import py, os, sys, shutil import subprocess from testing.udir import udir import pytest if sys.platform == 'win32': pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip('snippets do not run on win32') if sys.version_info < (2, 7): pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip( 'fails e.g. on a Debian/Ubuntu which patches virtualenv' ' in a non-2.6-friendly way') def create_venv(name): tmpdir = udir.join(name) try: subprocess.check_call(['virtualenv', #'--never-download', <= could be added, but causes failures # in random cases on random machines '-p', os.path.abspath(sys.executable), str(tmpdir)]) except OSError as e: pytest.skip("Cannot execute virtualenv: %s" % (e,)) site_packages = None for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(str(tmpdir)): if os.path.basename(dirpath) == 'site-packages': site_packages = dirpath break paths = "" if site_packages: try: from cffi import _pycparser modules = ('cffi', '_cffi_backend') except ImportError: modules = ('cffi', '_cffi_backend', 'pycparser') try: import ply except ImportError: pass else: modules += ('ply',) # needed for older versions of pycparser paths = [] for module in modules: target = __import__(module, None, None, []) if not hasattr(target, '__file__'): # for _cffi_backend on pypy continue src = os.path.abspath(target.__file__) for end in ['__init__.pyc', '__init__.pyo', '']: if src.lower().endswith(end): src = src[:-len(end)-1] break paths.append(os.path.dirname(src)) paths = os.pathsep.join(paths) return tmpdir, paths SNIPPET_DIR = py.path.local(__file__).join('..', 'snippets') def really_run_setup_and_program(dirname, venv_dir_and_paths, python_snippet): venv_dir, paths = venv_dir_and_paths def remove(dir): dir = str(SNIPPET_DIR.join(dirname, dir)) shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=True) remove('build') remove('__pycache__') for basedir in os.listdir(str(SNIPPET_DIR.join(dirname))): remove(os.path.join(basedir, '__pycache__')) olddir = os.getcwd() python_f = udir.join('') python_f.write(py.code.Source(python_snippet)) try: os.chdir(str(SNIPPET_DIR.join(dirname))) if == 'nt': bindir = 'Scripts' else: bindir = 'bin' vp = str(venv_dir.join(bindir).join('python')) env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONPATH'] = paths subprocess.check_call((vp, '', 'clean'), env=env) # there's a setuptools/easy_install bug that causes this to fail when the build/install occur together and # we're in the same directory with the build (it tries to look up dependencies for itself on PyPI); # subsequent runs will succeed because this test doesn't properly clean up the build- use pip for now. subprocess.check_call((vp, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '.'), env=env) subprocess.check_call((vp, str(python_f)), env=env) finally: os.chdir(olddir) def run_setup_and_program(dirname, python_snippet): venv_dir = create_venv(dirname + '-cpy') really_run_setup_and_program(dirname, venv_dir, python_snippet) # sys._force_generic_engine_ = True try: venv_dir = create_venv(dirname + '-gen') really_run_setup_and_program(dirname, venv_dir, python_snippet) finally: del sys._force_generic_engine_ # the two files and are created by not-correctly- # installed versions of pycparser. assert not os.path.exists(str(SNIPPET_DIR.join(dirname, ''))) assert not os.path.exists(str(SNIPPET_DIR.join(dirname, ''))) class TestZIntegration(object): def teardown_class(self): if udir.isdir(): udir.remove(ignore_errors=True) udir.ensure(dir=1) def test_infrastructure(self): run_setup_and_program('infrastructure', ''' import snip_infrastructure assert snip_infrastructure.func() == 42 ''') def test_distutils_module(self): run_setup_and_program("distutils_module", ''' import snip_basic_verify p = snip_basic_verify.C.getpwuid(0) assert snip_basic_verify.ffi.string(p.pw_name) == b"root" ''') def test_distutils_package_1(self): run_setup_and_program("distutils_package_1", ''' import snip_basic_verify1 p = snip_basic_verify1.C.getpwuid(0) assert snip_basic_verify1.ffi.string(p.pw_name) == b"root" ''') def test_distutils_package_2(self): run_setup_and_program("distutils_package_2", ''' import snip_basic_verify2 p = snip_basic_verify2.C.getpwuid(0) assert snip_basic_verify2.ffi.string(p.pw_name) == b"root" ''') def test_setuptools_module(self): run_setup_and_program("setuptools_module", ''' import snip_setuptools_verify p = snip_setuptools_verify.C.getpwuid(0) assert snip_setuptools_verify.ffi.string(p.pw_name) == b"root" ''') def test_setuptools_package_1(self): run_setup_and_program("setuptools_package_1", ''' import snip_setuptools_verify1 p = snip_setuptools_verify1.C.getpwuid(0) assert snip_setuptools_verify1.ffi.string(p.pw_name) == b"root" ''') def test_setuptools_package_2(self): run_setup_and_program("setuptools_package_2", ''' import snip_setuptools_verify2 p = snip_setuptools_verify2.C.getpwuid(0) assert snip_setuptools_verify2.ffi.string(p.pw_name) == b"root" ''') def test_set_py_limited_api(self): from cffi.setuptools_ext import _set_py_limited_api try: import setuptools except ImportError as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) orig_version = setuptools.__version__ expecting_limited_api = not hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount') try: setuptools.__version__ = '26.0.0' from setuptools import Extension kwds = _set_py_limited_api(Extension, {}) assert kwds.get('py_limited_api', False) == expecting_limited_api setuptools.__version__ = '25.0' kwds = _set_py_limited_api(Extension, {}) assert kwds.get('py_limited_api', False) == False setuptools.__version__ = 'development' kwds = _set_py_limited_api(Extension, {}) assert kwds.get('py_limited_api', False) == expecting_limited_api finally: setuptools.__version__ = orig_version