""" Copyright (c) 2002-2003 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr Distutils extensions for twisted framework. This module enables the installation of plugins.tml files using standard distutils syntax. It adds the following commands to the standard setup.py commands: * build_twisted_plugins: build (i.e. copy) plugins * install_twisted_plugins: install plugins Additionally, the following commands have been modified to deal with plugins files: * sdist * build * install To use these extenstion, you should import the setup fonction from this module, and use it normally. To list the plugins.tml files, use the twisted_plugins keyword argument to the setup function: from twisted_distutils import setup # you can also import Extension if needed if __name__ == '__main__': setup(name='my_twisted_app', version='1.0', author='me', packages=['my_package'], twisted_plugins = ['my_package/plugins.tml']) Note that you can use this to install files that are not twisted plugins in any package directory of your application. """ # # (c) 2002 Alexandre Fayolle # This module is heavily based on code copied from the python distutils # framework, especially distutils.command.build_script, # distutils.command.install_script. Many thanks to the authors of these # modules. # This module is provided as is, I'm not responsible if anything bad # happens to you or your python library while using this module. You may # freely copy it, distribute it and use it in your library or to distribute # your applications. I'd appreciate if you could drop me an email if you plan # to do so . # # Happy twisting! # __revision__ = "$Id: twisted_distutils.py,v 1.4 2003-09-12 11:54:48 syt Exp $" from distutils.core import Distribution, Command from distutils.command.install import install from distutils.command.build import build from distutils.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.dep_util import newer from distutils.util import convert_path import os class twisted_sdist(sdist): def add_defaults(self): sdist.add_defaults(self) if self.distribution.has_twisted_plugins(): plugins = self.get_finalized_command('build_twisted_plugins') self.filelist.extend(plugins.get_source_files()) class twisted_install(install): def initialize_options (self): install.initialize_options(self) self.twisted_plugins = None def has_twisted_plugins(self): return self.distribution.has_twisted_plugins() sub_commands = [] sub_commands.extend(install.sub_commands) sub_commands.append(('install_twisted_plugins', has_twisted_plugins)) class twisted_build(build): def initialize_options (self): build.initialize_options(self) self.twisted_plugins = None def has_twisted_plugins(self): return self.distribution.has_twisted_plugins() sub_commands = [] sub_commands.extend(build.sub_commands) sub_commands.append(('build_twisted_plugins', has_twisted_plugins)) class build_twisted_plugins (Command): description = "\"build\" twisted plugins (copy)" user_options = [ ('build-dir=', 'd', "directory to \"build\" (copy) to"), ('force', 'f', "forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps"), ] boolean_options = ['force'] def initialize_options (self): self.build_dir = None self.twisted_plugins = None self.force = None self.outfiles = None def get_source_files(self): return self.twisted_plugins def finalize_options (self): self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_lib', 'build_dir'), ('force', 'force')) self.twisted_plugins = self.distribution.twisted_plugins def run (self): if not self.twisted_plugins: return self.copy_twisted_plugins() def copy_twisted_plugins (self): """Copy each plugin listed in 'self.twisted_plugins'. """ self.mkpath(self.build_dir) for plugin in self.twisted_plugins: adjust = 0 plugin = convert_path(plugin) outfile = os.path.join(self.build_dir, plugin) if not self.force and not newer(plugin, outfile): self.announce("not copying %s (up-to-date)" % plugin) continue # Always open the file, but ignore failures in dry-run mode -- # that way, we'll get accurate feedback if we can read the # plugin. try: f = open(plugin, "r") except IOError: if not self.dry_run: raise f = None else: f.close() self.copy_file(plugin, outfile) class install_twisted_plugins(Command): description = "install twisted plugins" user_options = [ ('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install scripts to"), ('build-dir=','b', "build directory (where to install from)"), ('force', 'f', "force installation (overwrite existing files)"), ('skip-build', None, "skip the build steps"), ] boolean_options = ['force', 'skip-build'] def initialize_options (self): self.install_dir = None self.force = 0 self.build_dir = None self.skip_build = None def finalize_options (self): self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_lib', 'build_dir')) self.set_undefined_options('install', ('install_lib', 'install_dir'), ('force', 'force'), ('skip_build', 'skip_build'), ) def run (self): if not self.skip_build: self.run_command('build_twisted_plugins') self.outfiles = self.copy_tree(self.build_dir, self.install_dir) def get_inputs (self): return self.distribution.twisted_plugins or [] def get_outputs(self): return self.outfiles or [] class TwistedDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self,attrs=None): self.twisted_plugins = None Distribution.__init__(self, attrs) self.cmdclass = {'install':twisted_install, 'install_twisted_plugins':install_twisted_plugins, 'build':twisted_build, 'build_twisted_plugins':build_twisted_plugins, 'sdist':twisted_sdist, } def has_twisted_plugins(self): return self.twisted_plugins and len(self.twisted_plugins) > 0 def setup(**attrs): from distutils import core attrs['distclass'] = TwistedDistribution core.setup(**attrs)