path: root/blessed/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 785 deletions
diff --git a/blessed/ b/blessed/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e17d73..0000000
--- a/blessed/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
-"This primary module provides the Terminal class."
-# standard modules
-import collections
-import contextlib
-import functools
-import warnings
-import platform
-import codecs
-import curses
-import locale
-import select
-import struct
-import time
-import sys
-import os
- import termios
- import fcntl
- import tty
-except ImportError:
- tty_methods = ('setraw', 'cbreak', 'kbhit', 'height', 'width')
- msg_nosupport = (
- "One or more of the modules: 'termios', 'fcntl', and 'tty' "
- "are not found on your platform '{0}'. The following methods "
- "of Terminal are dummy/no-op unless a deriving class overrides "
- "them: {1}".format(sys.platform.lower(), ', '.join(tty_methods)))
- warnings.warn(msg_nosupport)
- HAS_TTY = False
- HAS_TTY = True
- from io import UnsupportedOperation as IOUnsupportedOperation
-except ImportError:
- class IOUnsupportedOperation(Exception):
- """A dummy exception to take the place of Python 3's
- ``io.UnsupportedOperation`` in Python 2.5"""
- _ = InterruptedError
- del _
-except NameError:
- # alias py2 exception to py3
- InterruptedError = select.error
-# local imports
-from .formatters import (
- ParameterizingString,
- NullCallableString,
- resolve_capability,
- resolve_attribute,
-from .sequences import (
- init_sequence_patterns,
- SequenceTextWrapper,
- Sequence,
-from .keyboard import (
- get_keyboard_sequences,
- get_keyboard_codes,
- resolve_sequence,
-class Terminal(object):
- """A wrapper for curses and related terminfo(5) terminal capabilities.
- Instance attributes:
- ``stream``
- The stream the terminal outputs to. It's convenient to pass the stream
- around with the terminal; it's almost always needed when the terminal
- is and saves sticking lots of extra args on client functions in
- practice.
- """
- #: Sugary names for commonly-used capabilities
- _sugar = dict(
- save='sc',
- restore='rc',
- # 'clear' clears the whole screen.
- clear_eol='el',
- clear_bol='el1',
- clear_eos='ed',
- position='cup', # deprecated
- enter_fullscreen='smcup',
- exit_fullscreen='rmcup',
- move='cup',
- move_x='hpa',
- move_y='vpa',
- move_left='cub1',
- move_right='cuf1',
- move_up='cuu1',
- move_down='cud1',
- hide_cursor='civis',
- normal_cursor='cnorm',
- reset_colors='op', # oc doesn't work on my OS X terminal.
- normal='sgr0',
- reverse='rev',
- italic='sitm',
- no_italic='ritm',
- shadow='sshm',
- no_shadow='rshm',
- standout='smso',
- no_standout='rmso',
- subscript='ssubm',
- no_subscript='rsubm',
- superscript='ssupm',
- no_superscript='rsupm',
- underline='smul',
- no_underline='rmul')
- def __init__(self, kind=None, stream=None, force_styling=False):
- """Initialize the terminal.
- If ``stream`` is not a tty, I will default to returning an empty
- Unicode string for all capability values, so things like piping your
- output to a file won't strew escape sequences all over the place. The
- ``ls`` command sets a precedent for this: it defaults to columnar
- output when being sent to a tty and one-item-per-line when not.
- :arg kind: A terminal string as taken by ``setupterm()``. Defaults to
- the value of the ``TERM`` environment variable.
- :arg stream: A file-like object representing the terminal. Defaults to
- the original value of stdout, like ``curses.initscr()`` does.
- :arg force_styling: Whether to force the emission of capabilities, even
- if we don't seem to be in a terminal. This comes in handy if users
- are trying to pipe your output through something like ``less -r``,
- which supports terminal codes just fine but doesn't appear itself
- to be a terminal. Just expose a command-line option, and set
- ``force_styling`` based on it. Terminal initialization sequences
- will be sent to ``stream`` if it has a file descriptor and to
- ``sys.__stdout__`` otherwise. (``setupterm()`` demands to send them
- somewhere, and stdout is probably where the output is ultimately
- headed. If not, stderr is probably bound to the same terminal.)
