Docutils Web Site
:Author: David Goodger; open to all Docutils developers
:Contact: goodger@python.org
:Date: $Date$
:Revision: $Revision$
:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
The Docutils web site, , is
maintained automatically by the ``docutils-update`` script, run as an
hourly cron job on shell.berlios.de (by user "felixwiemann"). The
script will process any .txt file which is newer than the
corresponding .html file in the project's web directory on
shell.berlios.de (``/home/groups/docutils/htdocs/aux/htdocs/``) and
upload the changes to the web site at SourceForge. For a new .txt
file, just SSH to ``@shell.berlios.de`` and ::
cd /home/groups/docutils/htdocs/aux/htdocs/
touch filename.html
chmod g+w filename.html
sleep 1
touch filename.txt
The script will take care of the rest within an hour. Thereafter
whenever the .txt file is modified (checked in to SVN), the .html will
be regenerated automatically.
After adding directories to SVN, allow the script to run once to
create the directories in the filesystem before preparing for HTML
processing as described above.
The docutils-update__ script is located at
__ http://docutils.sf.net/sandbox/infrastructure/docutils-update
Local Variables:
mode: indented-text
indent-tabs-mode: nil
sentence-end-double-space: t
fill-column: 70