# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This file is part of logilab-common. # # logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # logilab-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with logilab-common. If not, see . """Graph manipulation utilities. (dot generation adapted from pypy/translator/tool/make_dot.py) """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" __metaclass__ = type import os.path as osp import os import sys import tempfile from logilab.common.compat import str_encode def escape(value): """Make usable in a dot file.""" lines = [line.replace('"', '\\"') for line in value.split('\n')] data = '\\l'.join(lines) return '\\n' + data def target_info_from_filename(filename): """Transforms /some/path/foo.png into ('/some/path', 'foo.png', 'png').""" basename = osp.basename(filename) storedir = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(filename)) target = filename.split('.')[-1] return storedir, basename, target class DotBackend: """Dot File backend.""" def __init__(self, graphname, rankdir=None, size=None, ratio=None, charset='utf-8', renderer='dot', additionnal_param={}): self.graphname = graphname self.renderer = renderer self.lines = [] self._source = None self.emit("digraph %s {" % normalize_node_id(graphname)) if rankdir: self.emit('rankdir=%s' % rankdir) if ratio: self.emit('ratio=%s' % ratio) if size: self.emit('size="%s"' % size) if charset: assert charset.lower() in ('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', 'latin1'), \ 'unsupported charset %s' % charset self.emit('charset="%s"' % charset) for param in additionnal_param.iteritems(): self.emit('='.join(param)) def get_source(self): """returns self._source""" if self._source is None: self.emit("}\n") self._source = '\n'.join(self.lines) del self.lines return self._source source = property(get_source) def generate(self, outputfile=None, dotfile=None, mapfile=None): """Generates a graph file. :param outputfile: filename and path [defaults to graphname.png] :param dotfile: filename and path [defaults to graphname.dot] :rtype: str :return: a path to the generated file """ import subprocess # introduced in py 2.4 name = self.graphname if not dotfile: # if 'outputfile' is a dot file use it as 'dotfile' if outputfile and outputfile.endswith(".dot"): dotfile = outputfile else: dotfile = '%s.dot' % name if outputfile is not None: storedir, basename, target = target_info_from_filename(outputfile) if target != "dot": pdot, dot_sourcepath = tempfile.mkstemp(".dot", name) os.close(pdot) else: dot_sourcepath = osp.join(storedir, dotfile) else: target = 'png' pdot, dot_sourcepath = tempfile.mkstemp(".dot", name) ppng, outputfile = tempfile.mkstemp(".png", name) os.close(pdot) os.close(ppng) pdot = open(dot_sourcepath, 'w') pdot.write(str_encode(self.source, 'utf8')) pdot.close() if target != 'dot': if mapfile: print '%s -Tcmapx -o%s -T%s %s -o%s' % (self.renderer, mapfile, target, dot_sourcepath, outputfile) subprocess.call('%s -Tcmapx -o%s -T%s %s -o%s' % (self.renderer, mapfile, target, dot_sourcepath, outputfile), shell=True) else: subprocess.call('%s -T%s %s -o%s' % (self.renderer, target, dot_sourcepath, outputfile), shell=True) os.unlink(dot_sourcepath) return outputfile def emit(self, line): """Adds to final output.""" self.lines.append(line) def emit_edge(self, name1, name2, **props): """emit an edge from to . edge properties: see http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html """ attrs = ['%s="%s"' % (prop, value) for prop, value in props.items()] n_from, n_to = normalize_node_id(name1), normalize_node_id(name2) self.emit('%s -> %s [%s];' % (n_from, n_to, ", ".join(attrs)) ) def emit_node(self, name, **props): """emit a node with given properties. node properties: see http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html """ attrs = ['%s="%s"' % (prop, value) for prop, value in props.items()] self.emit('%s [%s];' % (normalize_node_id(name), ", ".join(attrs))) def normalize_node_id(nid): """Returns a suitable DOT node id for `nid`.""" return '"%s"' % nid class GraphGenerator: def __init__(self, backend): # the backend is responsible to output the graph in a particular format self.backend = backend # XXX doesn't like space in outpufile / mapfile def generate(self, visitor, propshdlr, outputfile=None, mapfile=None): # the visitor # the property handler is used to get node and edge properties # according to the graph and to the backend self.propshdlr = propshdlr for nodeid, node in visitor.nodes(): props = propshdlr.node_properties(node) self.backend.emit_node(nodeid, **props) for subjnode, objnode, edge in visitor.edges(): props = propshdlr.edge_properties(edge, subjnode, objnode) self.backend.emit_edge(subjnode, objnode, **props) return self.backend.generate(outputfile=outputfile, mapfile=mapfile) class UnorderableGraph(Exception): def __init__(self, cycles): self.cycles = cycles def __str__(self): return 'cycles in graph: %s' % self.cycles def ordered_nodes(graph): """takes a dependency graph dict as arguments and return an ordered tuple of nodes starting with nodes without dependencies and up to the outermost node. If there is some cycle in the graph, :exc:`UnorderableGraph` will be raised. Also the given graph dict will be emptied. """ cycles = get_cycles(graph) if cycles: cycles = '\n'.join([' -> '.join(cycle) for cycle in cycles]) raise UnorderableGraph(cycles) ordered = [] while graph: # sorted to get predictable results for node, deps in sorted(graph.items(), key=id): if not deps: ordered.append(node) del graph[node] for deps in graph.itervalues(): try: deps.remove(node) except KeyError: continue return tuple(reversed(ordered)) def get_cycles(graph_dict, vertices=None): '''given a dictionary representing an ordered graph (i.e. key are vertices and values is a list of destination vertices representing edges), return a list of detected cycles ''' if not graph_dict: return () result = [] if vertices is None: vertices = graph_dict.keys() for vertice in vertices: _get_cycles(graph_dict, vertice, [], result) return result def _get_cycles(graph_dict, vertice=None, path=None, result=None): """recursive function doing the real work for get_cycles""" if vertice in path: cycle = [vertice] for node in path[::-1]: if node == vertice: break cycle.insert(0, node) # make a canonical representation start_from = min(cycle) index = cycle.index(start_from) cycle = cycle[index:] + cycle[0:index] # append it to result if not already in if not cycle in result: result.append(cycle) return path.append(vertice) try: for node in graph_dict[vertice]: _get_cycles(graph_dict, node, path, result) except KeyError: pass path.pop() def has_path(graph_dict, fromnode, tonode, path=None): """generic function taking a simple graph definition as a dictionary, with node has key associated to a list of nodes directly reachable from it. Return None if no path exists to go from `fromnode` to `tonode`, else the first path found (as a list including the destination node at last) """ if path is None: path = [] elif fromnode in path: return None path.append(fromnode) for destnode in graph_dict[fromnode]: if destnode == tonode or has_path(graph_dict, destnode, tonode, path): return path[1:] + [tonode] path.pop() return None