from mako.template import Template from mako.testing.assertions import eq_ from mako.testing.fixtures import TemplateTest from mako.testing.helpers import flatten_result from mako.testing.helpers import result_lines class FilterTest(TemplateTest): def test_basic(self): t = Template( """ ${x | myfilter} """ ) assert ( flatten_result( t.render( x="this is x", myfilter=lambda t: "MYFILTER->%s<-MYFILTER" % t, ) ) == "MYFILTER->this is x<-MYFILTER" ) def test_expr(self): """test filters that are themselves expressions""" t = Template( """ ${x | myfilter(y)} """ ) def myfilter(y): return lambda x: "MYFILTER->%s<-%s" % (x, y) assert ( flatten_result( t.render(x="this is x", myfilter=myfilter, y="this is y") ) == "MYFILTER->this is x<-this is y" ) def test_convert_str(self): """test that string conversion happens in expressions before sending to filters""" t = Template( """ ${x | trim} """ ) assert flatten_result(t.render(x=5)) == "5" def test_quoting(self): t = Template( """ foo ${bar | h} """ ) eq_( flatten_result(t.render(bar="<'some bar'>")), "foo <'some bar'>", ) def test_url_escaping(self): t = Template( """${bar | u}&v=1 """ ) eq_( flatten_result(t.render(bar="酒吧bar")), "", ) def test_entity(self): t = Template("foo ${bar | entity}") eq_( flatten_result(t.render(bar="<'some bar'>")), "foo <'some bar'>", ) def test_def(self): t = Template( """ <%def name="foo()" filter="myfilter"> this is foo ${foo()} """ ) eq_( flatten_result( t.render( x="this is x", myfilter=lambda t: "MYFILTER->%s<-MYFILTER" % t, ) ), "MYFILTER-> this is foo <-MYFILTER", ) def test_import(self): t = Template( """ <%! from mako import filters %>\ trim this string: """ """${" some string to trim " | filters.trim} continue\ """ ) assert ( t.render().strip() == "trim this string: some string to trim continue" ) def test_import_2(self): t = Template( """ trim this string: """ """${" some string to trim " | filters.trim} continue\ """, imports=["from mako import filters"], ) # print t.code assert ( t.render().strip() == "trim this string: some string to trim continue" ) def test_encode_filter(self): t = Template( """# coding: utf-8 some stuff.... ${x} """, default_filters=["decode.utf8"], ) eq_( t.render_unicode(x="voix m’a réveillé").strip(), "some stuff.... voix m’a réveillé", ) def test_encode_filter_non_str(self): t = Template( """# coding: utf-8 some stuff.... ${x} """, default_filters=["decode.utf8"], ) eq_(t.render_unicode(x=3).strip(), "some stuff.... 3") def test_custom_default(self): t = Template( """ <%! def myfilter(x): return "->" + x + "<-" %> hi ${'there'} """, default_filters=["myfilter"], ) assert t.render().strip() == "hi ->there<-" def test_global(self): t = Template( """ <%page expression_filter="h"/> ${"this is html"} """ ) assert t.render().strip() == "<tag>this is html</tag>" def test_block_via_context(self): t = Template( """ <%block name="foo" filter="myfilter"> some text """ ) def myfilter(text): return "MYTEXT" + text eq_(result_lines(t.render(myfilter=myfilter)), ["MYTEXT", "some text"]) def test_def_via_context(self): t = Template( """ <%def name="foo()" filter="myfilter"> some text ${foo()} """ ) def myfilter(text): return "MYTEXT" + text eq_(result_lines(t.render(myfilter=myfilter)), ["MYTEXT", "some text"]) def test_text_via_context(self): t = Template( """ <%text filter="myfilter"> some text """ ) def myfilter(text): return "MYTEXT" + text eq_(result_lines(t.render(myfilter=myfilter)), ["MYTEXT", "some text"]) def test_nflag(self): t = Template( """ ${"this is html" | n} """, default_filters=["h", "unicode"], ) assert t.render().strip() == "this is html" t = Template( """ <%page expression_filter="h"/> ${"this is html" | n} """ ) assert t.render().strip() == "this is html" t = Template( """ <%page expression_filter="h"/> ${"this is html" | n, h} """ ) assert t.render().strip() == "<tag>this is html</tag>" def test_global_json(self): t = Template( """ <%! import json %><%page expression_filter="n, json.dumps"/> data = {a: ${123}, b: ${"123"}}; """ ) assert t.render().strip() == """data = {a: 123, b: "123"};""" def test_non_expression(self): t = Template( """ <%! def a(text): return "this is a" def b(text): return "this is b" %> ${foo()} <%def name="foo()" buffered="True"> this is text """, buffer_filters=["a"], ) assert t.render().strip() == "this is a" t = Template( """ <%! def a(text): return "this is a" def b(text): return "this is b" %> ${'hi'} ${foo()} <%def name="foo()" buffered="True"> this is text """, buffer_filters=["a"], default_filters=["b"], ) assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b this is b" t = Template( """ <%! class Foo: foo = True def __str__(self): return "this is a" def a(text): return Foo() def b(text): if hasattr(text, 'foo'): return str(text) else: return "this is b" %> ${'hi'} ${foo()} <%def name="foo()" buffered="True"> this is text """, buffer_filters=["a"], default_filters=["b"], ) assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b this is a" t = Template( """ <%! def a(text): return "this is a" def b(text): return "this is b" %> ${foo()} ${bar()} <%def name="foo()" filter="b"> this is text <%def name="bar()" filter="b" buffered="True"> this is text """, buffer_filters=["a"], ) assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b this is a" def test_builtins(self): t = Template( """ ${"this is " | h} """ ) assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is <text>" t = Template( """${"hi! this is a string." | u} """ ) assert ( flatten_result(t.render()) == "" ) class BufferTest: def test_buffered_def(self): t = Template( """ <%def name="foo()" buffered="True"> this is foo ${"hi->" + foo() + "<-hi"} """ ) assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "hi-> this is foo <-hi" def test_unbuffered_def(self): t = Template( """ <%def name="foo()" buffered="False"> this is foo ${"hi->" + foo() + "<-hi"} """ ) assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is foo hi-><-hi" def test_capture(self): t = Template( """ <%def name="foo()" buffered="False"> this is foo ${"hi->" + capture(foo) + "<-hi"} """ ) assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "hi-> this is foo <-hi" def test_capture_exception(self): template = Template( """ <%def name="a()"> this is a <% raise TypeError("hi") %> <% c = capture(a) %> a->${c}<-a """ ) try: template.render() assert False except TypeError: assert True def test_buffered_exception(self): template = Template( """ <%def name="a()" buffered="True"> <% raise TypeError("hi") %> ${a()} """ ) try: print(template.render()) assert False except TypeError: assert True def test_capture_ccall(self): t = Template( """ <%def name="foo()"> <% x = capture(caller.body) %> this is foo. body: ${x} <%call expr="foo()"> ccall body """ ) # print t.render() assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is foo. body: ccall body"