path: root/sandbox/tibs/pysource/notes
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-"""Notes (i.e., me working things out...)
-Given the following Python::
- def func(a,b=1,c='jim',d=None,e=[],f={'a':1},g=(1,2,3)):
-the tree produced by compiler looks like::
- <Function> 'func' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g'
- <Const> 1
- <Const> 'jim'
- <Name> 'None'
- <List>
- <Dict>
- <Const> 'a'
- <Const> 1
- <Tuple>
- <Const> 1
- <Const> 2
- <Const> 3 0
-If one has::
- def func2(a,*args,**kargs):
-one gets::
- <Function> 'func2' 'a' 'args' 'kargs' 3 None
-and lastly::
- def func3((a,b,c),d):
- <Function> 'func3' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 0 None
-`compiler.misc` defines `flatten(tup)` - maybe I should try it?
-# compiler.transformer contains this useful set of comments:
-# The output tree has the following nodes:
-# Source Python line #'s appear at the end of each of all of these nodes
-# If a line # doesn't apply, there will be a None instead.
-# module: doc, node
-# stmt: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# function: name, argnames, defaults, flags, doc, codeNode
-# lambda: argnames, defaults, flags, codeNode
-# classdef: name, bases, doc, codeNode
-# pass:
-# break:
-# continue:
-# for: assignNode, listNode, bodyNode, elseNode
-# while: testNode, bodyNode, elseNode
-# if: [ (testNode, suiteNode), ... ], elseNode
-# exec: expr1Node, expr2Node, expr3Node
-# from: modname, [ name1, ..., nameN ]
-# import: [ name1, ..., nameN ]
-# raise: expr1Node, expr2Node, expr3Node
-# tryfinally: trySuiteNode, finSuiteNode
-# tryexcept: trySuiteNode, [ (exprNode, assgnNode, suiteNode), ... ], elseNode
-# return: valueNode
-# const: value
-# print: [ node1, ..., nodeN ] [, dest]
-# printnl: [ node1, ..., nodeN ] [, dest]
-# discard: exprNode
-# augassign: node, op, expr
-# assign: [ node1, ..., nodeN ], exprNode
-# ass_tuple: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# ass_list: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# ass_name: name, flags
-# ass_attr: exprNode, attrname, flags
-# list: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# dict: [ (key1, val1), ..., (keyN, valN) ]
-# not: exprNode
-# compare: exprNode, [ (op, node), ..., (op, node) ]
-# name: name
-# global: [ name1, ..., nameN ]
-# backquote: node
-# getattr: exprNode, attrname
-# call_func: node, [ arg1, ..., argN ]
-# keyword: name, exprNode
-# subscript: exprNode, flags, [ sub1, ..., subN ]
-# ellipsis:
-# sliceobj: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# slice: exprNode, flags, lowerNode, upperNode
-# assert: expr1, expr2
-# Compiled as "binary" ops:
-# tuple: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# or: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# and: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# bitor: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# bitxor: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# bitand: [ node1, ..., nodeN ]
-# Operations easily evaluateable on constants:
-# <<: exprNode, shiftNode
-# >>: exprNode, shiftNode
-# +: leftNode, rightNode
-# -: leftNode, rightNode
-# *: leftNode, rightNode
-# /: leftNode, rightNode
-# %: leftNode, rightNode
-# power: leftNode, rightNode
-# unary+: node
-# unary-: node
-# invert: node
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-Paul Moore's summary of backquoted markup possibilities::
- `xxxxx`_ - named hyperlink reference (type 2)
- `xxxxx`__ - anonymous hyperlink reference (type 2)
- _`xxxx` - inline hyperlink targets
- `/xxx/` - substitution reference
- `xxxxx` - interpreted text
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-The following is taken from the DPS document pysource-reader.txt::
- Interpreted Text
- ================
- DTD elements: package, module, class, method, function,
- module_attribute, class_attribute, instance_attribute, variable,
- parameter, type, exception_class, warning_class.
