path: root/docs/overview.rst
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1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/overview.rst b/docs/overview.rst
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+Blessings provides just **one** top-level object: *Terminal*. Instantiating a
+*Terminal* figures out whether you're on a terminal at all and, if so, does
+any necessary setup. After that, you can proceed to ask it all sorts of things
+about the terminal, such as its size and color support, and use its styling
+to construct strings containing color and styling. Also, the special sequences
+inserted with application keys (arrow and function keys) are understood and
+decoded, as well as your locale-specific encoded multibyte input, such as
+utf-8 characters.
+Simple Formatting
+Lots of handy formatting codes are available as attributes on a *Terminal* class
+instance. For example::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ print('I am ' + term.bold + 'bold' + term.normal + '!')
+These capabilities (*bold*, *normal*) are translated to their sequences, which
+when displayed simply change the video attributes. And, when used as a callable,
+automatically wraps the given string with this sequence, and terminates it with
+The same can be written as::
+ print('I am' + term.bold('bold') + '!')
+You may also use the *Terminal* instance as an argument for ``.format`` string
+method, so that capabilities can be displayed in-line for more complex strings::
+ print('{t.red_on_yellow}Candy corn{t.normal} for everyone!'.format(t=term))
+The basic capabilities supported by most terminals are:
+ Turn on 'extra bright' mode.
+ Switch fore and background attributes.
+ Turn on blinking.
+ Reset attributes to default.
+The less commonly supported capabilities:
+ Enable half-bright mode.
+ Enable underline mode.
+ Exit underline mode.
+ Enable italicized text.
+ Exit italics.
+ Enable shadow text mode (rare).
+ Exit shadow text mode.
+ Enable standout mode (often, an alias for ``reverse``.).
+ Exit standout mode.
+ Enable subscript mode.
+ Exit subscript mode.
+ Enable superscript mode.
+ Exit superscript mode.
+ Visual bell, flashes the screen.
+Note that, while the inverse of *underline* is *no_underline*, the only way
+to turn off *bold* or *reverse* is *normal*, which also cancels any custom
+Many of these are aliases, their true capability names (such as 'smul' for
+'begin underline mode') may still be used. Any capability in the `terminfo(5)`_
+manual, under column **Cap-name**, may be used as an attribute to a *Terminal*
+instance. If it is not a supported capability, or a non-tty is used as an
+output stream, an empty string is returned.
+Color terminals are capable of at least 8 basic colors.
+* ``black``
+* ``red``
+* ``green``
+* ``yellow``
+* ``blue``
+* ``magenta``
+* ``cyan``
+* ``white``
+The same colors, prefixed with *bright_* (synonymous with *bold_*),
+such as *bright_blue*, provides 16 colors in total.
+The same colors, prefixed with *on_* sets the background color, some
+terminals also provide an additional 8 high-intensity versions using
+*on_bright*, some example compound formats::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ print(term.on_bright_blue('Blue skies!'))
+ print(term.bright_red_on_bright_yellow('Pepperoni Pizza!'))
+There is also a numerical interface to colors, which takes an integer from
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ for n in range(16):
+ print(term.color(n)('Color {}'.format(n)))
+If the terminal defined by the **TERM** environment variable does not support
+colors, these simply return empty strings, or the string passed as an argument
+when used as a callable, without any video attributes. If the **TERM** defines
+a terminal that does support colors, but actually does not, they are usually
+Colorless terminals, such as the amber or green monochrome *vt220*, do not
+support colors but do support reverse video. For this reason, it may be
+desirable in some applications, such as a selection bar, to simply select
+a foreground color, followed by reverse video to achieve the desired
+background color effect::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ print('some terminals {standout} more than others'.format(
+ standout=term.green_reverse('standout')))
+Which appears as *bright white on green* on color terminals, or *black text
+on amber or green* on monochrome terminals.
+You can check whether the terminal definition used supports colors, and how
+many, using the ``number_of_colors`` property, which returns any of *0*,
+*8* or *256* for terminal types such as *vt220*, *ansi*, and
+*xterm-256color*, respectively.
+**NOTE**: On most color terminals, unlink *black*, *bright_black* is not
+invisible -- it is actually a very dark shade of gray!
+Compound Formatting
+If you want to do lots of crazy formatting all at once, you can just mash it
+all together::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ print(term.bold_underline_green_on_yellow('Woo'))
+I'd be remiss if I didn't credit couleur_, where I probably got the idea for
+all this mashing. This compound notation comes in handy if you want to allow
+users to customize formatting, just allow compound formatters, like *bold_green*,
+as a command line argument or configuration item::
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='displays argument as specified style')
+ parser.add_argument('style', type=str, help='style formatter')
+ parser.add_argument('text', type=str, nargs='+')
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ style = getattr(term,
+ print(style(' '.join(args.text)))
+Saved as ****, this could be called simply::
+ $ ./ bright_blue_reverse Blue Skies
+Moving The Cursor
+When you want to move the cursor, you have a few choices, the
+``location(x=None, y=None)`` context manager, ``move(y, x)``, ``move_y(row)``,
+and ``move_x(col)`` attributes.
