1.1 (2010-09-18) ================ - mocker.call() now supports a with_object argument. If True, the called function will receive the patched or proxied object so that its state may be used or verified in checks. - assertRaises() in MockerTestCase can now be used like Python 2.7 and 3.2, as a context manager. This enables contructs such as: with self.assertRaises(Error): raising_logic() - Added assertRaisesRegexp() to MockerTestCase. It works similarly to the version in Python 2.7 and 3.2, except it will also return the error found. It also works as a context manager for with: statements. - Added assertIsInstance() and assertNotIsInstance(). - Fixed bug #634566, reported by Mark Hammond, where throw(Error) effects might make the recorded action be accepted multiple times. 1.0 (2010-06-20) ================= - Changed license to BSD, since the PSF license only applies to Python itself (#583335). - Unwrap bound methods on replace() and proxy(), as suggested by James Henstridge (#270782). - MockerTestCase.assertRaises() will now return the exception raised, allowing further inspection of the raised exception (implemented by Thomas Hervé) (#299930). - Fixed support for Python 2.6. Mocking of iterators was broken in certain cases because, even though that's *not* documented, Python tries to use __length_hint__ in some cases. - Fixed support for MockerTestCase.addCleanup() in Python 2.3, by Anders F Björklund (#528657). - Implemented Expect helper, which allows creating a new expect() "function" with an explicitly provided Mocker instance. This helps in cases where the expression can't result in a Mock instance (e.g. expect(iter(mock))) (#196388, #179072). - __nonzero__ should necessarily return a boolean value, so transform Mock results into True (#380024). - Applied change suggested by David Glick to avoid reimporting modules (#529675). - When setting the temporary __mocker_mock__ attribute, use Mocker.patch() so that by the end of the mocking it's properly removed (by Thomas Herve). - Prevent the MockerTestCase base from leaving the mocker in replay mode while the base class run() method runs, since this might have additional logic which touches mocked content (time.time() was one case). Thanks to Thomas Herve for the initial debugging. - Ensure that the raised AttributeError exception on a patched object exposes the real problem rather than a mocker error (by Duncan McGreggor). - When cleaning up on MockerTestCase, use reset() rather than restore(), so that the same test case instance may be run more than once (like Trial does). - Some tweaks to prepare for Python 3. - Added MockerTestCase to __all__. 0.10.1 (2007-12-11) =================== - Fixed patching of objects which define __getattr__. 0.10 (2007-12-09) ================= - Greatly improved error messages and logic for expression ordering! - Implemented MockerTestCase.addCleanup(). It allows one to register cleanup functions to be called after the test is complete. - MockerTestCase now verifies if the mocker is put in replay mode in cases where events were recorded. - New MATCH() argument matcher, which allows using a function to match an argument generically. E.g. MATCH(lambda x: x > 10) - New 'path' option to MockerTestCase.makeFile() and makeDir(), which allows setting the full target path with a single option. - Now when a spec is provided (or with proxy/replace/patch) the existence of the real method is checked even if the mocked method doesn't execute. This is useful to detect API expectation errors even if count(0) is used (a negative assertion). - Implemented in MockerTestCase support for Deferred results as understood by Twisted Trial's TestCase, so that coexistence by multiple inheritance is possible and trivial. - MockerTestCase.makeFile() with content=None (the default) now consistently returns an unexistent temporary filename which is properly cleaned up if created. - Fixed problem when requesting order on similar expressions. The second expression might not be accepted. - When the expression executed isn't exactly the same as the recorded events (e.g. when parameter matchers are used), show in the error message the real expression run, to aid in debugging. 0.9.3 (2007-11-24) ================== - Added support for Python 2.3 (patch by Phillip J. Eby). - Added MockerTestCase.assert{True,False} aliases, so that they're available even in Python 2.3. - Introduced automatic test coverage verification as part of the test suite, based on the 'coverage' module by Ned Batchelder, to ensure that it continues to have 100% of statement coverage. 0.9.2 (2007-11-22) ================== - In recording mode, mock.__class__ will now return Mock, and not record the action. This allows Mocker to be used in interactive environments which inspect the result's type, such as in iPython (reported by Alex Dante). - Now Mocker.mock()/proxy()/replace() accept a 'count' keyword parameter, which if set to False, the default behavior of allowing expressions just once is disabled. 0.9.1 (2007-11-18) ================== - Fixed setup.py to install mocker.py properly. 0.9 (2007-11-17) ================ - Added MockerTestCase.makeFile() and .makeDir() helpers. They offer easy creation of temporary files/directories, and ensure that they get removed after each test method runs. - Added MockerTestCase.assertMethodsMatch(). It will verify if all public methods found in the class passed as the first argument are also present in the class passed as the second argument, and that they accept the same arguments. This is useful to verify if a fake or stub class has the same API as the real class being simulated. - Added MockerTestCase.assert[Not]{Starts,Ends}With(). - If the replay() method is called twice, expectations will be fully reset so that several similar tests may be performed in a row by just calling replay() again. - Mocker.on_restore() removed. Restore isn't performed if replay() isn't called, and that may not be obvious, so a hook won't be exposed for now. - When using a non-existent import path for Mocker.proxy(), raise an ImportError on the base module, rather than using the actual string as the object (#162315). 0.8 (2007-11-11) ================ Released!