path: root/docutils/
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1 files changed, 1755 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Author: David Goodger
+# Contact:
+# Revision: $Revision$
+# Date: $Date$
+# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+Docutils document tree element class library.
+Classes in CamelCase are abstract base classes or auxiliary classes. The one
+exception is `Text`, for a text (PCDATA) node; uppercase is used to
+differentiate from element classes. Classes in lower_case_with_underscores
+are element classes, matching the XML element generic identifiers in the DTD_.
+The position of each node (the level at which it can occur) is significant and
+is represented by abstract base classes (`Root`, `Structural`, `Body`,
+`Inline`, etc.). Certain transformations will be easier because we can use
+``isinstance(node, base_class)`` to determine the position of the node in the
+.. _DTD:
+__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import warnings
+from types import IntType, SliceType, StringType, UnicodeType, \
+ TupleType, ListType, ClassType
+from UserString import UserString
+# ==============================
+# Functional Node Base Classes
+# ==============================
+class Node:
+ """Abstract base class of nodes in a document tree."""
+ parent = None
+ """Back-reference to the Node immediately containing this Node."""
+ document = None
+ """The `document` node at the root of the tree containing this Node."""
+ source = None
+ """Path or description of the input source which generated this Node."""
+ line = None
+ """The line number (1-based) of the beginning of this Node in `source`."""
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ """
+ Node instances are always true, even if they're empty. A node is more
+ than a simple container. Its boolean "truth" does not depend on
+ having one or more subnodes in the doctree.
+ Use `len()` to check node length. Use `None` to represent a boolean
+ false value.
+ """
+ return 1
+ def asdom(self, dom=None):
+ """Return a DOM **fragment** representation of this Node."""
+ if dom is None:
+ import xml.dom.minidom as dom
+ domroot = dom.Document()
+ return self._dom_node(domroot)
+ def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
+ """
+ Return an indented pseudo-XML representation, for test purposes.
+ Override in subclasses.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def copy(self):
+ """Return a copy of self."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def deepcopy(self):
+ """Return a deep copy of self (also copying children)."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def setup_child(self, child):
+ child.parent = self
+ if self.document:
+ child.document = self.document
+ if child.source is None:
+ child.source = self.document.current_source
+ if child.line is None:
+ child.line = self.document.current_line
+ def walk(self, visitor):
+ """
+ Traverse a tree of `Node` objects, calling the
+ `dispatch_visit()` method of `visitor` when entering each
+ node. (The `walkabout()` method is similar, except it also
+ calls the `dispatch_departure()` method before exiting each
+ node.)
+ This tree traversal supports limited in-place tree
+ modifications. Replacing one node with one or more nodes is
+ OK, as is removing an element. However, if the node removed
+ or replaced occurs after the current node, the old node will
+ still be traversed, and any new nodes will not.
+ Within ``visit`` methods (and ``depart`` methods for
+ `walkabout()`), `TreePruningException` subclasses may be raised
+ (`SkipChildren`, `SkipSiblings`, `SkipNode`, `SkipDeparture`).
+ Parameter `visitor`: A `NodeVisitor` object, containing a
+ ``visit`` implementation for each `Node` subclass encountered.
+ """
+ visitor.document.reporter.debug(
+ 'docutils.nodes.Node.walk calling dispatch_visit for %s'
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ try:
+ visitor.dispatch_visit(self)
+ except (SkipChildren, SkipNode):
+ return
+ except SkipDeparture: # not applicable; ignore
+ pass
+ children = self.children
+ try:
+ for child in children[:]:
+ child.walk(visitor)
+ except SkipSiblings:
+ pass
+ def walkabout(self, visitor):
+ """
+ Perform a tree traversal similarly to `Node.walk()` (which
+ see), except also call the `dispatch_departure()` method
+ before exiting each node.
+ Parameter `visitor`: A `NodeVisitor` object, containing a
+ ``visit`` and ``depart`` implementation for each `Node`
+ subclass encountered.
+ """
+ call_depart = 1
+ visitor.document.reporter.debug(
+ 'docutils.nodes.Node.walkabout calling dispatch_visit for %s'
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ try:
+ try:
+ visitor.dispatch_visit(self)
+ except SkipNode:
+ return
+ except SkipDeparture:
+ call_depart = 0
+ children = self.children
+ try:
+ for child in children[:]:
+ child.walkabout(visitor)
+ except SkipSiblings:
+ pass
+ except SkipChildren:
+ pass
+ if call_depart:
+ visitor.document.reporter.debug(
+ 'docutils.nodes.Node.walkabout calling dispatch_departure '
+ 'for %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
+ visitor.dispatch_departure(self)
+ def traverse(self, condition=None,
+ include_self=1, descend=1, siblings=0, ascend=0):
+ """
+ Return an iterable containing
+ * self (if include_self is true)
+ * all descendants in tree traversal order (if descend is true)
+ * all siblings (if siblings is true) and their descendants (if
+ also descend is true)
+ * the siblings of the parent (if ascend is true) and their
+ descendants (if also descend is true), and so on
+ If `condition` is not None, the iterable contains only nodes
+ for which ``condition(node)`` is true. If `condition` is a
+ node class ``cls``, it is equivalent to a function consisting
+ of ``return isinstance(node, cls)``.
+ If ascend is true, assume siblings to be true as well.
+ For example, given the following tree::
+ <paragraph>
+ <emphasis> <--- emphasis.traverse() and
+ <strong> <--- strong.traverse() are called.
