# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This file is part of logilab-common. # # logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # logilab-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with logilab-common. If not, see . """pytest is a tool that eases test running and debugging. To be able to use pytest, you should either write tests using the logilab.common.testlib's framework or the unittest module of the Python's standard library. You can customize pytest's behaviour by defining a ``pytestconf.py`` file somewhere in your test directory. In this file, you can add options or change the way tests are run. To add command line options, you must define a ``update_parser`` function in your ``pytestconf.py`` file. The function must accept a single parameter that will be the OptionParser's instance to customize. If you wish to customize the tester, you'll have to define a class named ``CustomPyTester``. This class should extend the default `PyTester` class defined in the pytest module. Take a look at the `PyTester` and `DjangoTester` classes for more information about what can be done. For instance, if you wish to add a custom -l option to specify a loglevel, you could define the following ``pytestconf.py`` file :: import logging from logilab.common.pytest import PyTester def update_parser(parser): parser.add_option('-l', '--loglevel', dest='loglevel', action='store', choices=('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'), default='critical', help="the default log level possible choices are " "('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical')") return parser class CustomPyTester(PyTester): def __init__(self, cvg, options): super(CustomPyTester, self).__init__(cvg, options) loglevel = options.loglevel.upper() logger = logging.getLogger('erudi') logger.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(loglevel)) In your TestCase class you can then get the value of a specific option with the ``optval`` method:: class MyTestCase(TestCase): def test_foo(self): loglevel = self.optval('loglevel') # ... You can also tag your tag your test for fine filtering With those tag:: from logilab.common.testlib import tag, TestCase class Exemple(TestCase): @tag('rouge', 'carre') def toto(self): pass @tag('carre', 'vert') def tata(self): pass @tag('rouge') def titi(test): pass you can filter the function with a simple python expression * ``toto`` and ``titi`` match ``rouge`` * ``toto``, ``tata`` and ``titi``, match ``rouge or carre`` * ``tata`` and ``titi`` match``rouge ^ carre`` * ``titi`` match ``rouge and not carre`` """ from __future__ import print_function __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" PYTEST_DOC = """%prog [OPTIONS] [testfile [testpattern]] examples: pytest path/to/mytests.py pytest path/to/mytests.py TheseTests pytest path/to/mytests.py TheseTests.test_thisone pytest path/to/mytests.py -m '(not long and database) or regr' pytest one (will run both test_thisone and test_thatone) pytest path/to/mytests.py -s not (will skip test_notthisone) """ ENABLE_DBC = False FILE_RESTART = ".pytest.restart" import os, sys, re import os.path as osp from time import time, clock import warnings import types from inspect import isgeneratorfunction, isclass from contextlib import contextmanager from logilab.common.fileutils import abspath_listdir from logilab.common import textutils from logilab.common import testlib, STD_BLACKLIST # use the same unittest module as testlib from logilab.common.testlib import unittest, start_interactive_mode from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated import doctest import unittest as unittest_legacy if not getattr(unittest_legacy, "__package__", None): try: import unittest2.suite as unittest_suite except ImportError: sys.exit("You have to install python-unittest2 to use this module") else: import unittest.suite as unittest_suite try: import django from logilab.common.modutils import modpath_from_file, load_module_from_modpath DJANGO_FOUND = True except ImportError: DJANGO_FOUND = False CONF_FILE = 'pytestconf.py' ## coverage pausing tools @contextmanager def replace_trace(trace=None): """A context manager that temporary replaces the trace function""" oldtrace = sys.gettrace() sys.settrace(trace) try: yield finally: # specific hack to work around a bug in pycoverage, see # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/123 if (oldtrace is not None and not callable(oldtrace) and hasattr(oldtrace, 'pytrace')): oldtrace = oldtrace.pytrace sys.settrace(oldtrace) def pause_trace(): """A context manager that temporary pauses any tracing""" return replace_trace() class TraceController(object): ctx_stack = [] @classmethod @deprecated('[lgc 0.63.1] Use the pause_trace() context manager') def pause_tracing(cls): cls.ctx_stack.append(pause_trace()) cls.ctx_stack[-1].