- If you want to force styling to not happen, pass
- ``force_styling=None``.
- """
- global _CUR_TERM
- self.keyboard_fd = None
- # default stream is stdout, keyboard only valid as stdin when
- # output stream is stdout and output stream is a tty
- if stream is None or stream == sys.__stdout__:
- stream = sys.__stdout__
- self.keyboard_fd = sys.__stdin__.fileno()
- try:
- stream_fd = (stream.fileno() if hasattr(stream, 'fileno')
- and callable(stream.fileno) else None)
- except IOUnsupportedOperation:
- stream_fd = None
- self._is_a_tty = stream_fd is not None and os.isatty(stream_fd)
- self._does_styling = ((self.is_a_tty or force_styling) and
- force_styling is not None)
- # keyboard_fd only non-None if both stdin and stdout is a tty.
- self.keyboard_fd = (self.keyboard_fd
- if self.keyboard_fd is not None and
- self.is_a_tty and os.isatty(self.keyboard_fd)
- else None)
- self._normal = None # cache normal attr, preventing recursive lookups
- # The descriptor to direct terminal initialization sequences to.
- # sys.__stdout__ seems to always have a descriptor of 1, even if output
- # is redirected.
- self._init_descriptor = (stream_fd is None and sys.__stdout__.fileno()
- or stream_fd)
- self._kind = kind or os.environ.get('TERM', 'unknown')
- if self.does_styling:
- # Make things like tigetstr() work. Explicit args make setupterm()
- # work even when -s is passed to nosetests. Lean toward sending
- # init sequences to the stream if it has a file descriptor, and
- # send them to stdout as a fallback, since they have to go
- # somewhere.
- try:
- if (platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' and
- isinstance(self._kind, unicode)):
- # pypy/2.4.0_2/libexec/lib_pypy/, line 1131
- # TypeError: initializer for ctype 'char *' must be a str
- curses.setupterm(self._kind.encode('ascii'), self._init_descriptor)
- else:
- curses.setupterm(self._kind, self._init_descriptor)
- except curses.error as err:
- warnings.warn('Failed to setupterm(kind={0!r}): {1}'
- .format(self._kind, err))
- self._kind = None
- self._does_styling = False
- else:
- if _CUR_TERM is None or self._kind == _CUR_TERM:
- _CUR_TERM = self._kind
- else:
- warnings.warn(
- 'A terminal of kind "%s" has been requested; due to an'
- ' internal python curses bug, terminal capabilities'
- ' for a terminal of kind "%s" will continue to be'
- ' returned for the remainder of this process.' % (
- self._kind, _CUR_TERM,))
- for re_name, re_val in init_sequence_patterns(self).items():
- setattr(self, re_name, re_val)
- # build database of int code <=> KEY_NAME
- self._keycodes = get_keyboard_codes()
- # store attributes as: self.KEY_NAME = code
- for key_code, key_name in self._keycodes.items():
- setattr(self, key_name, key_code)
- # build database of sequence <=> KEY_NAME
- self._keymap = get_keyboard_sequences(self)
- self._keyboard_buf = collections.deque()
- if self.keyboard_fd is not None:
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
- self._encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() or 'ascii'
- try:
- self._keyboard_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder(
- self._encoding)()
- except LookupError as err:
- warnings.warn('%s, fallback to ASCII for keyboard.' % (err,))
- self._encoding = 'ascii'
- self._keyboard_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder(
- self._encoding)()
- = stream
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """Return a terminal capability as Unicode string.
- For example, ``term.bold`` is a unicode string that may be prepended
- to text to set the video attribute for bold, which should also be
- terminated with the pairing ``term.normal``.
- This capability is also callable, so you can use ``term.bold("hi")``
- which results in the joining of (term.bold, "hi", term.normal).
- Compound formatters may also be used, for example:
- ``term.bold_blink_red_on_green("merry x-mas!")``.
- For a parametrized capability such as ``cup`` (cursor_address), pass
- the parameters as arguments ``some_term.cup(line, column)``. See
- manual page terminfo(5) for a complete list of capabilities.
