Published on The O'Reilly Network ( On The Naming of Things by Simon Cozens Oct. 29, 2002 As in certain cults it is possible to kill a process if you know its true name. -- Ken Thompson and Dennis M. Ritchie I've been thinking recently about what accounts for the CPAN's success; well, that's not quite true. I've been trying to work out what accounts for the Ruby Application Archive and Python's Vaults of Parnassus comparative failure. There are many reasons. First, there's a clear distinction in CPAN between libraries and applications; the RAA the Vaults don't have such a thing. But I've come to the conclusion that a major factor, and one which applies both to collections of software such as those we're looking at and the development world in general, is the way that libraries and aplications are named. (To be fair, Ruby is getting better at this and beginning to solve the problem the Perl way.) I'd like to give a couple of principles for naming software. Definitive names discourage wheel reinvention Perl's modules are generally given simple, definitive names. If I want an XML parser, I head for XML::Parser. It's that simple. (Of course, if it's not that simple, I head for XML::Simple which is.) If I want to write a module for parsing XML and I know that XML::Parser exists, I'm forced to choose a name which correctly denotes what sets my parser apart; I have to do something new, and hence I'm not reinventing the wheel. Descriptive names are best for libraries There's a temptation to make up cutesy names for software projects. However, when it comes to libraries, this is more of a hindrance than a help. When I see a module called XML::Parser I know exactly what it does. It doesn't require any more description. If, on the other hand, it had a cutesy name - Expat - I would have no idea. Similarly, good naming helps me quickly locate the library I need. If I'm writing C code to deal with Unicode, I'd look for a libunicode. And behold, there is indeed a libunicode which does what I want and I need look no further. That would not have been quite so easy if it had been called libgeoff. Cutesy acronyms don't help either - you might know that libgail is the GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library, but at first sight, that might have been called libgeoff too. Why not, say, libaccess, or libgaccess if you must have the g for GNOME. End-user projects can have non-descriptive names There is a place for cute naming, and that's in applications and other end-user projects; this is because there's more space for competition. You'd never get away with calling a web browser "webbrowser", so "Mozilla" is as good a name as any. However, if you're building that as a Perl module, then Web::Browser (or Tk::WebBrowser) would be just fine. This should remind you that some things that you think are applications can turn out to be libraries, and vice versa - consider spamassassin as an example. Thankfully, that has both a catchy and a descriptive name, so turns out to work very well as both a library and an end-user tool. Shamans have long known the value of the correct and definitive naming of things; programmers of libraries and modules would do well to rediscover it. Simon Cozens Copyright © 2000 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.