- In Python docstrings, interpreted text is used to classify and mark up
- program identifiers, such as the names of variables, functions,
- classes, and modules. If the identifier alone is given, its role is
- inferred implicitly according to the Python namespace lookup rules.
- For functions and methods (even when dynamically assigned),
- parentheses ('()') may be included::
- This function uses `another()` to do its work.
- For class, instance and module attributes, dotted identifiers are used
- when necessary::
- class Keeper(Storer):
- """
- Extend `Storer`. Class attribute `instances` keeps track of
- the number of `Keeper` objects instantiated.
- """
- instances = 0
- """How many `Keeper` objects are there?"""
- def __init__(self):
- """
- Extend `Storer.__init__()` to keep track of instances.
- Keep count in `self.instances` and data in ``.
- """
- Storer.__init__(self)
- self.instances += 1
- = []
- """Store data in a list, most recent last."""
- def storedata(self, data):
- """
- Extend `Storer.storedata()`; append new `data` to a list
- (in ``).
- """
- = data
- To classify identifiers explicitly, the role is given along with the
- identifier in either prefix or suffix form::
- Use :method:`Keeper.storedata` to store the object's data in
- ``:instance_attribute:.
- The role may be one of 'package', 'module', 'class', 'method',
- 'function', 'module_attribute', 'class_attribute',
- 'instance_attribute', 'variable', 'parameter', 'type',
- 'exception_class', 'exception', 'warning_class', or 'warning'. Other
- roles may be defined.
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-On finding names
-We are not trying for a general solution to the problem of "find the item
-that is being referred to" - we are just trying to provide useful links
-between <interpreted> items in docstrings and those things that they
-might reasonably be expected to be referring to.
-Some rules thus occur.
-1. We will not show attributes, docstring or not, if they are not
- a. At module level (so a ModuleValue)
- b. Within a class (so a ClassValue)
- c. Within a method called __init__ or __new__.
- So discard any attributes that do not match these criteria.
-Hmm - is that the only rule? Can it be so simple?
diff --git a/sandbox/tibs/pysource/notes/string.html b/sandbox/tibs/pysource/notes/string.html
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-<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-<html><head><title>Python: module string</title>
-<style type="text/css"><!--
-TT { font-family: lucidatypewriter, lucida console, courier }
---></style></head><body bgcolor="#f0f0f8">
-<table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr bgcolor="#7799ee">
-<td valign=bottom><small>&nbsp;<br></small
-><font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial">&nbsp;<br><big><big><strong>string</strong></big></big></font></td
-><td align=right valign=bottom
-><font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><a href=".">index</a><br><a href="file:///C|/python21/lib/">c:\python21\lib\</a></font></td></tr></table>
- <p><small><tt>A&nbsp;collection&nbsp;of&nbsp;string&nbsp;operations&nbsp;(most&nbsp;are&nbsp;no&nbsp;longer&nbsp;used&nbsp;in&nbsp;Python&nbsp;1.6).<br>
-<p><table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeaa77">
-<td colspan=3 valign=bottom><small><small>&nbsp;<br></small></small
-><font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><big><strong>Functions</strong></big></font></td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor="#eeaa77"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-<td width="100%"><dl><dt><a name="-_float"><strong>_float</strong></a> = float(...)<dd><small><tt>float(x)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;floating&nbsp;point&nbsp;number<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-_int"><strong>_int</strong></a> = int(...)<dd><small><tt>int(x[,&nbsp;base])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;integer<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-_long"><strong>_long</strong></a> = long(...)<dd><small><tt>long(x)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;long&nbsp;integer<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-atof"><strong>atof</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-atof">atof</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;float<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-atoi"><strong>atoi</strong></a>(s, base<small><font color="#909090">=10</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-atoi">atoi</a>(s&nbsp;[,base])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;int<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-atol"><strong>atol</strong></a>(s, base<small><font