+ Foo
+ Bar
+ <reference name="Baz" refid="baz">
+ Baz
+ Then list(emphasis.traverse()) equals ::
+ [<emphasis>, <strong>, <#text: Foo>, <#text: Bar>]
+ and list(strong.traverse(ascend=1)) equals ::
+ [<strong>, <#text: Foo>, <#text: Bar>, <reference>, <#text: Baz>]
+ """
+ r = []
+ if ascend:
+ siblings=1
+ if isinstance(condition, ClassType):
+ node_class = condition
+ def condition(node, node_class=node_class):
+ return isinstance(node, node_class)
+ if include_self and (condition is None or condition(self)):
+ r.append(self)
+ if descend and len(self.children):
+ for child in self:
+ r.extend(child.traverse(
+ include_self=1, descend=1, siblings=0, ascend=0,
+ condition=condition))
+ if siblings or ascend:
+ node = self
+ while node.parent:
+ index = node.parent.index(node)
+ for sibling in node.parent[index+1:]:
+ r.extend(sibling.traverse(include_self=1, descend=descend,
+ siblings=0, ascend=0,
+ condition=condition))
+ if not ascend:
+ break
+ else:
+ node = node.parent
+ return r
+ def next_node(self, condition=None,
+ include_self=0, descend=1, siblings=0, ascend=0):
+ """
+ Return the first node in the iterable returned by traverse(),
+ or None if the iterable is empty.
+ Parameter list is the same as of traverse. Note that
+ include_self defaults to 0, though.
+ """
+ iterable = self.traverse(condition=condition,
+ include_self=include_self, descend=descend,
+ siblings=siblings, ascend=ascend)
+ try:
+ return iterable[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+class Text(Node, UserString):
+ """
+ Instances are terminal nodes (leaves) containing text only; no child
+ nodes or attributes. Initialize by passing a string to the constructor.
+ Access the text itself with the `astext` method.
+ """
+ tagname = '#text'
+ children = ()
+ """Text nodes have no children, and cannot have children."""
+ def __init__(self, data, rawsource=''):
+ UserString.__init__(self, data)
+ self.rawsource = rawsource
+ """The raw text from which this element was constructed."""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ data = repr(
+ if len(data) > 70:
+ data = repr([:64] + ' ...')
+ return '<%s: %s>' % (self.tagname, data)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(
+ def shortrepr(self):
+ data = repr(
+ if len(data) > 20:
+ data = repr([:16] + ' ...')
+ return '<%s: %s>' % (self.tagname, data)
+ def _dom_node(self, domroot):
+ return domroot.createTextNode(
+ def astext(self):
+ return
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__class__(
+ def deepcopy(self):
+ return self.copy()
+ def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
+ result = []
+ indent = indent * level
+ for line in
+ result.append(indent + line + '\n')
+ return ''.join(result)
+class Element(Node):
+ """
+ `Element` is the superclass to all specific elements.
+ Elements contain attributes and child nodes. Elements emulate
+ dictionaries for attributes, indexing by attribute name (a string). To
+ set the attribute 'att' to 'value', do::
+ element['att'] = 'value'
+ There are two special attributes: 'ids' and 'names'. Both are
+ lists of unique identifiers, and names serve as human interfaces
+ to IDs. Names are case- and whitespace-normalized (see the
+ fully_normalize_name() function), and IDs conform to the regular
+ expression ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*`` (see the make_id() function).
+ Elements also emulate lists for child nodes (element nodes and/or text
+ nodes), indexing by integer. To get the first child node, use::
+ element[0]
+ Elements may be constructed using the ``+=`` operator. To add one new
+ child node to element, do::
+ element += node
+ This is equivalent to ``element.append(node)``.
+ To add a list of multiple child nodes at once, use the same ``+=``
+ operator::
+ element += [node1, node2]
+ This is equivalent to ``element.extend([node1, node2])``.
+ """
+ list_attributes = ('ids', 'classes', 'names', 'dupnames', 'backrefs')
+ """List attributes, automatically initialized to empty lists for
+ all nodes."""
+ tagname = None
+ """The element generic identifier. If None, it is set as an instance
+ attribute to the name of the class."""
+ child_text_separator = '\n\n'
+ """Separator for child nodes, used by `astext()` method."""
+ def __init__(self, rawsource='', *children, **attributes):
+ self.rawsource = rawsource
+ """The raw text from which this element was constructed."""
+ self.children = []
+ """List of child nodes (elements and/or `Text`)."""
+ self.extend(children) # maintain parent info
+ self.attributes = {}
+ """Dictionary of attribute {name: value}."""
+ # Initialize list attributes.
+ for att in self.list_attributes:
+ self.attributes[att] = []
+ for att, value in attributes.items():
+ att = att.lower()
+ if att in self.list_attributes:
+ # mutable list; make a copy for this node
+ self.attributes[att] = value[:]
+ else:
+ self.attributes[att] = value
+ if self.tagname is None:
+ self.tagname = self.__class__.__name__
+ def _dom_node(self, domroot):
+ element = domroot.createElement(self.tagname)
+ for attribute, value in self.attlist():
+ if isinstance(value, ListType):
+ value = ' '.join([serial_escape('%s' % v) for v in value])
+ element.setAttribute(attribute, '%s' % value)
+ for child in self.children:
+ element.appendChild(child._dom_node(domroot))
+ return element
+ def __repr__(self):
+ data = ''
+ for c in self.children:
+ data += c.shortrepr()
+ if len(data) > 60:
+ data = data[:56] + ' ...'
