NetworkX 1.6 ============ Release date: 20 November 2011 Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ New functions for finding articulation points, generating random bipartite graphs, constructing adjacency matrix representations, forming graph products, computing assortativity coefficients, measuring subgraph centrality and communicability, finding k-clique communities, and writing JSON format output. New examples for drawing with D3 Javascript library, and ordering matrices with the Cuthill-McKee algorithm. More memory efficient implementation of current-flow betweenness and new approximation algorithms for current-flow betweenness and shortest-path betweenness. Simplified handling of "weight" attributes for algorithms that use weights/costs/values. Updated all code to work with the PyPy Python implementation which produces faster performance on many algorithms. Graph Classes ------------- The degree* methods in the graph classes (Graph, DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph) now take an optional weight= keyword that allows computing weighted degree with arbitrary (numerical) edge attributes. Setting weight=None is equivalent to the previous weighted=False. Weighted graph algorithms ------------------------- Many 'weighted' graph algorithms now take optional parameter to specify which edge attribute should be used for the weight (default='weight') (ticket In some cases the parameter name was changed from weighted, to weight. Here is how to specify which edge attribute will be used in the algorithms: - Use weight=None to consider all weights equally (unweighted case) - Use weight='weight' to use the 'weight' edge attribute - Use weight='other' to use the 'other' edge attribute Algorithms affected are: to_scipy_sparse_matrix, clustering, average_clustering,, spectral_layout, neighbor_degree, is_isomorphic, betweenness_centrality, betweenness_centrality_subset, vitality, load_centrality, mincost, shortest_path, shortest_path_length, average_shortest_path_length Isomorphisms ------------ Node and edge attributes are now more easily incorporated into isomorphism checks via the 'node_match' and 'edge_match' parameters. As part of this change, the following classes were removed:: WeightedGraphMatcher WeightedDiGraphMatcher WeightedMultiGraphMatcher WeightedMultiDiGraphMatcher The function signature for 'is_isomorphic' is now simply:: is_isomorphic(g1, g2, node_match=None, edge_match=None) See its docstring for more details. To aid in the creation of 'node_match' and 'edge_match' functions, users are encouraged to work with:: categorical_node_match categorical_edge_match categroical_multiedge_match numerical_node_match numerical_edge_match numerical_multiedge_match generic_node_match generic_edge_match generic_multiedge_match These functions construct functions which can be passed to 'is_isomorphic'. Finally, note that the above functions are not imported into the top-level namespace and should be accessed from 'networkx.algorithms.isomorphism'. A useful import statement that will be repeated throughout documentation is:: import networkx.algorithms.isomorphism as iso Other ----- * attracting_components A list of lists is returned instead of a list of tuples. * condensation The condensation algorithm now takes a second argument (scc) and returns a graph with nodes labeled as integers instead of node tuples. * degree connectivity average_in_degree_connectivity and average_out_degree_connectivity have been replaced with average_degree_connectivity(G, source='in', target='in') and average_degree_connectivity(G, source='out', target='out') * neighbor degree average_neighbor_in_degree and average_neighbor_out_degreey have have been replaced with average_neighbor_degree(G, source='in', target='in') and average_neighbor_degree(G, source='out', target='out')