path: root/docs/ref/doctree.txt
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+ The Docutils Document Tree
+A Guide to the Docutils DTD
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Date: $Date$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents:: :depth: 1
+This document describes the XML data structure of Docutils_ documents:
+the relationships and semantics of elements and attributes. The
+Docutils document structure is formally defined by the `Docutils
+Generic DTD`_ XML document type definition, docutils.dtd_, which is
+the definitive source for details of element structural relationships.
+This document does not discuss implementation details. Those can be
+found in internal documentation (docstrings) for the
+``docutils.nodes`` module, where the document tree data structure is
+implemented in a class library.
+The reader is assumed to have some familiarity with XML or SGML, and
+an understanding of the data structure meaning of "tree". For a list
+of introductory articles, see `Introducing the Extensible Markup
+Language (XML)`_.
+The reStructuredText_ markup is used for illustrative examples
+throughout this document. For a gentle introduction, see `A
+ReStructuredText Primer`_. For complete technical details, see the
+`reStructuredText Markup Specification`_.
+.. _Docutils:
+.. _Docutils Generic DTD:
+.. _Docutils DTD:
+.. _docutils.dtd: docutils.dtd
+.. _Introducing the Extensible Markup Language (XML):
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _A ReStructuredText Primer: ../user/rst/quickstart.html
+.. _reStructuredText Markup Specification: rst/restructuredtext.html
+ Element Hierarchy
+.. contents:: :local:
+Below is a simplified diagram of the hierarchy of elements in the
+Docutils document tree structure. An element may contain any other
+elements immediately below it in the diagram. Notes are written in
+square brackets. Element types in parentheses indicate recursive or
+one-to-many relationships; sections may contain (sub)sections, tables
+contain further body elements, etc. ::
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | document [may begin with a title, subtitle, decoration, docinfo] |
+ | +--------------------------------------+
+ | | sections [each begins with a title] |
+ +-----------------------------+-------------------------+------------+
+ | [body elements:] | (sections) |
+ | | - literal | - lists | | - hyperlink +------------+
+ | | blocks | - tables | | targets |
+ | para- | - doctest | - block | foot- | - sub. defs |
+ | graphs | blocks | quotes | notes | - comments |
+ +---------+-----------+----------+-------+--------------+
+ | [text]+ | [text] | (body elements) | [text] |
+ | (inline +-----------+------------------+--------------+
+ | markup) |
+ +---------+
+The Docutils document model uses a simple, recursive model for section
+structure. A document_ node may contain body elements and section_
+elements. Sections in turn may contain body elements and sections.
+The level (depth) of a section element is determined from its physical
+nesting level; unlike other document models (``<h1>`` in HTML_,
+``<sect1>`` in DocBook_, ``<div1>`` in XMLSpec_) the level is not
+incorporated into the element name.
+The Docutils document model uses strict element content models. Every
+element has a unique structure and semantics, but elements may be
+classified into general categories (below). Only elements which are
+meant to directly contain text data have a mixed content model, where
+text data and inline elements may be intermixed. This is unlike the
+much looser HTML_ document model, where paragraphs and text data may
+occur at the same level.
+Structural Elements
+Structural elements may only contain child elements; they do not
+directly contain text data. Structural elements may contain body
+elements or further structural elements. Structural elements can only
+be child elements of other structural elements.
+Category members: document_, section_, topic_, sidebar_
+Structural Subelements
+Structural subelements are child elements of structural elements.
+Simple structuctural subelements (title_, subtitle_) contain text
+data; the others are compound and do not directly contain text data.
+Category members: title_, subtitle_, decoration_, docinfo_,
+Bibliographic Elements
+The docinfo_ element is an optional child of document_. It groups
+bibliographic elements together. All bibliographic elements except
+authors_ and field_ contain text data. authors_ contains further
+bibliographic elements (most notably author_). field_ contains
+field_name_ and field_body_ body subelements.
+Category members: address_, author_, authors_, contact_, copyright_,
+date_, field_, organization_, revision_, status_, version_
+Decorative Elements
+The decoration_ element is also an optional child of document_. It
+groups together elements used to generate page headers and footers.
+Category members: footer_, header_
+Body Elements
+Body elements are contained within structural elements and compound
+body elements. There are two subcategories of body elements: simple
+and compound.
+Category members: admonition_, attention_, block_quote_, bullet_list_,
+caution_, citation_, comment_, compound_, container_, danger_,
+definition_list_, doctest_block_, enumerated_list_, error_,
+field_list_, figure_, footnote_, hint_, image_, important_,
+line_block_, literal_block_, note_, option_list_, paragraph_,
+pending_, raw_, rubric_, substitution_definition_, system_message_,
+table_, target_, tip_, warning_
+Simple Body Elements
+Simple body elements are empty or directly contain text data. Those
+that contain text data may also contain inline elements. Such
+elements therefore have a "mixed content model".
+Category members: comment_, doctest_block_, image_, literal_block_,
+paragraph_, pending_, raw_, rubric_, substitution_definition_, target_
+Compound Body Elements
+Compound body elements contain local substructure (body subelements)
+and further body elements. They do not directly contain text data.
+Category members: admonition_, attention_, block_quote_, bullet_list_,
+caution_, citation_, compound_, container_, danger_, definition_list_,
+enumerated_list_, error_, field_list_, figure_, footnote_, hint_,
+important_, line_block, note_, option_list_, system_message_, table_,
+tip_, warning_
+Body Subelements
+Compound body elements contain specific subelements (e.g. bullet_list_
+contains list_item_). Subelements may themselves be compound elements
+(containing further child elements, like field_) or simple data
+elements (containing text data, like field_name_). These subelements
+always occur within specific parent elements, never at the body
+element level (beside paragraphs, etc.).
+Category members (simple): attribution_, caption_, classifier_,
+colspec_, field_name_, label_, line_, option_argument_,
+option_string_, term_
+Category members (compound): definition_, definition_list_item_,
+description_, entry_, field_, field_body_, legend_, list_item_,
+option_, option_group_, option_list_item_, row_, tbody_, tgroup_,
+Inline Elements
+Inline elements directly contain text data, and may also contain
+further inline elements. Inline elements are contained within simple
+body elements. Most inline elements have a "mixed content model".
+Category members: abbreviation_, acronym_, citation_reference_,
+emphasis_, footnote_reference_, generated_, image_, inline_, literal_,
+problematic_, reference_, strong_, subscript_,
+substitution_reference_, superscript_, target_, title_reference_, raw_
+.. _HTML:
+.. _DocBook:
+.. _XMLSpec:
+ Element Reference
+.. contents:: :local:
+ :depth: 1
+Each element in the DTD (document type definition) is described in its
+own section below. Each section contains an introduction plus the
+following subsections:
+* Details (of element relationships and semantics):
+ - Category: One or more references to the element categories in
+ `Element Hierarchy`_ above. Some elements belong to more than one
+ category.
+ - Parents: A list of elements which may contain the element.
+ - Children: A list of elements which may occur within the element.
+ - Analogues: Describes analogous elements in well-known document
+ models such as HTML_ or DocBook_. Lists similarities and
+ differences.
+ - Processing: Lists formatting or rendering recommendations for the
+ element.
+* Content Model:
+ The formal XML content model from the `Docutils DTD`_, followed by:
+ - Attributes: Describes (or refers to descriptions of) the possible
+ values and semantics of each attribute.
+ - Parameter Entities: Lists the parameter entities which directly or
+ indirectly include the element.
+* Examples: reStructuredText_ examples are shown along with
+ fragments of the document trees resulting from parsing.