+ break
+ if self['names']:
+ return '<%s "%s": %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ '; '.join(self['names']), data)
+ else:
+ return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, data)
+ def shortrepr(self):
+ if self['names']:
+ return '<%s "%s"...>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ '; '.join(self['names']))
+ else:
+ return '<%s...>' % self.tagname
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.__unicode__().encode('raw_unicode_escape')
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ if self.children:
+ return u'%s%s%s' % (self.starttag(),
+ ''.join([str(c) for c in self.children]),
+ self.endtag())
+ else:
+ return self.emptytag()
+ def starttag(self):
+ parts = [self.tagname]
+ for name, value in self.attlist():
+ if value is None: # boolean attribute
+ parts.append(name)
+ elif isinstance(value, ListType):
+ values = [serial_escape('%s' % v) for v in value]
+ parts.append('%s="%s"' % (name, ' '.join(values)))
+ else:
+ parts.append('%s="%s"' % (name, value))
+ return '<%s>' % ' '.join(parts)
+ def endtag(self):
+ return '</%s>' % self.tagname
+ def emptytag(self):
+ return u'<%s/>' % ' '.join([self.tagname] +
+ ['%s="%s"' % (n, v)
+ for n, v in self.attlist()])
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.children)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if isinstance(key, UnicodeType) or isinstance(key, StringType):
+ return self.attributes[key]
+ elif isinstance(key, IntType):
+ return self.children[key]
+ elif isinstance(key, SliceType):
+ assert key.step in (None, 1), 'cannot handle slice with stride'
+ return self.children[key.start:key.stop]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, ('element index must be an integer, a slice, or '
+ 'an attribute name string')
+ def __setitem__(self, key, item):
+ if isinstance(key, UnicodeType) or isinstance(key, StringType):
+ self.attributes[str(key)] = item
+ elif isinstance(key, IntType):
+ self.setup_child(item)
+ self.children[key] = item
+ elif isinstance(key, SliceType):
+ assert key.step in (None, 1), 'cannot handle slice with stride'
+ for node in item:
+ self.setup_child(node)
+ self.children[key.start:key.stop] = item
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, ('element index must be an integer, a slice, or '
+ 'an attribute name string')
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ if isinstance(key, UnicodeType) or isinstance(key, StringType):
+ del self.attributes[key]
+ elif isinstance(key, IntType):
+ del self.children[key]
+ elif isinstance(key, SliceType):
+ assert key.step in (None, 1), 'cannot handle slice with stride'
+ del self.children[key.start:key.stop]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, ('element index must be an integer, a simple '
+ 'slice, or an attribute name string')
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ return self.children + other
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ return other + self.children
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ """Append a node or a list of nodes to `self.children`."""
+ if isinstance(other, Node):
+ self.append(other)
+ elif other is not None:
+ self.extend(other)
+ return self
+ def astext(self):
+ return self.child_text_separator.join(
+ [child.astext() for child in self.children])
+ def non_default_attributes(self):
+ atts = {}
+ for key, value in self.attributes.items():
+ if self.is_not_default(key):
+ atts[key] = value
+ return atts
+ def attlist(self):
+ attlist = self.non_default_attributes().items()
+ attlist.sort()
+ return attlist
+ def get(self, key, failobj=None):
+ return self.attributes.get(key, failobj)
+ def hasattr(self, attr):
+ return self.attributes.has_key(attr)
+ def delattr(self, attr):
+ if self.attributes.has_key(attr):
+ del self.attributes[attr]
+ def setdefault(self, key, failobj=None):
+ return self.attributes.setdefault(key, failobj)
+ has_key = hasattr
+ def append(self, item):
+ self.setup_child(item)
+ self.children.append(item)
+ def extend(self, item):
+ for node in item:
+ self.append(node)
+ def insert(self, index, item):
+ if isinstance(item, Node):
+ self.setup_child(item)
+ self.children.insert(index, item)
+ elif item is not None:
+ self[index:index] = item
+ def pop(self, i=-1):
+ return self.children.pop(i)
+ def remove(self, item):
+ self.children.remove(item)
+ def index(self, item):
+ return self.children.index(item)
+ def is_not_default(self, key):
+ if self[key] == [] and key in self.list_attributes:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def update_basic_atts(self, dict):
+ """
+ Update basic attributes ('ids', 'names', 'classes',
+ 'dupnames', but not 'source') from node or dictionary `dict`.
+ """
+ if isinstance(dict, Node):
+ dict = dict.attributes
+ for att in ('ids', 'classes', 'names', 'dupnames'):
+ for value in dict.get(att, []):
+ if not value in self[att]:
+ self[att].append(value)
+ def clear(self):
+ self.children = []
+ def replace(self, old, new):
+ """Replace one child `Node` with another child or children."""
+ index = self.index(old)
+ if isinstance(new, Node):
+ self.setup_child(new)
+ self[index] = new
+ elif new is not None:
+ self[index:index+1] = new
+ def replace_self(self, new):
+ """
+ Replace `self` node with `new`, where `new` is a node or a
+ list of nodes.
+ """
+ update = new
+ if not isinstance(new, Node):
+ # `new` is a list; update first child.
+ try:
+ update = new[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ update = None
+ if isinstance(update, Element):
+ update.update_basic_atts(self)
+ else:
+ # `update` is a Text node or `new` is an empty list.
+ # Assert that we aren't losing any attributes.
+ for att in ('ids', 'names', 'classes', 'dupnames'):
+ assert not self[att], \
+ 'Losing "%s" attribute: %s' % (att, self[att])
+ self.parent.replace(self, new)
+ def first_child_matching_class(self, childclass, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
+ """
+ Return the index of the first child whose class exactly matches.
+ Parameters:
+ - `childclass`: A `Node` subclass to search for, or a tuple of `Node`
+ classes. If a tuple, any of the classes may match.
+ - `start`: Initial index to check.
+ - `end`: Initial index to *not* check.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(childclass, TupleType):
+ childclass = (childclass,)
+ for index in range(start, min(len(self), end)):
+ for c in childclass:
+ if isinstance(self[index], c):
+ return index
+ return None
+ def first_child_not_matching_class(self, childclass, start=0,
+ end=sys.maxint):
+ """
+ Return the index of the first child whose class does *not* match.
+ Parameters:
+ - `childclass`: A `Node` subclass to skip, or a tuple of `Node`
+ classes. If a tuple, none of the classes may match.
+ - `start`: Initial index to check.
+ - `end`: Initial index to *not* check.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(childclass, TupleType):
+ childclass = (childclass,)
+ for index in range(start, min(len(self), end)):
+ for c in childclass:
+ if isinstance(self.children[index], c):
+ break
+ else:
+ return index
+ return None
+ def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
+ return ''.join(['%s%s\n' % (indent * level, self.starttag())] +
+ [child.pformat(indent, level+1)
+ for child in self.children])
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__class__(**self.attributes)
+ def deepcopy(self):
+ copy = self.copy()
+ copy.extend([child.deepcopy() for child in self.children])
+ return copy
+ def set_class(self, name):
+ """Add a new class to the "classes" attribute."""
+ warnings.warn('docutils.nodes.Element.set_class deprecated; '
+ "append to Element['classes'] list attribute directly",
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ assert ' ' not in name
+ self['classes'].append(name.lower())
+ def note_referenced_by(self, name=None, id=None):
+ """Note that this Element has been referenced by its name
+ `name` or id `id`."""