__enter__() @classmethod @deprecated('[lgc 0.63.1] Use the pause_trace() context manager') def resume_tracing(cls): cls.ctx_stack.pop().__exit__(None, None, None) pause_tracing = TraceController.pause_tracing resume_tracing = TraceController.resume_tracing def nocoverage(func): """Function decorator that pauses tracing functions""" if hasattr(func, 'uncovered'): return func func.uncovered = True def not_covered(*args, **kwargs): with pause_trace(): return func(*args, **kwargs) not_covered.uncovered = True return not_covered ## end of coverage pausing tools TESTFILE_RE = re.compile("^((unit)?test.*|smoketest)\.py$") def this_is_a_testfile(filename): """returns True if `filename` seems to be a test file""" return TESTFILE_RE.match(osp.basename(filename)) TESTDIR_RE = re.compile("^(unit)?tests?$") def this_is_a_testdir(dirpath): """returns True if `filename` seems to be a test directory""" return TESTDIR_RE.match(osp.basename(dirpath)) def load_pytest_conf(path, parser): """loads a ``pytestconf.py`` file and update default parser and / or tester. """ namespace = {} exec(open(path, 'rb').read(), namespace) if 'update_parser' in namespace: namespace['update_parser'](parser) return namespace.get('CustomPyTester', PyTester) def project_root(parser, projdir=os.getcwd()): """try to find project's root and add it to sys.path""" previousdir = curdir = osp.abspath(projdir) testercls = PyTester conf_file_path = osp.join(curdir, CONF_FILE) if osp.isfile(conf_file_path): testercls = load_pytest_conf(conf_file_path, parser) while this_is_a_testdir(curdir) or \ osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, '__init__.py')): newdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(curdir, os.pardir)) if newdir == curdir: break previousdir = curdir curdir = newdir conf_file_path = osp.join(curdir, CONF_FILE) if osp.isfile(conf_file_path): testercls = load_pytest_conf(conf_file_path, parser) return previousdir, testercls class GlobalTestReport(object): """this class holds global test statistics""" def __init__(self): self.ran = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.failures = 0 self.errors = 0 self.ttime = 0 self.ctime = 0 self.modulescount = 0 self.errmodules = [] def feed(self, filename, testresult, ttime, ctime): """integrates new test information into internal statistics""" ran = testresult.testsRun self.ran += ran self.skipped += len(getattr(testresult, 'skipped', ())) self.failures += len(testresult.failures) self.errors += len(testresult.errors) self.ttime += ttime self.ctime += ctime self.modulescount += 1 if not testresult.wasSuccessful(): problems = len(testresult.failures) + len(testresult.errors) self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], problems, ran)) def failed_to_test_module(self, filename): """called when the test module could not be imported by unittest """ self.errors += 1 self.modulescount += 1 self.ran += 1 self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], 1, 1)) def skip_module(self, filename): self.modulescount += 1 self.ran += 1 self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], 0, 0)) def __str__(self): """this is just presentation stuff""" line1 = ['Ran %s test cases in %.2fs (%.2fs CPU)' % (self.ran, self.ttime, self.ctime)] if self.errors: line1.append('%s errors' % self.errors) if self.failures: line1.append('%s failures' % self.failures) if self.skipped: line1.append('%s skipped' % self.skipped) modulesok = self.modulescount - len(self.errmodules) if self.errors or self.failures: line2 = '%s modules OK (%s failed)' % (modulesok, len(self.errmodules)) descr = ', '.join(['%s [%s/%s]' % info for info in self.errmodules]) line3 = '\nfailures: %s' % descr elif modulesok: line2 = 'All %s modules OK' % modulesok line3 = '' else: return '' return '%s\n%s%s' % (', '.join(line1), line2, line3) def remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir): """remove all modules from cache that come from `testdir` This is used to avoid strange side-effects when using the testall() mode of pytest. For instance, if we run pytest on this tree:: A/test/test_utils.py B/test/test_utils.py we **have** to clean sys.modules to make sure the correct test_utils module is ran in B """ for modname, mod in list(sys.modules.items()): if mod is None: continue if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'): # this is the case of some built-in modules like sys, imp, marshal continue modfile = mod.