag[style="display: foo"]. [bug=1540588] * Corrected handling of XML processing instructions. [bug=1504393] * Corrected an encoding error that happened when a BeautifulSoup object was copied. [bug=1554439] * The contents of