from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function def suite(): from M2Crypto import m2 # noqa import os import unittest def my_import(name): # See components = name.split('.') try: # python test mod = __import__(name) for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) except ImportError: # python tests/ mod = __import__(components[1]) return mod modules_to_test = [ 'tests.test_aes', 'tests.test_asn1', 'tests.test_bio', 'tests.test_bio_membuf', 'tests.test_bio_file', 'tests.test_bio_iobuf', 'tests.test_bio_ssl', 'tests.test_bn', 'tests.test_authcookie', 'tests.test_dh', 'tests.test_dsa', 'tests.test_engine', 'tests.test_err', 'tests.test_evp', 'tests.test_obj', 'tests.test_rand', 'tests.test_rc4', 'tests.test_rsa', 'tests.test_smime', 'tests.test_ssl_offline', 'tests.test_threading', 'tests.test_util', 'tests.test_x509', 'tests.test_timeout'] if == 'posix': modules_to_test.append('tests.test_ssl') elif == 'nt': modules_to_test.append('tests.test_ssl_win') if m2.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x90800F and m2.OPENSSL_NO_EC == 0: modules_to_test.append('tests.test_ecdh') modules_to_test.append('tests.test_ecdsa') modules_to_test.append('tests.test_ec_curves') alltests = unittest.TestSuite() for module in map(my_import, modules_to_test): alltests.addTest(module.suite()) print('Version of OpenSSL is {0:x} ({1:s})'.format(m2.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER, m2.OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT)) return alltests def dump_garbage(): import gc print('\nGarbage:') gc.collect() if len(gc.garbage): print('\nLeaked objects:') for x in gc.garbage: s = str(x) if len(s) > 77: s = s[:73] + '...' print(type(x), '\n ', s) print('There were %d leaks.' % len(gc.garbage)) else: print('Python garbage collector did not detect any leaks.') print('However, it is still possible there are leaks in the C code.') def runall(report_leaks=0): report_leaks = report_leaks if report_leaks: import gc gc.enable() gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK & ~gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL) import os import unittest from M2Crypto import Rand try: Rand.load_file('tests/randpool.dat', -1) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite()) Rand.save_file('tests/randpool.dat') finally: if == 'posix': from .test_ssl import zap_servers zap_servers() if report_leaks: dump_garbage()