__file__ # if modfile is not an absolute path, it was probably loaded locally # during the tests if not osp.isabs(modfile) or modfile.startswith(testdir): del sys.modules[modname] class PyTester(object): """encapsulates testrun logic""" def __init__(self, cvg, options): self.report = GlobalTestReport() self.cvg = cvg self.options = options self.firstwrite = True self._errcode = None def show_report(self): """prints the report and returns appropriate exitcode""" # everything has been ran, print report print("*" * 79) print(self.report) def get_errcode(self): # errcode set explicitly if self._errcode is not None: return self._errcode return self.report.failures + self.report.errors def set_errcode(self, errcode): self._errcode = errcode errcode = property(get_errcode, set_errcode) def testall(self, exitfirst=False): """walks through current working directory, finds something which can be considered as a testdir and runs every test there """ here = os.getcwd() for dirname, dirs, _ in os.walk(here): for skipped in STD_BLACKLIST: if skipped in dirs: dirs.remove(skipped) basename = osp.basename(dirname) if this_is_a_testdir(basename): print("going into", dirname) # we found a testdir, let's explore it ! if not self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst): break dirs[:] = [] if self.report.ran == 0: print("no test dir found testing here:", here) # if no test was found during the visit, consider # the local directory as a test directory even if # it doesn't have a traditional test directory name self.testonedir(here) def testonedir(self, testdir, exitfirst=False): """finds each testfile in the `testdir` and runs it return true when all tests has been executed, false if exitfirst and some test has failed. """ for filename in abspath_listdir(testdir): if this_is_a_testfile(filename): if self.options.exitfirst and not self.options.restart: # overwrite restart file try: restartfile = open(FILE_RESTART, "w") restartfile.close() except Exception: print("Error while overwriting succeeded test file :", osp.join(os.getcwd(), FILE_RESTART), file=sys.__stderr__) raise # run test and collect information prog = self.testfile(filename, batchmode=True) if exitfirst and (prog is None or not prog.result.wasSuccessful()): return False self.firstwrite = True # clean local modules remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir) return True def testfile(self, filename, batchmode=False): """runs every test in `filename` :param filename: an absolute path pointing to a unittest file """ here = os.getcwd() dirname = osp.dirname(filename) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) # overwrite restart file if it has not been done already if self.options.exitfirst and not self.options.restart and self.firstwrite: try: restartfile = open(FILE_RESTART, "w") restartfile.close() except Exception: print("Error while overwriting succeeded test file :", osp.join(os.getcwd(), FILE_RESTART), file=sys.__stderr__) raise modname = osp.basename(filename)[:-3] print((' %s ' % osp.basename(filename)).center(70, '='), file=sys.__stderr__) try: tstart, cstart = time(), clock() try: testprog = SkipAwareTestProgram(modname, batchmode=batchmode, cvg=self.cvg, options=self.options, outstream=sys.stderr) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit as exc: self.errcode = exc.code raise except testlib.SkipTest: print("Module skipped:", filename) self.report.skip_module(filename) return None except Exception: self.report.failed_to_test_module(filename) print('unhandled exception occurred while testing', modname, file=sys.stderr) import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) return None tend, cend = time(), clock() ttime, ctime = (tend - tstart), (cend - cstart) self.report.feed(filename, testprog.result, ttime, ctime) return testprog finally: if dirname: os.chdir(here) class DjangoTester(PyTester): def load_django_settings(self, dirname): """try to find project's setting and load it""" curdir = osp.abspath(dirname) previousdir = curdir while not osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, 'settings.py')) and \ osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, '__init__.py')): newdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(curdir, os.pardir)) if