# copyright 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This file is part of logilab-common. # # logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # logilab-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with logilab-common. If not, see . """Table management module.""" from __future__ import print_function from types import CodeType from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Dict, Iterator from _io import StringIO import re __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" class Table(object): """Table defines a data table with column and row names. inv:: len(self.data) <= len(self.row_names) forall(self.data, lambda x: len(x) <= len(self.col_names)) """ def __init__( self, default_value: int = 0, col_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, row_names: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> None: self.col_names: List = [] self.row_names: List = [] self.data: List = [] self.default_value: int = default_value if col_names: self.create_columns(col_names) if row_names: self.create_rows(row_names) def _next_row_name(self) -> str: return "row%s" % (len(self.row_names) + 1) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: return iter(self.data) # def __eq__(self, other: Union[List[List[int]], List[Tuple[str, str, str, float]]]) -> bool: def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: def is_iterable(variable: Any) -> bool: try: iter(variable) except TypeError: return False else: return True if other is None: return False elif is_iterable(other): # mypy: No overload variant of "list" matches argument type "object" # checked before return list(self) == list(other) # type: ignore else: return False __hash__ = object.__hash__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.row_names) # Rows / Columns creation ################################################# def create_rows(self, row_names: List[str]) -> None: """Appends row_names to the list of existing rows""" self.row_names.extend(row_names) for row_name in row_names: self.data.append([self.default_value] * len(self.col_names)) def create_columns(self, col_names: List[str]) -> None: """Appends col_names to the list of existing columns""" for col_name in col_names: self.create_column(col_name) def create_row(self, row_name: str = None) -> None: """Creates a rowname to the row_names list""" row_name = row_name or self._next_row_name() self.row_names.append(row_name) self.data.append([self.default_value] * len(self.col_names)) def create_column(self, col_name: str) -> None: """Creates a colname to the col_names list""" self.col_names.append(col_name) for row in self.data: row.append(self.default_value) # Sort by column ########################################################## def sort_by_column_id(self, col_id: str, method: str = "asc") -> None: """Sorts the table (in-place) according to data stored in col_id""" try: col_index = self.col_names.index(col_id) self.sort_by_column_index(col_index, method) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Col (%s) not found in table" % (col_id)) def sort_by_column_index(self, col_index: int, method: str = "asc") -> None: """Sorts the table 'in-place' according to data stored in col_index method should be in ('asc', 'desc') """ sort_list = sorted( [(row[col_index], row, row_name) for row, row_name in zip(self.data, self.row_names)] ) # Sorting sort_list will sort according to col_index # If we want reverse sort, then reverse list if method.lower() == "desc": sort_list.reverse() # Rebuild data / row names self.data = [] self.row_names = [] for val, row, row_name in sort_list: self.data.append(row) self.row_names.append(row_name) def groupby( self, colname: str, *others: str ) -> Union[Dict[str, Dict[str, "Table"]], Dict[str, "Table"]]: """builds indexes of data :returns: nested dictionaries pointing to actual rows """ groups: Dict = {} colnames = (colname,) + others col_indexes = [self.col_names.index(col_id) for col_id in colnames] for row in self.data: ptr = groups for col_index in col_indexes[:-1]: ptr = ptr.setdefault(row[col_index], {}) table = ptr.setdefault( row[col_indexes[-1]], Table(default_value=self.default_value, col_names=self.col_names), ) table.append_row(tuple(row)) return groups def select(self, colname: str, value: str) -> "Table": grouped = self.groupby(colname) try: # mypy: Incompatible return value type (got "Union[Dict[str, Table], Table]", # mypy: expected "Table") # I guess we are sure