+ _`Pseudo-XML` is used for the results of parsing and processing.
+ Pseudo-XML is a representation of XML where nesting is indicated by
+ indentation and end-tags are not shown. Some of the precision of
+ real XML is given up in exchange for easier readability. For
+ example, the following are equivalent:
+ - Real XML::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>A Title</title>
+ <paragraph>A paragraph.</paragraph>
+ </section>
+ </document>
+ - Pseudo-XML::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+Many of the element reference sections below are marked "_`to be
+completed`". Please help complete this document by contributing to
+its writing.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``address`` element holds the surface mailing address information
+for the author (individual or group) of the document, or a third-party
+contact address. Its structure is identical to that of the
+literal_block_ element: whitespace is significant, especially
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``address``: docinfo_, authors_
+ ``address`` elements contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``address`` is analogous to the DocBook "address" element.
+ As with the literal_block_ element, newlines and other whitespace
+ is significant and must be preserved. However, a monospaced
+ typeface need not be used.
+ See also docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``address`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``address``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Address: 123 Example Ave.
+ Example, EX
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <address>
+ 123 Example Ave.
+ Example, EX
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+This element is a generic, titled admonition. Also see the specific
+admonition elements Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``admonition``.
+ ``admonition`` elements begin with a title_ and may contain one or
+ more `body elements`_.
+ ``admonition`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_, (`%body.elements;`_)+)
+ The ``admonition`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``admonition``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``admonition``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. admonition:: And, by the way...
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <admonition class="admonition-and-by-the-way">
+ <title>
+ And, by the way...
+ <paragraph>
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+The ``attention`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): caution_, danger_, error_,
+hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``attention``.
+ ``attention`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``attention`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Attention!" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``attention`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``attention``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``attention``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Attention:: All your base are belong to us.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <attention>
+ <paragraph>
+ All your base are belong to us.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``author`` element holds the name of the author of the document.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``author``: docinfo_, authors_
+ ``author`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``author`` is analogous to the DocBook "author" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``author`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``author``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Author: J. Random Hacker
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <author>
+ J. Random Hacker
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``authors`` element is a container for author information for
+documents with multiple authors.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``authors``.
+ ``authors`` elements may contain the following elements: author_,
+ organization_, address_, contact_
+ ``authors`` is analogous to the DocBook "authors" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ((author_, organization_?, address_?, contact_?)+)
+ The ``authors`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``authors``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Authors: J. Random Hacker; Jane Doe
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <authors>
+ <author>
+ J. Random Hacker
+ <author>
+ Jane Doe
+In reStructuredText, multiple author's names are separated with
+semicolons (";") or commas (","); semicolons take precedence. There
+is currently no way to represent the author's organization, address,
+or contact in a reStructuredText "Authors" field.
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``block_quote`` element is used for quotations set off from the
+main text (standalone).
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``block_quote``.
+ ``block_quote`` elements contain `body elements`_ followed by an
+ optional attribution_ element.
+ ``block_quote`` is analogous to the "blockquote" element in both
+ HTML and DocBook.
+ ``block_quote`` elements serve to set their contents off from the
+ main text, typically with indentation and/or other decoration.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ((`%body.elements;`_)+, attribution_?)
+ The ``block_quote`` element contains only the `common
+ attributes`_: ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``block_quote``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``block_quote``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ As a great paleontologist once said,
+ This theory, that is mine, is mine.
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ As a great paleontologist once said,
+ <block_quote>
+ <paragraph>
+ This theory, that is mine, is mine.
+ <attribution>
+ Anne Elk (Miss)
+The ``bullet_list`` element contains list_item_ elements which are
+uniformly marked with bullets. Bullets are typically simple dingbats
+(symbols) such as circles and squares.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``bullet_list``.
+ ``bullet_list`` elements contain one or more list_item_ elements.
+ ``bullet_list`` is analogous to the HTML "ul" element and to the
+ DocBook "itemizedlist" element. HTML's "ul" is short for
+ "unordered list", which we consider to be a misnomer. "Unordered"
+ implies that the list items may be randomly rearranged without
+ affecting the meaning of the list. Bullet lists *are* often
+ ordered; the ordering is simply left implicit.
+ Each list item should begin a new vertical block, prefaced by a
+ bullet/dingbat.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (list_item_ +)
+ The ``bullet_list`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus bullet_.
+ ``bullet`` is used to record the style of bullet from the input
+ data. In documents processed from reStructuredText_, it contains
+ one of "-", "+", or "*". It may be ignored in processing.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``bullet_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``bullet_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ - Item 1, paragraph 1.
+ Item 1, paragraph 2.
+ - Item 2.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <bullet_list bullet="-">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 1, paragraph 1.
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 1, paragraph 2.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 2.
+See list_item_ for another example.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``caution`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, danger_, error_,
+hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``caution``.
+ ``caution`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``caution`` is analogous to the DocBook "caution" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Caution" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``caution`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``caution``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``caution``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Caution:: Don't take any wooden nickels.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <caution>
+ <paragraph>
+ Don't take any wooden nickels.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``classifier`` element contains the classification or type of the
+term_ being defined in a definition_list_. For example, it can be
+used to indicate the type of a variable.
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the definition_list_item_ element contains ``classifier``.
+ ``classifier`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``classifier`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives or type effects.
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``classifier`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+Here is a hypothetical data dictionary. reStructuredText_ source::
+ name : string
+ Customer name.
+ i : int
+ Temporary index variable.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <definition_list>
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ name
+ <classifier>
+ string
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Customer name.
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ i
+ <classifier>
+ int
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Temporary index variable.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``contact`` element holds contact information for the author
+(individual or group) of the document, or a third-party contact. It
+is typically used for an email or web address.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``contact``: docinfo_, authors_
+ ``contact`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``contact`` is analogous to the DocBook "email" element. The HTML
+ "address" element serves a similar purpose.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``contact`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``contact``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Contact:
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <contact>
+ <reference refuri="">
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``copyright`` element contains the document's copyright statement.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``copyright``.
+ ``copyright`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``copyright`` is analogous to the DocBook "copyright" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``copyright`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``copyright``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <copyright>
+ This document has been placed in the public domain.
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``danger`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_, error_,
+hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``danger``.
+ ``danger`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``danger`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "!DANGER!" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``danger`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``danger``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``danger``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. DANGER:: Mad scientist at work!
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <danger>
+ <paragraph>
+ Mad scientist at work!
+The ``date`` element contains the date of publication, release, or
+last modification of the document.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``date``.
+ ``date`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``date`` is analogous to the DocBook "date" element.
+ Often used with the RCS/CVS keyword "Date". See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``date`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``date``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Date: 2002-08-20
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <date>
+ 2002-08-20
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``decoration`` element is a container for header_ and footer_
+elements and potential future extensions. These elements are used for
+notes, time/datestamp, processing information, etc.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ Only the document_ element contains ``decoration``.
+ ``decoration`` elements may contain `decorative elements`_.
+ There are no direct analogies to ``decoration`` in HTML or in
+ DocBook. Equivalents are typically constructed from primitives
+ and/or generated by the processing system.
+ See the individual `decorative elements`_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (header_?, footer_?)
+Although the content model doesn't specifically require contents, no
+empty ``decoration`` elements are ever created.
+ The ``decoration`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms,
+assuming that the datestamp command-line option or configuration
+setting has been supplied::
+ <document>
+ <decoration>
+ <footer>
+ <paragraph>
+ Generated on: 2002-08-20.
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+The ``definition`` element is a container for the body elements used
+to define a term_ in a definition_list_.
