Release Process =============== - Update the release notes: 1. Review and cleanup ``doc/release/release_dev.rst``, 2. Fix code in documentation by running ``cd doc && make doctest``. 3. Make a list of merges and contributors by running ``doc/release/ ``. 4. Paste this list at the end of the ``release_dev.rst``. Scan the PR titles for highlights, deprecations, and API changes, and mention these in the relevant sections of the notes. 5. Rename to ``doc/release/release_..rst``. 6. Copy ``doc/release/release_template.rst`` to ``doc/release/release_dev.rst`` for the next release. 7. Add ``release_.`` to ``doc/release/index.rst``. - Delete developer banner on docs:: git rm doc/_templates/layout.html - Update ``__version__`` in ``networkx/``. - Commit changes:: git add networkx/ git commit -m "Designate X.X release" - Add the version number as a tag in git:: git tag -s [-u ] networkx-. -m 'signed . tag' (If you do not have a gpg key, use -m instead; it is important for Debian packaging that the tags are annotated) - Push the new meta-data to github:: git push --tags origin main (where ``origin`` is the name of the ```` repository.) - Review the github release page:: - Pin badges in ``README.rst``:: - - - Publish on PyPi:: git clean -fxd pip install -r requirements/release.txt python -m build --sdist --wheel twine upload -s dist/* - Unpin badges in ``README.rst``:: git restore README.rst - Update documentation on the web: The documentation is kept in a separate repo: networkx/documentation - Wait for the CI service to deploy to GitHub Pages - Sync your branch with the remote repo: ``git pull``. - Copy the documentation built by the CI service. Assuming you are at the top-level of the ``documentation`` repo:: # FIXME - use eol_banner.html cp -a latest ../networkx-. git reset --hard mv ../networkx-. . rm -rf stable cp -rf networkx-. stable git add networkx-. stable git commit -m "Add . docs" git push # force push---be careful! - Update ``__version__`` in ``networkx/``. - Create ``doc/_templates/layout.html`` with:: {% extends "!layout.html" %} {% block content %} {% include "dev_banner.html" %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} - Commit and push changes:: git add networkx/ doc/_templates/layout.html git commit -m "Bump release version" git push origin main - Update the web frontpage: The webpage is kept in a separate repo: networkx/website - Sync your branch with the remote repo: ``git pull``. If you try to ``make github`` when your branch is out of sync, it creates headaches. - Update ``build/index.html``. - Edit ``build/_static/docversions.js`` and commit - Push your changes to the repo. - Deploy using ``make github``. - Post release notes on mailing list. -