we'll get a Table here? return grouped[value] # type: ignore except KeyError: return Table() def remove(self, colname, value): col_index = self.col_names.index(colname) for row in self.data[:]: if row[col_index] == value: self.data.remove(row) # The 'setter' part ####################################################### def set_cell(self, row_index: int, col_index: int, data: int) -> None: """sets value of cell 'row_indew', 'col_index' to data""" self.data[row_index][col_index] = data def set_cell_by_ids(self, row_id: str, col_id: str, data: Union[int, str]) -> None: """sets value of cell mapped by row_id and col_id to data Raises a KeyError if row_id or col_id are not found in the table """ try: row_index = self.row_names.index(row_id) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Row (%s) not found in table" % (row_id)) else: try: col_index = self.col_names.index(col_id) self.data[row_index][col_index] = data except ValueError: raise KeyError("Column (%s) not found in table" % (col_id)) def set_row(self, row_index: int, row_data: Union[List[float], List[int], List[str]]) -> None: """sets the 'row_index' row pre:: type(row_data) == types.ListType len(row_data) == len(self.col_names) """ self.data[row_index] = row_data def set_row_by_id(self, row_id: str, row_data: List[str]) -> None: """sets the 'row_id' column pre:: type(row_data) == types.ListType len(row_data) == len(self.row_names) Raises a KeyError if row_id is not found """ try: row_index = self.row_names.index(row_id) self.set_row(row_index, row_data) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Row (%s) not found in table" % (row_id)) def append_row( self, row_data: Union[List[Union[float, str]], List[int]], row_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> int: """Appends a row to the table pre:: type(row_data) == types.ListType len(row_data) == len(self.col_names) """ row_name = row_name or self._next_row_name() self.row_names.append(row_name) self.data.append(row_data) return len(self.data) - 1 def insert_row(self, index: int, row_data: List[str], row_name: str = None) -> None: """Appends row_data before 'index' in the table. To make 'insert' behave like 'list.insert', inserting in an out of range index will insert row_data to the end of the list pre:: type(row_data) == types.ListType len(row_data) == len(self.col_names) """ row_name = row_name or self._next_row_name() self.row_names.insert(index, row_name) self.data.insert(index, row_data) def delete_row(self, index: int) -> List[str]: """Deletes the 'index' row in the table, and returns it. Raises an IndexError if index is out of range """ self.row_names.pop(index) return self.data.pop(index) def delete_row_by_id(self, row_id: str) -> None: """Deletes the 'row_id' row in the table. Raises a KeyError if row_id was not found. """ try: row_index = self.row_names.index(row_id) self.delete_row(row_index) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Row (%s) not found in table" % (row_id)) def set_column(self, col_index: int, col_data: Union[List[int], range]) -> None: """sets the 'col_index' column pre:: type(col_data) == types.ListType len(col_data) == len(self.row_names) """ for row_index, cell_data in enumerate(col_data): self.data[row_index][col_index] = cell_data def set_column_by_id(self, col_id: str, col_data: Union[List[int], range]) -> None: """sets the 'col_id' column pre:: type(col_data) == types.ListType len(col_data) == len(self.col_names) Raises a KeyError if col_id is not found """ try: col_index = self.col_names.index(col_id) self.set_column(col_index, col_data) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Column (%s) not found in table" % (col_id)) def append_column(self, col_data: range, col_name: str) -> None: """Appends the 'col_index' column pre:: type(col_data) == types.ListType len(col_data) == len(self.row_names) """ self.col_names.append(col_name) for row_index, cell_data in enumerate(col_data): self.data[row_index].append(cell_data) def insert_column(self, index: int, col_data: range, col_name: str) -> None: """Appends col_data before 'index' in the table. To make 'insert' behave like 'list.insert', inserting in an out of range index will insert col_data to the end of the list pre:: type(col_data) == types.ListType len(col_data) == len(self.row_names) """ self.col_names.insert(index, col_name) for row_index, cell_data in enumerate(col_data): self.data[row_index].insert(index, cell_data) def delete_column(self, index: int) -> List[int]: """Deletes the 'index' column in the table, and returns it. Raises an IndexError if index is out of range """ self.col_names.pop(index) return [row.pop(index) for row in self.data] def delete_column_by_id(self, col_id: str) -> None: """Deletes the 'col_id' col in the table. Raises a KeyError if col_id was not found. """ try: col_index = self.col_names.index(col_id) self.delete_column(col_index) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Column (%s) not found in table" % (col_id)) # The 'getter' part ####################################################### def get_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns a tuple which represents the table's shape""" return len(self.row_names), len(self.col_names) shape = property(get_shape) def __getitem__( self, indices: Union[Tuple[Union[int, slice, str], Union[int, str]], int, slice] ) -> Any: """provided for convenience""" multirows: bool = False multicols: bool = False rows: slice cols: slice rows_indice: Union[int, slice, str] cols_indice: Union[int, str, None] = None if isinstance(indices, tuple): rows_indice = indices[0] if len(indices) > 1: cols_indice = indices[1] else: rows_indice = indices # define row slice if isinstance(rows_indice, str): try: rows_indice = self.row_names.index(rows_indice) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Row (%s) not found in table" % (rows_indice)) if isinstance(rows_indice, int): rows = slice(rows_indice, rows_indice + 1) multirows = False else: rows = slice(None) multirows = True # define col slice if isinstance(cols_indice, str): try: cols_indice = self.col_names.index(cols_indice) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Column (%s) not found in table" % (cols_indice)) if isinstance(cols_indice, int): cols = slice(cols_indice, cols_indice + 1) multicols = False else: cols = slice(None) multicols = True # get sub-table tab = Table() tab.default_value = self.default_value tab.create_rows(self.row_names[rows]) tab.create_columns(self.col_names[cols]) for idx, row in enumerate(self.data[rows]): tab.set_row(idx, row[cols]) if multirows: if multicols: return tab else: return [item[0] for item in tab.data] else: if multicols: return tab.data[0] else: return tab.data[0][0] def get_cell_by_ids(self, row_id, col_id): """Returns the element at [row_id][col_id]""" try: row_index = self.row_names.index(row_id) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Row (%s) not found in table" % (row_id)) else: try: col_index = self.col_names.index(col_id) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Column (%s) not found in table" % (col_id)) return self.data[row_index][col_index] def get_row_by_id(self, row_id): """Returns the 'row_id' row""" try: row_index = self.row_names.index(row_id) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Row (%s) not found in table" % (row_id)) return self.data[row_index] def get_column_by_id(self, col_id, distinct=False): """Returns the 'col_id' col""" try: col_index = self.col_names.index(col_id) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Column (%s) not found in table" % (col_id)) return self.get_column(col_index, distinct) def get_columns(self) -> List[List[int]]: """Returns all the columns in the table""" return [self[:, index] for index in range(len(self.col_names))] def get_column(self, col_index, distinct=False): """get a column by index""" col = [row[col_index] for row in self.data] if distinct: col = list(set(col)) return col def apply_stylesheet(self, stylesheet: "TableStyleSheet") -> None: """Applies the stylesheet to this table""" for instruction in stylesheet.instructions: eval(instruction) def transpose(self) -> "Table": """Keeps the self object intact, and returns the transposed (rotated) table. """ transposed = Table() transposed.create_rows(self.col_names) transposed.create_columns(self.row_names) for col_index, column in enumerate(self.get_columns()): transposed.set_row(col_index, column) return transposed def pprint(self) -> str: """returns a string representing the table in a pretty printed 'text' format. """ # The maximum row name (to know the start_index of the first col) max_row_name = 0 for row_name in self.row_names: if len(row_name) > max_row_name: max_row_name = len(row_name) col_start = max_row_name + 5 lines = [] # Build the 'first' line <=> the col_names one # The first cell <=> an empty one col_names_line = [" " * col_start] for col_name in self.col_names: col_names_line.append(col_name + " " * 5) lines.append("|" + "|".join(col_names_line) + "|") max_line_length = len(lines[0]) # Build the table for row_index, row in enumerate(self.data): line = [] # First, build the row_name's cell row_name = self.row_names[row_index] line.append(row_name + " " * (col_start - len(row_name))) # Then, build all the table's cell for this line. for col_index, cell in enumerate(row): col_name_length = len(self.col_names[col_index]) + 5 data = str(cell) line.append(data + " " * (col_name_length - len(data))) lines.append("|" + "|".join(line) + "|") if len(lines[-1]) > max_line_length: max_line_length = len(lines[-1]) # Wrap the table with '-' to make a frame lines.insert(0, "-" * max_line_length) lines.append("-" * max_line_length) return "\n".join(lines) def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self.data) def as_text(self): data = [] # We must convert cells into strings before joining them for row in self.data: data.append([str(cell) for cell in row]) lines = ["\t".join(row) for row in data] return "\n".join(lines) class TableStyle: """Defines a table's style""" def __init__(self, table: Table) -> None: self._table = table self.size = dict([(col_name, "1*") for col_name in table.col_names]) # __row_column__ is a special key to define the first column which # actually has no name (<=> left most column <=> row names column) self.size["__row_column__"] = "1*" self.alignment = dict([(col_name, "right") for col_name in table.col_names]) self.alignment["__row_column__"] = "right" # We shouldn't have to create an entry for # the 1st col (the row_column one) self.units = dict([(col_name, "") for col_name in table.col_names]) self.units["__row_column__"] = "" # XXX FIXME : params order should be reversed for all set() methods def set_size(self, value: str, col_id: str) -> None: """sets the size of the specified col_id to value""" self.size[col_id] = value def set_size_by_index(self, value: str, col_index: int) -> None: """Allows to set the size according to the column index rather than using the column's id. BE CAREFUL : the '0' column is the '__row_column__' one ! """ if col_index == 0: col_id = "__row_column__" else: col_id = self._table.col_names[col_index - 1] self.size[col_id] = value def set_alignment(self, value: str, col_id: str) -> None: """sets the alignment of the specified col_id to value""" self.alignment[col_id] = value def set_alignment_by_index(self, value: str, col_index: int) -> None: """Allows to set the alignment according to the column index rather than using the column's id. BE CAREFUL : the '0' column is the '__row_column__' one ! """ if col_index == 0: col_id = "__row_column__" else: col_id = self._table.col_names[col_index - 1] self.alignment[col_id] = value def set_unit(self, value: str, col_id: str) -> None: """sets the unit of the specified col_id to value""" self.units[col_id] = value def set_unit_by_index(self, value: str, col_index: int) -> None: """Allows to set the unit according to the column index rather than using the column's id. BE CAREFUL : the '0' column is the '__row_column__' one ! (Note that in the 'unit' case, you shouldn't have to set a unit for the 1st column (the __row__column__ one)) """ if col_index == 0: col_id = "__row_column__" else: col_id = self._table.col_names[col_index - 1] self.units[col_id] = value def get_size(self, col_id: str) -> str: """Returns the size of the specified col_id""" return self.size[col_id] def get_size_by_index(self, col_index: int) -> str: """Allows to get the size according to the column index rather than using the column's id. BE CAREFUL : the '0' column is the '__row_column__' one ! """ if col_index == 0: col_id = "__row_column__" else: col_id = self._table.col_names[col_index - 1] return self.size[col_id] def get_alignment(self, col_id: str) -> str: """Returns the alignment of the specified col_id""" return self.alignment[col_id] def get_alignment_by_index(self, col_index: int) -> str: """Allors to get the alignment according to the column index rather than using the column's id. BE CAREFUL : the '0' column is the '__row_column__' one ! """ if col_index == 0: col_id = "__row_column__" else: col_id = self._table.col_names[col_index - 1] return self.alignment[col_id] def get_unit(self, col_id: str) -> str: """Returns the unit of the specified col_id""" return self.units[col_id] def get_unit_by_index(self, col_index: int) -> str: """Allors to get the unit according to the column index rather than using the column's id. BE CAREFUL : the '0' column is the '__row_column__' one ! """ if col_index == 0: col_id = "__row_column__" else: col_id = self._table.col_names[col_index - 1] return self.units[col_id] CELL_PROG = re.compile("([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)") class TableStyleSheet: """A simple Table stylesheet Rules are expressions where cells are defined by the row_index and col_index separated by an underscore ('_'). For example, suppose you want to say that the (2,5) cell must be the sum of its two preceding cells in the row, you would create the following rule :: 2_5 = 2_3 + 2_4 You can also use all the math.