+ `Body Subelements`_ (compound)
+ Only definition_list_item_ elements contain ``definition``.
+ ``definition`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``definition`` is analogous to the HTML "dd" element and to the
+ DocBook "listitem" element (inside a "variablelistentry" element).
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``definition`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the definition_list_, definition_list_item_, and
+classifier_ elements.
+The ``definition_list`` element contains a list of terms and their
+definitions. It can be used for glossaries or dictionaries, to
+describe or classify things, for dialogues, or to itemize subtopics
+(such as in this reference).
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``definition_list``.
+ ``definition_list`` elements contain one or more
+ definition_list_item_ elements.
+ ``definition_list`` is analogous to the HTML "dl" element and to
+ the DocBook "variablelist" element.
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (definition_list_item_ +)
+ The ``definition_list`` element contains only the `common
+ attributes`_: ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``definition_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``definition_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Term
+ Definition.
+ Term : classifier
+ The ' : ' indicates a classifier in
+ definition list item terms only.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <definition_list>
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Term
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Definition.
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Term
+ <classifier>
+ classifier
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ The ' : ' indicates a classifier in
+ definition list item terms only.
+See definition_list_item_ and classifier_ for further examples.
+The ``definition_list_item`` element contains a single
+term_/definition_ pair (with optional classifier_).
+ `Body Subelements`_ (compound)
+ Only the definition_list_ element contains
+ ``definition_list_item``.
+ ``definition_list_item`` elements each contain a single term_,
+ an optional classifier_, and a definition_.
+ ``definition_list_item`` is analogous to the DocBook
+ "variablelistentry" element.
+ The optional classifier_ can be rendered differently from the
+ term_. They should be separated visually, typically by spaces
+ plus a colon or dash.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (term_, classifier_?, definition_)
+ The ``definition_list_item`` element contains only the `common
+ attributes`_: ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Tyrannosaurus Rex : carnivore
+ Big and scary; the "Tyrant King".
+ Brontosaurus : herbivore
+ All brontosauruses are thin at one end,
+ much much thicker in the middle
+ and then thin again at the far end.
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <definition_list>
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Tyrannosaurus Rex
+ <classifier>
+ carnivore
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Big and scary; the "Tyrant King".
+ <definition_list_item>
+ <term>
+ Brontosaurus
+ <classifier>
+ herbivore
+ <definition>
+ <paragraph>
+ All brontosauruses are thin at one end,
+ much much thicker in the middle
+ and then thin again at the far end.
+ <paragraph>
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+See definition_list_ and classifier_ for further examples.
+The ``description`` element contains body elements, describing the
+purpose or effect of a command-line option or group of options.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_list_item_ element contains ``description``.
+ ``description`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``description`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See option_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``description`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``docinfo`` element is a container for document bibliographic
+data, or meta-data (data about the document). It corresponds to the
+front matter of a book, such as the title page and copyright page.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ Only the document_ element contains ``docinfo``.
+ ``docinfo`` elements contain `bibliographic elements`_.
+ ``docinfo`` is analogous to DocBook "info" elements ("bookinfo"
+ etc.). There are no directly analogous HTML elements; the "meta"
+ element carries some of the same information, albeit invisibly.
+ The ``docinfo`` element may be rendered as a two-column table or
+ in other styles. It may even be invisible or omitted from the
+ processed output. Meta-data may be extracted from ``docinfo``
+ children; for example, HTML ``<meta>`` tags may be constructed.
+ When Docutils_ transforms a reStructuredText_ field_list_ into a
+ ``docinfo`` element (see the examples below), RCS/CVS keywords are
+ normally stripped from simple (one paragraph) field bodies. For
+ complete details, please see `RCS Keywords`_ in the
+ `reStructuredText Markup Specification`_.
+ .. _RCS Keywords: rst/restructuredtext.html#rcs-keywords
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%bibliographic.elements;`_)+
+ The ``docinfo`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+Docinfo is represented in reStructuredText_ by a field_list_ in a
+bibliographic context: the first non-comment element of a document_,
+after any document title_/subtitle_. The field list is transformed
+into a ``docinfo`` element and its children by a transform. Source::
+ Docinfo Example
+ ===============
+ :Author: J. Random Hacker
+ :Contact:
+ :Date: 2002-08-18
+ :Status: Work In Progress
+ :Version: 1
+ :Filename: $RCSfile$
+ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="docinfo-example" names="docinfo example">
+ <title>
+ Docinfo Example
+ <docinfo>
+ <author>
+ J. Random Hacker
+ <contact>
+ <reference refuri="">
+ <date>
+ 2002-08-18
+ <status>
+ Work In Progress
+ <version>
+ 1
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Filename
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ doctree.txt
+ <copyright>
+ This document has been placed in the public domain.
+Note that "Filename" is a non-standard ``docinfo`` field, so becomes a
+generic ``field`` element. Also note that the "RCSfile" keyword
+syntax has been stripped from the "Filename" data.
+See field_list_ for an example in a non-bibliographic context. Also
+see the individual examples for the various `bibliographic elements`_.
+The ``doctest_block`` element is a Python-specific variant of
+literal_block_. It is a block of text where line breaks and
+whitespace are significant and must be preserved. ``doctest_block``
+elements are used for interactive Python interpreter sessions, which
+are distinguished by their input prompt: ``>>>``. They are meant to
+illustrate usage by example, and provide an elegant and powerful
+testing environment via the `doctest module`_ in the Python standard
+.. _doctest module:
+ `Simple Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``doctest_block``.
+ ``doctest_block`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``doctest_block`` is analogous to the HTML "pre" element and to
+ the DocBook "programlisting" and "screen" elements.
+ As with literal_block_, ``doctest_block`` elements are typically
+ rendered in a monospaced typeface. It is crucial that all
+ whitespace and line breaks are preserved in the rendered form.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``doctest_block`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``doctest_block``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``doctest_block``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ >>> print 'this is a Doctest block'
+ this is a Doctest block
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ This is an ordinary paragraph.
+ <doctest_block xml:space="preserve">
+ >>> print 'this is a Doctest block'
+ this is a Doctest block
+The ``document`` element is the root (topmost) element of the Docutils
+document tree. ``document`` is the direct or indirect ancestor of
+every other element in the tree. It encloses the entire document
+tree. It is the starting point for a document.
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The ``document`` element has no parents.
+ ``document`` elements may contain `structural subelements`_,
+ `structural elements`_, and `body elements`_.
+ ``document`` is analogous to the HTML "html" element and to
+ several DocBook elements such as "book".
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ( (title_, subtitle_?)?,
+ decoration_?,
+ (docinfo_, transition_?)?,
+ `%structure.model;`_ )
+Depending on the source of the data and the stage of processing, the
+"document" may not initially contain a "title". A document title is
+not directly representable in reStructuredText_. Instead, a lone
+top-level section may have its title promoted to become the document
+title_, and similarly for a lone second-level (sub)section's title to
+become the document subtitle_.
+The contents of "decoration_" may be specified in a document,
+constructed programmatically, or both. The "docinfo_" may be
+transformed from an initial field_list_.
+See the `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity for details of the body
+of a ``document``.
+ The ``document`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus an optional title__
+ attribute which stores the document title metadata.
+ __ `title (attribute)`_
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A Title
+ =======
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result from simple parsing::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+After applying transforms, the section title is promoted to become the
+document title::
+ <document ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``enumerated_list`` element contains list_item_ elements which are
+uniformly marked with enumerator labels.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``enumerated_list``.
+ ``enumerated_list`` elements contain one or more list_item_
+ elements.