+ self.referenced = 1
+ # Element.expect_referenced_by_* dictionaries map names or ids
+ # to nodes whose ``referenced`` attribute is set to true as
+ # soon as this node is referenced by the given name or id.
+ # Needed for target propagation.
+ by_name = getattr(self, 'expect_referenced_by_name', {}).get(name)
+ by_id = getattr(self, 'expect_referenced_by_id', {}).get(id)
+ if by_name:
+ assert name is not None
+ by_name.referenced = 1
+ if by_id:
+ assert id is not None
+ by_id.referenced = 1
+class TextElement(Element):
+ """
+ An element which directly contains text.
+ Its children are all `Text` or `Inline` subclass nodes. You can
+ check whether an element's context is inline simply by checking whether
+ its immediate parent is a `TextElement` instance (including subclasses).
+ This is handy for nodes like `image` that can appear both inline and as
+ standalone body elements.
+ If passing children to `__init__()`, make sure to set `text` to
+ ``''`` or some other suitable value.
+ """
+ child_text_separator = ''
+ """Separator for child nodes, used by `astext()` method."""
+ def __init__(self, rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes):
+ if text != '':
+ textnode = Text(text)
+ Element.__init__(self, rawsource, textnode, *children,
+ **attributes)
+ else:
+ Element.__init__(self, rawsource, *children, **attributes)
+class FixedTextElement(TextElement):
+ """An element which directly contains preformatted text."""
+ def __init__(self, rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes):
+ TextElement.__init__(self, rawsource, text, *children, **attributes)
+ self.attributes['xml:space'] = 'preserve'
+# ========
+# Mixins
+# ========
+class Resolvable:
+ resolved = 0
+class BackLinkable:
+ def add_backref(self, refid):
+ self['backrefs'].append(refid)
+# ====================
+# Element Categories
+# ====================
+class Root: pass
+class Titular: pass
+class PreBibliographic:
+ """Category of Node which may occur before Bibliographic Nodes."""
+class Bibliographic: pass
+class Decorative(PreBibliographic): pass
+class Structural: pass
+class Body: pass
+class General(Body): pass
+class Sequential(Body):
+ """List-like elements."""
+class Admonition(Body): pass
+class Special(Body):
+ """Special internal body elements."""
+class Invisible(PreBibliographic):
+ """Internal elements that don't appear in output."""
+class Part: pass
+class Inline: pass
+class Referential(Resolvable): pass
+class Targetable(Resolvable):
+ referenced = 0
+ indirect_reference_name = None
+ """Holds the whitespace_normalized_name (contains mixed case) of a target.
+ Required for MoinMoin/reST compatibility."""
+class Labeled:
+ """Contains a `label` as its first element."""
+# ==============
+# Root Element
+# ==============
+class document(Root, Structural, Element):
+ """
+ The document root element.
+ Do not instantiate this class directly; use
+ `docutils.utils.new_document()` instead.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, settings, reporter, *args, **kwargs):
+ Element.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.current_source = None
+ """Path to or description of the input source being processed."""
+ self.current_line = None
+ """Line number (1-based) of `current_source`."""
+ self.settings = settings
+ """Runtime settings data record."""
+ self.reporter = reporter
+ """System message generator."""
+ self.indirect_targets = []
+ """List of indirect target nodes."""
+ self.substitution_defs = {}
+ """Mapping of substitution names to substitution_definition nodes."""
+ self.substitution_names = {}
+ """Mapping of case-normalized substitution names to case-sensitive
+ names."""
+ self.refnames = {}
+ """Mapping of names to lists of referencing nodes."""
+ self.refids = {}
+ """Mapping of ids to lists of referencing nodes."""
+ self.nameids = {}
+ """Mapping of names to unique id's."""
+ self.nametypes = {}
+ """Mapping of names to hyperlink type (boolean: True => explicit,
+ False => implicit."""
+ self.ids = {}
+ """Mapping of ids to nodes."""
+ self.footnote_refs = {}
+ """Mapping of footnote labels to lists of footnote_reference nodes."""
+ self.citation_refs = {}
+ """Mapping of citation labels to lists of citation_reference nodes."""
+ self.autofootnotes = []
+ """List of auto-numbered footnote nodes."""
+ self.autofootnote_refs = []
+ """List of auto-numbered footnote_reference nodes."""
+ self.symbol_footnotes = []
+ """List of symbol footnote nodes."""
+ self.symbol_footnote_refs = []
+ """List of symbol footnote_reference nodes."""
+ self.footnotes = []
+ """List of manually-numbered footnote nodes."""
+ self.citations = []
+ """List of citation nodes."""
+ self.autofootnote_start = 1
+ """Initial auto-numbered footnote number."""
+ self.symbol_footnote_start = 0
+ """Initial symbol footnote symbol index."""
+ self.id_start = 1
+ """Initial ID number."""
+ self.parse_messages = []
+ """System messages generated while parsing."""
+ self.transform_messages = []
+ """System messages generated while applying transforms."""
+ import docutils.transforms
+ self.transformer = docutils.transforms.Transformer(self)
+ """Storage for transforms to be applied to this document."""
+ self.decoration = None
+ """Document's `decoration` node."""
+ self.document = self
+ def asdom(self, dom=None):
+ """Return a DOM representation of this document."""
+ if dom is None:
+ import xml.dom.minidom as dom
+ domroot = dom.Document()
+ domroot.appendChild(self._dom_node(domroot))
+ return domroot
+ def set_id(self, node, msgnode=None):
+ for id in node['ids']:
+ if self.ids.has_key(id) and self.ids[id] is not node:
+ msg = self.reporter.severe('Duplicate ID: "%s".' % id)
+ if msgnode != None:
+ msgnode += msg
+ if not node['ids']:
+ for name in node['names']:
+ id = self.settings.id_prefix + make_id(name)
+ if id and not self.ids.has_key(id):
+ break
+ else:
+ id = ''
+ while not id or self.ids.has_key(id):
+ id = (self.settings.id_prefix +
+ self.settings.auto_id_prefix + str(self.id_start))
+ self.id_start += 1
+ node['ids'].append(id)
+ self.ids[id] = node
+ return id
+ def set_name_id_map(self, node, id, msgnode=None, explicit=None):
+ """
+ `self.nameids` maps names to IDs, while `self.nametypes` maps names to
+ booleans representing hyperlink type (True==explicit,
+ False==implicit). This method updates the mappings.