+**NOTE**: The ``location()`` method receives arguments in form of *(x, y)*,
+whereas the ``move()`` argument receives arguments in form of *(y, x)*. This
+is a flaw in the original `erikrose/blessings`_ implementation, but remains
+for compatibility.
+Moving Temporarily
+A context manager, ``location()`` is provided to move the cursor to an
+*(x, y)* screen position and restore the previous position upon exit::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ with term.location(0, term.height - 1):
+ print('Here is the bottom.')
+ print('This is back where I came from.')
+Parameters to ``location()`` are **optional** *x* and/or *y*::
+ with term.location(y=10):
+ print('We changed just the row.')
+When omitted, it saves the cursor position and restore it upon exit::
+ with term.location():
+ print(term.move(1, 1) + 'Hi')
+ print(term.move(9, 9) + 'Mom')
+**NOTE**: calls to ``location()`` may not be nested, as only one location
+may be saved.
+Moving Permanently
+If you just want to move and aren't worried about returning, do something like
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ print(term.move(10, 1) + 'Hi, mom!')
+ Position the cursor, parameter in form of *(y, x)*
+ Position the cursor at given horizontal column.
+ Position the cursor at given vertical column.
+One-Notch Movement
+Finally, there are some parameterless movement capabilities that move the
+cursor one character in various directions:
+* ``move_left``
+* ``move_right``
+* ``move_up``
+* ``move_down``
+**NOTE**: *move_down* is often valued as *\\n*, which additionally returns
+the carriage to column 0, depending on your terminal emulator.
+Height And Width
+Use the *height* and *width* properties of the *Terminal* class instance::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ height, width = term.height, term.width
+ with term.location(x=term.width / 3, y=term.height / 3):
+ print('1/3 ways in!')
+These are always current, so they may be used with a callback from SIGWINCH_ signals.::
+ import signal
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ def on_resize(sig, action):
+ print('height={t.height}, width={t.width}'.format(t=term))
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, on_resize)
+ term.inkey()
+Clearing The Screen
+Blessings provides syntactic sugar over some screen-clearing capabilities:
+ Clear the whole screen.
+ Clear to the end of the line.
+ Clear backward to the beginning of the line.
+ Clear to the end of screen.
+Full-Screen Mode
+If you've ever noticed a program, such as an editor, restores the previous
+screen (such as your shell prompt) after exiting, you're seeing the
+*enter_fullscreen* and *exit_fullscreen* attributes in effect.
+ Switch to alternate screen, previous screen is stored by terminal driver.
+ Switch back to standard screen, restoring the same terminal state.
+There's also a context manager you can use as a shortcut::
+ from __future__ import division
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ with term.fullscreen():
+ print(term.move_y(term.height // 2) +
+'press any key').rstrip())
+ term.inkey()
+Pipe Savvy
+If your program isn't attached to a terminal, such as piped to a program
+like *less(1)* or redirected to a file, all the capability attributes on
+*Terminal* will return empty strings. You'll get a nice-looking file without
+any formatting codes gumming up the works.
+If you want to override this, such as when piping output to ``less -r``, pass
+argument ``force_styling=True`` to the *Terminal* constructor.
+In any case, there is a *does_styling* attribute on *Terminal* that lets
+you see whether the terminal attached to the output stream is capable of
+formatting. If it is *False*, you may refrain from drawing progress
+bars and other frippery and just stick to content::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ if term.does_styling:
+ with term.location(x=0, y=term.height - 1):
+ print('Progress: [=======> ]')
+ print(term.bold('Important stuff'))
+Sequence Awareness
+Blessings may measure the printable width of strings containing sequences,
+providing ``.center``, ``.ljust``, and ``.rjust`` methods, using the
+terminal screen's width as the default *width* value::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ with term.location(y=term.height / 2):
+ print ('X'))
+Any string containing sequences may have its printable length measured using the
+``.length`` method. Additionally, ``textwrap.wrap()`` is supplied on the Terminal
+class as method ``.wrap`` method that is also sequence-aware, so now you may
+word-wrap strings containing sequences. The following example displays a poem
+from Tao Te Ching, word-wrapped to 25 columns::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ term = Terminal()
+ poem = (term.bold_blue('Plan difficult tasks'),
+'through the simplest tasks'),
+ term.bold_cyan('Achieve large tasks'),
+ term.cyan('through the smallest tasks'))
+ for line in poem:
+ print('\n'.join(term.wrap(line, width=25, subsequent_indent=' ' * 4)))
+Keyboard Input
+The built-in python function ``raw_input`` function does not return a value until
+the return key is pressed, and is not suitable for detecting each individual
+keypress, much less arrow or function keys that emit multibyte sequences.
