#!/usr/bin/env python """ A Dumb full-screen editor. This program demonstrates how to deal with the keypad for directional movement. It is a very dumb and naive full-screen editor. It can be saved to a file using ^S, which demonstrates using keystroke_input with parameter raw=True. """ # My favorite quote, from a former assembly programmer learning # python with blessings, "Why wont python let me read memory # from screen like assembler? That's dumb." -xzip!impure from __future__ import division, print_function import collections import functools import string from blessings import Terminal # python 2/3 compatibility, provide 'echo' function as an # alias for "print without newline and flush" try: # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Invalid constant name "echo" echo = functools.partial(print, end='', flush=True) echo(u'') except TypeError: # TypeError: 'flush' is an invalid keyword argument for this function import sys def echo(text): """Display ``text`` and flush output.""" sys.stdout.write(u'{}'.format(text)) sys.stdout.flush() def echo_yx(cursor, text): """Move to ``cursor`` and display ``text``.""" echo(cursor.term.move(cursor.y, cursor.x) + text) Cursor = collections.namedtuple('Point', ('y', 'x', 'term')) def readline(term, width=20): """A rudimentary readline implementation.""" text = u'' while True: inp = term.keystroke() if inp.code == term.KEY_ENTER: break elif inp.code == term.KEY_ESCAPE or inp == chr(3): text = None break elif not inp.is_sequence and len(text) < width: text += inp echo(inp) elif inp.code in (term.KEY_BACKSPACE, term.KEY_DELETE): text = text[:-1] echo(u'\b \b') return text def save(screen, fname): """Save screen contents to file.""" if not fname: return with open(fname, 'w') as fout: cur_row = cur_col = 0 for (row, col) in sorted(screen): char = screen[(row, col)] while row != cur_row: cur_row += 1 cur_col = 0 fout.write(u'\n') while col > cur_col: cur_col += 1 fout.write(u' ') fout.write(char) cur_col += 1 fout.write(u'\n') def redraw(term, screen, start=None, end=None): """Redraw the screen.""" if start is None and end is None: echo(term.clear) start, end = (Cursor(y=min([y for (y, x) in screen or [(0, 0)]]), x=min([x for (y, x) in screen or [(0, 0)]]), term=term), Cursor(y=max([y for (y, x) in screen or [(0, 0)]]), x=max([x for (y, x) in screen or [(0, 0)]]), term=term)) lastcol, lastrow = -1, -1 for row, col in sorted(screen): if (row >= start.y and row <= end.y and col >= start.x and col <= end.x): if col >= term.width or row >= term.height: # out of bounds continue if not (row == lastrow and col == lastcol + 1): # use cursor movement echo_yx(Cursor(row, col, term), screen[row, col]) else: # just write past last one echo(screen[row, col]) def main(): """Program entry point.""" above = lambda csr, n: ( Cursor(y=max(0, csr.y - n), x=csr.x, term=csr.term)) below = lambda csr, n: ( Cursor(y=min(csr.term.height - 1, csr.y + n), x=csr.x, term=csr.term)) right_of = lambda csr, n: ( Cursor(y=csr.y, x=min(csr.term.width - 1, csr.x + n), term=csr.term)) left_of = lambda csr, n: ( Cursor(y=csr.y, x=max(0, csr.x - n), term=csr.term)) home = lambda csr: ( Cursor(y=csr.y, x=0, term=csr.term)) end = lambda csr: ( Cursor(y=csr.y, x=csr.term.width - 1, term=csr.term)) bottom = lambda csr: ( Cursor(y=csr.term.height - 1, x=csr.x, term=csr.term)) center = lambda csr: Cursor( csr.term.height // 2, csr.term.width // 2, csr.term) lookup_move = lambda inp_code, csr, term: { # arrows, including angled directionals csr.term.KEY_END: below(left_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_1: below(left_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_DOWN: below(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_2: below(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_PGDOWN: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_LR: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_3: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_LEFT: left_of(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_4: left_of(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_CENTER: center(csr), csr.term.KEY_KP_5: center(csr), csr.term.KEY_RIGHT: right_of(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_6: right_of(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_HOME: above(left_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_7: above(left_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_UP: above(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_8: above(csr, 1), csr.term.KEY_PGUP: above(right_of(csr, 1), 1), csr.term.KEY_KP_9: above(right_of(csr, 1), 1), # shift + arrows csr.term.KEY_SLEFT: left_of(csr, 10), csr.term.KEY_SRIGHT: right_of(csr, 10), csr.term.KEY_SDOWN: below(csr, 10), csr.term.KEY_SUP: above(csr, 10), # carriage return csr.term.KEY_ENTER: home(below(csr, 1)), }.get(inp_code, csr) term = Terminal() csr = Cursor(0, 0, term) screen = {} with term.hidden_cursor(), \ term.keystroke_input(raw=True), \ term.location(), \ term.fullscreen(), \ term.keypad(): inp = None while True: echo_yx(csr, term.reverse(screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' '))) inp = term.keystroke() if inp == chr(3): # ^c exits break elif inp == chr(19): # ^s saves echo_yx(home(bottom(csr)), term.ljust(term.bold_white(u'Filename: '))) echo_yx(right_of(home(bottom(csr)), len(u'Filename: ')), u'') save(screen, readline(term)) echo_yx(home(bottom(csr)), term.clear_eol) redraw(term=term, screen=screen, start=home(bottom(csr)), end=end(bottom(csr))) continue elif inp == chr(12): # ^l refreshes redraw(term=term, screen=screen) n_csr = lookup_move(inp.code, csr, term) if n_csr != csr: # erase old cursor, echo_yx(csr, screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' ')) csr = n_csr elif not inp.is_sequence and inp in string.printable: echo_yx(csr, inp) screen[(csr.y, csr.x)] = inp.__str__() n_csr = right_of(csr, 1) if n_csr == csr: # wrap around margin n_csr = home(below(csr, 1)) csr = n_csr if __name__ == '__main__': main()