- """
- if not self.does_styling:
- return NullCallableString()
- val = resolve_attribute(self, attr)
- # Cache capability codes.
- setattr(self, attr, val)
- return val
- @property
- def kind(self):
- """Name of this terminal type as string."""
- return self._kind
- @property
- def does_styling(self):
- """Whether this instance will emit terminal sequences (bool)."""
- return self._does_styling
- @property
- def is_a_tty(self):
- """Whether the ``stream`` associated with this instance is a terminal
- (bool)."""
- return self._is_a_tty
- @property
- def height(self):
- """T.height -> int
- The height of the terminal in characters.
- """
- return self._height_and_width().ws_row
- @property
- def width(self):
- """T.width -> int
- The width of the terminal in characters.
- """
- return self._height_and_width().ws_col
- @staticmethod
- def _winsize(fd):
- """T._winsize -> WINSZ(ws_row, ws_col, ws_xpixel, ws_ypixel)
- The tty connected by file desriptor fd is queried for its window size,
- and returned as a collections.namedtuple instance WINSZ.
- May raise exception IOError.
- """
- if HAS_TTY:
- data = fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, WINSZ._BUF)
- return WINSZ(*struct.unpack(WINSZ._FMT, data))
- return WINSZ(ws_row=24, ws_col=80, ws_xpixel=0, ws_ypixel=0)
- def _height_and_width(self):
- """Return a tuple of (terminal height, terminal width).
- """
- # TODO(jquast): hey kids, even if stdout is redirected to a file,
- # we can still query sys.__stdin__.fileno() for our terminal size.
- # -- of course, if both are redirected, we have no use for this fd.
- for fd in (self._init_descriptor, sys.__stdout__):
- try:
- if fd is not None:
- return self._winsize(fd)
- except IOError:
- pass
- return WINSZ(ws_row=int(os.getenv('LINES', '25')),
- ws_col=int(os.getenv('COLUMNS', '80')),
- ws_xpixel=None,
- ws_ypixel=None)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def location(self, x=None, y=None):
- """Return a context manager for temporarily moving the cursor.
- Move the cursor to a certain position on entry, let you print stuff
- there, then return the cursor to its original position::
- term = Terminal()
- with term.location(2, 5):
- print 'Hello, world!'
- for x in xrange(10):
- print 'I can do it %i times!' % x
- Specify ``x`` to move to a certain column, ``y`` to move to a certain
- row, both, or neither. If you specify neither, only the saving and
- restoration of cursor position will happen. This can be useful if you
- simply want to restore your place after doing some manual cursor
- movement.
- """
- # Save position and move to the requested column, row, or both:
- if x is not None and y is not None:
-, x))
- elif x is not None:
- elif y is not None:
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- # Restore original cursor position:
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def fullscreen(self):
- """Return a context manager that enters fullscreen mode while inside it
- and restores normal mode on leaving.
- Fullscreen mode is characterized by instructing the terminal emulator
- to store and save the current screen state (all screen output), switch
- to "alternate screen". Upon exiting, the previous screen state is
- returned.
- This call may not be tested; only one screen state may be saved at a
- time.
- """
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def hidden_cursor(self):
- """Return a context manager that hides the cursor upon entering,
- and makes it visible again upon exiting."""
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- @property
- def color(self):
- """Returns capability that sets the foreground color.
- The capability is unparameterized until called and passed a number
- (0-15), at which point it returns another string which represents a
- specific color change. This second string can further be called to
- color a piece of text and set everything back to normal afterward.
- :arg num: The number, 0-15, of the color
- """
- if not self.does_styling:
- return NullCallableString()
- return ParameterizingString(self._foreground_color,
- self.normal, 'color')
- @property
- def on_color(self):
- "Returns capability that sets the background color."
- if not self.does_styling:
- return NullCallableString()
- return ParameterizingString(self._background_color,
- self.normal, 'on_color')
- @property
- def normal(self):
- "Returns sequence that resets video attribute."
- if self._normal:
- return self._normal
- self._normal = resolve_capability(self, 'normal')
- return self._normal
- @property
- def number_of_colors(self):
- """Return the number of colors the terminal supports.
