# copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This file is part of logilab-common. # # logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # logilab-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with logilab-common. If not, see . import tempfile import os from os.path import join, dirname, abspath import re from sys import version_info from logilab.common import attrdict from logilab.common.compat import StringIO from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main from logilab.common.optik_ext import OptionValueError from logilab.common.configuration import Configuration, OptionError, \ OptionsManagerMixIn, OptionsProviderMixIn, Method, read_old_config, \ merge_options DATA = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'data') OPTIONS = [('dothis', {'type':'yn', 'action': 'store', 'default': True, 'metavar': ''}), ('value', {'type': 'string', 'metavar': '', 'short': 'v'}), ('multiple', {'type': 'csv', 'default': ['yop', 'yep'], 'metavar': '', 'help': 'you can also document the option'}), ('number', {'type': 'int', 'default':2, 'metavar':'', 'help': 'boom'}), ('bytes', {'type': 'bytes', 'default':'1KB', 'metavar':''}), ('choice', {'type': 'choice', 'default':'yo', 'choices': ('yo', 'ye'), 'metavar':''}), ('multiple-choice', {'type': 'multiple_choice', 'default':['yo', 'ye'], 'choices': ('yo', 'ye', 'yu', 'yi', 'ya'), 'metavar':''}), ('named', {'type':'named', 'default':Method('get_named'), 'metavar': ''}), ('diffgroup', {'type':'string', 'default':'pouet', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'agroup'}), ('reset-value', {'type': 'string', 'metavar': '', 'short': 'r', 'dest':'value'}), ('opt-b-1', {'type': 'string', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'bgroup'}), ('opt-b-2', {'type': 'string', 'metavar': '', 'group': 'bgroup'}), ] class MyConfiguration(Configuration): """test configuration""" def get_named(self): return {'key': 'val'} class ConfigurationTC(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cfg = MyConfiguration(name='test', options=OPTIONS, usage='Just do it ! (tm)') def test_default(self): cfg = self.cfg self.assertEqual(cfg['dothis'], True) self.assertEqual(cfg['value'], None) self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple'], ['yop', 'yep']) self.assertEqual(cfg['number'], 2) self.assertEqual(cfg['bytes'], 1024) self.assertIsInstance(cfg['bytes'], int) self.assertEqual(cfg['choice'], 'yo') self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple-choice'], ['yo', 'ye']) self.assertEqual(cfg['named'], {'key': 'val'}) def test_base(self): cfg = self.cfg cfg.set_option('number', '0') self.assertEqual(cfg['number'], 0) self.assertRaises(OptionValueError, cfg.set_option, 'number', 'youpi') self.assertRaises(OptionValueError, cfg.set_option, 'choice', 'youpi') self.assertRaises(OptionValueError, cfg.set_option, 'multiple-choice', ('yo', 'y', 'ya')) cfg.set_option('multiple-choice', 'yo, ya') self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple-choice'], ['yo', 'ya']) self.assertEqual(cfg.get('multiple-choice'), ['yo', 'ya']) self.assertEqual(cfg.get('whatever'), None) def test_load_command_line_configuration(self): cfg = self.cfg args = cfg.load_command_line_configuration(['--choice', 'ye', '--number', '4', '--multiple=1,2,3', '--dothis=n', '--bytes=10KB', 'other', 'arguments']) self.assertEqual(args, ['other', 'arguments']) self.assertEqual(cfg['dothis'], False) self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple'], ['1', '2', '3']) self.assertEqual(cfg['number'], 4) self.assertEqual(cfg['bytes'], 10240) self.assertEqual(cfg['choice'], 'ye') self.assertEqual(cfg['value'], None) args = cfg.load_command_line_configuration(['-v', 'duh']) self.assertEqual(args, []) self.assertEqual(cfg['value'], 'duh') self.assertEqual(cfg['dothis'], False) self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple'], ['1', '2', '3']) self.assertEqual(cfg['number'], 