"""module providing: * process information (linux specific: rely on /proc) * a class for resource control (memory / time / cpu time) :organization: Logilab :copyright: 2007-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr :license: General Public License version 2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" import os from os.path import exists from logilab.common.tree import Node class NoSuchProcess(Exception): pass def proc_exists(pid): """check the a pid is registered in /proc raise NoSuchProcess exception if not """ if not exists('/proc/%s' % pid): raise NoSuchProcess() PPID = 3 UTIME = 13 STIME = 14 CUTIME = 15 CSTIME = 16 VSIZE = 22 class ProcInfo(Node): """provide access to process information found in /proc""" def __init__(self, pid): Node.__init__(self, pid) self.pid = pid proc_exists(pid) self.file = '/proc/%s/stat' % pid self.ppid = int(self.status()[PPID]) def memory_usage(self): """return the memory usage of the process in Ko""" try : return int(self.status()[VSIZE]) except IOError: return 0 def lineage_memory_usage(self): return self.memory_usage() + sum(child.lineage_memory_usage() for child in self.children) def time(self, children=0): """return the number of jiffies that this process has been scheduled in user and kernel mode""" status = self.status() time = int(status[UTIME]) + int(status[STIME]) if children: time += int(status[CUTIME]) + int(status[CSTIME]) return time def status(self): """return the list of fields found in /proc//stat""" return open(self.file).read().split() class ProcInfoLoader: """manage process information""" def __init__(self): self._loaded = {} def list_pids(self): """return a list of existant process ids""" for subdir in os.listdir('/proc'): if subdir.isdigit(): yield int(subdir) def load(self, pid): """get a ProcInfo object for a given pid""" pid = int(pid) try: return self._loaded[pid] except KeyError: procinfo = ProcInfo(pid) procinfo.manager = self self._loaded[pid] = procinfo return procinfo def load_all(self): """load all processes information""" for pid in self.list_pids(): try: procinfo = self.load(pid) if procinfo.parent is None and procinfo.ppid: pprocinfo = self.load(procinfo.ppid) pprocinfo.append(procinfo) except NoSuchProcess: pass import tempfile import traceback from signal import signal, SIGXCPU, SIGKILL, SIGUSR2, SIGUSR1 from os import killpg, getpid, setpgrp from threading import Timer, currentThread, Thread, Event from time import time from resource import getrlimit, setrlimit, RLIMIT_CPU, RLIMIT_AS try: class ResourceError(BaseException): """Error raise when resource limit is reached""" limit = "Unknow Resource Limit" except NameError: class ResourceError(Exception): """Error raise when resource limit is reached""" limit = "Unknow Resource Limit" class XCPUError(ResourceError): """Error raised when CPU Time limite is reached""" limit = "CPU Time" class LineageMemoryError(ResourceError): """Error raised when the total amount of memory used by a process and it's child is reached""" limit = "Lineage total Memory" class TimeoutError(ResourceError): """Error raised when the process is running for to much time""" limit = "Real Time" # Can't use subclass because the StandardError MemoryError raised RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEPTION = (ResourceError, MemoryError) class MemorySentinel(Thread): """A class checking a process don't use too much memory in a separated daemonic thread """ def __init__(self, interval, memory_limit, gpid=getpid()): Thread.__init__(self, target=self._run, name="Test.Sentinel") self.memory_limit = memory_limit self._stop = Event() self.interval = interval self.setDaemon(True) self.gpid = gpid def stop(self): """stop ap""" self._stop.set() def _run(self): pil = ProcInfoLoader() while not self._stop.isSet(): if self.memory_limit <= pil.load(self.gpid).lineage_memory_usage(): killpg(self.gpid, SIGUSR1) self._stop.wait(self.interval) class ResourceController: def __init__(self, max_cpu_time=None, max_time=None, max_memory=None, max_reprieve=60): self.max_time = max_time self.max_memory = max_memory self.max_cpu_time = max_cpu_time self._reprieve = max_reprieve self._timer = None self._msentinel = None self._old_max_memory = None self._old_usr1_hdlr = None self._old_max_cpu_time = None self._old_usr2_hdlr = None self._old_sigxcpu_hdlr = None self._limit_set = 0 self._abort_try = 0 self._start_time = None self._elapse_time = 0 def _hangle_sig_timeout(self, sig, frame): raise TimeoutError() def _hangle_sig_memory(self, sig, frame): if self._abort_try < self._reprieve: self._abort_try += 1 raise LineageMemoryError("Memory limit reached") else: killpg(getpid(), SIGKILL) def _handle_sigxcpu(self, sig, frame): if self._abort_try < self._reprieve: self._abort_try += 1 raise XCPUError("Soft CPU time limit reached") else: killpg(getpid(), SIGKILL) def _time_out(self): if self._abort_try < self._reprieve: self._abort_try += 1 killpg(getpid(), SIGUSR2) if self._limit_set > 0: self._timer = Timer(1, self._time_out) self._timer.start() else: killpg(getpid(), SIGKILL) def setup_limit(self): """set up the process limit""" assert currentThread().getName() == 'MainThread' setpgrp() if self._limit_set <= 0: if self.max_time is not None: self._old_usr2_hdlr = signal(SIGUSR2, self._hangle_sig_timeout) self._timer = Timer(max(1, int(self.max_time) - self._elapse_time), self._time_out) self._start_time = int(time()) self._timer.start() if self.max_cpu_time is not None: self._old_max_cpu_time = getrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU) cpu_limit = (int(self.max_cpu_time), self._old_max_cpu_time[1]) self._old_sigxcpu_hdlr = signal(SIGXCPU, self._handle_sigxcpu) setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, cpu_limit) if self.max_memory is not None: self._msentinel = MemorySentinel(1, int(self.max_memory) ) self._old_max_memory = getrlimit(RLIMIT_AS) self._old_usr1_hdlr = signal(SIGUSR1, self._hangle_sig_memory) as_limit = (int(self.max_memory), self._old_max_memory[1]) setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, as_limit) self._msentinel.start() self._limit_set += 1 def clean_limit(self): """reinstall the old process limit""" if self._limit_set > 0: if self.max_time is not None: self._timer.cancel() self._elapse_time += int(time())-self._start_time self._timer = None signal(SIGUSR2, self._old_usr2_hdlr) if self.max_cpu_time is not None: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, self._old_max_cpu_time) signal(SIGXCPU, self._old_sigxcpu_hdlr) if self.max_memory is not None: self._msentinel.stop() self._msentinel = None setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, self._old_max_memory) signal(SIGUSR1, self._old_usr1_hdlr) self._limit_set -= 1