* operations you want. For example:: 2_5 = sqrt(2_3**2 + 2_4**2) """ def __init__(self, rules: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: rules = rules or [] self.rules: List[str] = [] self.instructions: List[CodeType] = [] for rule in rules: self.add_rule(rule) def add_rule(self, rule: str) -> None: """Adds a rule to the stylesheet rules""" try: source_code = ["from math import *"] source_code.append(CELL_PROG.sub(r"self.data[\1][\2]", rule)) self.instructions.append(compile("\n".join(source_code), "table.py", "exec")) self.rules.append(rule) except SyntaxError: print("Bad Stylesheet Rule : %s [skipped]" % rule) def add_rowsum_rule( self, dest_cell: Tuple[int, int], row_index: int, start_col: int, end_col: int ) -> None: """Creates and adds a rule to sum over the row at row_index from start_col to end_col. dest_cell is a tuple of two elements (x,y) of the destination cell No check is done for indexes ranges. pre:: start_col >= 0 end_col > start_col """ cell_list = ["%d_%d" % (row_index, index) for index in range(start_col, end_col + 1)] rule = "%d_%d=" % dest_cell + "+".join(cell_list) self.add_rule(rule) def add_rowavg_rule( self, dest_cell: Tuple[int, int], row_index: int, start_col: int, end_col: int ) -> None: """Creates and adds a rule to make the row average (from start_col to end_col) dest_cell is a tuple of two elements (x,y) of the destination cell No check is done for indexes ranges. pre:: start_col >= 0 end_col > start_col """ cell_list = ["%d_%d" % (row_index, index) for index in range(start_col, end_col + 1)] num = end_col - start_col + 1 rule = "%d_%d=" % dest_cell + "(" + "+".join(cell_list) + ")/%f" % num self.add_rule(rule) def add_colsum_rule( self, dest_cell: Tuple[int, int], col_index: int, start_row: int, end_row: int ) -> None: """Creates and adds a rule to sum over the col at col_index from start_row to end_row. dest_cell is a tuple of two elements (x,y) of the destination cell No check is done for indexes ranges. pre:: start_row >= 0 end_row > start_row """ cell_list = ["%d_%d" % (index, col_index) for index in range(start_row, end_row + 1)] rule = "%d_%d=" % dest_cell + "+".join(cell_list) self.add_rule(rule) def add_colavg_rule( self, dest_cell: Tuple[int, int], col_index: int, start_row: int, end_row: int ) -> None: """Creates and adds a rule to make the col average (from start_row to end_row) dest_cell is a tuple of two elements (x,y) of the destination cell No check is done for indexes ranges. pre:: start_row >= 0 end_row > start_row """ cell_list = ["%d_%d" % (index, col_index) for index in range(start_row, end_row + 1)] num = end_row - start_row + 1 rule = "%d_%d=" % dest_cell + "(" + "+".join(cell_list) + ")/%f" % num self.add_rule(rule) class TableCellRenderer: """Defines a simple text renderer""" def __init__(self, **properties: Any) -> None: """keywords should be properties with an associated boolean as value. For example : renderer = TableCellRenderer(units = True, alignment = False) An unspecified property will have a 'False' value by default. Possible properties are : alignment, unit """ self.properties = properties def render_cell( self, cell_coord: Tuple[int, int], table: Table, table_style: TableStyle ) -> Union[str, int]: """Renders the cell at 'cell_coord' in the table, using table_style""" row_index, col_index = cell_coord cell_value = table.data[row_index][col_index] final_content = self._make_cell_content(cell_value, table_style, col_index + 1) return self._render_cell_content(final_content, table_style, col_index + 1) def render_row_cell( self, row_name: str, table: Table, table_style: TableStyle ) -> Union[str, int]: """Renders the cell for 'row_id' row""" cell_value = row_name return self._render_cell_content(cell_value, table_style, 0) def render_col_cell( self, col_name: str, table: Table, table_style: TableStyle ) -> Union[str, int]: """Renders the cell for 'col_id' row""" cell_value = col_name col_index = table.col_names.index(col_name) return self._render_cell_content(cell_value, table_style, col_index + 1) def _render_cell_content( self, content: Union[str, int], table_style: TableStyle, col_index: int ) -> Union[str, int]: """Makes the appropriate rendering for this cell content. Rendering properties will be searched using the *table_style.get_xxx_by_index(col_index)' methods **This method should be overridden in the derived renderer classes.** """ return content def _make_cell_content( self, cell_content: int, table_style: TableStyle, col_index: int ) -> Union[int, str]: """Makes the cell content (adds decoration data, like units for example) """ final_content: Union[int, str] = cell_content if "skip_zero" in self.properties: replacement_char = self.properties["skip_zero"] else: replacement_char = 0 if replacement_char and final_content == 0: return replacement_char try: units_on = self.properties["units"] if units_on: final_content = self._add_unit(cell_content, table_style, col_index) except KeyError: pass return final_content def _add_unit(self, cell_content: int, table_style: TableStyle, col_index: int) -> str: """Adds unit to the cell_content if needed""" unit = table_style.get_unit_by_index(col_index) return str(cell_content) + " " + unit class DocbookRenderer(TableCellRenderer): """Defines how to render a cell for a docboook table""" def define_col_header(self, col_index: int, table_style: TableStyle) -> str: """Computes the colspec element according to the style""" size = table_style.get_size_by_index(col_index) return '\n' % (col_index, size) def _render_cell_content( self, cell_content: Union[int, str], table_style: TableStyle, col_index: int ) -> str: """Makes the appropriate rendering for this cell content. Rendering properties will be searched using the table_style.get_xxx_by_index(col_index)' methods. """ try: align_on = self.properties["alignment"] alignment = table_style.get_alignment_by_index(col_index) if align_on: return "%s\n" % (alignment, cell_content) except KeyError: # KeyError <=> Default alignment return "%s\n" % cell_content # XXX really? return "" class TableWriter: """A class to write tables""" def __init__( self, stream: StringIO, table: Table, style: Optional[Any], **properties: Any ) -> None: self._stream = stream self.style = style or TableStyle(table) self._table = table self.properties = properties self.renderer: Optional[DocbookRenderer] = None def set_style(self, style): """sets the table's associated style""" self.style = style def set_renderer(self, renderer: DocbookRenderer) -> None: """sets the way to render cell""" self.renderer = renderer def update_properties(self, **properties): """Updates writer's properties (for cell rendering)""" self.properties.update(properties) def write_table(self, title: str = "") -> None: """Writes the table""" raise NotImplementedError("write_table must be implemented !") class DocbookTableWriter(TableWriter): """Defines an implementation of TableWriter to write a table in Docbook""" def _write_headers(self) -> None: """Writes col headers""" assert self.renderer is not None # Define col_headers (colstpec elements) for col_index in range(len(self._table.col_names) + 1): self._stream.write(self.renderer.define_col_header(col_index, self.style)) self._stream.write("\n\n") # XXX FIXME : write an empty entry <=> the first (__row_column) column self._stream.write("\n") for col_name in self._table.col_names: self._stream.write(self.renderer.render_col_cell(col_name, self._table, self.style)) self._stream.write("\n\n") def _write_body(self) -> None: """Writes the table body""" assert self.renderer is not None self._stream.write("\n") for row_index, row in enumerate(self._table.data): self._stream.write("\n") row_name = self._table.row_names[row_index] # Write the first entry (row_name) self._stream.write(self.renderer.render_row_cell(row_name, self._table, self.style)) for col_index, cell in enumerate(row): self._stream.write( self.renderer.render_cell((row_index, col_index), self._table, self.style) ) self._stream.write("\n") self._stream.write("\n") def write_table(self, title: str = "") -> None: """Writes the table""" self._stream.write("\n%s>\n" % (title)) self._stream.write( '\n' % (len(self._table.col_names) + 1) ) self._write_headers() self._write_body() self._stream.write("\n