+ ``enumerated_list`` is analogous to the HTML "ol" element and to
+ the DocBook "orderedlist" element.
+ Each list item should begin a new vertical block, prefaced by a
+ enumeration marker (such as "1.").
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (list_item_ +)
+ The ``enumerated_list`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus enumtype_,
+ prefix_, suffix_, and start_.
+ ``enumtype`` is used to record the intended enumeration sequence,
+ one of "arabic" (1, 2, 3, ...), "loweralpha" (a, b, c, ..., z),
+ "upperalpha" (A, B, C, ..., Z), "lowerroman" (i, ii, iii, iv, ...,
+ mmmmcmxcix [4999]), or "upperroman" (I, II, III, IV, ...,
+ MMMMCMXCIX [4999]).
+ ``prefix`` stores the formatting characters used before the
+ enumerator. In documents originating from reStructuredText_ data,
+ it will contain either "" (empty string) or "(" (left
+ parenthesis). It may or may not affect processing.
+ ``suffix`` stores the formatting characters used after the
+ enumerator. In documents originating from reStructuredText_ data,
+ it will contain either "." (period) or ")" (right parenthesis).
+ Depending on the capabilities of the output format, this attribute
+ may or may not affect processing.
+ ``start`` contains the ordinal value of the first item in the
+ list, in decimal. For lists beginning at value 1 ("1", "a", "A",
+ "i", or "I"), this attribute may be omitted.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``enumerated_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``enumerated_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ 1. Item 1.
+ (A) Item A.
+ (B) Item B.
+ (C) Item C.
+ 2. Item 2.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix=".">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 1.
+ <enumerated_list enumtype="upperalpha" prefix="(" suffix=")">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item A.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item B.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item C.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Item 2.
+See list_item_ for another example.
+The ``error`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, hint_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``error``.
+ ``error`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``error`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Error" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``error`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``error``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``error``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Error:: Does not compute.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <error>
+ <paragraph>
+ Does not compute.
+The ``field`` element contains a pair of field_name_ and field_body_
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``field``: docinfo_,
+ field_list_
+ Each ``field`` element contains one field_name_ and one
+ field_body_ element.
+ ``field`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See field_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (field_name_, field_body_)
+ The ``field`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``field``.
+See the examples for the field_list_ and docinfo_ elements.
+The ``field_body`` element contains body elements. It is analogous to
+a database field's data.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the field_ element contains ``field_body``.
+ ``field_body`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``field_body`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See field_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)*
+ The ``field_body`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the field_list_ and docinfo_ elements.
+The ``field_list`` element contains two-column table-like structures
+resembling database records (label & data pairs). Field lists are
+often meant for further processing. In reStructuredText_, field lists
+are used to represent bibliographic fields (contents of the docinfo_
+element) and directive options.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``field_list``.
+ ``field_list`` elements contain one or more field_ elements.
+ ``field_list`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives such as tables.
+ A ``field_list`` is typically rendered as a two-column list, where
+ the first column contains "labels" (usually with a colon suffix).
+ However, field lists are often used for extension syntax or
+ special processing. Such structures do not survive as field lists
+ to be rendered.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (field_ +)
+ The ``field_list`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``field_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``field_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ :Author: Me
+ :Version: 1
+ :Date: 2001-08-11
+ :Parameter i: integer
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <field_list>
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Author
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ Me
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Version
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ 1
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Date
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ 2001-08-11
+ <field>
+ <field_name>
+ Parameter i
+ <field_body>
+ <paragraph>
+ integer
+The ``field_name`` element contains text; it is analogous to a
+database field's name.
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the field_ element contains ``field_name``.
+ ``field_name`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``field_name`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See field_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``field_name`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the field_list_ and docinfo_ elements.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``footer`` element is a container element whose contents are meant
+to appear at the bottom of a web page, or repeated at the bottom of
+every printed page. The ``footer`` element may contain processing
+information (datestamp, a link to Docutils_, etc.) as well as custom
+ `Decorative Elements`_
+ Only the decoration_ element contains ``footer``.
+ ``footer`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ There are no direct analogies to ``footer`` in HTML or DocBook.
+ Equivalents are typically constructed from primitives and/or
+ generated by the processing system.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``footer`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms,
+assuming that the datestamp command-line option or configuration
+setting has been supplied::
+ <document>
+ <decoration>
+ <footer>
+ <paragraph>
+ Generated on: 2002-08-20.
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+Docutils wraps ``generated`` elements around text that is inserted
+(generated) by Docutils; i.e., text that was not in the document, like
+section numbers inserted by the "sectnum" directive.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``header`` element is a container element whose contents are meant
+to appear at the top of a web page, or at the top of every printed
+ `Decorative Elements`_
+ Only the decoration_ element contains ``header``.
+ ``header`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ There are no direct analogies to ``header`` in HTML or DocBook.
+ Equivalents are typically constructed from primitives and/or
+ generated by the processing system.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``header`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText source fragment::
+ .. header:: This space for rent.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <document>
+ <decoration>
+ <header>
+ <paragraph>
+ This space for rent.
+The ``hint`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, important_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``hint``.
+ ``hint`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``hint`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives and type effects.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Hint" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``hint`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``hint``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``hint``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Hint:: It's bigger than a bread box.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <hint>
+ <paragraph>
+ It's bigger than a bread box.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``important`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, note_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``important``.
+ ``important`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``important`` is analogous to the DocBook "important" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Important" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``important`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``important``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``important``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Important::
+ * Wash behind your ears.
+ * Clean up your room.
+ * Back up your data.
+ * Call your mother.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <important>
+ <bullet_list>
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Wash behind your ears.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Clean up your room.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Back up your data.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Call your mother.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``line`` element contains a single line of text, part of a
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the `line_block`_ element contains ``line``.
+ ``line`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``line`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives or type effects.
+ See `line_block`_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``line`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+See `line_block`_.
+The ``line_block`` element contains a sequence of lines and nested
+line blocks. Line breaks (implied between elements) and leading
+whitespace (indicated by nesting) is significant and must be
+preserved. ``line_block`` elements are commonly used for verse and
+addresses. See `literal_block`_ for an alternative useful for program
+listings and interactive computer sessions.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``line_block``.
+ ``line_block`` elements may contain line_ elements and nested
+ ``line_block`` elements.
+ ``line_block`` is analogous to the DocBook "literallayout" element
+ and to the HTML "pre" element (with modifications to typeface
+ styles).
+ Unline ``literal_block``, ``line_block`` elements are typically
+ rendered in an ordinary text typeface. It is crucial that leading
+ whitespace and line breaks are preserved in the rendered form.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (line_ | line_block_)+
+ The ``line_block`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``line_block``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``line_block``.
+reStructuredText uses a directive to indicate a ``line_block``.
+Example source::
+ Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
+ | A one, two, a one two three four
+ |
+ | Half a bee, philosophically,
+ | must, *ipso facto*, half not be.
+ | But half the bee has got to be,
+ | *vis a vis* its entity. D'you see?
+ |
+ | But can a bee be said to be
+ | or not to be an entire bee,
+ | when half the bee is not a bee,
+ | due to some ancient injury?
+ |
+ | Singing...
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ A one, two, a one two three four
+ <line>
+ <line>
+ Half a bee, philosophically,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ must,
+ <emphasis>
+ ipso facto
+ , half not be.
+ <line>
+ But half the bee has got to be,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ <emphasis>
+ vis a vis
+ its entity. D'you see?
+ <line>
+ <line>
+ But can a bee be said to be
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ or not to be an entire bee,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ when half the bee is not a bee,
+ <line_block>
+ <line>
+ due to some ancient injury?
