======================== Exploring the Demo App ======================== The cliff source package includes a ``demoapp`` directory containing an example main program with several command plugins. Setup ===== To install and experiment with the demo app you should create a virtual environment and activate it. This will make it easy to remove the app later, since it doesn't do anything useful and you aren't likely to want to hang onto it after you understand how it works. :: $ pip install virtualenv $ virtualenv .venv $ . .venv/bin/activate (.venv)$ Next, install cliff in the same environment. :: (.venv)$ python setup.py install Finally, install the demo application into the virtual environment. :: (.venv)$ cd demoapp (.venv)$ python setup.py install Usage ===== Both cliff and the demo installed, you can now run the command ``cliffdemo``. For basic command usage instructions and a list of the commands available from the plugins, run:: (.venv)$ cliffdemo -h or:: (.venv)$ cliffdemo --help Run the ``simple`` command by passing its name as argument to ``cliffdemo``. :: (.venv)$ cliffdemo simple The ``simple`` command prints this output to the console: :: sending greeting hi! To see help for an individual command, use the ``help`` command:: (.venv)$ cliffdemo help files The Source ========== The ``cliffdemo`` application is defined in a ``cliffdemo`` package containing several modules. main.py ------- The main application is defined in ``main.py``: .. literalinclude:: ../../demoapp/cliffdemo/main.py :linenos: The :class:`DemoApp` class inherits from :class:`App` and overrides :func:`__init__` to set the program description and version number. It also passes a :class:`CommandManager` instance configured to look for plugins in the ``cliff.demo`` namespace. The :func:`initialize_app` method of :class:`DemoApp` will be invoked after the main program arguments are parsed, but before any command processing is performed and before the application enters interactive mode. This hook is intended for opening connections to remote web services, databases, etc. using arguments passed to the main application. The :func:`prepare_to_run_command` method of :class:`DemoApp` will be invoked after a command is identified, but before the command is given its arguments and run. This hook is intended for pre-command validation or setup that must be repeated and cannot be handled by :func:`initialize_app`. The :func:`clean_up` method of :class:`DemoApp` is invoked after a command runs. If the command raised an exception, the exception object is passed to :func:`clean_up`. Otherwise the ``err`` argument is ``None``. The :func:`main` function defined in ``main.py`` is registered as a console script entry point so that :class:`DemoApp` can be run from the command line (see the discussion of ``setup.py`` below). simple.py --------- Two commands are defined in ``simple.py``: .. literalinclude:: ../../demoapp/cliffdemo/simple.py :linenos: :class:`Simple` demonstrates using logging to emit messages on the console at different verbose levels. :: (.venv)$ cliffdemo simple sending greeting hi! (.venv)$ cliffdemo -v simple prepare_to_run_command Simple sending greeting debugging hi! clean_up Simple (.venv)$ cliffdemo -q simple hi! :class:`Error` always raises a :class:`RuntimeError` exception when it is invoked, and can be used to experiment with the error handling features of cliff. :: (.venv)$ cliffdemo error causing error ERROR: this is the expected exception (.venv)$ cliffdemo -v error prepare_to_run_command Error causing error ERROR: this is the expected exception clean_up Error got an error: this is the expected exception (.venv)$ cliffdemo --debug error causing error this is the expected exception Traceback (most recent call last): File ".../cliff/app.py", line 148, in run result = cmd.run(parsed_args) File ".../demoapp/cliffdemo/simple.py", line 24, in run raise RuntimeError('this is the expected exception') RuntimeError: this is the expected exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Envs/cliff/bin/cliffdemo", line 9, in load_entry_point('cliffdemo==0.1', 'console_scripts', 'cliffdemo')() File ".../demoapp/cliffdemo/main.py", line 30, in main return myapp.run(argv) File ".../cliff/app.py", line 148, in run result = cmd.run(parsed_args) File ".../demoapp/cliffdemo/simple.py", line 24, in run raise RuntimeError('this is the expected exception') RuntimeError: this is the expected exception .. _demoapp-list: list.py ------- ``list.py`` includes a single command derived from :class:`cliff.lister.Lister` which prints a list of the files in the current directory. .. literalinclude:: ../../demoapp/cliffdemo/list.py :linenos: :class:`Files` prepares the data, and :class:`Lister` manages the output formatter and printing the data to the console. :: (.venv)$ cliffdemo files +---------------+------+ | Name | Size | +---------------+------+ | build | 136 | | cliffdemo.log | 2546 | | Makefile | 5569 | | source | 408 | +---------------+------+ (.venv)$ cliffdemo files -f csv "Name","Size" "build",136 "cliffdemo.log",2690 "Makefile",5569 "source",408 .. _demoapp-show: show.py ------- ``show.py`` includes a single command derived from :class:`cliff.show.ShowOne` which prints the properties of the named file. .. literalinclude:: ../../demoapp/cliffdemo/show.py :linenos: :class:`File` prepares the data, and :class:`ShowOne` manages the output formatter and printing the data to the console. :: (.venv)$ cliffdemo file setup.py +---------------+--------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------+--------------+ | Name | setup.py | | Size | 5825 | | UID | 502 | | GID | 20 | | Modified Time | 1335569964.0 | +---------------+--------------+ setup.py -------- The demo application is packaged using distribute_, the modern implementation of setuptools. .. literalinclude:: ../../demoapp/setup.py :linenos: The important parts of the packaging instructions are the ``entry_points`` settings. All of the commands are registered in the ``cliff.demo`` namespace. Each main program should define its own command namespace so that it only loads the command plugins that it should be managing. .. _distribute: http://packages.python.org/distribute/