+ The following state transition table shows how `self.nameids` ("ids")
+ and `self.nametypes` ("types") change with new input (a call to this
+ method), and what actions are performed ("implicit"-type system
+ messages are INFO/1, and "explicit"-type system messages are ERROR/3):
+ ==== ===== ======== ======== ======= ==== ===== =====
+ Old State Input Action New State Notes
+ ----------- -------- ----------------- ----------- -----
+ ids types new type sys.msg. dupname ids types
+ ==== ===== ======== ======== ======= ==== ===== =====
+ - - explicit - - new True
+ - - implicit - - new False
+ None False explicit - - new True
+ old False explicit implicit old new True
+ None True explicit explicit new None True
+ old True explicit explicit new,old None True [#]_
+ None False implicit implicit new None False
+ old False implicit implicit new,old None False
+ None True implicit implicit new None True
+ old True implicit implicit new old True
+ ==== ===== ======== ======== ======= ==== ===== =====
+ .. [#] Do not clear the name-to-id map or invalidate the old target if
+ both old and new targets are external and refer to identical URIs.
+ The new target is invalidated regardless.
+ """
+ for name in node['names']:
+ if self.nameids.has_key(name):
+ self.set_duplicate_name_id(node, id, name, msgnode, explicit)
+ else:
+ self.nameids[name] = id
+ self.nametypes[name] = explicit
+ def set_duplicate_name_id(self, node, id, name, msgnode, explicit):
+ old_id = self.nameids[name]
+ old_explicit = self.nametypes[name]
+ self.nametypes[name] = old_explicit or explicit
+ if explicit:
+ if old_explicit:
+ level = 2
+ if old_id is not None:
+ old_node = self.ids[old_id]
+ if node.has_key('refuri'):
+ refuri = node['refuri']
+ if old_node['names'] \
+ and old_node.has_key('refuri') \
+ and old_node['refuri'] == refuri:
+ level = 1 # just inform if refuri's identical
+ if level > 1:
+ dupname(old_node, name)
+ self.nameids[name] = None
+ msg = self.reporter.system_message(
+ level, 'Duplicate explicit target name: "%s".' % name,
+ backrefs=[id], base_node=node)
+ if msgnode != None:
+ msgnode += msg
+ dupname(node, name)
+ else:
+ self.nameids[name] = id
+ if old_id is not None:
+ old_node = self.ids[old_id]
+ dupname(old_node, name)
+ else:
+ if old_id is not None and not old_explicit:
+ self.nameids[name] = None
+ old_node = self.ids[old_id]
+ dupname(old_node, name)
+ dupname(node, name)
+ if not explicit or (not old_explicit and old_id is not None):
+ msg =
+ 'Duplicate implicit target name: "%s".' % name,
+ backrefs=[id], base_node=node)
+ if msgnode != None:
+ msgnode += msg
+ def has_name(self, name):
+ return self.nameids.has_key(name)
+ # "note" here is an imperative verb: "take note of".
+ def note_implicit_target(self, target, msgnode=None):
+ id = self.set_id(target, msgnode)
+ self.set_name_id_map(target, id, msgnode, explicit=None)
+ def note_explicit_target(self, target, msgnode=None):
+ id = self.set_id(target, msgnode)
+ self.set_name_id_map(target, id, msgnode, explicit=1)
+ def note_refname(self, node):
+ self.refnames.setdefault(node['refname'], []).append(node)
+ def note_refid(self, node):
+ self.refids.setdefault(node['refid'], []).append(node)
+ def note_indirect_target(self, target):
+ self.indirect_targets.append(target)
+ if target['names']:
+ self.note_refname(target)
+ def note_anonymous_target(self, target):
+ self.set_id(target)
+ def note_autofootnote(self, footnote):
+ self.set_id(footnote)
+ self.autofootnotes.append(footnote)
+ def note_autofootnote_ref(self, ref):
+ self.set_id(ref)
+ self.autofootnote_refs.append(ref)
+ def note_symbol_footnote(self, footnote):
+ self.set_id(footnote)
+ self.symbol_footnotes.append(footnote)
+ def note_symbol_footnote_ref(self, ref):
+ self.set_id(ref)
+ self.symbol_footnote_refs.append(ref)
+ def note_footnote(self, footnote):
+ self.set_id(footnote)
+ self.footnotes.append(footnote)
+ def note_footnote_ref(self, ref):
+ self.set_id(ref)
+ self.footnote_refs.setdefault(ref['refname'], []).append(ref)
+ self.note_refname(ref)
+ def note_citation(self, citation):
+ self.citations.append(citation)
+ def note_citation_ref(self, ref):
+ self.set_id(ref)
+ self.citation_refs.setdefault(ref['refname'], []).append(ref)
+ self.note_refname(ref)
+ def note_substitution_def(self, subdef, def_name, msgnode=None):
+ name = whitespace_normalize_name(def_name)
+ if self.substitution_defs.has_key(name):
+ msg = self.reporter.error(
+ 'Duplicate substitution definition name: "%s".' % name,
+ base_node=subdef)
+ if msgnode != None:
+ msgnode += msg
+ oldnode = self.substitution_defs[name]
+ dupname(oldnode, name)
+ # keep only the last definition:
+ self.substitution_defs[name] = subdef
+ # case-insensitive mapping:
+ self.substitution_names[fully_normalize_name(name)] = name
+ def note_substitution_ref(self, subref, refname):
+ subref['refname'] = whitespace_normalize_name(refname)
+ def note_pending(self, pending, priority=None):
+ self.transformer.add_pending(pending, priority)
+ def note_parse_message(self, message):
+ self.parse_messages.append(message)
+ def note_transform_message(self, message):
+ self.transform_messages.append(message)
+ def note_source(self, source, offset):
+ self.current_source = source
+ if offset is None:
+ self.current_line = offset
+ else:
+ self.current_line = offset + 1
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__class__(self.settings, self.reporter,
+ **self.attributes)
+ def get_decoration(self):
+ if not self.decoration:
+ self.decoration = decoration()
+ index = self.first_child_not_matching_class(Titular)
+ if index is None:
+ self.append(self.decoration)
+ else:
+ self.insert(index, self.decoration)
+ return self.decoration
+# ================
+# Title Elements
+# ================
+class title(Titular, PreBibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class subtitle(Titular, PreBibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class rubric(Titular, TextElement): pass
+# ========================
+# Bibliographic Elements
+# ========================
+class docinfo(Bibliographic, Element): pass
+class author(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class authors(Bibliographic, Element): pass
+class organization(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class address(Bibliographic, FixedTextElement): pass
+class contact(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class version(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class revision(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class status(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class date(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+class copyright(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
+# =====================
+# Decorative Elements
+# =====================
+class decoration(Decorative, Element):
+ def get_header(self):
+ if not len(self.children) or not isinstance(self.children[0], header):
+ self.insert(0, header())
+ return self.children[0]
+ def get_footer(self):
+ if not len(self.children) or not isinstance(self.children[-1], footer):
+ self.append(footer())
+ return self.children[-1]
+class header(Decorative, Element): pass
+class footer(Decorative, Element): pass
+# =====================
+# Structural Elements
+# =====================
+class section(Structural, Element): pass
+class topic(Structural, Element):
+ """
+ Topics are terminal, "leaf" mini-sections, like block quotes with titles,
+ or textual figures. A topic is just like a section, except that it has no
+ subsections, and it doesn't have to conform to section placement rules.