+ <line>
+ <line>
+ Singing...
+The ``list_item`` element is a container for the elements of a list
+ `Body Subelements`_ (compound)
+ The bullet_list_ and enumerated_list_ elements contain
+ ``list_item``.
+ ``list_item`` elements may contain `body elements`_.
+ ``list_item`` is analogous to the HTML "li" element and to the
+ DocBook "listitem" element.
+ See bullet_list_ or enumerated_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)*
+ The ``list_item`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ 1. Outer list, item 1.
+ * Inner list, item 1.
+ * Inner list, item 2.
+ 2. Outer list, item 2.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <enumerated_list enumtype="arabic" prefix="" suffix=".">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Outer list, item 1.
+ <bullet_list bullet="*">
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Inner list, item 1.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Inner list, item 2.
+ <list_item>
+ <paragraph>
+ Outer list, item 2.
+See bullet_list_ or enumerated_list_ for further examples.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``literal_block`` element contains a block of text where line
+breaks and whitespace are significant and must be preserved.
+``literal_block`` elements are commonly used for program listings and
+interactive computer sessions. See `line_block`_ for an alternative
+useful for verse and addresses.
+ `Simple Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``literal_block``.
+ ``literal_block`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``literal_block`` is analogous to the HTML "pre" element and to
+ the DocBook "programlisting" and "screen" elements.
+ ``literal_block`` elements are typically rendered in a monospaced
+ typeface. It is crucial that all whitespace and line breaks are
+ preserved in the rendered form.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``literal_block`` element contains the `common attributes`_
+ (ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus `xml:space`_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``literal_block``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``literal_block``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ Here is a literal block::
+ if literal_block:
+ text = 'is left as-is'
+ spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
+ markup_processing = None
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ Here is a literal block:
+ <literal_block xml:space="preserve">
+ if literal_block:
+ text = 'is left as-is'
+ spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
+ markup_processing = None
+The ``note`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, important_, tip_, warning_, and the generic
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``note``.
+ ``note`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``note`` is analogous to the DocBook "note" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Note" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``note`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``note``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``note``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Note:: Admonitions can be handy to break up a
+ long boring technical document.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <note>
+ <paragraph>
+ Admonitions can be handy to break up a
+ long boring technical document.
+The ``option`` element groups an option string together with zero or
+more option argument placeholders. Note that reStructuredText_
+currently supports only one argument per option.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_group_ element contains ``option``.
+ Each ``option`` element contains one option_string_ and zero or
+ more option_argument_ elements.
+ ``option`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See option_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_string_, option_argument_ \*)
+ The ``option`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``option_argument`` element contains placeholder text for option
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_ element contains ``option_argument``.
+ ``option_argument`` elements contain text data only.
+ ``option_argument`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ The value of the "delimiter" attribute is prefixed to the
+ ``option_argument``, separating it from its option_string_ or a
+ preceding ``option_argument``. The ``option_argument`` text is
+ typically rendered in a monospaced typeface, possibly italicized
+ or otherwise altered to indicate its placeholder nature.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ The ``option_argument`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus delimiter_.
+ ``delimiter`` contains the text preceding the ``option_argument``:
+ either the text separating it from the option_string_ (typically
+ either "=" or " ") or the text between option arguments (typically
+ either "," or " ").
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``option_group`` element groups together one or more option_
+elements, all synonyms.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_list_item_ element contains ``option_group``.
+ ``option_group`` elements contain one or more option_ elements.
+ ``option_group`` is an empty element and has no children.
+ Each ``option_group`` element contains one _ and
+ one _ element.
+ ``option_group`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ Typically option_ elements within an ``option_group`` are joined
+ together in a comma-separated list.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_group_, description_)
+ The ``option_group`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+Each ``option_list`` element contains a two-column list of
+command-line options and descriptions, documenting a program's
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``option_list``.
+ ``option_list`` elements contain one or more option_list_item_
+ elements.
+ ``option_list`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs. It can be
+ emulated with primitives such as tables.
+ An ``option_list`` is typically rendered as a two-column list,
+ where the first column contains option strings and arguments, and
+ the second column contains descriptions.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_list_item_ +)
+ The ``option_list`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``option_list``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``option_list``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ -a command-line option "a"
+ -1 file, --one=file, --two file
+ Multiple options with arguments.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <option_list>
+ <option_list_item>
+ <option_group>
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ -a
+ <description>
+ <paragraph>
+ command-line option "a"
+ <option_list_item>
+ <option_group>
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ -1
+ <option_argument delimiter=" ">
+ file
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ --one
+ <option_argument delimiter="=">
+ file
+ <option>
+ <option_string>
+ --two
+ <option_argument delimiter=" ">
+ file
+ <description>
+ <paragraph>
+ Multiple options with arguments.
+The ``option_list_item`` element is a container for a pair of
+option_group_ and description_ elements.
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_list_ element contains ``option_list_item``.
+ Each ``option_list_item`` element contains one option_group_ and
+ one description_ element.
+ ``option_list_item`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ See option_list_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (option_group_, description_)
+ The ``option_list_item`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``option_string`` element contains the text of a command-line
+ `Body Subelements`_
+ Only the option_ element contains ``option_string``.
+ ``option_string`` elements contain text data only.
+ ``option_string`` has no direct analogues in common DTDs.
+ The ``option_string`` text is typically rendered in a monospaced
+ typeface.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ The ``option_string`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the option_list_ element.
+The ``organization`` element contains the name of document author's
+organization, or the organization responsible for the document.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``organization``.
+ ``organization`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``organization`` is analogous to the DocBook "orgname",
+ "corpname", or "publishername" elements.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``organization`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``organization``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Organization: Humankind
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <organization>
+ Humankind
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``paragraph`` element contains the text and inline elements of a
+single paragraph, a fundamental building block of documents.
+ `Simple Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``paragraph``.
+ ``paragraph`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``paragraph`` is analogous to the HTML "p" element and to the
+ DocBook "para" elements.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``paragraph`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``paragraph``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity
+ indirectly includes ``paragraph``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A paragraph.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``revision`` element contains the revision number of the document.
+It can be used alone or in conjunction with version_.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``revision``.
+ ``revision`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``revision`` is analogous to but simpler than the DocBook
+ "revision" element. It closely matches the DocBook "revnumber"
+ element, but in a simpler context.
+ Often used with the RCS/CVS keyword "Revision". See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``revision`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``revision``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Version: 1
+ :Revision: b
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <version>
+ 1
+ <revision>
+ b
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+`To be completed`_.
+ rubric n. 1. a title, heading, or the like, in a manuscript,
+ book, statute, etc., written or printed in red or otherwise
+ distinguished from the rest of the text. ...
+ -- Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1991
+A rubric is like an informal heading that doesn't correspond to the
+document's structure.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``section`` element is the main unit of hierarchy for Docutils
+documents. Docutils ``section`` elements are a recursive structure; a
+``section`` may contain other ``section`` elements, without limit.
+Paragraphs and other body elements may occur before a ``section``, but
+not after it.
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``section``: document_,
+ section_
+ ``section`` elements begin with a title_, and may contain `body
+ elements`_ as well as transition_, topic_, and sidebar_ elements.
+ ``section`` is analogous to DocBook recursive "section" elements,
+ and to HTML "div" elements combined with "h1" etc. title elements.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_,
+ `%structure.model;`_)
+See the `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity for details of the body
+of a ``section``.
+ The ``section`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%section.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``section``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``section``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Title 1
+ =======
+ Paragraph 1.
+ Title 2
+ -------
+ Paragraph 2.
