path: root/
diff options
authorroot <devnull@localhost>2006-04-26 10:48:09 +0000
committerroot <devnull@localhost>2006-04-26 10:48:09 +0000
commit8b1e1c104bdff504b3e775b450432e6462b8d09b (patch)
tree0367359f6a18f318741f387d82dc3dcfd8139950 /
forget the past.
forget the past.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6961ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
+# --
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+"""Helpers to get a DBAPI2 compliant database connection.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.35 2006-04-25 12:02:09 syt Exp $"
+import sys
+import re
+__all__ = ['get_dbapi_compliant_module',
+ 'get_connection', 'set_prefered_driver',
+ 'PyConnection', 'PyCursor',
+ 'UnknownDriver', 'NoAdapterFound',
+ ]
+class UnknownDriver(Exception):
+ """raised when a unknown driver is given to get connexion"""
+class NoAdapterFound(Exception):
+ """Raised when no Adpater to DBAPI was found"""
+ def __init__(self, obj, objname=None, protocol='DBAPI'):
+ if objname is None:
+ objname = obj.__name__
+ Exception.__init__(self, "Could not adapt %s to protocol %s" %
+ (objname, protocol))
+ self.adapted_obj = obj
+ self.objname = objname
+ self._protocol = protocol
+def _import_driver_module(driver, drivers, imported_elements=None, quiet=True):
+ """Imports the first module found in 'drivers' for 'driver'
+ :rtype: tuple
+ :returns: the tuple module_object, module_name where module_object
+ is the dbapi module, and modname the module's name
+ """
+ if not driver in drivers:
+ raise UnknownDriver(driver)
+ imported_elements = imported_elements or []
+ for modname in drivers[driver]:
+ try:
+ if not quiet:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Trying %s' % modname
+ module = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), imported_elements)
+ break
+ except ImportError:
+ if not quiet:
+ print >> sys.stderr, '%s is not available' % modname
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise ImportError('Unable to import a %s module' % driver)
+ if not imported_elements:
+ for part in modname.split('.')[1:]:
+ module = getattr(module, part)
+ return module, modname
+## Connection and cursor wrappers #############################################
+class PyConnection:
+ """A simple connection wrapper in python (useful for profiling)"""
+ def __init__(self, cnx):
+ """Wraps the original connection object"""
+ self._cnx = cnx
+ # XXX : Would it work if only __getattr__ was defined
+ def cursor(self):
+ """Wraps cursor()"""
+ return PyCursor(self._cnx.cursor())
+ def commit(self):
+ """Wraps commit()"""
+ return self._cnx.commit()
+ def rollback(self):
+ """Wraps rollback()"""
+ return self._cnx.rollback()
+ def close(self):
+ """Wraps close()"""
+ return self._cnx.close()
+ def __getattr__(self, attrname):
+ return getattr(self._cnx, attrname)
+class PyCursor:
+ """A simple cursor wrapper in python (useful for profiling)"""
+ def __init__(self, cursor):
+ self._cursor = cursor
+ def close(self):
+ """Wraps close()"""
+ return self._cursor.close()
+ def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Wraps execute()"""
+ return self._cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
+ def executemany(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Wraps executemany()"""
+ return self._cursor.executemany(*args, **kwargs)
+ def fetchone(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Wraps fetchone()"""
+ return self._cursor.fetchone(*args, **kwargs)
+ def fetchmany(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Wraps execute()"""
+ return self._cursor.fetchmany(*args, **kwargs)
+ def fetchall(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Wraps fetchall()"""
+ return self._cursor.fetchall(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __getattr__(self, attrname):
+ return getattr(self._cursor, attrname)
+## Adapters list ##############################################################
+class DBAPIAdapter:
+ """Base class for all DBAPI adpaters"""
+ def __init__(self, native_module, pywrap=False):
+ """
+ :type native_module: module
+ :param native_module: the database's driver adapted module
+ """
+ self._native_module = native_module
+ self._pywrap = pywrap
+ def connect(self, host='', database='', user='', password='', port=''):
+ """Wraps the native module connect method"""