+ Topics are allowed wherever body elements (list, table, etc.) are allowed,
+ but only at the top level of a section or document. Topics cannot nest
+ inside topics, sidebars, or body elements; you can't have a topic inside a
+ table, list, block quote, etc.
+ """
+class sidebar(Structural, Element):
+ """
+ Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents that occur inside other
+ documents, providing related or reference material. A sidebar is
+ typically offset by a border and "floats" to the side of the page; the
+ document's main text may flow around it. Sidebars can also be likened to
+ super-footnotes; their content is outside of the flow of the document's
+ main text.
+ Sidebars are allowed wherever body elements (list, table, etc.) are
+ allowed, but only at the top level of a section or document. Sidebars
+ cannot nest inside sidebars, topics, or body elements; you can't have a
+ sidebar inside a table, list, block quote, etc.
+ """
+class transition(Structural, Element): pass
+# ===============
+# Body Elements
+# ===============
+class paragraph(General, TextElement): pass
+class compound(General, Element): pass
+class container(General, Element): pass
+class bullet_list(Sequential, Element): pass
+class enumerated_list(Sequential, Element): pass
+class list_item(Part, Element): pass
+class definition_list(Sequential, Element): pass
+class definition_list_item(Part, Element): pass
+class term(Part, TextElement): pass
+class classifier(Part, TextElement): pass
+class definition(Part, Element): pass
+class field_list(Sequential, Element): pass
+class field(Part, Element): pass
+class field_name(Part, TextElement): pass
+class field_body(Part, Element): pass
+class option(Part, Element):
+ child_text_separator = ''
+class option_argument(Part, TextElement):
+ def astext(self):
+ return self.get('delimiter', ' ') + TextElement.astext(self)
+class option_group(Part, Element):
+ child_text_separator = ', '
+class option_list(Sequential, Element): pass
+class option_list_item(Part, Element):
+ child_text_separator = ' '
+class option_string(Part, TextElement): pass
+class description(Part, Element): pass
+class literal_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
+class doctest_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
+class line_block(General, Element): pass
+class line(Part, TextElement):
+ indent = None
+class block_quote(General, Element): pass
+class attribution(Part, TextElement): pass
+class attention(Admonition, Element): pass
+class caution(Admonition, Element): pass
+class danger(Admonition, Element): pass
+class error(Admonition, Element): pass
+class important(Admonition, Element): pass
+class note(Admonition, Element): pass
+class tip(Admonition, Element): pass
+class hint(Admonition, Element): pass
+class warning(Admonition, Element): pass
+class admonition(Admonition, Element): pass
+class comment(Special, Invisible, FixedTextElement): pass
+class substitution_definition(Special, Invisible, TextElement): pass
+class target(Special, Invisible, Inline, TextElement, Targetable): pass
+class footnote(General, BackLinkable, Element, Labeled, Targetable): pass
+class citation(General, BackLinkable, Element, Labeled, Targetable): pass
+class label(Part, TextElement): pass
+class figure(General, Element): pass
+class caption(Part, TextElement): pass
+class legend(Part, Element): pass
+class table(General, Element): pass
+class tgroup(Part, Element): pass
+class colspec(Part, Element): pass
+class thead(Part, Element): pass
+class tbody(Part, Element): pass
+class row(Part, Element): pass
+class entry(Part, Element): pass
+class system_message(Special, BackLinkable, PreBibliographic, Element):
+ """
+ System message element.
+ Do not instantiate this class directly; use
+ ```` instead.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message=None, *children, **attributes):
+ if message:
+ p = paragraph('', message)
+ children = (p,) + children
+ try:
+ Element.__init__(self, '', *children, **attributes)
+ except:
+ print 'system_message: children=%r' % (children,)
+ raise
+ def astext(self):
+ line = self.get('line', '')
+ return u'%s:%s: (%s/%s) %s' % (self['source'], line, self['type'],
+ self['level'], Element.astext(self))
+class pending(Special, Invisible, Element):
+ """
+ The "pending" element is used to encapsulate a pending operation: the
+ operation (transform), the point at which to apply it, and any data it
+ requires. Only the pending operation's location within the document is
+ stored in the public document tree (by the "pending" object itself); the
+ operation and its data are stored in the "pending" object's internal
+ instance attributes.
