import click @click.version_option() def cli(): """Naval Fate. This is the docopt example adopted to Click but with some actual commands implemented and not just the empty parsing which really is not all that interesting. """ def ship(): """Manages ships.""" @ship.command("new") @click.argument("name") def ship_new(name): """Creates a new ship.""" click.echo("Created ship {}".format(name)) @ship.command("move") @click.argument("ship") @click.argument("x", type=float) @click.argument("y", type=float) @click.option("--speed", metavar="KN", default=10, help="Speed in knots.") def ship_move(ship, x, y, speed): """Moves SHIP to the new location X,Y.""" click.echo("Moving ship {} to {},{} with speed {}".format(ship, x, y, speed)) @ship.command("shoot") @click.argument("ship") @click.argument("x", type=float) @click.argument("y", type=float) def ship_shoot(ship, x, y): """Makes SHIP fire to X,Y.""" click.echo("Ship {} fires to {},{}".format(ship, x, y))"mine") def mine(): """Manages mines.""" @mine.command("set") @click.argument("x", type=float) @click.argument("y", type=float) @click.option( "ty", "--moored", flag_value="moored", default=True, help="Moored (anchored) mine. Default.", ) @click.option("ty", "--drifting", flag_value="drifting", help="Drifting mine.") def mine_set(x, y, ty): """Sets a mine at a specific coordinate.""" click.echo("Set {} mine at {},{}".format(ty, x, y)) @mine.command("remove") @click.argument("x", type=float) @click.argument("y", type=float) def mine_remove(x, y): """Removes a mine at a specific coordinate.""" click.echo("Removed mine at {},{}".format(x, y))