+ kwargs = {'host' : host, 'port' : port, 'database' : database,
+ 'user' : user, 'password' : password}
+ cnx = self._native_module.connect(**kwargs)
+ return self._wrap_if_needed(cnx)
+ def _wrap_if_needed(self, cnx):
+ """Wraps the connection object if self._pywrap is True, and returns it
+ If false, returns the original cnx object
+ """
+ if self._pywrap:
+ return PyConnection(cnx)
+ else:
+ return cnx
+ def __getattr__(self, attrname):
+ return getattr(self._native_module, attrname)
+# Postgresql #########################################################
+class _PgdbAdapter(DBAPIAdapter):
+ """Simple PGDB Adapter to DBAPI (pgdb modules lacks Binary() and NUMBER)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, native_module, pywrap=False):
+ DBAPIAdapter.__init__(self, native_module, pywrap)
+ self.NUMBER = native_module.pgdbType('int2', 'int4', 'serial',
+ 'int8', 'float4', 'float8',
+ 'numeric', 'bool', 'money')
+class _PsycopgAdapter(DBAPIAdapter):
+ """Simple Psycopg Adapter to DBAPI (cnx_string differs from classical ones)
+ """
+ def connect(self, host='', database='', user='', password='', port=''):
+ """Handles psycopg connexion format"""
+ if host:
+ cnx_string = 'host=%s dbname=%s user=%s' % (host, database, user)
+ else:
+ cnx_string = 'dbname=%s user=%s' % (database, user)
+ if port:
+ cnx_string += ' port=%s' % port
+ if password:
+ cnx_string = '%s password=%s' % (cnx_string, password)
+ cnx = self._native_module.connect(cnx_string)
+ cnx.set_isolation_level(1)
+ return self._wrap_if_needed(cnx)
+class _PgsqlAdapter(DBAPIAdapter):
+ """Simple pyPgSQL Adapter to DBAPI
+ """
+ def connect(self, host='', database='', user='', password=''):
+ """Handles psycopg connexion format"""
+ kwargs = {'host' : host, 'port': port, 'database' : database,
+ 'user' : user, 'password' : password or None}
+ cnx = self._native_module.connect(**kwargs)
+ return self._wrap_if_needed(cnx)
+ def Binary(self, string):
+ """Emulates the Binary (cf. DB-API) function"""
+ return str
+ def __getattr__(self, attrname):
+ # __import__('pyPgSQL.PgSQL', ...) imports the toplevel package
+ return getattr(self._native_module.PgSQL, attrname)
+# Sqlite #############################################################
+class _PySqlite2Adapter(DBAPIAdapter):
+ """Simple pysqlite2 Adapter to DBAPI
+ """
+ def __init__(self, native_module, pywrap=False):
+ DBAPIAdapter.__init__(self, native_module, pywrap)
+ self._init_pysqlite2()
+ # no type code in pysqlite2
+ self.BINARY = 'XXX'
+ self.STRING = 'XXX'
+ self.DATETIME = 'XXX'
+ self.NUMBER = 'XXX'
+ def _init_pysqlite2(self):
+ """initialize pysqlite2 to use mx.DateTime for date and timestamps"""
+ sqlite = self._native_module
+ if hasattr(sqlite, '_mx_initialized'):
+ return
+ from mx.DateTime import DateTimeType, strptime
+ def adapt_mxdatetime(mxd):
+ return mxd.strftime('%F %H:%M:%S')
+ sqlite.register_adapter(DateTimeType, adapt_mxdatetime)
+ def convert_mxdate(ustr):
+ return strptime(ustr, '%F %H:%M:%S')
+ sqlite.register_converter('date', convert_mxdate)
+ def convert_mxdatetime(ustr):
+ return strptime(ustr, '%F %H:%M:%S')
+ sqlite.register_converter('timestamp', convert_mxdatetime)
+ def convert_boolean(ustr):
+ if ustr.lower() == 'false':
+ return False
+ return True
+ sqlite.register_converter('boolean', convert_boolean)
+ sqlite._mx_initialized = 1
+ def connect(self, host='', database='', user='', password='', port=None):
+ """Handles sqlite connexion format"""
+ sqlite = self._native_module
+ class PySqlite2Cursor(sqlite.Cursor):
+ """cursor adapting usual dict format to pysqlite named format
+ in SQL queries
+ """
+ def execute(self, sql, kwargs=None):
+ if kwargs is not None:
+ sql = re.sub(r'%\(([^\)]+)\)s', r':\1', sql)
+ self.__class__.__bases__[0].execute(self, sql, kwargs)
+ else:
+ self.__class__.__bases__[0].execute(self, sql)
+ class PySqlite2CnxWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, cnx):
+ self._cnx = cnx
+ def cursor(self):
+ return self._cnx.cursor(PySqlite2Cursor)
+ def __getattr__(self, attrname):
+ return getattr(self._cnx, attrname)
+ cnx = sqlite.connect(database, detect_types=sqlite.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
+ return self._wrap_if_needed(PySqlite2CnxWrapper(cnx))
+class _SqliteAdapter(DBAPIAdapter):
+ """Simple sqlite Adapter to DBAPI
+ """
+ def __init__(self, native_module, pywrap=False):
+ DBAPIAdapter.__init__(self, native_module, pywrap)
+ self.DATETIME = native_module.TIMESTAMP
+ def connect(self, host='', database='', user='', password='', port=''):
+ """Handles sqlite connexion format"""
+ cnx = self._native_module.connect(database)
+ return self._wrap_if_needed(cnx)
+# Mysql ##############################################################
+class _MySqlDBAdapter(DBAPIAdapter):
+ """Simple mysql Adapter to DBAPI
+ """
+ def connect(self, host='', database='', user='', password='', port='',
+ unicode=False):
+ """Handles mysqldb connexion format
+ the unicode named argument asks to use Unicode objects for strings
+ in result sets and query parameters
+ """
+ kwargs = {'host' : host, 'port' : port, 'db' : database,
+ 'user' : user, 'passwd' : password or None,
+ 'use_unicode' : unicode}
+ return self._native_module.connect(**kwargs)
+## Helpers for DBMS specific Advanced functionalities #########################
+class _GenericAdvFuncHelper:
+ """Generic helper, trying to provide generic way to implement
+ specific functionnalities from others DBMS
+ An exception is raised when the functionality is not emulatable
+ """
+ def support_users(self):
+ """return True if the DBMS support users (this is usually
+ not true for in memory DBMS)
+ """
+ return True
+ def support_groups(self):
+ """return True if the DBMS support groups"""
+ return True
+ def system_database(self):
+ """return the system database for the given driver"""
+ raise Exception('not supported by this DBMS')
+ def sql_current_date(self):
+ return 'CURRENT_DATE'
+ def sql_current_time(self):
+ return 'CURRENT_TIME'
+ def sql_current_timestamp(self):
+ def sql_create_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return '''CREATE TABLE %s (last INTEGER);
+INSERT INTO %s VALUES (0);''' % (seq_name, seq_name)
+ def sql_drop_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return 'DROP TABLE %s;' % seq_name
+ def sqls_increment_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return ('UPDATE %s SET last=last+1;' % seq_name,
+ 'SELECT last FROM %s;' % seq_name)
+ def increment_sequence(self, cursor, seq_name):
+ for sql in self.sqls_increment_sequence(seq_name):
+ cursor.execute(sql)
+ return cursor.fetchone()[0]
+class _PGAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
+ """Postgres helper, taking advantage of postgres SEQUENCE support
+ """
+ def system_database(self):
+ """return the system database for the given driver"""
+ return 'template1'
+ def sql_create_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return 'CREATE SEQUENCE %s;' % seq_name
+ def sql_drop_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return 'DROP SEQUENCE %s;' % seq_name
+ def sqls_increment_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return ("SELECT nextval('%s');" % seq_name,)
+class _SqliteAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
+ """Generic helper, trying to provide generic way to implement
+ specific functionnalities from others DBMS
+ An exception is raised when the functionality is not emulatable
+ """
+ def support_users(self):
+ """return True if the DBMS support users (this is usually
+ not true for in memory DBMS)
+ """
+ return False
+ def support_groups(self):
+ """return True if the DBMS support groups"""
+ return False
+ def sql_current_date(self):
+ return "DATE('now')"
+ def sql_current_time(self):
+ return "TIME('now')"
+ def sql_current_timestamp(self):
+ return "DATETIME('now')"
+## Drivers, Adapters and helpers registries ###################################
+ "postgres" : [ 'psycopg', 'pgdb', 'pyPgSQL.PgSQL', ],
+ "mysql" : [ 'MySQLdb', ], # 'pyMySQL.MySQL, ],
+ "sqlite" : [ 'pysqlite2.dbapi2', 'sqlite', ],
+ }
+ 'postgres' : { 'pgdb' : _PgdbAdapter,
+ 'psycopg' : _PsycopgAdapter,
+ 'pyPgSQL.PgSQL' : _PgsqlAdapter,
+ },
+ 'mysql' : { 'MySQLdb' : _MySqlDBAdapter, },
+ 'sqlite' : { 'pysqlite2.dbapi2' : _PySqlite2Adapter,
+ 'sqlite' : _SqliteAdapter, },
+ }
+# _AdapterDirectory could be more generic by adding a 'protocol' parameter
+# This one would become an adapter for 'DBAPI' protocol
+class _AdapterDirectory(dict):
+ """A simple dict that registers all adapters"""
+ def register_adapter(self, adapter, driver, modname):
+ """Registers 'adapter' in directory as adapting 'mod'"""
+ try:
+ driver_dict = self[driver]
+ except KeyError:
+ self[driver] = {}
+ # XXX Should we have a list of adapters ?
+ driver_dict[modname] = adapter
+ def adapt(self, database, prefered_drivers = None, pywrap = False):
+ """Returns an dbapi-compliant object based for database"""
+ prefered_drivers = prefered_drivers or PREFERED_DRIVERS
+ module, modname = _import_driver_module(database, prefered_drivers)
+ try:
+ return self[database][modname](module, pywrap=pywrap)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise NoAdapterFound(obj=module)
+ def get_adapter(self, database, modname):
+ try:
+ return self[database][modname]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise NoAdapterFound(None, modname)
+del _AdapterDirectory
+ADV_FUNC_HELPER_DIRECTORY = {'postgres': _PGAdvFuncHelper(),
+ 'sqlite': _SqliteAdvFuncHelper(),
+ None: _GenericAdvFuncHelper()}
+## Main functions #############################################################
+def set_prefered_driver(database, module, _drivers=PREFERED_DRIVERS):
+ """sets the prefered driver module for database
+ database is the name of the db engine (postgresql, mysql...)
+ module is the name of the module providing the connect function
+ syntax is (params_func, post_process_func_or_None)
+ _drivers is a optionnal dictionnary of drivers
+ """
+ try:
+ modules = _drivers[database]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise UnknownDriver('Unknown database %s' % database)
+ # Remove module from modules list, and re-insert it in first position
+ try:
+ modules.remove(module)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise UnknownDriver('Unknown module %s for %s' % (module, database))
+ modules.insert(0, module)
+def get_adv_func_helper(driver):
+ """returns an advanced function helper for the given driver"""
+ return ADV_FUNC_HELPER_DIRECTORY.get(driver,
+def get_dbapi_compliant_module(driver, prefered_drivers = None, quiet = False,
+ pywrap = False):
+ """returns a fully dbapi compliant module"""
+ try:
+ mod = ADAPTER_DIRECTORY.adapt(driver, prefered_drivers, pywrap = pywrap)
+ except NoAdapterFound, err:
+ if not quiet:
+ msg = 'No Adapter found for %s, returning native module'
+ print >> sys.stderr, msg % err.objname
+ mod = err.adapted_obj
+ mod.adv_func_helper = get_adv_func_helper(driver)
+ return mod
+def get_connection(driver='postgres', host='', database='', user='', port='',
+ password='', quiet=False, drivers=PREFERED_DRIVERS,
+ pywrap=False):
+ """return a db connexion according to given arguments"""
+ module, modname = _import_driver_module(driver, drivers, ['connect'])
+ try:
+ adapter = ADAPTER_DIRECTORY.get_adapter(driver, modname)
+ except NoAdapterFound, err:
+ if not quiet:
+ msg = 'No Adapter found for %s, using default one' % err.objname
+ print >> sys.stderr, msg
+ adapted_module = DBAPIAdapter(module, pywrap)
+ else:
+ adapted_module = adapter(module, pywrap)
+ if not port:
+ try:
+ host, port = host.split(':', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if port:
+ port = int(port)
+ return adapted_module.connect(host, database, user, password, port=port)