+ Title 3
+ =======
+ Paragraph 3.
+ Title 4
+ -------
+ Paragraph 4.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing::
+ <document>
+ <section ids="title-1" names="title 1">
+ <title>
+ Title 1
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 1.
+ <section ids="title-2" names="title 2">
+ <title>
+ Title 2
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 2.
+ <section ids="title-3" names="title 3">
+ <title>
+ Title 3
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 3.
+ <section ids="title-4" names="title 4">
+ <title>
+ Title 4
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 4.
+Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents that occur inside
+other documents, providing related or reference material. A
+``sidebar`` is typically offset by a border and "floats" to the side
+of the page; the document's main text may flow around it. Sidebars
+can also be likened to super-footnotes; their content is outside of
+the flow of the document's main text.
+The ``sidebar`` element is a nonrecursive section_-like construct
+which may occur at the top level of a section_ wherever a body element
+(list, table, etc.) is allowed. In other words, ``sidebar`` elements
+cannot nest inside body elements, so you can't have a ``sidebar``
+inside a ``table`` or a ``list``, or inside another ``sidebar`` (or
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``sidebar``: document_,
+ section_
+ ``sidebar`` elements begin with a title_ and an optional subtitle_
+ and contain `body elements`_ and topic_ elements.
+ ``sidebar`` is analogous to the DocBook "sidebar" element.
+ A ``sidebar`` element should be set off from the rest of the
+ document somehow, typically with a border. Sidebars typically
+ "float" to the side of the page and the document's main text flows
+ around them.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_, subtitle_?,
+ (`%body.elements;`_ | topic_)+)
+ The ``sidebar`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``sidebar``.
+The `"sidebar" directive`_ is used to create a ``sidebar`` element.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ .. sidebar:: Title
+ :subtitle: If Desired
+ Body.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <sidebar>
+ <title>
+ Title
+ <subtitle>
+ If Desired
+ <paragraph>
+ Body.
+.. _"sidebar" directive: rst/directives.html#sidebar
+The ``status`` element contains a status statement for the document,
+such as "Draft", "Final", "Work In Progress", etc.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``status``.
+ ``status`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``status`` is analogous to the DocBook "status" element.
+ See docinfo_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``status`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``status``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Status: Work In Progress
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <status>
+ Work In Progress
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``subtitle`` element stores the subtitle of a document_.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ The document_ and sidebar_ elements may contain ``subtitle``.
+ ``subtitle`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``subtitle`` is analogous to HTML header elements ("h2" etc.) and
+ to the DocBook "subtitle" element.
+ A document's subtitle is usually rendered smaller than its title_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``subtitle`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ =======
+ Title
+ =======
+ ----------
+ Subtitle
+ ----------
+ A paragraph.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="title" names="title">
+ <title>
+ Title
+ <subtitle ids="subtitle" names="subtitle">
+ Subtitle
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+Note how two section levels have collapsed, promoting their titles to
+become the document's title and subtitle. Since there is only one
+structural element (document), the subsection's ``ids`` and ``names``
+attributes are stored in the ``subtitle`` element.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``term`` element contains a word or phrase being defined in a
+ `Body Subelements`_ (simple)
+ Only the definition_list_item_ element contains ``term``.
+ ``term`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``term`` is analogous to the HTML "dt" element and to the DocBook
+ "term" element.
+ See definition_list_item_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``term`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+See the examples for the definition_list_, definition_list_item_, and
+classifier_ elements.
+`To be completed`_.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``tip`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and self-contained
+notice. Also see the other admonition elements Docutils offers (in
+alphabetical order): attention_, caution_, danger_, error_, hint_,
+important_, note_, warning_, and the generic admonition_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``tip``.
+ ``tip`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``tip`` is analogous to the DocBook "tip" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Tip" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``tip`` element contains only the `common attributes`_: ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes ``tip``.
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly includes
+ ``tip``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. Tip:: 15% if the service is good.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <tip>
+ <paragraph>
+ 15% if the service is good.
+.. _title:
+The ``title`` element stores the title of a document_, section_,
+topic_, sidebar_, or generic admonition_.
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``title``: document_, section_,
+ topic_, sidebar_, admonition_
+ ``title`` elements may contain text data plus `inline elements`_.
+ ``title`` is analogous to HTML "title" and header ("h1" etc.)
+ elements, and to the DocBook "title" element.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``title`` element contains the `common attributes`_ (ids_,
+ names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_), plus refid_ and auto_.
+ ``refid`` is used as a backlink to a table of contents entry.
+ ``auto`` is used to indicate (with value "1") that the ``title``
+ has been numbered automatically.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ A Title
+ =======
+ A paragraph.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <section ids="a-title" names="a title">
+ <title>
+ A Title
+ <paragraph>
+ A paragraph.
+`To be completed`_.
+The ``topic`` element is a nonrecursive section_-like construct which
+may occur at the top level of a section_ wherever a body element
+(list, table, etc.) is allowed. In other words, ``topic`` elements
+cannot nest inside body elements, so you can't have a ``topic`` inside
+a ``table`` or a ``list``, or inside another ``topic``.
+ `Structural Elements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``topic``: document_, section_,
+ sidebar_
+ ``topic`` elements begin with a title_ and may contain `body
+ elements`_.
+ ``topic`` is analogous to the DocBook "simplesect" element.
+ A ``topic`` element should be set off from the rest of the
+ document somehow, such as with indentation or a border.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (title_?,
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+)
+ The ``topic`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``topic``.
+The `"topic" directive`_ is used to create a ``topic`` element.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ .. topic:: Title
+ Body.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <topic>
+ <title>
+ Title
+ <paragraph>
+ Body.
+.. _"topic" directive: rst/directives.html#topic
+The ``transition`` element is commonly seen in novels and short
+fiction, as a gap spanning one or more lines, with or without a type
+ornament such as a row of asterisks. Transitions separate body
+elements and sections, dividing a section into untitled divisions. A
+transition may not begin or end a section [#]_ or document, nor may
+two transitions be immediately adjacent.
+See `Doctree Representation of Transitions`__ in `A Record of
+reStructuredText Syntax Alternatives`__.
+.. [#] In reStructuredText markup, a transition may appear to fall at
+ the end of a section immediately before another section. A
+ transform recognizes this case and moves the transition so it
+ separates the sections.
+__ ../dev/rst/alternatives.html#doctree-representation-of-transitions
+__ ../dev/rst/alternatives.html
+ `Structural Subelements`_
+ The following elements may contain ``transition``: document_,
+ section_
+ ``transition`` is an empty element and has no children.
+ ``transition`` is analogous to the HTML "hr" element.
+ The ``transition`` element is typically rendered as vertical
+ whitespace (more than that separating paragraphs), with or without
+ a horizontal line or row of asterisks. In novels, transitions are
+ often represented as a row of three well-spaced asterisks with
+ vertical space above and below.
+Content Model
+The ``transition`` element has no content; it is a "point element".
+ The ``transition`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``transition``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Paragraph 1.
+ --------
+ Paragraph 2.
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing::
+ <document>
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 1.
+ <transition>
+ <paragraph>
+ Paragraph 2.
+The ``version`` element contains the version number of the document.
+It can be used alone or in conjunction with revision_.
+ `Bibliographic Elements`_
+ Only the docinfo_ element contains ``version``.
+ ``version`` elements may contain text data plus `inline
+ elements`_.
+ ``version`` may be considered analogous to the DocBook "revision",
+ "revnumber", or "biblioid" elements.
+ Sometimes used with the RCS/CVS keyword "Revision". See docinfo_
+ and revision_.
