"""shell/term utilities, useful to write some python scripts instead of shell scripts. :author: Logilab :copyright: 2000-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr :license: General Public License version 2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" import os import glob import shutil import stat import sys import tempfile import time import fnmatch import errno from os.path import exists, isdir, islink, basename, join, walk from logilab.common import STD_BLACKLIST try: from logilab.common.proc import ProcInfo, NoSuchProcess except ImportError: # windows platform class NoSuchProcess(Exception): pass def ProcInfo(pid): raise NoSuchProcess() def chown(path, login=None, group=None): """Same as `os.chown` function but accepting user login or group name as argument. If login or group is omitted, it's left unchanged. Note: you must own the file to chown it (or be root). Otherwise OSError is raised. """ if login is None: uid = -1 else: try: uid = int(login) except ValueError: import pwd uid = pwd.getpwnam(login).pw_uid if group is None: gid = -1 else: try: gid = int(group) except ValueError: import grp gid = grp.getgrname(group).gr_gid os.chown(path, uid, gid) def mv(source, destination, _action=shutil.move): """A shell-like mv, supporting wildcards. """ sources = glob.glob(source) if len(sources) > 1: assert isdir(destination) for filename in sources: _action(filename, join(destination, basename(filename))) else: try: source = sources[0] except IndexError: raise OSError('No file matching %s' % source) if isdir(destination) and exists(destination): destination = join(destination, basename(source)) try: _action(source, destination) except OSError, ex: raise OSError('Unable to move %r to %r (%s)' % ( source, destination, ex)) def rm(*files): """A shell-like rm, supporting wildcards. """ for wfile in files: for filename in glob.glob(wfile): if islink(filename): os.remove(filename) elif isdir(filename): shutil.rmtree(filename) else: os.remove(filename) def cp(source, destination): """A shell-like cp, supporting wildcards. """ mv(source, destination, _action=shutil.copy) def find(directory, exts, exclude=False, blacklist=STD_BLACKLIST): """Recursivly find files ending with the given extensions from the directory. :type directory: str :param directory: directory where the search should start :type exts: basestring or list or tuple :param exts: extensions or lists or extensions to search :type exclude: boolean :param exts: if this argument is True, returning files NOT ending with the given extensions :type blacklist: list or tuple :param blacklist: optional list of files or directory to ignore, default to the value of `logilab.common.STD_BLACKLIST` :rtype: list :return: the list of all matching files """ if isinstance(exts, basestring): exts = (exts,) if exclude: def match(filename, exts): for ext in exts: if filename.endswith(ext): return False return True else: def match(filename, exts): for ext in exts: if filename.endswith(ext): return True return False def func(files, directory, fnames): """walk handler""" # remove files/directories in the black list for norecurs in blacklist: try: fnames.remove(norecurs) except ValueError: continue for filename in fnames: src = join(directory, filename) if isdir(src): continue if match(filename, exts): files.append(src) files = [] walk(directory, func, files) return files def globfind(directory, pattern, blacklist=STD_BLACKLIST): """Recursively finds files matching glob `pattern` under `directory`. This is an alternative to `logilab.common.shellutils.find`. :type directory: str :param directory: directory where the search should start :type pattern: basestring :param pattern: the glob pattern (e.g *.py, foo*.py, etc.) :type blacklist: list or tuple :param blacklist: optional list of files or directory to ignore, default to the value of `logilab.common.STD_BLACKLIST` :rtype: iterator :return: iterator over the list of all matching files """ for curdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for fname in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern): yield join(curdir, fname) for skipped in blacklist: if skipped in dirnames: dirnames.remove(skipped) def unzip(archive, destdir): import zipfile if not exists(destdir): os.mkdir(destdir) zfobj = zipfile.ZipFile(archive) for name in zfobj.namelist(): if name.endswith('/'): os.mkdir(join(destdir, name)) else: outfile = open(join(destdir, name), 'wb') outfile.write(zfobj.read(name)) outfile.close() class Execute: """This is a deadlock safe version of popen2 (no stdin), that returns an object with errorlevel, out and err. """ def __init__(self, command): outfile = tempfile.mktemp() errfile = tempfile.mktemp() self.status = os.system("( %s ) >%s 2>%s" % (command, outfile, errfile)) >> 8 self.out = open(outfile,"r").read() self.err = open(errfile,"r").read() os.remove(outfile) os.remove(errfile) def acquire_lock(lock_file, max_try=10, delay=10, max_delay=3600): """Acquire a lock represented by a file on the file system If the process written in lock file doesn't exist anymore, we remove the lock file immediately If age of the lock_file is greater than max_delay, then we raise a UserWarning """ count = abs(max_try) while count: try: fd = os.open(lock_file, os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) os.write(fd, str(os.getpid())) os.close(fd) return True except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: try: fd = open(lock_file, "r") pid = int(fd.readline()) pi = ProcInfo(pid) age = (time.time() - os.stat(lock_file)[stat.ST_MTIME]) if age / max_delay > 1 : raise UserWarning("Command '%s' (pid %s) has locked the " "file '%s' for %s minutes" % (pi.name(), pid, lock_file, age/60)) except UserWarning: raise except NoSuchProcess: os.remove(lock_file) except Exception: # The try block is not essential. can be skipped. # Note: ProcInfo object is only available for linux # process information are not accessible... # or lock_file is no more present... pass else: raise count -= 1 time.sleep(delay) else: raise Exception('Unable to acquire %s' % lock_file) def release_lock(lock_file): """Release a lock represented by a file on the file system.""" os.remove(lock_file) class ProgressBar(object): """A simple text progression bar.""" def __init__(self, nbops, size=20, stream=sys.stdout): self._fstr = '\r[%%-%ss]' % int(size) self._stream = stream self._total = nbops self._size = size self._current = 0 self._progress = 0 def update(self): """Update the progression bar.""" self._current += 1 progress = int((float(self._current)/float(self._total))*self._size) if progress > self._progress: self._progress = progress self.refresh() def refresh(self): """Refresh the progression bar display.""" self._stream.write(self._fstr % ('.' * min(self._progress, self._size)) ) self._stream.flush()