- Common values are 0, 8, 16, 88, and 256. Most commonly
- this may be used to test color capabilities at all::
- if term.number_of_colors:
- ..."""
- # trim value to 0, as tigetnum('colors') returns -1 if no support,
- # -2 if no such capability.
- return max(0, self.does_styling and curses.tigetnum('colors') or -1)
- @property
- def _foreground_color(self):
- return self.setaf or self.setf
- @property
- def _background_color(self):
- return self.setab or self.setb
- def ljust(self, text, width=None, fillchar=u' '):
- """T.ljust(text, [width], [fillchar]) -> unicode
- Return string ``text``, left-justified by printable length ``width``.
- Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a
- space). Default ``width`` is the attached terminal's width. ``text``
- may contain terminal sequences."""
- if width is None:
- width = self.width
- return Sequence(text, self).ljust(width, fillchar)
- def rjust(self, text, width=None, fillchar=u' '):
- """T.rjust(text, [width], [fillchar]) -> unicode
- Return string ``text``, right-justified by printable length ``width``.
- Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a
- space). Default ``width`` is the attached terminal's width. ``text``
- may contain terminal sequences."""
- if width is None:
- width = self.width
- return Sequence(text, self).rjust(width, fillchar)
- def center(self, text, width=None, fillchar=u' '):
- """, [width], [fillchar]) -> unicode
- Return string ``text``, centered by printable length ``width``.
- Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a
- space). Default ``width`` is the attached terminal's width. ``text``
- may contain terminal sequences."""
- if width is None:
- width = self.width
- return Sequence(text, self).center(width, fillchar)
- def length(self, text):
- """T.length(text) -> int
- Return the printable length of string ``text``, which may contain
- terminal sequences. Strings containing sequences such as 'clear',
- which repositions the cursor, does not give accurate results, and
- their printable length is evaluated *0*..
- """
- return Sequence(text, self).length()
- def strip(self, text, chars=None):
- """T.strip(text) -> unicode
- Return string ``text`` with terminal sequences removed, and leading
- and trailing whitespace removed.
- """
- return Sequence(text, self).strip(chars)
- def rstrip(self, text, chars=None):
- """T.rstrip(text) -> unicode
- Return string ``text`` with terminal sequences and trailing whitespace
- removed.
- """
- return Sequence(text, self).rstrip(chars)
- def lstrip(self, text, chars=None):
- """T.lstrip(text) -> unicode
- Return string ``text`` with terminal sequences and leading whitespace
- removed.
- """
- return Sequence(text, self).lstrip(chars)
- def strip_seqs(self, text):
- """T.strip_seqs(text) -> unicode
- Return string ``text`` stripped only of its sequences.
- """
- return Sequence(text, self).strip_seqs()
- def wrap(self, text, width=None, **kwargs):
- """T.wrap(text, [width=None, **kwargs ..]) -> list[unicode]
- Wrap paragraphs containing escape sequences ``text`` to the full
- ``width`` of Terminal instance *T*, unless ``width`` is specified.
- Wrapped by the virtual printable length, irregardless of the video
- attribute sequences it may contain, allowing text containing colors,
- bold, underline, etc. to be wrapped.
- Returns a list of strings that may contain escape sequences. See
- ``textwrap.TextWrapper`` for all available additional kwargs to
- customize wrapping behavior such as ``subsequent_indent``.
- """
- width = self.width if width is None else width
- lines = []
- for line in text.splitlines():
- lines.extend(
- (_linewrap for _linewrap in SequenceTextWrapper(
- width=width, term=self, **kwargs).wrap(text))
- if line.strip() else (u'',))
- return lines
- def getch(self):
- """T.getch() -> unicode
- Read and decode next byte from keyboard stream. May return u''
- if decoding is not yet complete, or completed unicode character.
- Should always return bytes when self.kbhit() returns True.
- Implementors of input streams other than on the stdin fd
- should derive and override this method.
- """
- assert self.keyboard_fd is not None
- byte =, 1)
- return self._keyboard_decoder.decode(byte, final=False)
- def kbhit(self, timeout=None, _intr_continue=True):
- """T.kbhit([timeout=None]) -> bool
- Returns True if a keypress has been detected on keyboard.
