# # Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Vinay Sajip. All rights reserved. # import ctypes import logging import os try: unicode except NameError: unicode = None class ColorizingStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """ A stream handler which supports colorizing of console streams under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. :param strm: The stream to colorize - typically ``sys.stdout`` or ``sys.stderr``. """ # color names to indices color_map = { 'black': 0, 'red': 1, 'green': 2, 'yellow': 3, 'blue': 4, 'magenta': 5, 'cyan': 6, 'white': 7, } #levels to (background, foreground, bold/intense) if os.name == 'nt': level_map = { logging.DEBUG: (None, 'blue', True), logging.INFO: (None, 'white', False), logging.WARNING: (None, 'yellow', True), logging.ERROR: (None, 'red', True), logging.CRITICAL: ('red', 'white', True), } else: "Maps levels to colour/intensity settings." level_map = { logging.DEBUG: (None, 'blue', False), logging.INFO: (None, 'black', False), logging.WARNING: (None, 'yellow', False), logging.ERROR: (None, 'red', False), logging.CRITICAL: ('red', 'white', True), } csi = '\x1b[' reset = '\x1b[0m' @property def is_tty(self): "Returns true if the handler's stream is a terminal." isatty = getattr(self.stream, 'isatty', None) return isatty and isatty() def emit(self, record): try: message = self.format(record) stream = self.stream if unicode and isinstance(message, unicode): # Sometimes there's an encoding attribute, but it's None. enc = getattr(stream, 'encoding', None) or 'utf-8' message = message.encode(enc, 'replace') if not self.is_tty: stream.write(message) else: self.output_colorized(message) stream.write(getattr(self, 'terminator', '\n')) self.flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.handleError(record) if os.name != 'nt': def output_colorized(self, message): """ Output a colorized message. On Linux and Mac OS X, this method just writes the already-colorized message to the stream, since on these platforms console streams accept ANSI escape sequences for colorization. On Windows, this handler implements a subset of ANSI escape sequence handling by parsing the message, extracting the sequences and making Win32 API calls to colorize the output. :param message: The message to colorize and output. """ self.stream.write(message) else: import re ansi_esc = re.compile(r'\x1b\[((?:\d+)(?:;(?:\d+))*)m') nt_color_map = { 0: 0x00, # black 1: 0x04, # red 2: 0x02, # green 3: 0x06, # yellow 4: 0x01, # blue 5: 0x05, # magenta 6: 0x03, # cyan 7: 0x07, # white } def output_colorized(self, message): """ Output a colorized message. On Linux and Mac OS X, this method just writes the already-colorized message to the stream, since on these platforms console streams accept ANSI escape sequences for colorization. On Windows, this handler implements a subset of ANSI escape sequence handling by parsing the message, extracting the sequences and making Win32 API calls to colorize the output. :param message: The message to colorize and output. """ parts = self.ansi_esc.split(message) write = self.stream.write h = None fd = getattr(self.stream, 'fileno', None) if fd is not None: fd = fd() if fd in (1, 2): # stdout or stderr h = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-10 - fd) while parts: text = parts.pop(0) if text: write(text) if parts: params = parts.pop(0) if h is not None: params = [int(p) for p in params.split(';')] color = 0 for p in params: if 40 <= p <= 47: color |= self.nt_color_map[p - 40] << 4 elif 30 <= p <= 37: color |= self.nt_color_map[p - 30] elif p == 1: color |= 0x08 # foreground intensity on elif p == 0: # reset to default color color = 0x07 else: pass # error condition ignored ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(h, color) def colorize(self, message, record): """ Colorize a message for a logging event. This implementation uses the ``level_map`` class attribute to map the LogRecord's level to a colour/intensity setting, which is then applied to the whole message. :param message: The message to colorize. :param record: The ``LogRecord`` for the message. """ if record.levelno in self.level_map: bg, fg, bold = self.level_map[record.levelno] params = [] if bg in self.color_map: params.append(str(self.color_map[bg] + 40)) if fg in self.color_map: params.append(str(self.color_map[fg] + 30)) if bold: params.append('1') if params: message = ''.join((self.csi, ';'.join(params), 'm', message, self.reset)) return message def format(self, record): """ Formats a record for output. This implementation colorizes the message line, but leaves any traceback unolorized. """ message = logging.StreamHandler.format(self, record) if self.is_tty: # Don't colorize any traceback parts = message.split('\n', 1) parts[0] = self.colorize(parts[0], record) message = '\n'.join(parts) return message