"""some various graph manipuliation utilities (dot generation adapted from pypy/translator/tool/make_dot.py) :version: $Revision: 1.6 $ :organization: Logilab :copyright: 2003-2005 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" __metaclass__ = type import os.path as osp import os def escape(value): """make usable in a dot file""" lines = [line.replace('"', '\\"') for line in value.split('\n')] data = '\\l'.join(lines) return '\\n' + data def target_info_from_filename(filename): """transforms /some/path/foo.png into ('/some/path', 'foo.png', 'png')""" abspath = osp.abspath(filename) basename = osp.basename(filename) storedir = osp.dirname(abspath) target = filename.split('.')[-1] return storedir, basename, target class DotBackend: """Dot File backend""" def __init__(self, graphname, rankdir=None, size=None, ratio=None): self.graphname = graphname self.lines = [] self._source = None self.emit("digraph %s {" % graphname) if rankdir: self.emit('rankdir=%s' % rankdir) if ratio: self.emit('ratio=%s' % ratio) if size: self.emit('size="%s"' % size) def get_source(self): """returns self._source""" if self._source is None: self.emit("}") self._source = '\n'.join(self.lines) del self.lines return self._source source = property(get_source) def generate(self, outputfile=None, dotfile=None): """generates a graph file :param target: output format ('png', 'ps', etc.). If None, the raw dot source will be returned :return: a path to the generated file """ if outputfile is not None: storedir, basename, target = target_info_from_filename(outputfile) else: storedir = '/tmp' basename = '%s.png' % (self.graphname) target = 'png' outputfile = osp.join(storedir, basename) dotfile = dotfile or ('%s.dot' % self.graphname) dot_sourcepath = osp.join(storedir, dotfile) pdot = file(dot_sourcepath, 'w') if isinstance(self.source, unicode): pdot.write(self.source.encode('UTF8')) else: pdot.write(self.source) pdot.close() if target != 'dot': os.system('dot -T%s %s -o%s' % (target, dot_sourcepath, outputfile)) os.unlink(dot_sourcepath) return outputfile def emit(self, line): """adds to final output""" self.lines.append(line) def emit_edge(self, name1, name2, **props): """emits edge from to authorized props: label, style, color, dir, weight """ attrs = ['%s="%s"' % (prop, value) for prop, value in props.items()] self.emit('edge [%s];' % ", ".join(attrs)) self.emit('%s -> %s' % (name1.replace(' ', '_'), name2.replace(' ', '_'))) def emit_node(self, name, **props): """authorized props: shape, label, color, fillcolor, style""" attrs = ['%s="%s"' % (prop, value) for prop, value in props.items()] self.emit('%s [%s];' % (name.replace(' ', '_'), ", ".join(attrs))) class GraphGenerator: def __init__(self, backend): # the backend is responsible to output the graph is a particular format self.backend = backend def generate(self, visitor, propshdlr, outputfile=None): # the visitor # the properties handler is used to get nodes and edges properties # according to the graph and to the backend self.propshdlr = propshdlr for nodeid, node in visitor.nodes(): props = propshdlr.node_properties(node) self.backend.emit_node(nodeid, **props) for subjnode, objnode, edge in visitor.edges(): props = propshdlr.edge_properties(edge) self.backend.emit_edge(subjnode, objnode, **props) return self.backend.generate(outputfile) def get_cycles(graph_dict, vertices=None): '''given a dictionnary representing an ordered graph (i.e. key are vertices and values is a list of destination vertices representing edges), return a list of detected cycles ''' if not graph_dict: return () result = [] if vertices is None: vertices = graph_dict.keys() for vertice in vertices: _get_cycles(graph_dict, vertice, [], result) return result def _get_cycles(graph_dict, vertice=None, path=None, result=None): """recursive function doing the real work for get_cycles""" if vertice in path: cycle = [vertice] for i in range(len(path)-1, 0, -1): node = path[i] if node == vertice: break cycle.insert(0, node) # make a canonical representation start_from = min(cycle) index = cycle.index(start_from) cycle = cycle[index:] + cycle[0:index] # append it to result if not already in if not cycle in result: result.append(cycle) return path.append(vertice) try: for node in graph_dict[vertice]: _get_cycles(graph_dict, node, path, result) except KeyError: pass path.pop()