4) self.assertEqual(cfg['bytes'], 10240) self.assertEqual(cfg['choice'], 'ye') def test_load_configuration(self): cfg = self.cfg args = cfg.load_configuration(choice='ye', number='4', multiple='1,2,3', dothis='n', multiple_choice=('yo', 'ya')) self.assertEqual(cfg['dothis'], False) self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple'], ['1', '2', '3']) self.assertEqual(cfg['number'], 4) self.assertEqual(cfg['choice'], 'ye') self.assertEqual(cfg['value'], None) self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple-choice'], ('yo', 'ya')) def test_load_configuration_file_case_insensitive(self): file = tempfile.mktemp() stream = open(file, 'w') try: stream.write("""[Test] dothis=no #value= # you can also document the option multiple=yop,yepii # boom number=3 bytes=1KB choice=yo multiple-choice=yo,ye named=key:val [agroup] diffgroup=zou """) stream.close() self.cfg.load_file_configuration(file) self.assertEqual(self.cfg['dothis'], False) self.assertEqual(self.cfg['value'], None) self.assertEqual(self.cfg['multiple'], ['yop', 'yepii']) self.assertEqual(self.cfg['diffgroup'], 'zou') finally: os.remove(file) def test_option_order(self): """ Check that options are taken into account in the command line order and not in the order they are defined in the Configuration object. """ file = tempfile.mktemp() stream = open(file, 'w') try: stream.write("""[Test] reset-value=toto value=tata """) stream.close() self.cfg.load_file_configuration(file) finally: os.remove(file) self.assertEqual(self.cfg['value'], 'tata') def test_unsupported_options(self): file = tempfile.mktemp() stream = open(file, 'w') try: stream.write("""[Test] whatever=toto value=tata """) stream.close() self.cfg.load_file_configuration(file) finally: os.remove(file) self.assertEqual(self.cfg['value'], 'tata') self.assertRaises(OptionError, self.cfg.__getitem__, 'whatever') def test_generate_config(self): stream = StringIO() self.cfg.generate_config(stream) self.assertMultiLineEqual(stream.getvalue().strip(), """[TEST] dothis=yes #value= # you can also document the option multiple=yop,yep # boom number=2 bytes=1KB choice=yo multiple-choice=yo,ye named=key:val #reset-value= [AGROUP] diffgroup=pouet [BGROUP] #opt-b-1= #opt-b-2=""") def test_generate_config_with_space_string(self): self.cfg['value'] = ' ' stream = StringIO() self.cfg.generate_config(stream) self.assertMultiLineEqual(stream.getvalue().strip(), """[TEST] dothis=yes value=' ' # you can also document the option multiple=yop,yep # boom number=2 bytes=1KB choice=yo multiple-choice=yo,ye named=key:val reset-value=' ' [AGROUP] diffgroup=pouet [BGROUP] #opt-b-1= #opt-b-2=""") def test_generate_config_with_multiline_string(self): self.cfg['value'] = 'line1\nline2\nline3' stream = StringIO() self.cfg.generate_config(stream) self.assertMultiLineEqual(stream.getvalue().strip(), """[TEST] dothis=yes value= line1 line2 line3 # you can also document the option multiple=yop,yep # boom number=2 bytes=1KB choice=yo multiple-choice=yo,ye named=key:val reset-value= line1 line2 line3 [AGROUP] diffgroup=pouet [BGROUP] #opt-b-1= #opt-b-2=""") def test_roundtrip(self): cfg = self.cfg f = tempfile.mktemp() stream = open(f, 'w') try: self.cfg['dothis'] = False self.cfg['multiple'] = ["toto", "tata"] self.cfg['number'] = 3 self.cfg['bytes'] = 2048 cfg.generate_config(stream) stream.close() new_cfg = MyConfiguration(name='test', options=OPTIONS) new_cfg.load_file_configuration(f) self.assertEqual(cfg['dothis'], new_cfg['dothis']) self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple'], new_cfg['multiple']) self.assertEqual(cfg['number'], new_cfg['number']) self.assertEqual(cfg['bytes'], new_cfg['bytes']) self.assertEqual(cfg['choice'], new_cfg['choice']) self.assertEqual(cfg['value'], new_cfg['value']) self.assertEqual(cfg['multiple-choice'], new_cfg['multiple-choice']) finally: os.remove(f) def test_setitem(self): self.assertRaises(OptionValueError, self.cfg.