diff options
authorSeth M Morton <>2018-08-26 22:45:32 -0700
committerSeth M Morton <>2018-08-26 22:45:32 -0700
commitb946046721c5f74638e17a9fa4feb9fa001354f9 (patch)
parentf05e682f3ad7bce4b662cd566152bfb627b6e947 (diff)
Remove many unnecessary tests and details.
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/test_natsort/ b/test_natsort/
index 3efe191..e0c442e 100644
--- a/test_natsort/
+++ b/test_natsort/
@@ -5,96 +5,45 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import binary, floats, integers, lists, text
-from natsort.compat.py23 import PY_VERSION
-from natsort.ns_enum import ns
-from natsort.utils import (
- final_data_transform_factory,
- input_string_transform_factory,
- natsort_key,
- parse_bytes_factory,
- parse_number_factory,
- parse_path_factory,
- parse_string_factory,
- regex_chooser,
- string_component_transform_factory,
+from natsort.compat.py23 import PY_VERSION, py23_str
+from natsort.utils import natsort_key
if PY_VERSION >= 3:
long = int
-regex = regex_chooser(ns.INT)
-pre = input_string_transform_factory(ns.INT)
-post = string_component_transform_factory(ns.INT)
-after = final_data_transform_factory(ns.INT, "", "")
-string_func = parse_string_factory(ns.INT, "", regex.split, pre, post, after)
-bytes_func = parse_bytes_factory(ns.INT)
-num_func = parse_number_factory(ns.INT, "", "")
+def str_func(x):
+ if isinstance(x, py23_str):
+ return x
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Not a str!")
-def test_natsort_key_with_numeric_input_and_PATH_returns_number_in_nested_tuple():
- # It gracefully handles as_path for numeric input by putting an extra tuple around it
- # so it will sort against the other as_path results.
- sfunc = parse_path_factory(string_func)
- bytes_func = parse_bytes_factory(ns.PATH)
- num_func = parse_number_factory(ns.PATH, "", "")
- assert natsort_key(10, None, sfunc, bytes_func, num_func) == (("", 10),)
-@pytest.mark.skipif(PY_VERSION < 3, reason="only valid on python3")
-def test_natsort_key_with_bytes_input_and_PATH_returns_number_in_nested_tuple():
- # It gracefully handles as_path for numeric input by putting an extra tuple around it
- # so it will sort against the other as_path results.
- sfunc = parse_path_factory(string_func)
- bytes_func = parse_bytes_factory(ns.PATH)
- num_func = parse_number_factory(ns.PATH, "", "")
- assert natsort_key(b"/hello/world", None, sfunc, bytes_func, num_func) == (
- (b"/hello/world",),
- )
-def test_natsort_key_with_tuple_of_paths_and_PATH_returns_triply_nested_tuple():
- # PATH also handles recursion well.
- sfunc = parse_path_factory(string_func)
- bytes_func = parse_bytes_factory(ns.PATH)
- num_func = parse_number_factory(ns.PATH, "", "")
- assert natsort_key(
- ("/Folder", "/Folder (1)"), None, sfunc, bytes_func, num_func
- ) == ((("/",), ("Folder",)), (("/",), ("Folder (", 1, ")")))
-# The remaining tests provide no examples, just hypothesis tests.
-# They only confirm that natsort_key uses the above building blocks.
+def fail(_):
+ raise AssertionError("This should never be reached!")
@given(floats(allow_nan=False) | integers())
def test_natsort_key_with_numeric_input_takes_number_path(x):
- assert natsort_key(x, None, string_func, bytes_func, num_func) == num_func(x)
+ assert natsort_key(x, None, str_func, fail, lambda y: y) is x
@pytest.mark.skipif(PY_VERSION < 3, reason="only valid on python3")
def test_natsort_key_with_bytes_input_takes_bytes_path(x):
- assert natsort_key(x, None, string_func, bytes_func, num_func) == bytes_func(x)
+ assert natsort_key(x, None, str_func, lambda y: y, fail) is x
- lists(
- elements=floats(allow_nan=False) | text() | integers(), min_size=1, max_size=10
- )
def test_natsort_key_with_text_input_takes_string_path(x):
- s = "".join(repr(y) if type(y) in (float, long, int) else y for y in x)
- assert natsort_key(s, None, string_func, bytes_func, num_func) == string_func(s)
+ assert natsort_key(x, None, str_func, fail, fail) is x
@given(lists(elements=text(), min_size=1, max_size=10))
def test_natsort_key_with_nested_input_takes_nested_path(x):
- assert natsort_key(x, None, string_func, bytes_func, num_func) == tuple(
- string_func(s) for s in x
- )
+ assert natsort_key(x, None, str_func, fail, fail) == tuple(x)
def test_natsort_key_with_key_argument_applies_key_before_processing(x):
- assert natsort_key(x, len, string_func, bytes_func, num_func) == num_func(len(x))
+ assert natsort_key(x, len, str_func, fail, lambda y: y) == len(x)