color="#909090">=10</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-atol">atol</a>(s&nbsp;[,base])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;long<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-capitalize"><strong>capitalize</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-capitalize">capitalize</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-capwords"><strong>capwords</strong></a>(s, sep<small><font color="#909090">=None</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-capwords">capwords</a>(s,&nbsp;[sep])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-center"><strong>center</strong></a>(s, width)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-center">center</a>(s,&nbsp;width)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-count"><strong>count</strong></a>(s, *args)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-count">count</a>(s,&nbsp;sub[,&nbsp;start[,end]])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;int<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-expandtabs"><strong>expandtabs</strong></a>(s, tabsize<small><font color="#909090">=8</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-expandtabs">expandtabs</a>(s&nbsp;[,tabsize])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-find"><strong>find</strong></a>(s, *args)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-find">find</a>(s,&nbsp;sub&nbsp;[,start&nbsp;[,end]])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;in<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-index"><strong>index</strong></a>(s, *args)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-index">index</a>(s,&nbsp;sub&nbsp;[,start&nbsp;[,end]])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;int<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-join"><strong>join</strong></a>(words, sep<small><font color="#909090">=' '</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-join">join</a>(list&nbsp;[,sep])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-joinfields"><strong>joinfields</strong></a> = join(words, sep<small><font color="#909090">=' '</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-join">join</a>(list&nbsp;[,sep])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-ljust"><strong>ljust</strong></a>(s, width)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-ljust">ljust</a>(s,&nbsp;width)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-lower"><strong>lower</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-lower">lower</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-lstrip"><strong>lstrip</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-lstrip">lstrip</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-maketrans"><strong>maketrans</strong></a>(...)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-maketrans">maketrans</a>(frm,&nbsp;to)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-replace"><strong>replace</strong></a>(s, old, new, maxsplit<small><font color="#909090">=-1</font></small>)<dd><small><tt>replace&nbsp;(str,&nbsp;old,&nbsp;new[,&nbsp;maxsplit])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-rfind"><strong>rfind</strong></a>(s, *args)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-rfind">rfind</a>(s,&nbsp;sub&nbsp;[,start&nbsp;[,end]])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;int<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-rindex"><strong>rindex</strong></a>(s, *args)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-rindex">rindex</a>(s,&nbsp;sub&nbsp;[,start&nbsp;[,end]])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;int<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-rjust"><strong>rjust</strong></a>(s, width)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-rjust">rjust</a>(s,&nbsp;width)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-rstrip"><strong>rstrip</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-rstrip">rstrip</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-split"><strong>split</strong></a>(s, sep<small><font color="#909090">=None</font></small>, maxsplit<small><font color="#909090">=-1</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-split">split</a>(s&nbsp;[,sep&nbsp;[,maxsplit]])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;list&nbsp;of&nbsp;strings<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-splitfields"><strong>splitfields</strong></a> = split(s, sep<small><font color="#909090">=None</font></small>, maxsplit<small><font color="#909090">=-1</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-split">split</a>(s&nbsp;[,sep&nbsp;[,maxsplit]])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;list&nbsp;of&nbsp;strings<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-strip"><strong>strip</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-strip">strip</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-swapcase"><strong>swapcase</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-swapcase">swapcase</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-translate"><strong>translate</strong></a>(s, table, deletions<small><font color="#909090">=''</font></small>)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-translate">translate</a>(s,table&nbsp;[,deletions])&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-upper"><strong>upper</strong></a>(s)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-upper">upper</a>(s)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
- <dl><dt><a name="-zfill"><strong>zfill</strong></a>(x, width)<dd><small><tt><a href="#-zfill">zfill</a>(x,&nbsp;width)&nbsp;-&gt;&nbsp;string<br>
-<p><table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr bgcolor="#55aa55">
-<td colspan=3 valign=bottom><small><small>&nbsp;<br></small></small
-><font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><big><strong>Data</strong></big></font></td></tr>
-<tr><td bgcolor="#55aa55"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-<td width="100%"><strong>_StringType</strong> = &lt;type 'string'&gt;<br>
-<strong>__file__</strong> = r'c:\Python21\Lib\string.pyc'<br>
-<strong>__name__</strong> = 'string'<br>
-<strong>_idmap</strong> = '<font color="#c040c0">\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f</font> !"#$%&amp;<font color="#c040c0">\'</font>()*+,-./...<font color="#c040c0">\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff</font>'<br>
-<strong>_idmapL</strong> = None<br>
-<strong>digits</strong> = '0123456789'<br>
-<strong>hexdigits</strong> = '0123456789abcdefABCDEF'<br>
-<strong>letters</strong> = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'<br>
-<strong>lowercase</strong> = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'<br>
-<strong>octdigits</strong> = '01234567'<br>
-<strong>printable</strong> = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&amp;<font color="#c040c0">\'</font>()*+,-./:;&lt;=&gt;?@[<font color="#c040c0">\\</font>]^_`{|}~ <font color="#c040c0">\t\n\r\x0b\x0c</font>'<br>
-<strong>punctuation</strong> = '!"#$%&amp;<font color="#c040c0">\'</font>()*+,-./:;&lt;=&gt;?@[<font color="#c040c0">\\</font>]^_`{|}~'<br>
-<strong>uppercase</strong> = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'<br>
-<strong>whitespace</strong> = '<font color="#c040c0">\t\n\x0b\x0c\r</font> '</td></tr></table>
-</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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-Thoughts on pysource
-:Author: Tibs
-:Date: 19 Sep 2002
- [This is the contents of an email sent from Tibs to me, to tie up
- -- or at least identify -- loose ends. When Tibs writes "you",
- he's referring to me. It is published with Tibs' permission. I
- mostly agree with what Tibs has written. I've added my own notes,
- indented in square brackets, like this one.
- --David Goodger]
-Well, having looked back at the pysource sources, I'm confirmed
-in my opinion that, if I were to start work on the project again,
-I would probably start a new version of pysource from scratch,
-using what I have learned (essentially, the content of,
-and taking advantage of all the new technology that is in the
-modern DOCUTILS.
-Thus I would (at least):
-1. produce a "frontend" using Optik
-2. rewrite more neatly
-3. construct DOCUTILS nodes to match pysource.dtd
-4. *possibly* meld those into the classes in
- (but possibly not - some of the stuff in
- seems to me to be, of necessity, a bit messy as it
- is constructing stuff, and thus it may be premature
- to "DOCUTILS" it before it is necessary).
-5. produce an example transform to amend the Python
- specific DOCUTILS tree into a generic DOCUTILS
- tree.
-That's a fair amount of work, and I'm not convinced that I can
-find the sustained effort [1]_, especially if you might be
-willing to take the task on (and if I would have been refactoring
-anyway, a whole different head may be a significant benefit).
-.. [1] I believe that's called "British understatement".
-Some comments on pysource.txt and pysource.dtd
-I believe that a <docstring> node is a Good Thing. It's a natural
-construct (if one believes that the other nodes are good things
-as well!), and it allows the "transform" of the Python specific
-tree to be done more sensibly.
- [I think I finally understand what Tibs is getting at here. I
- thought he meant to have a <docstring> node in an otherwise
- standard Docutils doctree, which just contained the raw docstring.
- Instead, I believe he means that the Python-specific Docutils
- doctree elements like <class_section> and
- <module_section> (see pysource.dtd), should each have a <docstring>
- element which contains ``%structure.model;``, instead of the
- current ``%structure.model;`` directly inside the element. In
- other words, a <docstring> element would be a simple container for
- all the parsed elements of the docstring. On second thought, each
- Python-specific section element would still have to have
- ``%structure.model;``, in order to contain subsections. A
- <package_section> would contain <module_section>s, which would
- contain <class_section>s, and so on.
