language: python install: - | if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == 'osx' ]]; then # On OS X, we use the "generic" language and manually install Python so # that we can specify the versions to test curl -L | bash export PATH=~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH eval "$(pyenv init -)" pyenv install --skip-existing $PYTHON_VERSION pyenv global $PYTHON_VERSION pyenv shell $PYTHON_VERSION pip install -U pip setuptools wheel py fi pip install . script: - python matrix: include: - os: linux python: pypy - os: linux python: pypy3 - os: linux python: 2.7 - os: linux python: 3.4 - os: linux python: 3.5 - os: linux python: 3.6 - os: osx language: generic env: PYTHON_VERSION=3.6.2 - os: osx language: generic env: PYTHON_VERSION=2.7.10