import os import csv import bz2 import gzip import re import urllib2 import socket from apache_reader import ApacheLogReader # dictionary key structure: filename, user_agent, package_name class LocalStats(object): """Base class that writes the log file """ def _get_logs(self, logfile, file_urls): """Needs to return an iterator. Each entry should be a dictionary""" if callable(logfile): return logfile(file_urls) raise NotImplementedError def _get_file_obj(self, path, mode='r', compression=None): """returns a file object""" if compression == 'bz2': return bz2.BZ2File(path, mode) elif compression == 'gz': return, mode) return open(path, mode) def _build_stats(self, logfile, fileobj, files_url='/packages', filter=None, compression=None): """Builds a stats file - logfile: path to the original log file, or callable - fileobj : a file object or a path to create a file - files_url : a filter that define the beginnin of package urls - filter: if given, a callable that receives the current line. if the callable returns True, the line is not included """ downloads = {} for log in self._get_logs(logfile, files_url): if filter is not None: if filter(log): continue filename = log['filename'] user_agent = log['useragent'] package_name = log['packagename'] key = (filename, user_agent, package_name) count = log.get('count', 1) if key in downloads: downloads[key] += count else: downloads[key] = count self._write_stats(fileobj, downloads, compression=compression) def _write_stats(self, fileobj, downloads, compression=None): if isinstance(fileobj, str): fileobj = self._get_file_obj(fileobj, 'w', compression) file_created = True else: file_created = False writer = csv.writer(fileobj) filenames = downloads.keys() filenames.sort() for key in filenames: filename, user_agent, package_name = key count = downloads[key] writer.writerow((package_name, filename, user_agent, count)) if file_created: fileobj.close() def build_daily_stats(self, year, month, day, logfile, fileobj, files_url='/packages', compression=None): """creates a daily stats file using an apache log file. - year, month, day: values for the day - logfile : path to the log file, or callable - fileobj : a file object or a path to create a file - files_url : a filter that define the beginning of package urls """ def _filter(log): return (day != log['day'] or month != log['month'] or year != log['year']) self._build_stats(logfile, fileobj, files_url, _filter, compression) def build_monthly_stats(self, year, month, logfile, fileobj, files_url='/packages', compression=None): """creates a monthly stats file using an apache log file. - year, month: values for the month - logfile : path to the log file - fileobj : a file object or a path to create a file - files_url : a filter that define the beginnin of package urls """ def _filter(log): return (month != log['month'] or year != log['year']) self._build_stats(logfile, fileobj, files_url, _filter, compression) def read_stats(self, stats_file): """Returns an iterator over a stats file""" if isinstance(stats_file, str): ext = os.path.splitext(stats_file)[-1][1:] stats_file = self._get_file_obj(stats_file, 'r', ext) reader = csv.reader(stats_file) for line in reader: # work around user agents with commas while len(line) > 4: line[2] += ',' + line[3] del line[3] yield {'packagename': line[0], 'filename': line[1], 'useragent': line[2], 'count': int(line[3])} #reader.close() def read_stats_dict(self, stats_file): res = {} for r in self.read_stats(stats_file): key = (r['filename'], r['useragent'], r['packagename']) value = r['count'] res[key] = value return res def build_local_stats(self, year, month, day, logfile, directory=None): """builds local stats with default values""" filename = '%d-%.2d-%.2d.bz2' % (year, month, day) if directory is not None: filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) self.build_daily_stats(year, month, day, logfile, filename, compression='bz2') def integrate_stats(self, targetdir, year, month, day, fd): new = self.read_stats_dict(fd) oldpath = "%s/days/%s-%.2s-%.2s.bz2" % (targetdir, year, month, day) if os.path.exists(oldpath): old = self.read_stats_dict(oldpath) for k, v in new.items(): old[k] = old.get(k, 0) + v else: old = new self._write_stats(oldpath, old, 'bz2') monthpath = "%s/months/%s-%.2s.bz2" % (targetdir, year, month) if os.path.exists(monthpath): old = self.read_stats_dict(monthpath) for k, v in new.items(): old[k] = old.get(k, 0) + v else: old = new self._write_stats(monthpath, old, 'bz2') return new class ApacheLocalStats(LocalStats): """concrete class that uses the ApacheLogReader""" def _get_logs(self, logfile, files_url): return ApacheLogReader(logfile, files_url) class ApacheDistantLocalStats(ApacheLocalStats): """Concrete class that gets the data from a distant file""" is_url = re.compile(r'^http://') def __init__(self, cache_folder='', timeout=5): self.cache_folder = cache_folder if not os.path.exists(cache_folder): os.makedirs(cache_folder) self.timeout = timeout def get_and_cache(self, url): """retrieve the distant file and add it in the local cache""" basename = url.split('/')[-1] filename = os.path.join(self.cache_folder, basename) if os.path.exists(filename): # in cache, let's return it return filename, open(filename) # not in cache, we need to retrieve it # and store it oldtimeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(self.timeout) try: try: content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() except (urllib2.URLError, socket.timeout): return '', None finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(oldtimeout) f = open(filename, 'w') try: f.write(content) finally: f.close() return filename, open(filename) def read_stats(self, stats_file): """retrieve a distant file and works with it""" if is not None: path, fileobj = self.get_and_cache(stats_file) if path == '': return iter([]) return ApacheLocalStats.read_stats(self, path)