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%text.model;`_
+ The ``version`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%bibliographic.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``version``.
+reStructuredText_ source::
+ Document Title
+ ==============
+ :Version: 1.1
+Complete pseudo-XML_ result after parsing and applying transforms::
+ <document ids="document-title" names="document title">
+ <title>
+ Document Title
+ <docinfo>
+ <version>
+ 1.1
+See docinfo_ for a more complete example, including processing
+The ``warning`` element is an admonition, a distinctive and
+self-contained notice. Also see the other admonition elements
+Docutils offers (in alphabetical order): attention_, caution_,
+danger_, error_, hint_, important_, note_, tip_.
+ `Compound Body Elements`_
+ All elements employing the `%body.elements;`_ or
+ `%structure.model;`_ parameter entities in their content models
+ may contain ``warning``.
+ ``warning`` elements contain one or more `body elements`_.
+ ``warning`` is analogous to the DocBook "warning" element.
+ Rendered distinctly (inset and/or in a box, etc.), with the
+ generated title "Warning" (or similar).
+Content Model
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (`%body.elements;`_)+
+ The ``warning`` element contains only the `common attributes`_:
+ ids_, names_, dupnames_, source_, and classes_.
+:Parameter Entities:
+ The `%body.elements;`_ parameter entity directly includes
+ ``warning``. The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity indirectly
+ includes ``warning``.
+reStructuredText source::
+ .. WARNING:: Reader discretion is strongly advised.
+Pseudo-XML_ fragment from simple parsing::
+ <warning>
+ <paragraph>
+ Reader discretion is strongly advised.
+ Attribute Reference
+.. contents:: :local:
+ :depth: 1
+_`Common Attributes`: Through the `%basic.atts;`_ parameter entity,
+all elements contain the following attributes: ids_, names_, dupnames_,
+source_, and classes_.
+.. _attribute type:
+Attribute types:
+ Character data. ``CDATA`` attributes may contain arbitrary text.
+ Like a ``NMTOKEN``, but it must begin with a letter (a "name
+ production"). Identical ``ID`` values must not appear more than
+ once in a document; i.e., ID values must uniquely identify their
+ elements.
+ A reference to an ``ID`` value (a name production) of another
+ element.
+ One or more space-separated ``ID`` references (name productions).
+ A "name token". One or more of letters, digits, ".", "-", and
+ "_".
+ One or more space-separated ``NMTOKEN`` names.
+ No if zero ("0"), yes if any other value. This is a parameter
+ entity which resolves to a ``NMTOKEN`` attribute type.
+ This emphasizes that the attribute value must be a number. This
+ is a parameter entity which resolves to a ``NMTOKEN`` attribute
+ type.
+ The attribute value may be one of a specified list of values.
+`Attribute type`_: ``%yesorno;``. Default value: none (implies no).
+The ``anonymous`` attribute is used for unnamed hyperlinks in the
+target_ and reference_ elements (via the `%anonymous.att;`_ parameter
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``auto`` attribute is used to indicate automatically-numbered
+footnote_, footnote_reference_ and title_ elements (via the
+`%auto.att;`_ parameter entity).
+`Attribute type`_: ``IDREFS``. Default value: none.
+The ``backrefs`` attribute contains a space-separated list of ids_
+references, used for backlinks from footnote_, citation_, and
+system_message_ elements (via the `%backrefs.att;`_ parameter entity).
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``bullet`` attribute is used in the bullet_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``NMTOKENS``. Default value: none.
+The ``classes`` attribute is a list containing one or more names used
+to classify an element. The purpose of the attribute is to indicate
+an "is-a" variant relationship, to allow an extensible way of defining
+sub-classes of existing elements. It can be used to carry context
+forward between a Docutils Reader and Writer, when a custom structure
+is reduced to a standardized document tree. One common use is in
+conjunction with stylesheets, to add selection criteria. It should
+not be used to carry formatting instructions or arbitrary content.
+The ``classes`` attribute's contents should be ignorable. Writers that
+are not familiar with the variant expressed should be able to ignore
+the attribute.
+``classes`` is one of the `common attributes`_, shared by all Docutils
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``delimiter`` attribute is used in the option_argument_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``dupnames`` attribute is a list containing the names of an
+element when there has been a naming conflict. The contents of the
+``dupnames`` attribute would have been transferred from the `names`_
+attribute. An element may have at most one of the ``names`` or
+``dupnames`` attributes, but not both. ``dupnames`` is one of the
+`common attributes`_, shared by all Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: enumeration, one of "arabic", "loweralpha",
+"upperalpha", "lowerroman", or "upperroman". Default value: none.
+The ``enumtype`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``NMTOKENS``. Default value: none.
+The ``ids`` attribute is a list containing one or more unique
+identifier keys. ``ids`` is one of the `common attributes`_, shared
+by all Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``names`` attribute is a list containing the names of an element,
+typically originating from the element's title or content. Each name
+in ``names`` must be unique; if there are name conflicts (two or more
+elements want to the same name), the contents will be transferred to
+the `dupnames`_ attribute on the duplicate elements. An element may
+have at most one of the ``names`` or ``dupnames`` attributes, but not
+both. ``names`` is one of the `common attributes`_, shared by all
+Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``prefix`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``IDREF``. Default value: none.
+The ``refid`` attribute contains references to `ids`_ attributes in
+other elements. It is used by the target_, reference_,
+footnote_reference_, citation_reference_, title_ and problematic_
+elements (via the `%refid.att;`_ and `%reference.atts;`_ parameter
+`Attribute type`_: ``NMTOKENS``. Default value: none.
+The ``refname`` attribute contains an internal reference to the
+`names`_ attribute of another element. On a `target`_ element,
+``refname`` indicates an indirect target which may resolve to either
+an internal or external reference. ``refname`` is used by the
+target_, reference_, footnote_reference_, citation_reference_, and
+substitution_reference_ elements (via the `%refname.att;`_ and
+`%reference.atts;`_ parameter entities).
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``refuri`` attribute contains an external reference to a URI/URL.
+It is used by the target_, reference_, footnote_reference_, and
+citation_reference_ elements (via the `%reference.atts;`_ parameter
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``source`` attribute is used to store the path or URL to the
+source text that was used to produce the document tree. It is one of
+the `common attributes`_, shared by all Docutils elements.
+`Attribute type`_: ``%number;``. Default value: none.
+The ``start`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``suffix`` attribute is used in the enumerated_list_ element.
+`Attribute type`_: one of "default" or "preserve". Default value:
+"preserve" (fixed).
+The ``xml:space`` attribute is a standard XML attribute for
+whitespace-preserving elements. It is used by the literal_block_,
+line_block_, doctest_block_, comment_, and raw_ elements (via the
+`%fixedspace.att;`_ parameter entity). It is a fixed attribute, meant
+to communicate to an XML parser that the element contains significant
+whitespace. The attribute value should not be set in a document
+.. _title (attribute):
+`Attribute type`_: ``CDATA``. Default value: none.
+The ``title`` attribute stores the title metadata of a document. This
+title is typically not part of the rendered document. It may for
+example be used in HTML's ``title`` element.
+ Parameter Entity Reference
+.. contents:: :local:
+ :depth: 1
+Parameter entities are used to simplify the DTD (to share definitions
+and reduce duplication) and to allow the DTD to be customized by
+wrapper DTDs (external client DTDs that use or import the Docutils
+DTD). Parameter entities may be overridden by wrapper DTDs, replacing
+the definitions below with custom definitions. Parameter entities
+whose names begin with "additional" are meant to allow easy extension
+by wrapper DTDs.