newdir == curdir: raise AssertionError('could not find settings.py') previousdir = curdir curdir = newdir # late django initialization settings = load_module_from_modpath(modpath_from_file(osp.join(curdir, 'settings.py'))) from django.core.management import setup_environ setup_environ(settings) settings.DEBUG = False self.settings = settings # add settings dir to pythonpath since it's the project's root if curdir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, curdir) def before_testfile(self): # Those imports must be done **after** setup_environ was called from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment from django.test.utils import create_test_db setup_test_environment() create_test_db(verbosity=0) self.dbname = self.settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME def after_testfile(self): # Those imports must be done **after** setup_environ was called from django.test.utils import teardown_test_environment from django.test.utils import destroy_test_db teardown_test_environment() print('destroying', self.dbname) destroy_test_db(self.dbname, verbosity=0) def testall(self, exitfirst=False): """walks through current working directory, finds something which can be considered as a testdir and runs every test there """ for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()): for skipped in ('CVS', '.svn', '.hg'): if skipped in dirs: dirs.remove(skipped) if 'tests.py' in files: if not self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst): break dirs[:] = [] else: basename = osp.basename(dirname) if basename in ('test', 'tests'): print("going into", dirname) # we found a testdir, let's explore it ! if not self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst): break dirs[:] = [] def testonedir(self, testdir, exitfirst=False): """finds each testfile in the `testdir` and runs it return true when all tests has been executed, false if exitfirst and some test has failed. """ # special django behaviour : if tests are splitted in several files, # remove the main tests.py file and tests each test file separately testfiles = [fpath for fpath in abspath_listdir(testdir) if this_is_a_testfile(fpath)] if len(testfiles) > 1: try: testfiles.remove(osp.join(testdir, 'tests.py')) except ValueError: pass for filename in testfiles: # run test and collect information prog = self.testfile(filename, batchmode=True) if exitfirst and (prog is None or not prog.result.wasSuccessful()): return False # clean local modules remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir) return True def testfile(self, filename, batchmode=False): """runs every test in `filename` :param filename: an absolute path pointing to a unittest file """ here = os.getcwd() dirname = osp.dirname(filename) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) self.load_django_settings(dirname) modname = osp.basename(filename)[:-3] print((' %s ' % osp.basename(filename)).center(70, '='), file=sys.stderr) try: try: tstart, cstart = time(), clock() self.before_testfile() testprog = SkipAwareTestProgram(modname, batchmode=batchmode, cvg=self.cvg) tend, cend = time(), clock() ttime, ctime = (tend - tstart), (cend - cstart) self.report.feed(filename, testprog.result, ttime, ctime) return testprog except SystemExit: raise except Exception as exc: import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.report.failed_to_test_module(filename) print('unhandled exception occurred while testing', modname) print('error: %s' % exc) return None finally: self.after_testfile() if dirname: os.chdir(here) def make_parser(): """creates the OptionParser instance """ from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=PYTEST_DOC) parser.newargs = [] def rebuild_cmdline(option, opt, value, parser): """carry the option to unittest_main""" parser.newargs.append(opt) def rebuild_and_store(option, opt, value, parser): """carry the option to unittest_main and store the value on current parser """ parser.newargs.append(opt) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, True) def capture_and_rebuild(option, opt, value, parser): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) rebuild_cmdline(option, opt, value, parser) # pytest options parser.add_option('-t', dest='testdir', default=None, help="directory where the tests will be found") parser.add_option('-d', dest='dbc', default=False, action="store_true", help="enable design-by-contract") # unittest_main options provided and passed through pytest parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="Verbose output") parser.add_option('-i', '--pdb', callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="pdb", action="callback", help="Enable test failure inspection") parser.add_option('-x', '--exitfirst', callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="exitfirst", default=False, action="callback", help="Exit on first failure " "(only make sense when pytest run one test file)") parser.add_option('-R', '--restart', callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="restart", default=False, action="callback", help="Restart tests from where it failed (implies exitfirst) " "(only make sense if tests previously ran with exitfirst only)") parser.add_option('--color', callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="colorize tracebacks") parser.add_option('-s', '--skip', # XXX: I wish I could use the callback action but it # doesn't seem to be able to get the value # associated to the option action="store", dest="skipped", default=None, help="test names matching this name will be skipped " "to skip several patterns, use commas") parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="Minimal output") parser.add_option('-P', '--profile', default=None, dest='profile', help="Profile execution and store data in the given file") parser.add_option('-m', '--match', default=None, dest='tags_pattern', help="only execute test whose tag match the current pattern") if DJANGO_FOUND: parser.add_option('-J', '--django', dest='django', default=False, action="store_true", help='use pytest for django test cases') return parser def parseargs(parser): """Parse the command line and return (options processed), (options to pass to unittest_main()), (explicitfile or None). """ # parse the command line options, args = parser.parse_args() filenames = [arg for arg in args if arg.endswith('.py')] if filenames: if len(filenames) > 1: parser.error("only one filename is acceptable") explicitfile = filenames[0] args.remove(explicitfile) else: explicitfile = None # someone wants DBC testlib.ENABLE_DBC = options.dbc newargs = parser.newargs if options.skipped: newargs.extend(['--skip', options.skipped]) # restart implies exitfirst if options.restart: options.exitfirst = True # append additional args to the new sys.argv and let unittest_main # do the rest newargs += args return options, explicitfile def run(): parser = make_parser() rootdir, testercls = project_root(parser) options, explicitfile = parseargs(parser) # mock a new command line sys.argv[1:] = parser.newargs cvg = None if not '' in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, '') if DJANGO_FOUND and options.django: tester = DjangoTester(cvg, options) else: tester = testercls(cvg, options) if explicitfile: cmd, args = tester.testfile, (explicitfile,) elif options.testdir: cmd, args = tester.testonedir, (options.testdir, options.exitfirst) else: cmd, args = tester.testall, (options.exitfirst,) try: try: if options.profile: import hotshot prof = hotshot.Profile(options.profile) prof.runcall(cmd, *args) prof.close() print('profile data saved in', options.profile) else: cmd(*args) except SystemExit: raise except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: tester.show_report() sys.exit(tester.errcode) class SkipAwareTestProgram(unittest.TestProgram): # XXX: don't try to stay close to unittest.py, use optparse USAGE = """\ Usage: %(progName)s [options] [test] [...] Options: -h, --help Show this message -v, --verbose Verbose output -i, --pdb Enable test failure inspection -x, --exitfirst Exit on first failure -s, --skip skip test matching this pattern (no regexp for now) -q, --quiet Minimal output --color colorize tracebacks -m, --match Run only test whose tag match this pattern -P, --profile FILE: Run the tests using cProfile and saving results in FILE Examples: %(progName)s - run default set of tests %(progName)s MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite' %(progName)s MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomething %(progName)s MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methods in MyTestCase """ def __init__(self, module='__main__', defaultTest=None, batchmode=False, cvg=None, options=None, outstream=sys.stderr): self.batchmode = batchmode self.cvg = cvg self.options = options self.outstream = outstream super(SkipAwareTestProgram, self).__init__( module=module, defaultTest=defaultTest, testLoader=NonStrictTestLoader()) def parseArgs(self, argv): self.pdbmode = False self.exitfirst = False self.skipped_patterns = [] self.test_pattern = None self.tags_pattern = None self.colorize = False self.profile_name = None import getopt try: options, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hHvixrqcp:s:m:P:', ['help', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'pdb', 'exitfirst', 'restart', 'skip=', 'color', 'match=', 'profile=']) for opt, value in options: if opt in ('-h', '-H', '--help'): self.usageExit() if opt in ('-i', '--pdb'): self.pdbmode = True if opt in ('-x', '--exitfirst'): self.exitfirst = True if opt in ('-r', '--restart'): self.restart = True self.exitfirst = True if opt in ('-q', '--quiet'): self.verbosity = 0 if opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): self.verbosity = 2 if opt in ('-s', '--skip'): self.skipped_patterns = [pat.strip() for pat in value.split(', ')] if opt == '--color': self.colorize = True if opt in ('-m', '--match'): #self.tags_pattern = value self.options["tag_pattern"] = value if opt in ('-P', '--profile'): self.profile_name = value self.testLoader.skipped_patterns = self.skipped_patterns if len(args) == 0 and self.defaultTest is None: suitefunc = getattr(self.module, 'suite', None) if isinstance(suitefunc, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)): self.test = self.module.suite() else: self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self.module) return if len(args) > 0: self.test_pattern = args[0] self.testNames = args else: self.testNames = (self.defaultTest, ) self.createTests() except getopt.error as msg: self.usageExit(msg) def runTests(self): if self.profile_name: import cProfile cProfile.runctx('self._runTests()', globals(), locals(), self.profile_name ) else: return self._runTests() def _runTests(self): self.testRunner = SkipAwareTextTestRunner(verbosity=self.verbosity, stream=self.outstream, exitfirst=self.exitfirst, pdbmode=self.pdbmode, cvg=self.cvg, test_pattern=self.test_pattern, skipped_patterns=self.skipped_patterns, colorize=self.colorize, batchmode=self.batchmode, options=self.options) def removeSucceededTests(obj, succTests): """ Recursive function that removes succTests from a TestSuite or TestCase """ if isinstance(obj, unittest.TestSuite): removeSucceededTests(obj._tests, succTests) if isinstance(obj, list): for el in obj[:]: if isinstance(el, unittest.TestSuite): removeSucceededTests(el, succTests) elif isinstance(el, unittest.TestCase): descr = '.'.join((el.__class__.__module__, el.__class__.__name__, el._testMethodName)) if descr in succTests: obj.remove(el) # take care, self.options may be None if getattr(self.options, 'restart', False): # retrieve succeeded tests from FILE_RESTART try: restartfile = open(FILE_RESTART, 'r') try: succeededtests = list(elem.rstrip('\n\r') for elem in restartfile.readlines()) removeSucceededTests(self.test, succeededtests) finally: restartfile.close() except Exception as ex: raise Exception("Error while reading succeeded tests into %s: %s" % (osp.join(os.getcwd(), FILE_RESTART), ex)) result = self.testRunner.run(self.test) # help garbage collection: we want TestSuite, which hold refs to every # executed TestCase, to be gc'ed del self.test if getattr(result, "debuggers", None) and \ getattr(self, "pdbmode", None): start_interactive_mode(result) if not getattr(self, "batchmode", None): sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful()) self.result = result class SkipAwareTextTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner): def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr, verbosity=1, exitfirst=False, pdbmode=False, cvg=None, test_pattern=None, skipped_patterns=(), colorize=False, batchmode=False, options=None): super(SkipAwareTextTestRunner, self).__init__(stream=stream, verbosity=verbosity) self.exitfirst = exitfirst self.pdbmode = pdbmode self.cvg = cvg self.test_pattern = test_pattern self.skipped_patterns = skipped_patterns self.colorize = colorize self.batchmode = batchmode self.options = options def _this_is_skipped(self, testedname): return any([(pat in testedname) for pat in self.skipped_patterns]) def _runcondition(self, test, skipgenerator=True): if isinstance(test, testlib.InnerTest): testname = test.name else: if isinstance(test, testlib.TestCase): meth = test._get_test_method() testname = '%s.%s' % (test.__name__, meth.__name__) elif isinstance(test, types.FunctionType): func = test testname = func.__name__ elif isinstance(test, types.MethodType): cls = test.__self__.__class__ testname = '%s.%s' % (cls.__name__, test.__name__) else: return True # Not sure when this happens if isgeneratorfunction(test) and skipgenerator: return self.does_match_tags(test) # Let inner tests decide at run time if self._this_is_skipped(testname): return False # this was explicitly skipped if self.test_pattern is not None: try: classpattern, testpattern = self.test_pattern.split('.') klass, name = testname.split('.') if classpattern not in klass or testpattern not in name: return False except ValueError: if self.test_pattern not in testname: return False return self.does_match_tags(test) def does_match_tags(self, test): if self.options is not None: tags_pattern = getattr(self.options, 'tags_pattern', None) if tags_pattern is not None: tags = getattr(test, 'tags', testlib.Tags()) if tags.inherit and isinstance(test, types.MethodType): tags = tags | getattr(test.im_class, 'tags', testlib.Tags()) return tags.match(tags_pattern) return True # no pattern def _makeResult(self): return testlib.SkipAwareTestResult(self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, self.exitfirst, self.pdbmode, self.cvg, self.colorize) def run(self, test): "Run the given test case or test suite." result = self._makeResult() startTime = time() test(result, runcondition=self._runcondition, options=self.options) stopTime = time() timeTaken = stopTime - startTime result.printErrors() if not self.batchmode: self.stream.writeln(result.separator2) run = result.testsRun self.stream.writeln("Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" % (run, run != 1 and "s" or "", timeTaken)) self.stream.writeln() if not result.wasSuccessful(): if self.colorize: self.stream.write(textutils.colorize_ansi("FAILED", color='red')) else: self.stream.write("FAILED") else: if self.colorize: self.stream.write(textutils.colorize_ansi("OK", color='green')) else: self.stream.write("OK") failed, errored, skipped = map(len, (result.failures, result.errors, result.skipped)) det_results = [] for name, value in (("failures", result.failures), ("errors",result.errors), ("skipped", result.skipped)): if value: det_results.append("%s=%i" % (name, len(value))) if det_results: self.stream.write(" (") self.stream.write(', '.join(det_results)) self.stream.write(")") self.stream.writeln("") return result class NonStrictTestLoader(unittest.TestLoader): """ Overrides default testloader to be able to omit classname when specifying tests to run on command line. For example, if the file test_foo.py contains :: class FooTC(TestCase): def test_foo1(self): # ... def test_foo2(self): # ... def test_bar1(self): # ... class BarTC(TestCase): def test_bar2(self): # ... 'python test_foo.py' will run the 3 tests in FooTC 'python test_foo.py FooTC' will run the 3 tests in FooTC 'python test_foo.py test_foo' will run test_foo1 and test_foo2 'python test_foo.py test_foo1' will run test_foo1 'python test_foo.py test_bar' will run FooTC.test_bar1 and BarTC.test_bar2 """ def __init__(self): self.skipped_patterns = () # some magic here to accept empty list by extending # and to provide callable capability def loadTestsFromNames(self, names, module=None): suites = [] for name in names: suites.extend(self.loadTestsFromName(name, module)) return self.suiteClass(suites) def _collect_tests(self, module): tests = {} for obj in vars(module).values(): if isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, unittest.TestCase): classname = obj.__name__ if classname[0] == '_' or self._this_is_skipped(classname): continue methodnames = [] # obj is a TestCase class for attrname in dir(obj): if attrname.startswith(self.testMethodPrefix): attr = getattr(obj, attrname) if callable(attr): methodnames.append(attrname) # keep track of class (obj) for convenience tests[classname] = (obj, methodnames) return tests def loadTestsFromSuite(self, module, suitename): try: suite = getattr(module, suitename)() except AttributeError: return [] assert hasattr(suite, '_tests'), \ "%s.%s is not a valid TestSuite" % (module.__name__, suitename) # python2.3 does not implement __iter__ on suites, we need to return # _tests explicitly return suite._tests def loadTestsFromName(self, name, module=None): parts = name.split('.') if module is None or len(parts) > 2: # let the base class do its job here return [super(NonStrictTestLoader, self).loadTestsFromName(name)] tests = self._collect_tests(module) collected = [] if len(parts) == 1: pattern = parts[0] if callable(getattr(module, pattern, None) ) and pattern not in tests: # consider it as a suite return self.loadTestsFromSuite(module, pattern) if pattern in tests: # case python unittest_foo.py MyTestTC klass, methodnames = tests[pattern] for methodname in methodnames: collected = [klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames] else: # case python unittest_foo.py something for klass, methodnames in tests.values(): # skip methodname if matched by skipped_patterns for skip_pattern in self.skipped_patterns: methodnames = [methodname for methodname in methodnames if skip_pattern not in methodname] collected += [klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames if pattern in methodname] elif len(parts) == 2: # case "MyClass.test_1" classname, pattern = parts klass, methodnames = tests.get(classname, (None, [])) for methodname in methodnames: collected = [klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames if pattern in methodname] return collected def _this_is_skipped(self, testedname): return any([(pat in testedname) for pat in self.skipped_patterns]) def getTestCaseNames(self, testCaseClass): """Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass """ is_skipped = self._this_is_skipped classname = testCaseClass.__name__ if classname[0] == '_' or is_skipped(classname): return [] testnames = super(NonStrictTestLoader, self).getTestCaseNames( testCaseClass) return [testname for testname in testnames if not is_skipped(testname)] # The 2 functions below are modified versions of the TestSuite.run method # that is provided with unittest2 for python 2.6, in unittest2/suite.py # It is used to monkeypatch the original implementation to support # extra runcondition and options arguments (see in testlib.py) def _ts_run(self, result, runcondition=None, options=None): self._wrapped_run(result, runcondition=runcondition, options=options) self._tearDownPreviousClass(None, result) self._handleModuleTearDown(result) return result def _ts_wrapped_run(self, result, debug=False, runcondition=None, options=None): for test in self: if result.shouldStop: break if unittest_suite._isnotsuite(test): self._tearDownPreviousClass(test, result) self._handleModuleFixture(test, result) self._handleClassSetUp(test, result) result._previousTestClass = test.__class__ if (getattr(test.__class__, '_classSetupFailed', False) or getattr(result, '_moduleSetUpFailed', False)): continue # --- modifications to deal with _wrapped_run --- # original code is: # # if not debug: # test(result) # else: # test.debug() if hasattr(test, '_wrapped_run'): try: test._wrapped_run(result, debug, runcondition=runcondition, options=options) except TypeError: test._wrapped_run(result, debug) elif not debug: try: test(result, runcondition, options) except TypeError: test(result) else: test.debug() # --- end of modifications to deal with _wrapped_run --- return result if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): # The function below implements a modified version of the # TestSuite.run method that is provided with python 2.7, in # unittest/suite.py def _ts_run(self, result, debug=False, runcondition=None, options=None): topLevel = False if getattr(result, '_testRunEntered', False) is False: result._testRunEntered = topLevel = True self._wrapped_run(result, debug, runcondition, options) if topLevel: self._tearDownPreviousClass(None, result) self._handleModuleTearDown(result) result._testRunEntered = False return result def enable_dbc(*args): """ Without arguments, return True if contracts can be enabled and should be enabled (see option -d), return False otherwise. With arguments, return False if contracts can't or shouldn't be enabled, otherwise weave ContractAspect with items passed as arguments. """ if not ENABLE_DBC: return False try: from logilab.aspects.weaver import weaver from logilab.aspects.lib.contracts import ContractAspect except ImportError: sys.stderr.write( 'Warning: logilab.aspects is not available. Contracts disabled.') return False for arg in args: weaver.weave_module(arg, ContractAspect) return True # monkeypatch unittest and doctest (ouch !) unittest._TextTestResult = testlib.SkipAwareTestResult unittest.TextTestRunner = SkipAwareTextTestRunner unittest.TestLoader = NonStrictTestLoader unittest.TestProgram = SkipAwareTestProgram if sys.version_info >= (2, 4): doctest.DocTestCase.__bases__ = (testlib.TestCase,) # XXX check python2.6 compatibility #doctest.DocTestCase._cleanups = [] #doctest.DocTestCase._out = [] else: unittest.FunctionTestCase.__bases__ = (testlib.TestCase,) unittest.TestSuite.run = _ts_run unittest.TestSuite._wrapped_run = _ts_wrapped_run