+Special `termios(4)`_ routines are required to enter Non-canonical mode, known
+in curses as `cbreak(3)`_. When calling read on input stream, only bytes are
+received, which must be decoded to unicode.
+Blessings handles all of these special cases!!
+The context manager ``cbreak`` can be used to enter *key-at-a-time* mode: Any
+keypress by the user is immediately consumed by read calls::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ import sys
+ t = Terminal()
+ with t.cbreak():
+ # blocks until any key is pressed.
+The context manager ``raw`` is the same as ``cbreak``, except interrupt (^C),
+quit (^\\), suspend (^Z), and flow control (^S, ^Q) characters are not trapped,
+but instead sent directly as their natural character. This is necessary if you
+actually want to handle the receipt of Ctrl+C
+The method ``inkey`` resolves many issues with terminal input by returning
+a unicode-derived *Keypress* instance. Although its return value may be
+printed, joined with, or compared to other unicode strings, it also provides
+the special attributes ``is_sequence`` (bool), ``code`` (int),
+and ``name`` (str)::
+ from blessings import Terminal
+ t = Terminal()
+ print("press 'q' to quit.")
+ with t.cbreak():
+ val = None
+ while val not in (u'q', u'Q',):
+ val = t.inkey(timeout=5)
+ if not val:
+ # timeout
+ print("It sure is quiet in here ...")
+ elif val.is_sequence:
+ print("got sequence: {}.".format((str(val),, val.code)))
+ elif val:
+ print("got {}.".format(val))
+ print('bye!')
+Its output might appear as::
+ got sequence: ('\x1b[A', 'KEY_UP', 259).
+ got sequence: ('\x1b[1;2A', 'KEY_SUP', 337).
+ got sequence: ('\x1b[17~', 'KEY_F6', 270).
+ got sequence: ('\x1b', 'KEY_ESCAPE', 361).
+ got sequence: ('\n', 'KEY_ENTER', 343).
+ got /.
+ It sure is quiet in here ...
+ got sequence: ('\x1bOP', 'KEY_F1', 265).
+ It sure is quiet in here ...
+ got q.
+ bye!
+A ``timeout`` value of *None* (default) will block forever. Any other value
+specifies the length of time to poll for input, if no input is received after
+such time has elapsed, an empty string is returned. A ``timeout`` value of *0*
+is non-blocking.
+keyboard codes
+The return value of the *Terminal* method ``inkey`` is an instance of the
+class ``Keystroke``, and may be inspected for its property ``is_sequence``
+(bool). When *True*, the value is a **multibyte sequence**, representing
+a special non-alphanumeric key of your keyboard.
+The ``code`` property (int) may then be compared with attributes of
+*Terminal*, which are duplicated from those seen in the manpage
+`curs_getch(3)`_ or the curses_ module, with the following helpful
+* use ``KEY_DELETE`` for ``KEY_DC`` (chr(127)).
+* use ``KEY_TAB`` for chr(9).
+* use ``KEY_INSERT`` for ``KEY_IC``.
+* use ``KEY_PGUP`` for ``KEY_PPAGE``.
+* use ``KEY_PGDOWN`` for ``KEY_NPAGE``.
+* use ``KEY_ESCAPE`` for ``KEY_EXIT``.
+* use ``KEY_SUP`` for ``KEY_SR`` (shift + up).
+* use ``KEY_SDOWN`` for ``KEY_SF`` (shift + down).
+* use ``KEY_DOWN_LEFT`` for ``KEY_C1`` (keypad lower-left).
+* use ``KEY_UP_RIGHT`` for ``KEY_A1`` (keypad upper-left).
+* use ``KEY_DOWN_RIGHT`` for ``KEY_C3`` (keypad lower-left).
+* use ``KEY_UP_RIGHT`` for ``KEY_A3`` (keypad lower-right).
+* use ``KEY_CENTER`` for ``KEY_B2`` (keypad center).
+* use ``KEY_BEGIN`` for ``KEY_BEG``.
+The *name* property of the return value of ``inkey()`` will prefer
+these aliases over the built-in curses_ names.
+The following are **not** available in the curses_ module, but
+provided for keypad support, especially where the ``keypad()``
+context manager is used:
+* ``KEY_KP_ADD``
+* ``KEY_KP_0`` through ``KEY_KP_9``
+.. _`erikrose/blessings`:
+.. _curses:
+.. _couleur:
+.. _wcwidth:
+.. _`cbreak(3)`:
+.. _`curs_getch(3)`:
+.. _`termios(4)`:
+.. _`terminfo(5)`:
+.. _tparm:
+.. _`API Documentation`:
+.. _`PDCurses`:
+.. _`ansi`: