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1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/infrastructure/releasing-log.txt b/sandbox/infrastructure/releasing-log.txt
index 94dd6f51d..4d808f021 100644
--- a/sandbox/infrastructure/releasing-log.txt
+++ b/sandbox/infrastructure/releasing-log.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,125 @@ Releasing
Notes on what happend while releasing.
+Release 0.20.1 (2023-05-17)
+(follow docs/dev/release.txt)
+* Make a clean checkout of
+ to avoid having development files in the released packages.
+* Update RELEASE-NOTES.txt add section ``Release <version>``.
+ Consult HISTORY.txt for important changes.
+* Change HISTORY.txt title ``Changes Since <previous release>`` to ``Release <version>``.
+* Set new version (replace ``<version>`` with the new version indentifier
+ and ``<docutils-repository-root>`` with the dir containing
+ ``HISTORY.txt`` and ``RELEASE-NOTES.txt``)::
+ cd <docutils-repository-root>
+ ../sandbox/infrastructure/ <version>
+ Check what was changed by ````.
+ Run tests ::
+ export PYTHONWARNINGS=default
+ python3 test/
+ or use tox.
+ In case of errors, clearing ``docutils/__pycache__`` may help.
+ ``export PYTHONWARNINGS=default`` prints DeprecationWarnings in python3.
+* Generate wheel and source-distribution::
+ python3.11 sdist
+ python3.11 bdist_wheel
+* check sdist for html-files in docutils.egg-info.
+* Upload wheel and source to test.pypi::
+ python3.11 -m twine upload --repository docutils_testpypi dist/docutils-0.20.1*
+ *docutils_testpypi* is a repository configured in .pypirc.
+ Test in venv. NOTE use --pre for prereleases::
+ python3 -m venv du3 ; cd du3
+ export PYTHONPATH= ; . bin/activate
+ python -m pip install --index-url --pre --no-deps docutils
+ cp -Lr ../docutils-code/docutils/test .
+ python test/
+ As expected HISTORY fails because it is not in the package.
+ python -m pip uninstall docutils
+ deactivate ; cd .. ; rm -r du3
+* Commit changes ... the changed version number.
+* tag #.# (Note: only directory docutils is copied)::
+ svn copy svn+ssh:// \
+ svn+ssh:// \
+ -m "tagging release #.#"
+* Update your source directory.
+ Nothing changed.
+* Now upload the same files to pypi::
+ python3.11 -m twine upload --repository docutils_pypi dist/docutils-0.20.1*
+* Remove previous package from local cache::
+ find .cache/pip/wheels -name docutils\*whl -exec rm -v -i {} \;
+* and test::
+ python3.11 -m venv du3 ; cd du3
+ export PYTHONPATH= ; . bin/activate
+ pip install --no-deps docutils
+ cp -Lr ../docutils-code/docutils/test .
+ python test/
+ python -m pip uninstall docutils
+ deactivate ; cd .. ; rm -r du3
+* Notify to docutils-developer and user.
+* upload source and generated html to sf-htdocs/#.# ::
+ mkdir tmp1
+ cd tmp1
+ tar xzvf ../dist/docutils-#.#.tar.gz
+ cd docutils-#.#/
+ python3 tools/ .
+ find . -name \*.pyc -exec rm -v {} \;
+ find . -name __pycache__ -exec rmdir -v {} \;
+ rm -r docutils.egg-info
+ rsync -e ssh -r -t ./
+* Check web/index.txt for necessary corrections.
+* Run sandbox/infrastructure/docutils-update.local to update web-content.
+* Release to sourceforge.
+ - Upload docutils-#.#.tar.gz and release notes to sourceforge.
+ - Select docutils-#.#.tar.gz as default for all OS.
+* set_version
+* tox: py3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11
+* docutils/HISTORY.txt: add title "Changes Since 0.20.1"
+* run sandbox/infrastructure/docutils-update.local
Release 0.20 (2023-05-09)