path: root/test/
diff options
authorroot <devnull@localhost>2006-04-26 10:48:09 +0000
committerroot <devnull@localhost>2006-04-26 10:48:09 +0000
commit8b1e1c104bdff504b3e775b450432e6462b8d09b (patch)
tree0367359f6a18f318741f387d82dc3dcfd8139950 /test/
forget the past.
forget the past.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac727f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+import unittest
+from logilab.common import testlib
+import tempfile
+import os
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from logilab.common.configuration import Configuration, OptionValueError
+options = [('dothis', {'type':'yn', 'default': True, 'metavar': '<y or n>'}),
+ ('value', {'type': 'string', 'metavar': '<string>', 'short': 'v'}),
+ ('multiple', {'type': 'csv', 'default': ('yop',),
+ 'metavar': '<comma separated values>',
+ 'help': 'you can also document the option'}),
+ ('number', {'type': 'int', 'default':2, 'metavar':'<int>'}),
+ ('choice', {'type': 'choice', 'default':'yo', 'choices': ('yo', 'ye'),
+ 'metavar':'<yo|ye>'}),
+ ('multiple-choice', {'type': 'multiple_choice', 'default':('yo', 'ye'),
+ 'choices': ('yo', 'ye', 'yu', 'yi', 'ya'),
+ 'metavar':'<yo|ye>'}),
+ ]
+class ConfigurationTC(testlib.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.cfg = Configuration(name='test', options=options, usage='Just do it ! (tm)')
+ def test_default(self):
+ cfg = self.cfg
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['dothis'], True)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['value'], None)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple'], ('yop',))
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['number'], 2)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['choice'], 'yo')
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple-choice'], ('yo', 'ye'))
+ def test_base(self):
+ cfg = self.cfg
+ cfg.set_option('number', '0')
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['number'], 0)
+ self.assertRaises(OptionValueError, cfg.set_option, 'number', 'youpi')
+ self.assertRaises(OptionValueError, cfg.set_option, 'choice', 'youpi')
+ self.assertRaises(OptionValueError, cfg.set_option, 'multiple-choice', ('yo', 'y', 'ya'))
+ cfg.set_option('multiple-choice', 'yo, ya')
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple-choice'], ['yo', 'ya'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg.get('multiple-choice'), ['yo', 'ya'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg.get('whatever'), None)
+ def test_load_command_line_configuration(self):
+ cfg = self.cfg
+ args = cfg.load_command_line_configuration(['--choice', 'ye', '--number', '4',
+ '--multiple=1,2,3', '--dothis=n',
+ 'other', 'arguments'])
+ self.assertEquals(args, ['other', 'arguments'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['dothis'], False)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple'], ['1', '2', '3'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['number'], 4)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['choice'], 'ye')
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['value'], None)
+ args = cfg.load_command_line_configuration(['-v', 'duh'])
+ self.assertEquals(args, [])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['value'], 'duh')
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['dothis'], False)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple'], ['1', '2', '3'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['number'], 4)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['choice'], 'ye')
+ def test_load_configuration(self):
+ cfg = self.cfg
+ args = cfg.load_configuration(choice='ye', number='4',
+ multiple='1,2,3', dothis='n',
+ multiple_choice=('yo', 'ya'))
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['dothis'], False)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple'], ['1', '2', '3'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['number'], 4)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['choice'], 'ye')
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['value'], None)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple-choice'], ('yo', 'ya'))
+ def test_generate_config(self):
+ stream = StringIO()
+ self.cfg.generate_config(stream)
+ self.assertLinesEquals(stream.getvalue().strip(), """# class for simple configurations which don't need the
+# manager / providers model and prefer delegation to inheritance
+# configuration values are accessible through a dict like interface
+# you can also document the option
+ def test_generate_config_with_space_string(self):
+ self.cfg['value'] = ' '
+ stream = StringIO()
+ self.cfg.generate_config(stream)
+ self.assertLinesEquals(stream.getvalue().strip(), """# class for simple configurations which don't need the
+# manager / providers model and prefer delegation to inheritance
+# configuration values are accessible through a dict like interface
+value=' '
+# you can also document the option
+ def test_loopback(self):
+ cfg = self.cfg
+ f = tempfile.mktemp()
+ stream = open(f, 'w')
+ try:
+ cfg.generate_config(stream)
+ stream.close()
+ new_cfg = Configuration(name='testloop', options=options)
+ new_cfg.load_file_configuration(f)
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['dothis'], new_cfg['dothis'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple'], new_cfg['multiple'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['number'], new_cfg['number'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['choice'], new_cfg['choice'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['value'], new_cfg['value'])
+ self.assertEquals(cfg['multiple-choice'], new_cfg['multiple-choice'])
+ finally:
+ os.remove(f)
+ def test_help(self):
+ self.cfg.add_help_section('bonus', 'a nice additional help')
+ help =
+ # at least in python 2.4.2 the output is:
+ # ' -v <string>, --value=<string>'
+ # it is not unlikely some optik/optparse versions do print -v<string>
+ # so accept both
+ help = help.replace(' -v <string>, ', ' -v<string>, ')
+ self.assertLinesEquals(help, """usage: Just do it ! (tm)
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --dothis=<y or n>
+ -v<string>, --value=<string>
+ --multiple=<comma separated values>
+ you can also document the option
+ --number=<int>
+ --choice=<yo|ye>
+ --multiple-choice=<yo|ye>
+ Bonus:
+ a nice additional help
+ def test_manpage(self):
+ from logilab.common import __pkginfo__
+ self.cfg.generate_manpage(__pkginfo__, stream=StringIO())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()