__setitem__, 'multiple-choice', ('a', 'b')) self.cfg['multiple-choice'] = ('yi', 'ya') self.assertEqual(self.cfg['multiple-choice'], ('yi', 'ya')) def test_help(self): self.cfg.add_help_section('bonus', 'a nice additional help') help = self.cfg.help().strip() # at least in python 2.4.2 the output is: # ' -v , --value=' # it is not unlikely some optik/optparse versions do print -v # so accept both help = help.replace(' -v , ', ' -v, ') help = re.sub('[ ]*(\r?\n)', '\\1', help) USAGE = """Usage: Just do it ! (tm) Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dothis= -v, --value= --multiple= you can also document the option [current: yop,yep] --number= boom [current: 2] --bytes= --choice= --multiple-choice= --named= -r , --reset-value= Agroup: --diffgroup= Bgroup: --opt-b-1= --opt-b-2= Bonus: a nice additional help""" if version_info < (2, 5): # 'usage' header is not capitalized in this version USAGE = USAGE.replace('Usage: ', 'usage: ') elif version_info < (2, 4): USAGE = """usage: Just do it ! (tm) options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dothis= -v, --value= --multiple= you can also document the option --number= --choice= --multiple-choice= --named= Bonus: a nice additional help """ self.assertMultiLineEqual(help, USAGE) def test_manpage(self): pkginfo = {} with open(join(DATA, '__pkginfo__.py')) as fobj: exec(fobj.read(), pkginfo) self.cfg.generate_manpage(attrdict(pkginfo), stream=StringIO()) def test_rewrite_config(self): changes = [('renamed', 'renamed', 'choice'), ('moved', 'named', 'old', 'test'), ] read_old_config(self.cfg, changes, join(DATA, 'test.ini')) stream = StringIO() self.cfg.generate_config(stream) self.assertMultiLineEqual(stream.getvalue().strip(), """[TEST] dothis=yes value=' ' # you can also document the option multiple=yop # boom number=2 bytes=1KB choice=yo multiple-choice=yo,ye named=key:val reset-value=' ' [AGROUP] diffgroup=pouet [BGROUP] #opt-b-1= #opt-b-2=""") class Linter(OptionsManagerMixIn, OptionsProviderMixIn): options = ( ('profile', {'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '', 'default': False, 'help' : 'Profiled execution.'}), ) def __init__(self): OptionsManagerMixIn.__init__(self, usage="") OptionsProviderMixIn.__init__(self) self.register_options_provider(self) self.load_provider_defaults() class RegrTC(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.linter = Linter() def test_load_defaults(self): self.linter.load_command_line_configuration([]) self.assertEqual(self.linter.config.profile, False) def test_register_options_multiple_groups(self): """ensure multiple option groups can be registered at once""" config = Configuration() self.assertEqual(config.options, ()) new_options = ( ('option1', {'type': 'string', 'help': '', 'group': 'g1', 'level': 2}), ('option2', {'type': 'string', 'help': '', 'group': 'g1', 'level': 2}), ('option3', {'type': 'string', 'help': '', 'group': 'g2', 'level': 2}), ) config.register_options(new_options) self.assertEqual(config.options, new_options) class MergeTC(TestCase): def test_merge1(self): merged = merge_options([('dothis', {'type':'yn', 'action': 'store', 'default': True, 'metavar': ''}), ('dothis', {'type':'yn', 'action': 'store', 'default': False, 'metavar': ''}), ]) self.assertEqual(len(merged), 1) self.assertEqual(merged[0][0], 'dothis') self.assertEqual(merged[0][1]['default'], True) def test_merge2(self): merged = merge_options([('dothis', {'type':'yn', 'action': 'store', 'default': True, 'metavar': ''}), ('value', {'type': 'string', 'metavar': '', 'short': 'v'}), ('dothis', {'type':'yn', 'action': 'store', 'default': False, 'metavar': ''}), ]) self.assertEqual(len(merged), 2) self.assertEqual(merged[0][0], 'value') self.assertEqual(merged[1][0], 'dothis') self.assertEqual(merged[1][1]['default'], True) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest_main()