- When ``timeout`` is 0, this call is non-blocking, Otherwise blocking
- until keypress is detected (default). When ``timeout`` is a positive
- number, returns after ``timeout`` seconds have elapsed.
- If input is not a terminal, False is always returned.
- """
- # Special care is taken to handle a custom SIGWINCH handler, which
- # causes select() to be interrupted with errno 4 (EAGAIN) --
- # it is ignored, and a new timeout value is derived from the previous,
- # unless timeout becomes negative, because signal handler has blocked
- # beyond timeout, then False is returned. Otherwise, when timeout is 0,
- # we continue to block indefinitely (default).
- stime = time.time()
- check_w, check_x, ready_r = [], [], [None, ]
- check_r = [self.keyboard_fd] if self.keyboard_fd is not None else []
- while HAS_TTY and True:
- try:
- ready_r, ready_w, ready_x =
- check_r, check_w, check_x, timeout)
- except InterruptedError:
- if not _intr_continue:
- return u''
- if timeout is not None:
- # subtract time already elapsed,
- timeout -= time.time() - stime
- if timeout > 0:
- continue
- # no time remains after handling exception (rare)
- ready_r = []
- break
- else:
- break
- return False if self.keyboard_fd is None else check_r == ready_r
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def cbreak(self):
- """Return a context manager that enters 'cbreak' mode: disabling line
- buffering of keyboard input, making characters typed by the user
- immediately available to the program. Also referred to as 'rare'
- mode, this is the opposite of 'cooked' mode, the default for most
- shells.
- In 'cbreak' mode, echo of input is also disabled: the application must
- explicitly print any input received, if they so wish.
- More information can be found in the manual page for curses.h,
- The python manual for curses,
- Note also that setcbreak sets VMIN = 1 and VTIME = 0,
- """
- if HAS_TTY and self.keyboard_fd is not None:
- # save current terminal mode,
- save_mode = termios.tcgetattr(self.keyboard_fd)
- tty.setcbreak(self.keyboard_fd, termios.TCSANOW)
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- # restore prior mode,
- termios.tcsetattr(self.keyboard_fd,
- termios.TCSAFLUSH,
- save_mode)
- else:
- yield
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def raw(self):
- """Return a context manager that enters *raw* mode. Raw mode is
- similar to *cbreak* mode, in that characters typed are immediately
- available to ``inkey()`` with one exception: the interrupt, quit,
- suspend, and flow control characters are all passed through as their
- raw character values instead of generating a signal.
- """
- if HAS_TTY and self.keyboard_fd is not None:
- # save current terminal mode,
- save_mode = termios.tcgetattr(self.keyboard_fd)
- tty.setraw(self.keyboard_fd, termios.TCSANOW)
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- # restore prior mode,
- termios.tcsetattr(self.keyboard_fd,
- termios.TCSAFLUSH,
- save_mode)
- else:
- yield
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def keypad(self):
- """
- Context manager that enables keypad input (*keyboard_transmit* mode).
- This enables the effect of calling the curses function keypad(3x):
- display terminfo(5) capability `keypad_xmit` (smkx) upon entering,
- and terminfo(5) capability `keypad_local` (rmkx) upon exiting.
- On an IBM-PC keypad of ttype *xterm*, with numlock off, the
- lower-left diagonal key transmits sequence ``\\x1b[F``, ``KEY_END``.
- However, upon entering keypad mode, ``\\x1b[OF`` is transmitted,
- translating to ``KEY_LL`` (lower-left key), allowing diagonal
- direction keys to be determined.
- """
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- def inkey(self, timeout=None, esc_delay=0.35, _intr_continue=True):
- """T.inkey(timeout=None, [esc_delay, [_intr_continue]]) -> Keypress()
- Receive next keystroke from keyboard (stdin), blocking until a
- keypress is received or ``timeout`` elapsed, if specified.
- When used without the context manager ``cbreak``, stdin remains
- line-buffered, and this function will block until return is pressed,
- even though only one unicode character is returned at a time..
