:orphan: .. _whats-new: What's New in logutils ====================== Version 0.3.4 ------------- - Return non-zero error code from "setup.py test" when a test fails. - Make the dictConfig tests work with both Python 2.x and 3.x. Version 0.3.3 ------------- - Added encoding support to ColorizingStreamHandler. Version 0.3.2 ------------- - Improvements in QueueListener implementation. - Added redis module with RedisQueueHandler and RedisQueueListener. - Added unit test for a handler in a module where absolute imports are used. Version 0.3.1 ------------- - Improvements in setup.py and documentation. Version 0.3 ----------- - Added caches for BraceMessage/DollarMessage. - Added ColorizingStreamHandler. Version 0.2 ----------- - Updated docstrings for improved documentation. - Added hasHanders() function. - Changed LoggerAdapter.hasHandlers() to use logutils.hasHandlers(). - Documentation improvements. - NullHandler moved to logutils package (from queue package). - Formatter added to logutils package. Adds support for {}- and $-formatting in format strings, as well as %-formatting. - BraceMessage and DollarMessage classes added to facilitate {}- and $- formatting in logging calls (as opposed to Formatter formats). - Added some more unit tests. Version 0.1 ----------- First public release.