+ For example, say you want a table of contents in your reStructuredText
+ document. The easiest way to specify where to put it is from within the
+ document, with a directive::
+ .. contents::
+ But the "contents" directive can't do its work until the entire document
+ has been parsed and possibly transformed to some extent. So the directive
+ code leaves a placeholder behind that will trigger the second phase of its
+ processing, something like this::
+ <pending ...public attributes...> + internal attributes
+ Use `document.note_pending()` so that the
+ `docutils.transforms.Transformer` stage of processing can run all pending
+ transforms.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, transform, details=None,
+ rawsource='', *children, **attributes):
+ Element.__init__(self, rawsource, *children, **attributes)
+ self.transform = transform
+ """The `docutils.transforms.Transform` class implementing the pending
+ operation."""
+ self.details = details or {}
+ """Detail data (dictionary) required by the pending operation."""
+ def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
+ internals = [
+ '.. internal attributes:',
+ ' .transform: %s.%s' % (self.transform.__module__,
+ self.transform.__name__),
+ ' .details:']
+ details = self.details.items()
+ details.sort()
+ for key, value in details:
+ if isinstance(value, Node):
+ internals.append('%7s%s:' % ('', key))
+ internals.extend(['%9s%s' % ('', line)
+ for line in value.pformat().splitlines()])
+ elif value and isinstance(value, ListType) \
+ and isinstance(value[0], Node):
+ internals.append('%7s%s:' % ('', key))
+ for v in value:
+ internals.extend(['%9s%s' % ('', line)
+ for line in v.pformat().splitlines()])
+ else:
+ internals.append('%7s%s: %r' % ('', key, value))
+ return (Element.pformat(self, indent, level)
+ + ''.join([(' %s%s\n' % (indent * level, line))
+ for line in internals]))
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__class__(self.transform, self.details, self.rawsource,
+ **self.attributes)
+class raw(Special, Inline, PreBibliographic, FixedTextElement):
+ """
+ Raw data that is to be passed untouched to the Writer.
+ """
+ pass
+# =================
+# Inline Elements
+# =================
+class emphasis(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class strong(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class literal(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class reference(General, Inline, Referential, TextElement): pass
+class footnote_reference(Inline, Referential, TextElement): pass
+class citation_reference(Inline, Referential, TextElement): pass
+class substitution_reference(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class title_reference(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class abbreviation(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class acronym(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class superscript(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class subscript(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class image(General, Inline, Element):
+ def astext(self):
+ return self.get('alt', '')
+class inline(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class problematic(Inline, TextElement): pass
+class generated(Inline, TextElement): pass
+# ========================================
+# Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Data
+# ========================================
+node_class_names = """
+ Text
+ abbreviation acronym address admonition attention attribution author
+ authors
+ block_quote bullet_list
+ caption caution citation citation_reference classifier colspec comment
+ compound contact container copyright
+ danger date decoration definition definition_list definition_list_item
+ description docinfo doctest_block document
+ emphasis entry enumerated_list error
+ field field_body field_list field_name figure footer
+ footnote footnote_reference
+ generated
+ header hint
+ image important inline
+ label legend line line_block list_item literal literal_block
+ note
+ option option_argument option_group option_list option_list_item
+ option_string organization
+ paragraph pending problematic
+ raw reference revision row rubric
+ section sidebar status strong subscript substitution_definition
+ substitution_reference subtitle superscript system_message
+ table target tbody term tgroup thead tip title title_reference topic
+ transition
+ version
+ warning""".split()
+"""A list of names of all concrete Node subclasses."""
+class NodeVisitor:
+ """
+ "Visitor" pattern [GoF95]_ abstract superclass implementation for
+ document tree traversals.
+ Each node class has corresponding methods, doing nothing by
+ default; override individual methods for specific and useful
+ behaviour. The `dispatch_visit()` method is called by
+ `Node.walk()` upon entering a node. `Node.walkabout()` also calls
+ the `dispatch_departure()` method before exiting a node.
+ The dispatch methods call "``visit_`` + node class name" or
+ "``depart_`` + node class name", resp.
+ This is a base class for visitors whose ``visit_...`` & ``depart_...``
+ methods should be implemented for *all* node types encountered (such as
+ for `docutils.writers.Writer` subclasses). Unimplemented methods will
+ raise exceptions.
+ For sparse traversals, where only certain node types are of interest,
+ subclass `SparseNodeVisitor` instead. When (mostly or entirely) uniform
+ processing is desired, subclass `GenericNodeVisitor`.
+ .. [GoF95] Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides. *Design Patterns: Elements of
+ Reusable Object-Oriented Software*. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA,
+ 1995.
+ """
+ optional = ()
+ """
+ Tuple containing node class names (as strings).
+ No exception will be raised if writers do not implement visit
+ or departure functions for these node classes.
+ Used to ensure transitional compatibility with existing 3rd-party writers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, document):
+ self.document = document
+ def dispatch_visit(self, node):
+ """
+ Call self."``visit_`` + node class name" with `node` as
+ parameter. If the ``visit_...`` method does not exist, call
+ self.unknown_visit.
+ """
+ node_name = node.__class__.__name__
+ method = getattr(self, 'visit_' + node_name, self.unknown_visit)
+ self.document.reporter.debug(
+ 'docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor.dispatch_visit calling %s for %s'
+ % (method.__name__, node_name))
+ return method(node)
+ def dispatch_departure(self, node):
+ """
+ Call self."``depart_`` + node class name" with `node` as
+ parameter. If the ``depart_...`` method does not exist, call
+ self.unknown_departure.
+ """
+ node_name = node.__class__.__name__
+ method = getattr(self, 'depart_' + node_name, self.unknown_departure)
+ self.document.reporter.debug(
+ 'docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor.dispatch_departure calling %s for %s'
+ % (method.__name__, node_name))
+ return method(node)
+ def unknown_visit(self, node):
+ """
+ Called when entering unknown `Node` types.
+ Raise an exception unless overridden.
+ """
+ if (node.document.settings.strict_visitor
+ or node.__class__.__name__ not in self.optional):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ '%s visiting unknown node type: %s'
+ % (self.__class__, node.__class__.__name__))
+ def unknown_departure(self, node):
+ """
+ Called before exiting unknown `Node` types.
+ Raise exception unless overridden.
