# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This file is part of logilab-common. # # logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # logilab-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with logilab-common. If not, see . """Deprecation utilities.""" __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" import sys from warnings import warn from logilab.common.changelog import Version class DeprecationWrapper(object): """proxy to print a warning on access to any attribute of the wrapped object """ def __init__(self, proxied, msg=None): self._proxied = proxied self._msg = msg def __getattr__(self, attr): warn(self._msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return getattr(self._proxied, attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr in ('_proxied', '_msg'): self.__dict__[attr] = value else: warn(self._msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) setattr(self._proxied, attr, value) class DeprecationManager(object): """Manage the deprecation message handling. Messages are dropped for versions more recent than the 'compatible' version. Example:: deprecator = deprecation.DeprecationManager("module_name") deprecator.compatibility('1.3') deprecator.warn('1.2', "message.") @deprecator.deprecated('1.2', 'Message') def any_func(): pass class AnyClass(object): __metaclass__ = deprecator.class_deprecated('1.2') """ def __init__(self, module_name=None): """ """ self.module_name = module_name self.compatible_version = None def compatibility(self, compatible_version): """Set the compatible version. """ self.compatible_version = Version(compatible_version) def deprecated(self, version=None, reason=None, stacklevel=2, name=None, doc=None): """Display a deprecation message only if the version is older than the compatible version. """ def decorator(func): message = reason or 'The function "%s" is deprecated' if '%s' in message: message %= func.__name__ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): self.warn(version, message, stacklevel+1) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped return decorator def class_deprecated(self, version=None): class metaclass(type): """metaclass to print a warning on instantiation of a deprecated class""" def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): msg = getattr(cls, "__deprecation_warning__", "%(cls)s is deprecated") % {'cls': cls.__name__} self.warn(version, msg, stacklevel=3) return type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return metaclass def moved(self, version, modpath, objname): """use to tell that a callable has been moved to a new module. It returns a callable wrapper, so that when its called a warning is printed telling where the object can be found, import is done (and not before) and the actual object is called. NOTE: the usage is somewhat limited on classes since it will fail if the wrapper is use in a class ancestors list, use the `class_moved` function instead (which has no lazy import feature though). """ def callnew(*args, **kwargs): from logilab.common.modutils import load_module_from_name message = "object %s has been moved to module %s" % (objname, modpath) self.warn(version, message) m = load_module_from_name(modpath) return getattr(m, objname)(*args, **kwargs) return callnew def class_renamed(self, version, old_name, new_class, message=None): clsdict = {} if message is None: message = '%s is deprecated, use %s' % (old_name, new_class.__name__) clsdict['__deprecation_warning__'] = message try: # new-style class return self.class_deprecated(version)(old_name, (new_class,), clsdict) except (NameError, TypeError): # old-style class warn = self.warn class DeprecatedClass(new_class): """FIXME: There might be a better way to handle old/new-style class """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warn(version, message, stacklevel=3) new_class.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) return DeprecatedClass def class_moved(self, version, new_class, old_name=None, message=None): """nice wrapper around class_renamed when a class has been moved into another module """ if old_name is None: old_name = new_class.__name__ if message is None: message = 'class %s is now available as %s.%s' % ( old_name, new_class.__module__, new_class.__name__) return self.class_renamed(version, old_name, new_class, message) def warn(self, version=None, reason="", stacklevel=2): """Display a deprecation message only if the version is older than the compatible version. """ if (self.compatible_version is None or version is None or Version(version) < self.compatible_version): if self.module_name and version: reason = '[%s %s] %s' % (self.module_name, version, reason) elif self.module_name: reason = '[%s] %s' % (self.module_name, reason) elif version: reason = '[%s] %s' % (version, reason) warn(reason, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel) _defaultdeprecator = DeprecationManager() def deprecated(reason=None, stacklevel=2, name=None, doc=None): return _defaultdeprecator.deprecated(None, reason, stacklevel, name, doc) class_deprecated = _defaultdeprecator.class_deprecated() def moved(modpath, objname): return _defaultdeprecator.moved(None, modpath, objname) moved.__doc__ = _defaultdeprecator.moved.__doc__ def class_renamed(old_name, new_class, message=None): """automatically creates a class which fires a DeprecationWarning when instantiated. >>> Set = class_renamed('Set', set, 'Set is now replaced by set') >>> s = Set() sample.py:57: DeprecationWarning: Set is now replaced by set s = Set() >>> """ return _defaultdeprecator.class_renamed(None, old_name, new_class, message) def class_moved(new_class, old_name=None, message=None): return _defaultdeprecator.class_moved(None, new_class, old_name, message) class_moved.__doc__ = _defaultdeprecator.class_moved.__doc__