# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Copyright (c) 2002-2003 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr Help to generate SQL string usable by the Python DB-API """ __revision__ = "$Id: sqlgen.py,v 1.11 2005-11-22 13:13:02 syt Exp $" # SQLGenerator ################################################################ class SQLGenerator : """ Helper class to generate SQL strings to use with python's DB-API """ def where(self, keys, addon=None) : """ keys : list of keys >>> s = SQLGenerator() >>> s.where(['nom']) 'nom = %(nom)s' >>> s.where(['nom','prenom']) 'nom = %(nom)s AND prenom = %(prenom)s' >>> s.where(['nom','prenom'], 'x.id = y.id') 'x.id = y.id AND nom = %(nom)s AND prenom = %(prenom)s' """ restriction = ["%s = %%(%s)s" % (x, x) for x in keys] if addon: restriction.insert(0, addon) return " AND ".join(restriction) def set(self, keys) : """ keys : list of keys >>> s = SQLGenerator() >>> s.set(['nom']) 'nom = %(nom)s' >>> s.set(['nom','prenom']) 'nom = %(nom)s, prenom = %(prenom)s' """ return ", ".join(["%s = %%(%s)s" % (x, x) for x in keys]) def insert(self, table, params) : """ table : name of the table params : dictionnary that will be used as in cursor.execute(sql,params) >>> s = SQLGenerator() >>> s.insert('test',{'nom':'dupont'}) 'INSERT INTO test ( nom ) VALUES ( %(nom)s )' >>> s.insert('test',{'nom':'dupont','prenom':'jean'}) 'INSERT INTO test ( nom, prenom ) VALUES ( %(nom)s, %(prenom)s )' """ keys = ', '.join(params.keys()) values = ', '.join(["%%(%s)s" % x for x in params]) sql = 'INSERT INTO %s ( %s ) VALUES ( %s )' % (table, keys, values) return sql def select(self, table, params) : """ table : name of the table params : dictionnary that will be used as in cursor.execute(sql,params) >>> s = SQLGenerator() >>> s.select('test',{}) 'SELECT * FROM test' >>> s.select('test',{'nom':'dupont'}) 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE nom = %(nom)s' >>> s.select('test',{'nom':'dupont','prenom':'jean'}) 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE nom = %(nom)s AND prenom = %(prenom)s' """ sql = 'SELECT * FROM %s' % table where = self.where(params.keys()) if where : sql = sql + ' WHERE %s' % where return sql def adv_select(self, model, tables, params, joins=None) : """ model : list of columns to select tables : list of tables used in from params : dictionnary that will be used as in cursor.execute(sql, params) joins : optional list of restriction statements to insert in the where clause. Usually used to perform joins. >>> s = SQLGenerator() >>> s.adv_select(['column'],[('test', 't')], {}) 'SELECT column FROM test AS t' >>> s.adv_select(['column'],[('test', 't')], {'nom':'dupont'}) 'SELECT column FROM test AS t WHERE nom = %(nom)s' """ table_names = ["%s AS %s" % (k, v) for k, v in tables] sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s' % (', '.join(model), ', '.join(table_names)) if joins and type(joins) != type(''): joins = ' AND '.join(joins) where = self.where(params.keys(), joins) if where : sql = sql + ' WHERE %s' % where return sql def delete(self, table, params) : """ table : name of the table params : dictionnary that will be used as in cursor.execute(sql,params) >>> s = SQLGenerator() >>> s.delete('test',{'nom':'dupont'}) 'DELETE FROM test WHERE nom = %(nom)s' >>> s.delete('test',{'nom':'dupont','prenom':'jean'}) 'DELETE FROM test WHERE nom = %(nom)s AND prenom = %(prenom)s' """ where = self.where(params.keys()) sql = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table, where) return sql def update(self, table, params, unique) : """ table : name of the table params : dictionnary that will be used as in cursor.execute(sql,params) >>> s = SQLGenerator() >>> s.update('test',{'id':'001','nom':'dupont'},['id']) 'UPDATE test SET nom = %(nom)s WHERE id = %(id)s' >>> s.update('test',{'id':'001','nom':'dupont','prenom':'jean'},['id']) 'UPDATE test SET nom = %(nom)s, prenom = %(prenom)s WHERE id = %(id)s' """ where = self.where(unique) set = self.set([key for key in params if key not in unique]) sql = 'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s' % (table, set, where) return sql class BaseTable: """ Another helper class to ease SQL table manipulation """ # table_name = "default" # supported types are s/i/d # table_fields = ( ('first_field','s'), ) # primary_key = 'first_field' def __init__(self, table_name, table_fields, primary_key=None): if primary_key is None: self._primary_key = table_fields[0][0] else: self._primary_key = primary_key self._table_fields = table_fields self._table_name = table_name info = { 'key' : self._primary_key, 'table' : self._table_name, 'columns' : ",".join( [ f for f,t in self._table_fields ] ), 'values' : ",".join( [sql_repr(t, "%%(%s)s" % f) for f,t in self._table_fields] ), 'updates' : ",".join( ["%s=%s" % (f, sql_repr(t, "%%(%s)s" % f)) for f,t in self._table_fields] ), } self._insert_stmt = ("INSERT into %(table)s (%(columns)s) " "VALUES (%(values)s) WHERE %(key)s=%%(key)s") % info self._update_stmt = ("UPDATE %(table)s SET (%(updates)s) " "VALUES WHERE %(key)s=%%(key)s") % info self._select_stmt = ("SELECT %(columns)s FROM %(table)s " "WHERE %(key)s=%%(key)s") % info self._delete_stmt = ("DELETE FROM %(table)s " "WHERE %(key)s=%%(key)s") % info for k, t in table_fields: if hasattr(self, k): raise ValueError("Cannot use %s as a table field" % k) setattr(self, k,None) def as_dict(self): d = {} for k, t in self._table_fields: d[k] = getattr(self, k) return d def select(self, cursor): d = { 'key' : getattr(self,self._primary_key) } cursor.execute(self._select_stmt % d) rows = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows)!=1: msg = "Select: ambiguous query returned %d rows" raise ValueError(msg % len(rows)) for (f, t), v in zip(self._table_fields, rows[0]): setattr(self, f, v) def update(self, cursor): d = self.as_dict() cursor.execute(self._update_stmt % d) def delete(self, cursor): d = { 'key' : getattr(self,self._primary_key) } # Helper functions ############################################################# def name_fields(cursor, records) : """ Take a cursor and a list of records fetched with that cursor, then return a list of dictionnaries (one for each record) whose keys are column names and values are records' values. cursor : cursor used to execute the query records : list returned by fetch*() """ result = [] for record in records : record_dict = {} for i in range(len(record)) : record_dict[cursor.description[i][0]] = record[i] result.append(record_dict) return result def sql_repr(type, val): if type == 's': return "'%s'" % (val,) else: return val if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest from logilab.common import sqlgen print doctest.testmod(sqlgen)