+ """
+ if (node.document.settings.strict_visitor
+ or node.__class__.__name__ not in self.optional):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ '%s departing unknown node type: %s'
+ % (self.__class__, node.__class__.__name__))
+class SparseNodeVisitor(NodeVisitor):
+ """
+ Base class for sparse traversals, where only certain node types are of
+ interest. When ``visit_...`` & ``depart_...`` methods should be
+ implemented for *all* node types (such as for `docutils.writers.Writer`
+ subclasses), subclass `NodeVisitor` instead.
+ """
+class GenericNodeVisitor(NodeVisitor):
+ """
+ Generic "Visitor" abstract superclass, for simple traversals.
+ Unless overridden, each ``visit_...`` method calls `default_visit()`, and
+ each ``depart_...`` method (when using `Node.walkabout()`) calls
+ `default_departure()`. `default_visit()` (and `default_departure()`) must
+ be overridden in subclasses.
+ Define fully generic visitors by overriding `default_visit()` (and
+ `default_departure()`) only. Define semi-generic visitors by overriding
+ individual ``visit_...()`` (and ``depart_...()``) methods also.
+ `NodeVisitor.unknown_visit()` (`NodeVisitor.unknown_departure()`) should
+ be overridden for default behavior.
+ """
+ def default_visit(self, node):
+ """Override for generic, uniform traversals."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def default_departure(self, node):
+ """Override for generic, uniform traversals."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+def _call_default_visit(self, node):
+ self.default_visit(node)
+def _call_default_departure(self, node):
+ self.default_departure(node)
+def _nop(self, node):
+ pass
+def _add_node_class_names(names):
+ """Save typing with dynamic assignments:"""
+ for _name in names:
+ setattr(GenericNodeVisitor, "visit_" + _name, _call_default_visit)
+ setattr(GenericNodeVisitor, "depart_" + _name, _call_default_departure)
+ setattr(SparseNodeVisitor, 'visit_' + _name, _nop)
+ setattr(SparseNodeVisitor, 'depart_' + _name, _nop)
+class TreeCopyVisitor(GenericNodeVisitor):
+ """
+ Make a complete copy of a tree or branch, including element attributes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, document):
+ GenericNodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
+ self.parent_stack = []
+ self.parent = []
+ def get_tree_copy(self):
+ return self.parent[0]
+ def default_visit(self, node):
+ """Copy the current node, and make it the new acting parent."""
+ newnode = node.copy()
+ self.parent.append(newnode)
+ self.parent_stack.append(self.parent)
+ self.parent = newnode
+ def default_departure(self, node):
+ """Restore the previous acting parent."""
+ self.parent = self.parent_stack.pop()
+class TreePruningException(Exception):
+ """
+ Base class for `NodeVisitor`-related tree pruning exceptions.
+ Raise subclasses from within ``visit_...`` or ``depart_...`` methods
+ called from `Node.walk()` and `Node.walkabout()` tree traversals to prune
+ the tree traversed.
+ """
+ pass
+class SkipChildren(TreePruningException):
+ """
+ Do not visit any children of the current node. The current node's
+ siblings and ``depart_...`` method are not affected.
+ """
+ pass
+class SkipSiblings(TreePruningException):
+ """
+ Do not visit any more siblings (to the right) of the current node. The
+ current node's children and its ``depart_...`` method are not affected.
+ """
+ pass
+class SkipNode(TreePruningException):
+ """
+ Do not visit the current node's children, and do not call the current
+ node's ``depart_...`` method.
+ """
+ pass
+class SkipDeparture(TreePruningException):
+ """
+ Do not call the current node's ``depart_...`` method. The current node's
+ children and siblings are not affected.
+ """
+ pass
+class NodeFound(TreePruningException):
+ """
+ Raise to indicate that the target of a search has been found. This
+ exception must be caught by the client; it is not caught by the traversal
+ code.
+ """
+ pass
+def make_id(string):
+ """
+ Convert `string` into an identifier and return it.
+ Docutils identifiers will conform to the regular expression
+ ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*``. For CSS compatibility, identifiers (the "class"
+ and "id" attributes) should have no underscores, colons, or periods.
+ Hyphens may be used.
+ - The `HTML 4.01 spec`_ defines identifiers based on SGML tokens:
+ ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be
+ followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"),
+ underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
+ - However the `CSS1 spec`_ defines identifiers based on the "name" token,
+ a tighter interpretation ("flex" tokenizer notation; "latin1" and
+ "escape" 8-bit characters have been replaced with entities)::
+ unicode \\[0-9a-f]{1,4}
+ latin1 [&iexcl;-&yuml;]
+ escape {unicode}|\\[ -~&iexcl;-&yuml;]
+ nmchar [-a-z0-9]|{latin1}|{escape}
+ name {nmchar}+
+ The CSS1 "nmchar" rule does not include underscores ("_"), colons (":"),
+ or periods ("."), therefore "class" and "id" attributes should not contain
+ these characters. They should be replaced with hyphens ("-"). Combined
+ with HTML's requirements (the first character must be a letter; no
+ "unicode", "latin1", or "escape" characters), this results in the
+ ``[a-z](-?[a-z0-9]+)*`` pattern.
+ .. _HTML 4.01 spec:
+ .. _CSS1 spec:
+ """
+ id = _non_id_chars.sub('-', ' '.join(string.lower().split()))
+ id = _non_id_at_ends.sub('', id)
+ return str(id)
+_non_id_chars = re.compile('[^a-z0-9]+')
+_non_id_at_ends = re.compile('^[-0-9]+|-+$')
+def dupname(node, name):
+ node['dupnames'].append(name)
+ node['names'].remove(name)
+ # Assume that this method is referenced, even though it isn't; we
+ # don't want to throw unnecessary system_messages.
+ node.referenced = 1
+def fully_normalize_name(name):
+ """Return a case- and whitespace-normalized name."""
+ return ' '.join(name.lower().split())
+def whitespace_normalize_name(name):
+ """Return a whitespace-normalized name."""
+ return ' '.join(name.split())
+def serial_escape(value):
+ """Escape string values that are elements of a list, for serialization."""
+ return value.replace('\\', r'\\').replace(' ', r'\ ')
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# sentence-end-double-space: t
+# fill-column: 78
+# End: