diff options
2 files changed, 455 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..470f772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
+# --
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+"""This module contains helpers for DBMS specific (advanced or non standard)
+Helpers are provided for postgresql, mysql and sqlite.
+from logilab.common.deprecation import obsolete
+class BadQuery(Exception): pass
+class UnsupportedFunction(BadQuery): pass
+class metafunc(type):
+ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict):
+ dict['name'] = name
+ return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)
+class FunctionDescr(object):
+ __metaclass__ = metafunc
+ rtype = None # None <-> returned type should be the same as the first argument
+ aggregat = False
+ minargs = 1
+ maxargs = 1
+ def __init__(self, name=None, rtype=rtype, aggregat=aggregat):
+ if name is not None:
+ name = name.upper()
+ = name
+ self.rtype = rtype
+ self.aggregat = aggregat
+ @classmethod
+ def check_nbargs(cls, nbargs):
+ if cls.minargs is not None and \
+ nbargs < cls.minargs:
+ raise BadQuery('not enough argument for function %s' %
+ if cls.maxargs is not None and \
+ nbargs < cls.maxargs:
+ raise BadQuery('too many arguments for function %s' %
+class AggrFunctionDescr(FunctionDescr):
+ aggregat = True
+ rtype = None
+class MAX(AggrFunctionDescr): pass
+class MIN(AggrFunctionDescr): pass
+class SUM(AggrFunctionDescr): pass
+class COUNT(AggrFunctionDescr):
+ rtype = 'Int'
+class AVG(AggrFunctionDescr):
+ rtype = 'Float'
+class UPPER(FunctionDescr):
+ rtype = 'String'
+class LOWER(FunctionDescr):
+ rtype = 'String'
+class IN(FunctionDescr):
+ """this is actually a 'keyword' function..."""
+ maxargs = None
+class LENGTH(FunctionDescr):
+ rtype = 'Int'
+class _GenericAdvFuncHelper:
+ """Generic helper, trying to provide generic way to implement
+ specific functionnalities from others DBMS
+ An exception is raised when the functionality is not emulatable
+ """
+ # DBMS resources descriptors and accessors
+ users_support = True
+ groups_support = True
+ ilike_support = True
+ # aggregat functions
+ 'MIN': MIN, 'MAX': MAX,
+ 'SUM': SUM,
+ 'AVG': AVG,
+ # transformation functions
+ # keyword function
+ 'IN': IN
+ }
+ 'String' : 'text',
+ 'Int' : 'integer',
+ 'Float' : 'float',
+ 'Boolean' : 'boolean',
+ 'Date' : 'date',
+ 'Time' : 'time',
+ 'Datetime' : 'timestamp',
+ 'Interval' : 'interval',
+ 'Password' : 'bytea',
+ 'Bytes' : 'bytea',
+ # FIXME: still there for use from erudi, should be moved out
+ 'COUNT' : 'integer',
+ 'MIN' : 'integer',
+ 'MAX' : 'integer',
+ 'SUM' : 'integer',
+ 'LOWER' : 'text',
+ 'UPPER' : 'text',
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def function_description(cls, funcname):
+ """return the description (`FunctionDescription`) for a RQL function"""
+ try:
+ return cls.FUNCTIONS[funcname.upper()]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise UnsupportedFunction(funcname)
+ # @obsolete('use users_support attribute')
+ def support_users(self):
+ """return True if the DBMS support users (this is usually
+ not true for in memory DBMS)
+ """
+ return self.users_support
+ support_user = obsolete('use users_support attribute')(support_users)
+ # @obsolete('use groups_support attribute')
+ def support_groups(self):
+ """return True if the DBMS support groups"""
+ return self.groups_support
+ support_user = obsolete('use groups_support attribute')(support_groups)
+ def system_database(self):
+ """return the system database for the given driver"""
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+ def backup_command(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, dbpassword, backupfile,
+ keepownership=True):
+ """return a command to backup the given database"""
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+ def restore_commands(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
+ encoding='utf-8', keepownership=True, drop=True):
+ """return a list of commands to restore a backup the given database"""
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+ # helpers to standardize SQL according to the database
+ def sql_current_date(self):
+ return 'CURRENT_DATE'
+ def sql_current_time(self):
+ return 'CURRENT_TIME'
+ def sql_current_timestamp(self):
+ def sql_create_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return '''CREATE TABLE %s (last INTEGER);
+INSERT INTO %s VALUES (0);''' % (seq_name, seq_name)
+ def sql_drop_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return 'DROP TABLE %s;' % seq_name
+ def sqls_increment_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return ('UPDATE %s SET last=last+1;' % seq_name,
+ 'SELECT last FROM %s;' % seq_name)
+ def sql_temporary_table(self, table_name, table_schema,
+ drop_on_commit=True):
+ return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s);" % (table_name,
+ table_schema)
+ def sql_drop_unique_constraint(self, table, column):
+ # XXX postgres specific ?
+ return 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s_%s_key' % (
+ table, table, column)
+ def boolean_value(self, value):
+ if value:
+ return 'TRUE'
+ else:
+ return 'FALSE'
+ def increment_sequence(self, cursor, seq_name):
+ for sql in self.sqls_increment_sequence(seq_name):
+ cursor.execute(sql)
+ return cursor.fetchone()[0]
+ def create_user(self, cursor, user, password):
+ """create a new database user"""
+ if not self.users_support:
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+ cursor.execute("CREATE USER %(user)s "
+ "WITH PASSWORD '%(password)s'" % locals())
+ def user_exists(self, cursor, username):
+ """return True if a user with the given username exists"""
+ return username in self.list_users(cursor)
+ def list_users(self, cursor):
+ """return the list of existing database users"""
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+ def create_database(self, cursor, dbname, owner=None, encoding='utf-8'):
+ """create a new database"""
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+ def list_databases(self):
+ """return the list of existing databases"""
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+ def list_tables(self, cursor):
+ """return the list of tables of a database"""
+ raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
+def pgdbcmd(cmd, dbhost, dbuser):
+ cmd = [cmd]
+ if dbhost:
+ cmd.append('--host=%s' % dbhost)
+ if dbuser:
+ cmd.append('--username=%s' % dbuser)
+ return cmd
+class _PGAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
+ """Postgres helper, taking advantage of postgres SEQUENCE support
+ """
+ # modifiable but should not be shared
+ FUNCTIONS = _GenericAdvFuncHelper.FUNCTIONS.copy()
+ def system_database(self):
+ """return the system database for the given driver"""
+ return 'template1'
+ def backup_command(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
+ keepownership=True):
+ """return a command to backup the given database"""
+ cmd = ['pg_dump -Fc']
+ if dbhost:
+ cmd.append('--host=%s' % dbhost)
+ if dbuser:
+ cmd.append('--username=%s' % dbuser)
+ if not keepownership:
+ cmd.append('--no-owner')
+ cmd.append('--file=%s' % backupfile)
+ cmd.append(dbname)
+ return ' '.join(cmd)
+ def restore_commands(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
+ encoding='utf-8', keepownership=True, drop=True):
+ """return a list of commands to restore a backup the given database"""
+ cmds = []
+ if drop:
+ cmd = pgdbcmd('dropdb', dbhost, dbuser)
+ cmd.append(dbname)
+ cmds.append(' '.join(cmd))
+ cmd = pgdbcmd('createdb -T template0 -E %s' % encoding, dbhost, dbuser)
+ cmd.append(dbname)
+ cmds.append(' '.join(cmd))
+ cmd = pgdbcmd('pg_restore -Fc', dbhost, dbuser)
+ cmd.append('--dbname %s' % dbname)
+ if not keepownership:
+ cmd.append('--no-owner')
+ cmd.append(backupfile)
+ cmds.append(' '.join(cmd))
+ return cmds
+ def sql_create_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return 'CREATE SEQUENCE %s;' % seq_name
+ def sql_drop_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return 'DROP SEQUENCE %s;' % seq_name
+ def sqls_increment_sequence(self, seq_name):
+ return ("SELECT nextval('%s');" % seq_name,)
+ def sql_temporary_table(self, table_name, table_schema,
+ drop_on_commit=True):
+ if not drop_on_commit:
+ return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s);" % (table_name,
+ table_schema)
+ return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s) ON COMMIT DROP;" % (table_name,
+ table_schema)
+ def list_users(self, cursor, username=None):
+ """return the list of existing database users"""
+ if username:
+ warn('username argument is deprecated, use user_exists method',
+ DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+ return self.user_exists(cursor, username)
+ cursor.execute("SELECT usename FROM pg_user")
+ return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
+ def create_database(self, cursor, dbname, owner=None, encoding='utf-8'):
+ """create a new database"""
+ sql = "CREATE DATABASE %(dbname)s"
+ if owner:
+ sql += " WITH OWNER=%(owner)s"
+ if encoding:
+ sql += " ENCODING='%(encoding)s'"
+ cursor.execute(sql % locals())
+ def list_databases(self, cursor):
+ """return the list of existing databases"""
+ cursor.execute('SELECT datname FROM pg_database')
+ return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
+ def list_tables(self, cursor):
+ """return the list of tables of a database"""
+ cursor.execute("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables")
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+ def create_language(self, cursor, extlang):
+ """postgres specific method to install a procedural language on a database"""
+ # make sure plpythonu is not directly in template1
+ cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM pg_language WHERE lanname='%s';" % extlang)
+ if cursor.fetchall():
+ print '%s language already installed' % extlang
+ else:
+ cursor.execute('CREATE LANGUAGE %s' % extlang)
+ print '%s language installed' % extlang
+class _SqliteAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
+ """Generic helper, trying to provide generic way to implement
+ specific functionnalities from others DBMS
+ An exception is raised when the functionality is not emulatable
+ """
+ # modifiable but should not be shared
+ FUNCTIONS = _GenericAdvFuncHelper.FUNCTIONS.copy()
+ users_support = groups_support = False
+ ilike_support = False
+class _MyAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
+ """Postgres helper, taking advantage of postgres SEQUENCE support
+ """
+ # modifiable but should not be shared
+ FUNCTIONS = _GenericAdvFuncHelper.FUNCTIONS.copy()
+ TYPE_MAPPING = _GenericAdvFuncHelper.TYPE_MAPPING.copy()
+ TYPE_MAPPING['Password'] = 'tinyblob'
+ TYPE_MAPPING['String'] = 'mediumtext'
+ TYPE_MAPPING['Bytes'] = 'longblob'
+ def system_database(self):
+ """return the system database for the given driver"""
+ return ''
+ def backup_command(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
+ keepownership=True):
+ """return a command to backup the given database"""
+ # XXX compress
+ return 'mysqldump -h %s -u %s -r %s %s' % (dbhost, dbuser, backupfile, dbname)
+ def restore_commands(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
+ encoding='utf-8', keepownership=True, drop=True):
+ """return a list of commands to restore a backup the given database"""
+ cmds = []
+ if drop:
+ cmd = 'echo "DROP DATABASE %s;" | mysql -h %s -u %s' % (dbname, dbhost, dbuser)
+ cmds.append(cmd)
+ cmd = 'echo "%s;" | mysql -h %s -u %s' % (self.sql_create_database(dbname, encoding),
+ dbhost, dbuser)
+ cmds.append(cmd)
+ cmd = pgdbcmd('mysql -h %s -u %s < %s' % (dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile))
+ cmds.append(cmd)
+ return cmds
+ def sql_temporary_table(self, table_name, table_schema,
+ drop_on_commit=True):
+ if not drop_on_commit:
+ return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s);" % (table_name,
+ table_schema)
+ return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s) ON COMMIT DROP;" % (table_name,
+ table_schema)
+ def boolean_value(self, value):
+ if value:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def list_users(self, cursor):
+ """return the list of existing database users"""
+ # Host, Password
+ cursor.execute("SELECT User FROM mysql.user")
+ return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
+ def list_databases(self, cursor):
+ """return the list of existing databases"""
+ cursor.execute('SHOW DATABASES')
+ return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
+ def sql_create_database(self, dbname, encoding='utf-8'):
+ sql = "CREATE DATABASE %(dbname)s"
+ if encoding:
+ sql += " CHARACTER SET %(encoding)s"
+ return sql % locals()
+ def create_database(self, cursor, dbname, owner=None, encoding='utf-8'):
+ """create a new database"""
+ cursor.execute(self.sql_create_database(dbname, encoding))
+ if owner:
+ cursor.execute('GRANT ALL ON `%s`.* to %s' % (dbname, owner))
+ def list_tables(self, cursor):
+ """return the list of tables of a database"""
+ cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
+ return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
+ADV_FUNC_HELPER_DIRECTORY = {'postgres': _PGAdvFuncHelper(),
+ 'sqlite': _SqliteAdvFuncHelper(),
+ 'mysql': _MyAdvFuncHelper(),
+ None: _GenericAdvFuncHelper()}
+def register_function(driver, funcdef):
+ if isinstance(funcdef, basestring) :
+ funcdef = FunctionDescr(funcdef.upper())
+ assert not in FUNCTIONS, \
+ '%s is already registered' %
+def get_adv_func_helper(driver):
+ """returns an advanced function helper for the given driver"""
+ return ADV_FUNC_HELPER_DIRECTORY.get(driver,
diff --git a/ b/
index bfd508f..33966f4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -479,332 +479,6 @@ class _MySqlDBAdapter(DBAPIAdapter):
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE _type_code_test")
-## Helpers for DBMS specific advanced or non standard functionalities #########
-class _GenericAdvFuncHelper:
- """Generic helper, trying to provide generic way to implement
- specific functionnalities from others DBMS
- An exception is raised when the functionality is not emulatable
- """
- # DBMS resources descriptors and accessors
- users_support = True
- groups_support = True
- ilike_support = True
- 'String' : 'text',
- 'Int' : 'integer',
- 'Float' : 'float',
- 'Boolean' : 'boolean',
- 'Date' : 'date',
- 'Time' : 'time',
- 'Datetime' : 'timestamp',
- 'Interval' : 'interval',
- 'Password' : 'bytea',
- 'Bytes' : 'bytea',
- # FIXME: still there for use from erudi, should be moved out
- 'COUNT' : 'integer',
- 'MIN' : 'integer',
- 'MAX' : 'integer',
- 'SUM' : 'integer',
- 'LOWER' : 'text',
- 'UPPER' : 'text',
- }
- # @obsolete('use users_support attribute')
- def support_users(self):
- """return True if the DBMS support users (this is usually
- not true for in memory DBMS)
- """
- return self.users_support
- support_user = obsolete('use users_support attribute')(support_users)
- # @obsolete('use groups_support attribute')
- def support_groups(self):
- """return True if the DBMS support groups"""
- return self.groups_support
- support_user = obsolete('use groups_support attribute')(support_groups)
- def system_database(self):
- """return the system database for the given driver"""
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
- def backup_command(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, dbpassword, backupfile,
- keepownership=True):
- """return a command to backup the given database"""
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
- def restore_commands(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
- encoding='utf-8', keepownership=True, drop=True):
- """return a list of commands to restore a backup the given database"""
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
- # helpers to standardize SQL according to the database
- def sql_current_date(self):
- return 'CURRENT_DATE'
- def sql_current_time(self):
- return 'CURRENT_TIME'
- def sql_current_timestamp(self):
- def sql_create_sequence(self, seq_name):
- return '''CREATE TABLE %s (last INTEGER);
-INSERT INTO %s VALUES (0);''' % (seq_name, seq_name)
- def sql_drop_sequence(self, seq_name):
- return 'DROP TABLE %s;' % seq_name
- def sqls_increment_sequence(self, seq_name):
- return ('UPDATE %s SET last=last+1;' % seq_name,
- 'SELECT last FROM %s;' % seq_name)
- def sql_temporary_table(self, table_name, table_schema,
- drop_on_commit=True):
- return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s);" % (table_name,
- table_schema)
- def sql_drop_unique_constraint(self, table, column):
- # XXX postgres specific ?
- return 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s_%s_key' % (
- table, table, column)
- def boolean_value(self, value):
- if value:
- return 'TRUE'
- else:
- return 'FALSE'
- def increment_sequence(self, cursor, seq_name):
- for sql in self.sqls_increment_sequence(seq_name):
- cursor.execute(sql)
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
- def create_user(self, cursor, user, password):
- """create a new database user"""
- if not self.users_support:
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
- cursor.execute("CREATE USER %(user)s "
- "WITH PASSWORD '%(password)s'" % locals())
- def user_exists(self, cursor, username):
- """return True if a user with the given username exists"""
- return username in self.list_users(cursor)
- def list_users(self, cursor):
- """return the list of existing database users"""
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
- def create_database(self, cursor, dbname, owner=None, encoding='utf-8'):
- """create a new database"""
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
- def list_databases(self):
- """return the list of existing databases"""
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
- def list_tables(self, cursor):
- """return the list of tables of a database"""
- raise NotImplementedError('not supported by this DBMS')
-def pgdbcmd(cmd, dbhost, dbuser):
- cmd = [cmd]
- if dbhost:
- cmd.append('--host=%s' % dbhost)
- if dbuser:
- cmd.append('--username=%s' % dbuser)
- return cmd
-class _PGAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
- """Postgres helper, taking advantage of postgres SEQUENCE support
- """
- def system_database(self):
- """return the system database for the given driver"""
- return 'template1'
- def backup_command(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
- keepownership=True):
- """return a command to backup the given database"""
- cmd = ['pg_dump -Fc']
- if dbhost:
- cmd.append('--host=%s' % dbhost)
- if dbuser:
- cmd.append('--username=%s' % dbuser)
- if not keepownership:
- cmd.append('--no-owner')
- cmd.append('--file=%s' % backupfile)
- cmd.append(dbname)
- return ' '.join(cmd)
- def restore_commands(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
- encoding='utf-8', keepownership=True, drop=True):
- """return a list of commands to restore a backup the given database"""
- cmds = []
- if drop:
- cmd = pgdbcmd('dropdb', dbhost, dbuser)
- cmd.append(dbname)
- cmds.append(' '.join(cmd))
- cmd = pgdbcmd('createdb -T template0 -E %s' % encoding, dbhost, dbuser)
- cmd.append(dbname)
- cmds.append(' '.join(cmd))
- cmd = pgdbcmd('pg_restore -Fc', dbhost, dbuser)
- cmd.append('--dbname %s' % dbname)
- if not keepownership:
- cmd.append('--no-owner')
- cmd.append(backupfile)
- cmds.append(' '.join(cmd))
- return cmds
- def sql_create_sequence(self, seq_name):
- return 'CREATE SEQUENCE %s;' % seq_name
- def sql_drop_sequence(self, seq_name):
- return 'DROP SEQUENCE %s;' % seq_name
- def sqls_increment_sequence(self, seq_name):
- return ("SELECT nextval('%s');" % seq_name,)
- def sql_temporary_table(self, table_name, table_schema,
- drop_on_commit=True):
- if not drop_on_commit:
- return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s);" % (table_name,
- table_schema)
- return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s) ON COMMIT DROP;" % (table_name,
- table_schema)
- def list_users(self, cursor, username=None):
- """return the list of existing database users"""
- if username:
- warn('username argument is deprecated, use user_exists method',
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
- return self.user_exists(cursor, username)
- cursor.execute("SELECT usename FROM pg_user")
- return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
- def create_database(self, cursor, dbname, owner=None, encoding='utf-8'):
- """create a new database"""
- sql = "CREATE DATABASE %(dbname)s"
- if owner:
- sql += " WITH OWNER=%(owner)s"
- if encoding:
- sql += " ENCODING='%(encoding)s'"
- cursor.execute(sql % locals())
- def list_databases(self, cursor):
- """return the list of existing databases"""
- cursor.execute('SELECT datname FROM pg_database')
- return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
- def list_tables(self, cursor):
- """return the list of tables of a database"""
- cursor.execute("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables")
- return cursor.fetchall()
- def create_language(self, cursor, extlang):
- """postgres specific method to install a procedural language on a database"""
- # make sure plpythonu is not directly in template1
- cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM pg_language WHERE lanname='%s';" % extlang)
- if cursor.fetchall():
- print '%s language already installed' % extlang
- else:
- cursor.execute('CREATE LANGUAGE %s' % extlang)
- print '%s language installed' % extlang
-class _SqliteAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
- """Generic helper, trying to provide generic way to implement
- specific functionnalities from others DBMS
- An exception is raised when the functionality is not emulatable
- """
- users_support = groups_support = False
- ilike_support = False
-class _MyAdvFuncHelper(_GenericAdvFuncHelper):
- """Postgres helper, taking advantage of postgres SEQUENCE support
- """
- TYPE_MAPPING = _GenericAdvFuncHelper.TYPE_MAPPING.copy()
- TYPE_MAPPING['Password'] = 'tinyblob'
- TYPE_MAPPING['String'] = 'mediumtext'
- TYPE_MAPPING['Bytes'] = 'longblob'
- def system_database(self):
- """return the system database for the given driver"""
- return ''
- def backup_command(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
- keepownership=True):
- """return a command to backup the given database"""
- # XXX compress
- return 'mysqldump -h %s -u %s -r %s %s' % (dbhost, dbuser, backupfile, dbname)
- def restore_commands(self, dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile,
- encoding='utf-8', keepownership=True, drop=True):
- """return a list of commands to restore a backup the given database"""
- cmds = []
- if drop:
- cmd = 'echo "DROP DATABASE %s;" | mysql -h %s -u %s' % (dbname, dbhost, dbuser)
- cmds.append(cmd)
- cmd = 'echo "%s;" | mysql -h %s -u %s' % (self.sql_create_database(dbname, encoding),
- dbhost, dbuser)
- cmds.append(cmd)
- cmd = pgdbcmd('mysql -h %s -u %s < %s' % (dbname, dbhost, dbuser, backupfile))
- cmds.append(cmd)
- return cmds
- def sql_temporary_table(self, table_name, table_schema,
- drop_on_commit=True):
- if not drop_on_commit:
- return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s);" % (table_name,
- table_schema)
- return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s) ON COMMIT DROP;" % (table_name,
- table_schema)
- def boolean_value(self, value):
- if value:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def list_users(self, cursor):
- """return the list of existing database users"""
- # Host, Password
- cursor.execute("SELECT User FROM mysql.user")
- return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
- def list_databases(self, cursor):
- """return the list of existing databases"""
- cursor.execute('SHOW DATABASES')
- return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
- def sql_create_database(self, dbname, encoding='utf-8'):
- sql = "CREATE DATABASE %(dbname)s"
- if encoding:
- sql += " CHARACTER SET %(encoding)s"
- return sql % locals()
- def create_database(self, cursor, dbname, owner=None, encoding='utf-8'):
- """create a new database"""
- cursor.execute(self.sql_create_database(dbname, encoding))
- if owner:
- cursor.execute('GRANT ALL ON `%s`.* to %s' % (dbname, owner))
- def list_tables(self, cursor):
- """return the list of tables of a database"""
- cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
- return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
## Drivers, Adapters and helpers registries ###################################
@@ -859,11 +533,6 @@ class _AdapterDirectory(dict):
del _AdapterDirectory
-ADV_FUNC_HELPER_DIRECTORY = {'postgres': _PGAdvFuncHelper(),
- 'sqlite': _SqliteAdvFuncHelper(),
- 'mysql': _MyAdvFuncHelper(),
- None: _GenericAdvFuncHelper()}
## Main functions #############################################################
@@ -885,11 +554,6 @@ def set_prefered_driver(database, module, _drivers=PREFERED_DRIVERS):
except ValueError:
raise UnknownDriver('Unknown module %s for %s' % (module, database))
modules.insert(0, module)
-def get_adv_func_helper(driver):
- """returns an advanced function helper for the given driver"""
- return ADV_FUNC_HELPER_DIRECTORY.get(driver,
def get_dbapi_compliant_module(driver, prefered_drivers = None, quiet = False,
pywrap = False):
@@ -926,3 +590,7 @@ def get_connection(driver='postgres', host='', database='', user='',
if port:
port = int(port)
return adapted_module.connect(host, database, user, password, port=port)
+from logilab.common.deprecation import moved
+get_adv_func_helper = moved('logilab.common.adbh', 'get_adv_func_helper')