- The value returned is an instance of ``Keystroke``, with properties
- ``is_sequence``, and, when True, non-None values for attributes
- ``code`` and ``name``. The value of ``code`` may be compared against
- attributes of this terminal beginning with *KEY*, such as
- To distinguish between ``KEY_ESCAPE``, and sequences beginning with
- escape, the ``esc_delay`` specifies the amount of time after receiving
- the escape character (chr(27)) to seek for the completion
- of other application keys before returning ``KEY_ESCAPE``.
- Normally, when this function is interrupted by a signal, such as the
- installment of SIGWINCH, this function will ignore this interruption
- and continue to poll for input up to the ``timeout`` specified. If
- you'd rather this function return ``u''`` early, specify a value
- of ``False`` for ``_intr_continue``.
- """
- # TODO(jquast): "meta sends escape", where alt+1 would send '\x1b1',
- # what do we do with that? Surely, something useful.
- # comparator to term.KEY_meta('x') ?
- # TODO(jquast): Ctrl characters, KEY_CTRL_[A-Z], and the rest;
- # KEY_CTRL_\, KEY_CTRL_{, etc. are not legitimate
- # attributes. comparator to term.KEY_ctrl('z') ?
- def _timeleft(stime, timeout):
- """_timeleft(stime, timeout) -> float
- Returns time-relative time remaining before ``timeout``
- after time elapsed since ``stime``.
- """
- if timeout is not None:
- if timeout is 0:
- return 0
- return max(0, timeout - (time.time() - stime))
- resolve = functools.partial(resolve_sequence,
- mapper=self._keymap,
- codes=self._keycodes)
- stime = time.time()
- # re-buffer previously received keystrokes,
- ucs = u''
- while self._keyboard_buf:
- ucs += self._keyboard_buf.pop()
- # receive all immediately available bytes
- while self.kbhit(0):
- ucs += self.getch()
- # decode keystroke, if any
- ks = resolve(text=ucs)
- # so long as the most immediately received or buffered keystroke is
- # incomplete, (which may be a multibyte encoding), block until until
- # one is received.
- while not ks and self.kbhit(_timeleft(stime, timeout), _intr_continue):
- ucs += self.getch()
- ks = resolve(text=ucs)
- # handle escape key (KEY_ESCAPE) vs. escape sequence (which begins
- # with KEY_ESCAPE, \x1b[, \x1bO, or \x1b?), up to esc_delay when
- # received. This is not optimal, but causes least delay when
- # (currently unhandled, and rare) "meta sends escape" is used,
- # or when an unsupported sequence is sent.
- if ks.code is self.KEY_ESCAPE:
- esctime = time.time()
- while (ks.code is self.KEY_ESCAPE and
- self.kbhit(_timeleft(esctime, esc_delay))):
- ucs += self.getch()
- ks = resolve(text=ucs)
- # buffer any remaining text received
- self._keyboard_buf.extendleft(ucs[len(ks):])
- return ks
-# From libcurses/doc/ncurses-intro.html (ESR, Thomas Dickey, et. al):
-# "After the call to setupterm(), the global variable cur_term is set to
-# point to the current structure of terminal capabilities. By calling
-# setupterm() for each terminal, and saving and restoring cur_term, it
-# is possible for a program to use two or more terminals at once."
-# However, if you study Python's ./Modules/_cursesmodule.c, you'll find:
-# if (!initialised_setupterm && setupterm(termstr,fd,&err) == ERR) {
-# Python - perhaps wrongly - will not allow for re-initialisation of new
-# terminals through setupterm(), so the value of cur_term cannot be changed
-# once set: subsequent calls to setupterm() have no effect.
-# Therefore, the ``kind`` of each Terminal() is, in essence, a singleton.
-# This global variable reflects that, and a warning is emitted if somebody
-# expects otherwise.
-_CUR_TERM = None
-WINSZ = collections.namedtuple('WINSZ', (
- 'ws_row', # /* rows, in characters */
- 'ws_col', # /* columns, in characters */
- 'ws_xpixel', # /* horizontal size, pixels */
- 'ws_ypixel', # /* vertical size, pixels */
-#: format of termios structure
-WINSZ._FMT = 'hhhh'
-#: buffer of termios structure appropriate for ioctl argument
-WINSZ._BUF = '\x00' * struct.calcsize(WINSZ._FMT)