# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of logilab-common.
# logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
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unit tests for module logilab.common.tree
squeleton generated by /home/syt/bin/py2tests on Jan 20 at 10:43:25
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main
from logilab.common.tree import *
tree = ('root', (
('child_1_1', (
('child_2_1', ()), ('child_2_2', (
('child_3_1', ()),
('child_1_2', (('child_2_3', ()),))))
def make_tree(tuple):
n = Node(tuple[0])
for child in tuple[1]:
return n
class Node_ClassTest(TestCase):
""" a basic tree node, caracterised by an id"""
def setUp(self):
""" called before each test from this class """
self.o = make_tree(tree)
def test_flatten(self):
result = [r.id for r in self.o.flatten()]
expected = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3']
self.assertListEqual(result, expected)
def test_flatten_with_outlist(self):
resultnodes = []
result = [r.id for r in resultnodes]
expected = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3']
self.assertListEqual(result, expected)
def test_known_values_remove(self):
remove a child node
self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_node_by_id, 'child_1_1')
def test_known_values_replace(self):
replace a child node with another
self.o.replace(self.o.get_node_by_id('child_1_1'), Node('hoho'))
self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_node_by_id, 'child_1_1')
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_node_by_id('hoho'), self.o.children[0])
def test_known_values_get_sibling(self):
return the sibling node that has given id
self.assertEqual(self.o.children[0].get_sibling('child_1_2'), self.o.children[1], None)
def test_raise_get_sibling_NodeNotFound(self):
self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.children[0].get_sibling, 'houhou')
def test_known_values_get_node_by_id(self):
return node in whole hierarchy that has given id
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_node_by_id('child_1_1'), self.o.children[0])
def test_raise_get_node_by_id_NodeNotFound(self):
self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_node_by_id, 'houhou')
def test_known_values_get_child_by_id(self):
return child of given id
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', recurse=1), self.o.children[0].children[0])
def test_raise_get_child_by_id_NodeNotFound(self):
self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_child_by_id, nid='child_2_1')
self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_child_by_id, 'houhou')
def test_known_values_get_child_by_path(self):
return child of given path (path is a list of ids)
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_path(['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1']), self.o.children[0].children[0])
def test_raise_get_child_by_path_NodeNotFound(self):
self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_child_by_path, ['child_1_1', 'child_2_11'])
def test_known_values_depth_down(self):
return depth of this node in the tree
self.assertEqual(self.o.depth_down(), 4)
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).depth_down(), 1)
def test_known_values_depth(self):
return depth of this node in the tree
self.assertEqual(self.o.depth(), 0)
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).depth(), 2)
def test_known_values_width(self):
return depth of this node in the tree
self.assertEqual(self.o.width(), 3)
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).width(), 1)
def test_known_values_root(self):
return the root node of the tree
self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).root(), self.o)
def test_known_values_leaves(self):
return a list with all the leaf nodes descendant from this task
self.assertEqual(self.o.leaves(), [self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True),
self.o.get_child_by_id('child_3_1', True),
self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_3', True)])
def test_known_values_lineage(self):
c31 = self.o.get_child_by_id('child_3_1', True)
self.assertEqual(c31.lineage(), [self.o.get_child_by_id('child_3_1', True),
self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_2', True),
self.o.get_child_by_id('child_1_1', True),
class post_order_list_FunctionTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
""" called before each test from this class """
self.o = make_tree(tree)
def test_known_values_post_order_list(self):
create a list with tree nodes for which the function returned true
in a post order foashion
L = ['child_2_1', 'child_3_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_3', 'child_1_2', 'root']
l = [n.id for n in post_order_list(self.o)]
self.assertEqual(l, L, l)
def test_known_values_post_order_list2(self):
create a list with tree nodes for which the function returned true
in a post order foashion
def filter(node):
if node.id == 'child_2_2':
return 0
return 1
L = ['child_2_1', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_3', 'child_1_2', 'root']
l = [n.id for n in post_order_list(self.o, filter)]
self.assertEqual(l, L, l)
class PostfixedDepthFirstIterator_ClassTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
""" called before each test from this class """
self.o = make_tree(tree)
def test_known_values_next(self):
L = ['child_2_1', 'child_3_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_3', 'child_1_2', 'root']
iter = PostfixedDepthFirstIterator(self.o)
o = next(iter)
i = 0
while o:
self.assertEqual(o.id, L[i])
o = next(iter)
i += 1
class pre_order_list_FunctionTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
""" called before each test from this class """
self.o = make_tree(tree)
def test_known_values_pre_order_list(self):
create a list with tree nodes for which the function returned true
in a pre order fashion
L = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3']
l = [n.id for n in pre_order_list(self.o)]
self.assertEqual(l, L, l)
def test_known_values_pre_order_list2(self):
create a list with tree nodes for which the function returned true
in a pre order fashion
def filter(node):
if node.id == 'child_2_2':
return 0
return 1
L = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3']
l = [n.id for n in pre_order_list(self.o, filter)]
self.assertEqual(l, L, l)
class PrefixedDepthFirstIterator_ClassTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
""" called before each test from this class """
self.o = make_tree(tree)
def test_known_values_next(self):
L = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3']
iter = PrefixedDepthFirstIterator(self.o)
o = next(iter)
i = 0
while o:
self.assertEqual(o.id, L[i])
o = next(iter)
i += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':