+The ``%anonymous.att;`` parameter entity contains the anonymous_
+attribute, used for unnamed hyperlinks.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ anonymous_ %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+The reference_ and target_ elements directly employ the
+``%anonymous.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+The ``%auto.att;`` parameter entity contains the auto_ attribute, used
+to indicate an automatically-numbered footnote or title.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+The footnote_, footnote_reference_, and title_ elements directly
+employ the ``%auto.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+The ``%backrefs.att;`` parameter entity contains the backrefs_
+attribute, a space-separated list of id references, for backlinks.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ backrefs_ IDREFS #IMPLIED
+The citation_, footnote_, and system_message_ elements directly employ
+the ``%backrefs.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+The ``%basic.atts;`` parameter entity lists attributes common to all
+Docutils elements. See `Common Attributes`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ dupnames_ CDATA #IMPLIED
+ source_ CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %additional.basic.atts;
+The ``%additional.basic.atts;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%basic.atts;``.
+The ``%bibliographic.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+`bibliographic elements`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ author_ | authors_ | organization_ | contact_ | address_
+ | version_ | revision_ | status_ | date_ | copyright_
+ | field_
+ %additional.bibliographic.elements;
+The ``%additional.bibliographic.elements;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%bibliographic.elements;``.
+Only the docinfo_ element directly employs the
+``%bibliographic.elements;`` parameter entity in its content model.
+The ``%body.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+`body elements`_. ``%body.elements;`` is itself contained within the
+`%structure.model;`_ parameter entity.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ paragraph_ | compound_ | container_ | literal_block_ | doctest_block_
+ | line_block_ | block_quote_
+ | table_ | figure_ | image_ | footnote_ | citation_ | rubric_
+ | bullet_list_ | enumerated_list_ | definition_list_ | field_list_
+ | option_list_
+ | attention_ | caution_ | danger_ | error_ | hint_ | important_ | note_
+ | tip_ | warning_ | admonition_
+ | reference_ | target_ | substitution_definition_ | comment_ | pending_
+ | system_message_ | raw_
+ %additional.body.elements;
+The ``%additional.body.elements;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%body.elements;``.
+The ``%body.elements;`` parameter entity is directly employed in the
+content models of the following elements: admonition_, attention_,
+block_quote_, caution_, citation_, compound_, danger_, definition_,
+description_, entry_, error_, field_body_, footer_, footnote_,
+header_, hint_, important_, legend_, list_item_, note_, sidebar_,
+system_message_, tip_, topic_, warning_
+Via `%structure.model;`_, the ``%body.elements;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the content models of the document_ and
+section_ elements.
+The ``%fixedspace.att;`` parameter entity contains the `xml:space`_
+attribute, a standard XML attribute for whitespace-preserving
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `xml:space`_ (default | preserve) #FIXED 'preserve'
+The ``%fixedspace.att;`` parameter entity is directly employed in the
+attribute lists of the following elements: address_, comment_,
+doctest_block_, line_block_, literal_block_, raw_
+The ``%inline.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+`inline elements`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ emphasis_ | strong_ | literal_
+ | reference_ | footnote_reference_ | citation_reference_
+ | substitution_reference_ | title_reference_
+ | abbreviation_ | acronym_ | subscript_ | superscript_
+ | inline_ | problematic_ | generated_
+ | target_ | image_ | raw_
+ %additional.inline.elements;
+The ``%additional.inline.elements;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%inline.elements;``.
+Via `%text.model;`_, the ``%inline.elements;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the content models of the following elements:
+abbreviation_, acronym_, address_, attribution_, author_, caption_,
+classifier_, contact_, copyright_, date_, doctest_block_, emphasis_,
+generated_, inline_, line_block_, literal_block_, organization_,
+paragraph_, problematic_, raw_, reference_, revision_, rubric_,
+status_, strong_, subscript_, substitution_definition_,
+substitution_reference_, subtitle_, superscript_, target_, term_,
+title_, title_reference_, version_
+The ``%reference.atts;`` parameter entity groups together the refuri_,
+refid_, and refname_ attributes.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ `%refuri.att;`_
+ `%refid.att;`_
+ `%refname.att;`_
+ %additional.reference.atts;
+The ``%additional.reference.atts;`` parameter entity can be used by
+wrapper DTDs to extend ``%additional.reference.atts;``.
+The citation_reference_, footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_
+elements directly employ the ``%reference.att;`` parameter entity in
+their attribute lists.
+The ``%refid.att;`` parameter entity contains the refid_ attribute, an
+internal reference to the `ids`_ attribute of another element.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+The title_ and problematic_ elements directly employ the
+``%refid.att;`` parameter entity in their attribute lists.
+Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refid.att;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
+footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
+The ``%refname.att;`` parameter entity contains the refname_
+attribute, an internal reference to the `names`_ attribute of another
+element. On a `target`_ element, ``refname`` indicates an indirect
+target which may resolve to either an internal or external
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+The substitution_reference_ element directly employs the
+``%refname.att;`` parameter entity in its attribute list.
+Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refname.att;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
+footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
+The ``%refuri.att;`` parameter entity contains the refuri_ attribute,
+an external reference to a URI/URL.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ refuri_ CDATA #IMPLIED
+Via `%reference.atts;`_, the ``%refuri.att;`` parameter entity is
+indirectly employed in the attribute lists of the citation_reference_,
+footnote_reference_, reference_, and target_ elements.
+The ``%section.elements;`` parameter entity contains an OR-list of all
+section_-equivalent elements. ``%section.elements;`` is itself
+contained within the `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ section_
+ %additional.section.elements;
+The ``%additional.section.elements;`` parameter entity can be used
+by wrapper DTDs to extend ``%section.elements;``.
+Via `%structure.model;`_, the ``%section.elements;`` parameter entity
+is indirectly employed in the content models of the document_ and
+section_ elements.
+The ``%structure.model;`` parameter entity encapsulates the
+hierarchical structure of a document and of its constituent parts.
+See the discussion of the `element hierarchy`_ above.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ( ( (`%body.elements;`_ | topic_ | sidebar_)+, transition_? )*,
+ ( (`%section.elements;`_), (transition_?, (`%section.elements;`_) )* )? )
+Each document_ or section_ contains zero or more body elements,
+topics, and/or sidebars, optionally interspersed with single
+transitions, followed by zero or more sections (whose contents are
+recursively the same as this model) optionally interspersed with
+The following restrictions are imposed by this model:
+* Transitions must be separated by other elements (body elements,
+ sections, etc.). In other words, a transition may not be
+ immediately adjacent to another transition.
+* A transition may not occur at the beginning of a document or
+ section.
+An additional restriction, which cannot be expressed in the language
+of DTDs, is imposed by software:
+* A transition may not occur at the end of a document or section.
+The `%structure.model;`_ parameter entity is directly employed in the
+content models of the document_ and section_ elements.
+The ``%text.model;`` parameter entity is used by many elements to
+represent text data mixed with `inline elements`_.
+Entity definition:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ (#PCDATA | `%inline.elements;`_)*
+The ``%text.model;`` parameter entity is directly employed in the
+content models of the following elements: abbreviation_, acronym_,
+address_, author_, caption_, classifier_, contact_, copyright_, date_,
+doctest_block_, emphasis_, field_name_, generated_, line_block_,
+literal_block_, organization_, paragraph_, problematic_, raw_,
+reference_, revision_, status_, strong_, substitution_definition_,
+substitution_reference_, subtitle_, target_, term_, title_, version_
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: indented-text
+ indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ sentence-end-double-space: t
+ fill-column: 70
+ End: