path: root/blessings/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blessings/tests/')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blessings/tests/ b/blessings/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42a52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blessings/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Tests for Terminal() sequences and sequence-awareness."""
+# std imports
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from io import StringIO
+import platform
+import random
+import sys
+import os
+# local
+from .accessories import (
+ unsupported_sequence_terminals,
+ all_terms,
+ as_subprocess,
+ TestTerminal,
+ unicode_parm,
+ many_columns,
+ unicode_cap,
+# 3rd-party
+import pytest
+import mock
+def test_capability():
+ """Check that capability lookup works."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child():
+ # Also test that Terminal grabs a reasonable default stream. This test
+ # assumes it will be run from a tty.
+ t = TestTerminal()
+ sc = unicode_cap('sc')
+ assert == sc
+ assert == sc # Make sure caching doesn't screw it up.
+ child()
+def test_capability_without_tty():
+ """Assert capability templates are '' when stream is not a tty."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child():
+ t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO())
+ assert == u''
+ assert == u''
+ child()
+def test_capability_with_forced_tty():
+ """force styling should return sequences even for non-ttys."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child():
+ t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ assert == unicode_cap('sc')
+ child()
+def test_parametrization():
+ """Test parameterizing a capability."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child():
+ assert TestTerminal().cup(3, 4) == unicode_parm('cup', 3, 4)
+ child()
+def test_height_and_width():
+ """Assert that ``height_and_width()`` returns full integers."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child():
+ t = TestTerminal() # kind shouldn't matter.
+ assert isinstance(t.height, int)
+ assert isinstance(t.width, int)
+ child()
+def test_stream_attr():
+ """Make sure Terminal ``stream`` is stdout by default."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child():
+ assert TestTerminal().stream == sys.__stdout__
+ child()
+@pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get('TRAVIS', None) is not None,
+ reason="travis-ci does not have binary-packed terminals.")
+def test_emit_warnings_about_binpacked():
+ """Test known binary-packed terminals (kermit, avatar) emit a warning."""
+ from blessings.sequences import _BINTERM_UNSUPPORTED_MSG
+ from blessings._binterms import binary_terminals
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ import warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=RuntimeWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=UserWarning)
+ try:
+ TestTerminal(kind=kind, force_styling=True)
+ except UserWarning:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert (err.args[0] == _BINTERM_UNSUPPORTED_MSG.format(kind) or
+ err.args[0].startswith('Unknown parameter in ') or
+ err.args[0].startswith('Failed to setupterm(')
+ ), err
+ else:
+ assert 'warnings should have been emitted.'
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+ # any binary terminal should do.
+ child(binary_terminals[random.randrange(len(binary_terminals))])
+def test_unit_binpacked_unittest():
+ """Unit Test known binary-packed terminals emit a warning (travis-safe)."""
+ import warnings
+ from blessings._binterms import binary_terminals
+ from blessings.sequences import (_BINTERM_UNSUPPORTED_MSG,
+ init_sequence_patterns)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=UserWarning)
+ term = mock.Mock()
+ term.kind = binary_terminals[random.randrange(len(binary_terminals))]
+ try:
+ init_sequence_patterns(term)
+ except UserWarning:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert err.args[0] == _BINTERM_UNSUPPORTED_MSG.format(term.kind)
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Previous stmt should have raised exception.'
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+def test_merge_sequences():
+ """Test sequences are filtered and ordered longest-first."""
+ from blessings.sequences import _merge_sequences
+ input_list = [u'a', u'aa', u'aaa', u'']
+ output_expected = [u'aaa', u'aa', u'a']
+ assert (_merge_sequences(input_list) == output_expected)
+def test_location_with_styling(all_terms):
+ """Make sure ``location()`` works on all terminals."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child_with_styling(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ with t.location(3, 4):
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (unicode_cap('sc'),
+ unicode_parm('cup', 4, 3),
+ u'hi', unicode_cap('rc')))
+ assert ( == expected_output)
+ child_with_styling(all_terms)
+def test_location_without_styling():
+ """Make sure ``location()`` silently passes without styling."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child_without_styling():
+ """No side effect for location as a context manager without styling."""
+ t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), force_styling=None)
+ with t.location(3, 4):
+ assert == u'hi'
+ child_without_styling()
+def test_horizontal_location(all_terms):
+ """Make sure we can move the cursor horizontally without changing rows."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ with t.location(x=5):
+ pass
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (unicode_cap('sc'),
+ unicode_parm('hpa', 5),
+ unicode_cap('rc')))
+ assert ( == expected_output), (
+ repr(, repr(expected_output))
+ # skip 'screen', hpa is proxied (see later tests)
+ if all_terms != 'screen':
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_vertical_location(all_terms):
+ """Make sure we can move the cursor horizontally without changing rows."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ with t.location(y=5):
+ pass
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (unicode_cap('sc'),
+ unicode_parm('vpa', 5),
+ unicode_cap('rc')))
+ assert ( == expected_output)
+ # skip 'screen', vpa is proxied (see later tests)
+ if all_terms != 'screen':
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_inject_move_x():
+ """Test injection of hpa attribute for screen/ansi (issue #55)."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ COL = 5
+ with t.location(x=COL):
+ pass
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (unicode_cap('sc'),
+ u'\x1b[{0}G'.format(COL + 1),
+ unicode_cap('rc')))
+ assert ( == expected_output)
+ assert (t.move_x(COL) == u'\x1b[{0}G'.format(COL + 1))
+ child('screen')
+ child('screen-256color')
+ child('ansi')
+def test_inject_move_y():
+ """Test injection of vpa attribute for screen/ansi (issue #55)."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ ROW = 5
+ with t.location(y=ROW):
+ pass
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (unicode_cap('sc'),
+ u'\x1b[{0}d'.format(ROW + 1),
+ unicode_cap('rc')))
+ assert ( == expected_output)
+ assert (t.move_y(ROW) == u'\x1b[{0}d'.format(ROW + 1))
+ child('screen')
+ child('screen-256color')
+ child('ansi')
+def test_inject_civis_and_cnorm_for_ansi():
+ """Test injection of cvis attribute for ansi."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ with t.hidden_cursor():
+ pass
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (unicode_cap('sc'),
+ u'\x1b[?25l\x1b[?25h',
+ unicode_cap('rc')))
+ assert ( == expected_output)
+ child('ansi')
+def test_zero_location(all_terms):
+ """Make sure ``location()`` pays attention to 0-valued args."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=True)
+ with t.location(0, 0):
+ pass
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (unicode_cap('sc'),
+ unicode_parm('cup', 0, 0),
+ unicode_cap('rc')))
+ assert ( == expected_output)
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_mnemonic_colors(all_terms):
+ """Make sure color shortcuts work."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ def color(t, num):
+ return t.number_of_colors and unicode_parm('setaf', num) or ''
+ def on_color(t, num):
+ return t.number_of_colors and unicode_parm('setab', num) or ''
+ # Avoid testing red, blue, yellow, and cyan, since they might someday
+ # change depending on terminal type.
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind)
+ assert (t.white == color(t, 7))
+ assert ( == color(t, 2)) # Make sure it's different than white.
+ assert (t.on_black == on_color(t, 0))
+ assert (t.on_green == on_color(t, 2))
+ assert (t.bright_black == color(t, 8))
+ assert (t.bright_green == color(t, 10))
+ assert (t.on_bright_black == on_color(t, 8))
+ assert (t.on_bright_green == on_color(t, 10))
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_callable_numeric_colors(all_terms):
+ """``color(n)`` should return a formatting wrapper."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind)
+ if t.magenta:
+ assert t.color(5)('smoo') == t.magenta + 'smoo' + t.normal
+ else:
+ assert t.color(5)('smoo') == 'smoo'
+ if t.on_magenta:
+ assert t.on_color(5)('smoo') == t.on_magenta + 'smoo' + t.normal
+ else:
+ assert t.color(5)(u'smoo') == 'smoo'
+ if t.color(4):
+ assert t.color(4)(u'smoo') == t.color(4) + u'smoo' + t.normal
+ else:
+ assert t.color(4)(u'smoo') == 'smoo'
+ if t.on_green:
+ assert t.on_color(2)('smoo') == t.on_green + u'smoo' + t.normal
+ else:
+ assert t.on_color(2)('smoo') == 'smoo'
+ if t.on_color(6):
+ assert t.on_color(6)('smoo') == t.on_color(6) + u'smoo' + t.normal
+ else:
+ assert t.on_color(6)('smoo') == 'smoo'
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_null_callable_numeric_colors(all_terms):
+ """``color(n)`` should be a no-op on null terminals."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), kind=kind)
+ assert (t.color(5)('smoo') == 'smoo')
+ assert (t.on_color(6)('smoo') == 'smoo')
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_naked_color_cap(all_terms):
+ """``term.color`` should return a stringlike capability."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind)
+ assert (t.color + '' == t.setaf + '')
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_formatting_functions(all_terms):
+ """Test simple and compound formatting wrappers."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind)
+ # test simple sugar,
+ if t.bold:
+ expected_output = u''.join((t.bold, u'hi', t.normal))