- So a <docstring> element may be useful as a convenience to
- transforms. It would be a trivial change anyhow.
- The initial (internal) data structure resulting from the parsing
- of Python modules & packages is a completely different beast. It
- should contain <docstring> nodes, along with <package>, <module>,
- <class>, etc., nodes. But these should *not* be subclasses of
- docutils.nodes.Node, and this tree should not be a "Docutils
- document tree". It should be a separate, parallel structure.
- Document tree nodes (docutils.nodes.Node objects) are not suited
- for this work.
- --DG]
-I recommend some initial "surgery" on the initial parse tree to
-make finding the docstrings for nodes easier.
-I reckon that one produces a Python-specific doctree, and then
-chooses one of several transforms to produce generic doctrees.
-By the way, I still vote for "static" introspection - that is,
-without actually importing the module. It does limit what one can
-do in some respects, but there are modules one might want to
-document that one does not wish to import (and indeed, at work we
-have some Python files that essentially cannot be introspected in
-this manner with any ease - they are "designed" to be imported by
-other modules after ``sys.path`` has been mangled suitably, and
-just don't work stand-alone).
-I've tried to expand out the ideas you had on how the "pysource"
-tool should work below.
- although it occurs to me that this is all terribly obvious,
- really. Oh well...
-The pysource tool
-The "input mode" should be the "Python Source Reader".
- You can see where I'm starting from in pysource.txt.
-This produces, as its output, a Python-specific doctree,
-containing extra nodes as defined in pysource.dtd (etc.).
-One of the tasks undertaken by the Python Source Reader is to
-decide what to do with docstrings. For each Python file, it
-discovers (from ``__docformat__``) if the input parser is
-"reStructuredText". If it is, then the contents of each docstring
-in that file will be parsed as such, including sorting out
-interpreted text (i.e., rendering it into links across the tree).
-If it is not, then each docstring will be treated as a literal
- This admits the posibility of adding other parsers *for
- docstrings* at a later date - which I suspect is how HappyDoc
- does it. It is just necessary to publicise the API for the
- Docstring class, and then someone else can provide alternate
- plugins.
-The output of the Python Source Reader is thus a Python-specific
-doctree, with all docstrings fully processed (as appropriate),
-and held inside <docstring> elements.
-The next stage is handled by the Layout Transformer.
- [What I call "stylist transforms". --DG]
-This determines the layout of the document to be produced - the
-*kind* or *style* of output that the user wants (e.g., PyDoc
-style, LibRefMan style, generic docutils style, etc.).
-Each layout is represented by a class that walks the
-Python-specific doctree, replacing the Python-specific nodes with
-appropriate generic nodes. The output of the Layout Transformer
-is thus a generic doctree.
-The final stage is thus a normal DOCUTILS Writer - since it is
-taking input that is a generic doctree, this makes perfect
-sense. This also means that we get maximum leverage from existing
-Writers, which is essential (not just a Good Thing).
-As you point out, some layouts will probably only be appropriate
-for some output formats. Well, that's OK. On the other hand, if
-the output of the Layout stage *is* a generic doctree, we're not
-likely to get fatal errors by putting it through the wrong
-Writer, so we needn't worry too much.
-Thus one might envisage a command line something like::
- pysource --layout:book --format:html this_module
-Of course, other command line switches would be options for
-particular phases (e.g., to use frames or not for HTML output). I
-can see wanting a series of configuration files that one could
-reference, to save specifying lots of switches.
-One specific thing to be decided, particularly for HTML, is
-whether one is outputting a "cluster" of files (e.g., as javadoc
-does). I reckon this can be left for later on, though (as can
-such issues as saying "other interesting sources are *over
-there*, so reference them if you can" - e.g., the Python