+ else:
+ expected_output = u'hi'
+ assert t.bold(u'hi') == expected_output
+ # Plain strs for Python 2.x
+ if
+ expected_output = u''.join((, 'hi', t.normal))
+ else:
+ expected_output = u'hi'
+ assert'hi') == expected_output
+ # Test unicode
+ if t.underline:
+ expected_output = u''.join((t.underline, u'boö', t.normal))
+ else:
+ expected_output = u'boö'
+ assert (t.underline(u'boö') == expected_output)
+ if t.subscript:
+ expected_output = u''.join((t.subscript, u'[1]', t.normal))
+ else:
+ expected_output = u'[1]'
+ assert (t.subscript(u'[1]') == expected_output)
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_compound_formatting(all_terms):
+ """Test simple and compound formatting wrappers."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind)
+ if any((t.bold,
+ expected_output = u''.join((t.bold,, u'boö', t.normal))
+ else:
+ expected_output = u'boö'
+ assert t.bold_green(u'boö') == expected_output
+ if any((t.on_bright_red, t.bold, t.bright_green, t.underline)):
+ expected_output = u''.join(
+ (t.on_bright_red, t.bold, t.bright_green, t.underline, u'meh',
+ t.normal))
+ else:
+ expected_output = u'meh'
+ assert (t.on_bright_red_bold_bright_green_underline('meh')
+ == expected_output)
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_formatting_functions_without_tty(all_terms):
+ """Test crazy-ass formatting wrappers when there's no tty."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind, stream=StringIO(), force_styling=False)
+ assert (t.bold(u'hi') == u'hi')
+ assert ('hi') == u'hi')
+ # Test non-ASCII chars, no longer really necessary:
+ assert (t.bold_green(u'boö') == u'boö')
+ assert (t.bold_underline_green_on_red('loo') == u'loo')
+ assert (t.on_bright_red_bold_bright_green_underline('meh') == u'meh')
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_nice_formatting_errors(all_terms):
+ """Make sure you get nice hints if you misspell a formatting wrapper."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(kind=kind)
+ try:
+ t.bold_misspelled('hey')
+ assert not t.is_a_tty or False, 'Should have thrown exception'
+ except TypeError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert 'probably misspelled' in e.args[0]
+ try:
+ t.bold_misspelled(u'hey') # unicode
+ assert not t.is_a_tty or False, 'Should have thrown exception'
+ except TypeError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert 'probably misspelled' in e.args[0]
+ try:
+ t.bold_misspelled(None) # an arbitrary non-string
+ assert not t.is_a_tty or False, 'Should have thrown exception'
+ except TypeError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert 'probably misspelled' not in e.args[0]
+ if platform.python_implementation() != 'PyPy':
+ # PyPy fails to toss an exception, Why?!
+ try:
+ t.bold_misspelled('a', 'b') # >1 string arg
+ assert not t.is_a_tty or False, 'Should have thrown exception'
+ except TypeError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert 'probably misspelled' in e.args[0], e.args
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_null_callable_string(all_terms):
+ """Make sure NullCallableString tolerates all kinds of args."""
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child(kind):
+ t = TestTerminal(stream=StringIO(), kind=kind)
+ assert (t.clear == '')
+ assert (t.move(1 == 2) == '')
+ assert (t.move_x(1) == '')
+ assert (t.bold() == '')
+ assert (t.bold('', 'x', 'huh?') == '')
+ assert (t.bold('', 9876) == '')
+ assert (t.uhh(9876) == '')
+ assert (t.clear('x') == 'x')
+ child(all_terms)
+def test_bnc_parameter_emits_warning():
+ """A fake capability without target digits emits a warning."""
+ import warnings
+ from blessings.sequences import _build_numeric_capability
+ # given,
+ warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=UserWarning)
+ term = mock.Mock()
+ fake_cap = lambda *args: u'NO-DIGIT'
+ term.fake_cap = fake_cap
+ # excersize,
+ try:
+ _build_numeric_capability(term, 'fake_cap', base_num=1984)
+ except UserWarning:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert err.args[0].startswith('Unknown parameter in ')
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Previous stmt should have raised exception.'
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+def test_bna_parameter_emits_warning():
+ """A fake capability without any digits emits a warning."""
+ import warnings
+ from blessings.sequences import _build_any_numeric_capability
+ # given,
+ warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=UserWarning)
+ term = mock.Mock()
+ fake_cap = lambda *args: 'NO-DIGIT'
+ term.fake_cap = fake_cap
+ # excersize,
+ try:
+ _build_any_numeric_capability(term, 'fake_cap')
+ except UserWarning:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ assert err.args[0].startswith('Missing numerics in ')
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Previous stmt should have raised exception.'
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+def test_padd():
+ """ Test terminal.padd(seq). """
+ @as_subprocess
+ def child():
+ from blessings.sequences import Sequence
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal('xterm-256color')
+ assert Sequence('xyz\b', term).padd() == u'xy'
+ assert Sequence('xxxx\x1b[3Dzz', term).padd() == u'xzz'
+ child()